A Guide to Kingdom Building

Chapter 45: Dawn of New Beginnings Pt.5

The day ended with everything set in place. The research team was doing their best in working to perfect the right formulae for the propellant and projectile. But his work was not yet done. As Ifnen approaches to its high level, Prince Arterius was still on his wits trying to figure out what sort of other things he might've missed during the planning period.

He read through the pages of his notes while the carriage drove passed the palace. Prince Arterius planned on sleeping in the research facility, a move his father certainly wouldn't even allow. But he didn't care anymore. In fact, the Imperatur and the Senate could kiss his behind!

He knew that he was making a huge progress here, and this cannon was his first step towards that goal. With his weird aetherite bauble swaying in the carriage's ceiling. He began to review the notes once again, looking for inspiration on this wild endeavor. That's what he would want Stolas to feel—deep down he's just scared to face failure, if tomorrow will flunk.

His ward knew him too well. Stolas cannot be deceived by his furrowed brows focused on the half-empty parchments filled with sketches and scribbles. Stolas reached for the book and took it from his master.

"That's enough for today, Arterius." He sternly said. "You can't fool me with that reading façade you are doing right now."

Prince Arterius wanted to defend himself, "But—"

"No buts, Arterius." Stolas sighed as he reached for his master's shoulder. "You have done all that you can for this project, and I won't allow you to give up. But you must take a rest! You haven't eaten since last night, by the gods!" He shook his master's shoulder.

"I am not hungry! I must work, my pride depends—" just as he tried to protest his ward's proposition, his stomach made a protest of its own. It grumbled and growled like a wild animal looking for food.

Stolas smiled, "My Prince, even your body knows your mind is overbearing." He patted his master's shoulder. "We eat first, read for a bit and rest early. Tomorrow, the cannons will be done, and you are to pay those dwarves with their price."

Prince Arterius stared blankly at the ceiling, refusing to acknowledge his body's pleas. Everything was on the line and he had the audacity to rest?! He found it unfair for him to do such! However, his ward was adamant about it.

Stolas knew that his master's determination might be detrimental to his physical and mental capacity and thus, he had to intervene. After a few more conversations, Prince Arterius finally agreed to his ward's proposition.

After they arrived in the A.R.T.E.R.I.U.S, Stolas made him a simple meal from the dried meat and bread from the kitchen. The prince ate the food hastily, as he tried his best to efficiently work with the other researchers who were close to finally creating the perfect formula for propulsion.

He could see the look on their faces as their desperation and determination culminated into their works. After a few more discussions and little experimentations they ended the night with a hope that the gods would smile upon them when the morning comes.

Prince Arterius struggled to sleep that night. It was his first time sleeping inside his facility. The little house he converted into his private research laboratory. He slept on one of the vacant rooms that was reserved for him. It was small and didn't have the numerous light baubles that he had in his room. He hated it—truly hated the room for the lack of lighting. But it wasn't the time for complaints.

His mind swirled with the uncertainties that tomorrow might surprise them. Would the dwarves truly finish the cannon he commissioned by the morning? Where will he go if he fails? Would an ally Senator take him in? Would Lord Prestonheim take him in? These thoughts kept him restless, not to mention his leg shameless throbbed its way into the night.

He cursed under his breathe and arose from his bed. He squinted as he looked for the bottle of medicine Stolas conveniently placed on top of the table at the other end of the room. He took his cane and walked as silently as possible so not to disturb his sleeping ward.

After drinking a swig or two, Prince Arterius finally went back to his bed. The drug had a calming effect on him. It numbed his senses along with his mind. He felt nothing at all. No anxiety. No stress. No emotions. He closed his eyes and breath in contentment to what he felt. Finally, sleep took over him.

He woke up the morning after, with a throbbing headache and an equally painful leg. The sun's ray irritated his eyes, that he could only squint as the trio of irritants greeted his morning. He looked around for his ward but Stolas wasn't there in the room.

He quickly made his way into the corner of the room and took a swig of the medicine get him through the day. After all the pain subsided, he then proceeded to wash his face and start the day. He went back to the research room where he was greeted with buzzing noises of researchers eagerly whispering at one another.

He came closer to them to hear what it was all about but couldn't seem to hear them still.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh! Prince Arterius!" One of the researchers bowed. "Make way for the Prince! Hey you! Stop hogging that!" He pointed at another researcher who was blocking the prince's view.

As the researchers finally scattered, the sight of the newly designed cannon emerged.

Arterius' eyes glowed as he saw the product of their hard work. The cannon was built exactly as what they intended it to be and more. While the cannon was exactly as what they expected it to be, its holder was made different.

The cannon was mounted on a platform that was securely locked in placed by four metal rods wrapped around the cannon and then wielded to the platform. It was intricately detailed with leaf-like shapes engraved over the metal. The platform was then attached to a mobile cart with a hand-pulled lever on the side.

It looked like the dwarves took liberty with the design and made it more mobile and mountable rather than just a sturdy positioned weapon.

Stolas entered the room. He wore a big smile on his face, glowing radiantly like the sun.

"Where have you been and how did you managed to do this?" Prince Arterius asked.

"Well, last night, I already prepared the money while you were asleep." Stolas explained. "I woke up early at dawn and tried to wake you up too, but you weren't responding so I promptly went on without you, My Prince." He handed him back his ring.

There was something off about what Stolas said. He said he counted money while he was sleeping, but as far as he could remember, he had difficulty sleeping due to damned leg. Yet, his ward was telling him otherwise.

He wanted to pry even further but decided not to. They don't have the luxury of time to do that and the medication, along with stress could have messed up his perception of time. Prince Arterius wore his ring and proceeded to go forth with the trials. With only one more day to spare, he needed to report his findings to his father and the senate. He also needed to invite them for the test by tomorrow.

Having the cannon delivered on time was certainly a huge help for him. He planned on reporting the findings to the Imperatur and Senate by the high Andenoon during their third session of the day.

They pulled the weapon outside into the open field inside the facilities compound. Prince Aterius instructed the other researchers to find something hard and sturdy to use as a target. Luckily, there were thick adamantite plates sitting in the storage room.

Adamantite was used to cover the hulls of the ships. It was a technology founded from a distant land, that was used in their naval fleet. The same fleet that tried to conquer them ten years prior. The metal was so durable, it could even withstand a cannonball and magic attacks at the same time. They were just so lucky a storm wiped out the invading armada, or the Principalia would have been done for.

Some of the researchers, set-up the target while the others were measuring its distance, Stolas silently slid a letter on the prince's hand. Prince Arterius immediately understood the secrecy of the letter and decided to read it right there.

It was written by the dwarven forgemaster.

[[ Dearest Prince,

I hope you liked your new toy! I made it exactly to your specifications (for the most part). I have taken the liberty to redesign the stand, because your design proved fatal if used in real testing. The stand I made is enough to withstand the shockwave your cannon could release during its firing.

I am truly amazed at how this would turn out to be. I have been a weaponsmith all my life, but I have never thought of the day you would use aetherites to propel a projectile. It's a crazy design but based on my calculations-- doable.

I respect that! I gave you praises! This is from one weaponsmith to the other.


Make sure to pull the lever down to steady the cannon in place, or else someone might get hurt catching the cannons backward movement. (Also, thank you for the business we hope to hear from you soon!)

At Your Service,

Loda Dwarvariel

Arterian Forgemaster]]

The letter stunned Prince Arterius for a number of reasons. Firstly, the forgemaster's penmanship was as good as a scribe. Secondly his use of words was as close to a Principalia's court scribe could get. Lastly, the dwarf made his own calculations about how the cannon would work and even made his own inferences that could make any of his researchers jealous.

He wanted to ignore the last part of the letter. But it was a dwarf advising him to do so! Knowing their mastery in weapons forging, he ought not to undermine that.

The sweaty researchers came back huffing but excitedly reported that the target was ready. The researchers set the distance at 2000 paces, roughly around half an ildwyrm distance. Prince Arterius ordered the cannon to be loaded with the phials and pulled the lever down to lock.

They open the breach chamber and loaded the gas aetherite and red mercury in while the other one, loaded the barrel with a heavy metal ball. Once everything was set in place, another researcher activated the rune by placing his hand over the upper part of the breach where the fire rune marking was etched.

He loaded it with his exousia and without any warning, the cannon fired. Its sound echoed throughout the field on its release. The thunderous sound even winded some researchers but that was not the result they wanted.

In the distance they saw a bunch of researchers running towards them carrying scraps of metal.

"IT BLASTED THE ADAMANTITE SHEET!!!!" The researchers exclaimed.

There was a unison of shouts booming in the air. A shout of elation! A shout of victory! A defeaning sound of success.

It brought tears to Prince Arterius' eyes as he finally overcame another obstacle.

"Stolas, prepare the chariot. We are going to the Senate!" He couldn't hide the big cracking smile off his face.

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