A Gorgeous White

Chapter 384: || || Open Your Eyes To The Darkness

The meaning was clear.

Poison sank and planted horrific thoughts into the depths of his heart—a vulnerable thing within the cold shell of Moulin's body. The creature's words seem to grind through his ears, charging a ravaging storm into his mind. Nausea plunged into his stomach, and Moulin could feel it hammering against his brain. The fury and fear he felt right now were indescribable, condensing into cruel wrath scorching his soul.

A threatening gaze zeroed on the fiend, wearing a revolting grin. Moulin wanted nothing more than to rip his face into shreds. He'd bear the countless attacks and ambushes plotted against him. However, it was a different thing if these worthless people dared to bring harm to those close to him. Death wouldn't satisfy Moulin.

"How cruel you are…." The demon's voice flowed as though he heard the youth's thoughts. Alha's grin widened. Blood-red eyes glowed viciously.

Moulin restrained a roar, and the air thrummed with savage energy. Ice explodes around his feet! Light flashed, and particles within the air compressed into one gigantic crystal spiral, drilling through the air at a speed of light toward the grey-skinned demon. The ground trembles fearfully from the weight of power.

Alha watches as a demoniac craze possesses the aura around the young maeruthan. He could taste Moulin's burning rage in the air. It is bitterly sweet.

Suddenly, his eyes glowed intensely.

Moulin flinched, snapping out from the storm of his emotions. Pitch-black clawed arms suddenly burst out from the ground beside his feet. The ground split as they grabbed Moulin's ankles, scratching against the leather, yanking him, and dragging him from his location.

In his moment of distraction, Alha gave one heavy swing and instantly shattered the torrent of ice aiming towards him. An explosion of crystals continuously wrecked the walls and pierced the ground.

Moulin seethed. Silver eyes glowered dangerously.

This time, Alha ignored him, turning around and lifting his saber to deliver a critical blow against the firm wall of pure ice separating him from his target. The dark-red blade gleamed, glistening like a river of blood under bright sunlight.

Moulin's heart chilled. In the next second, at the clench of his fist, thorns of ice shred the limbs restraining him. In his next breath, he was gone.

The saber flashed, whistling down in descent. Then a sudden sound, so grating, blared and echoed throughout the area. Something terrifyingly solid abruptly collided with the edge of the demon's thick blade. Sparks flew from the resistance.

Alha lowered his gaze, meeting that venomous silver gaze. Beneath his saber, Moulin clenched his teeth, struggling from the powerful weight as he pushed the body of his sacred weapon against the demon's blade.

"How stubborn you are…." Alha narrowed his eyes, applying more pressure on his weapon, making Moulin flinch but stand unyieldingly.

Their weapons screamed as they burned, scorched by the opposing energy rebelling against them. Moulin could feel their fury painfully vibrating into his arms. The wondrous swirls of ice embellishing Moulin's bow retreated into its thick body, flattening the surface until nothing but a smooth, gleaming surface remained. Sharp and flat like a god's sharpened holy blade.

Moulin didn't pay attention to its change. Unable to bear the frightful weight of the beast before him, he intentionally lowered his blade, letting the demonic saber instantly slide down the length of his bow. He swiftly maneuvered his body to cut a slice of Alha's arm.

Alarmed, the demon dodged, and his thick hand caught Moulin's firm wrist in a crushing grip.

"GAGH!" Moulin cried out, feeling his bones crack and muscles squashed. The pain immediately flared throughout his arm!

Defensively, A layer of ice spreads throughout the maeruthan's wrist. Everything it touched, froze. The demon's skin wasn't an exception. A scorching pain erupted as the ice devoured Alha's hand in less than a second. At once, Alha flung his hand away, but the mana had already eaten away the life of his limb. Clutching his wrist briefly, Moulin swallowed a scream and holed every bit of emotion inside the depths of his heart.

They weren't finished. Moulin gnashed his teeth, summoning most of his mana, and conjured a blast of pure frigid energy towards Alha. The blow swallowed the unsuspecting demon and blasted him far across the area. A thick mist rose to make it almost impossible to see.

The brief silence allowed Moulin to breathe as the pain from his arm battered what was left of his limb.


Moulin froze, startled, and turned to the wall of ice. Slits appeared, connecting with each snap.

The wall could not hold on much longer. Moulin feared he wouldn't be able to protect the niche from this persistently savage brute. He was too strong. An extremely powerful force. His physical strength didn't lose to his undeniably powerful and violent essence. Moulin wondered how such a powerful creature hid himself during Corhan's fruitful years.

'No, focus...'

Withdrawing his gaze, Moulin caught a glimpse of the dark figure in the distance. The frozen ground beneath his feet shattered as he launched himself in the air. The frigid breeze roughly caressed his scratched-up cheek. Then, he fell rapidly like a horrific meteor about to eradicate the land.

Alha slowly raised his gaze only to meet the hammering force of the youth's heels against his temple.


With an explosion of force, his body plunged into the solid ground; giant web-like cracks appeared instantly. He's like a rock being battered deep below the surface. After forcing the demon into the ground, Moulin raised his body, layering pure energy around his fists.

However, just as he was about to land a blow, dark flexible things stretched out, wound his wrists and legs, and yanked him backward. The clawed limbs dug through his flesh, drawing out blood. Caught off-guard, Moulin breathed heavily, struggling with all his might. His heart drummed violently.

'What in the world are these things?!' Moulin clenched his jaw, feeling his vitality seeping away from his body.

The sounds of shifting rocks fell into his ears.

"Tsk..." Alha languidly rose from the hole in the crater. Dust and ice layered his being, but he shrugged them off expressionlessly. His hand, poisoned by Moulin's energy, was cracking, evidently healing slowly. The curved horn on his forehead seemed to be darker than it was before. Demonic eyes found the restrained maeruthan, bound by the life-sucking limbs from the ground.

Indeed, he was a worthy opponent. However... it seems he doesn't think clearly when bound by his emotions.

"Quite lively, you are. Full of ferocity and charm... " Alha approached. His empty hand twitched. Dark wisps of energy clouded around his fingers. He moves like a shadow, intimidating. He raised his disappointed gaze, "A pity... Your fate is to be offered as sustenance."

Moulin's jaw clenched, "Your God is nothing but a leech."

"He will cleanse this world..." Alha spoke, "Your words are false. Should you submit, you will understand his purpose and desire."

"Never..." Moulin spat. With all his might, he tried to wrench himself from the limbs marring his flesh. The scent of blood grew stronger.

Alha shook his head...."Child, he is your savior. This life, he gave it to you... Without him... you would have never lived this life... Where... Is your gratitude?"

Moulin stiffened.

As the words poured into his ears, his pupils quivered.



"My Life?..."

Alha's gaze grew more profound as the fish took the bait. The burnt, distorted flesh of his skin morphed hideously. "Indeed... This life..."

'This is your purpose...'

Moulin's vision of the world blurred. The second chance of life that he thought was a blessing… was indeed a curse. The very thought of it made him want to hurl his guts out. Yes, from those possessions, strange visions, those voices… The Great Three-headed snake altar…

A cold sensation crept out of Moulin's chest. It was deathly cold, spreading throughout his body. Denial abruptly pushed forth, refusing the fiend's claim.

His soul wasn't a piece of lamb meat that anyone could just obtain. His life... His spirit belonged to himself. No matter how powerful they might be, they never had the right to take even a piece of Moulin. It was his soul, his heart... And this body, entrusted to him by none other than the deceased Moulin Fraunces's spirit. The only person who could make his choices was no one other than himself.

Alha paused briefly. He caught the slight change in the look in the Moulin's eyes. A fiery light that irked Alha's sight. Immediately, his aura turned grim.

Exhausted, his disposition yet hasn't diminished. His eyes narrowed darkly as he met Moulin's eyes.

"Perhaps it's time to deliver the gift..." Alha glowered.

Moulin's forehead creased. His eyes are resolute and unyielding as though there would be nothing that could frighten him.

"A gift from my master..." Alha opened his palm, and for a brief moment, Moulin thought the demon's gaze softened. He continued, "With this... Iraz will open your eyes and see the world anew."

His once greyish hand turned darker and darker until it was as black as coal. Not a speck of it was a shade lighter. Dark unknown energy brimmed beneath its flesh. Before Moulin's eyes, his hand looked terrifying, not by how it looked, but how its touch could change his thoughts, memories…

And his heart.

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