A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 2 Chapter 23: Milk Loaf

Volume 2 Chapter 23: Milk Loaf


"Alright! We can bake it now!" Keith placed the two loaves into the oven. When Keith did that, a thought came to his mind. I wish I could put more. Keith could only place three at most. 


There was a limit to how much the oven could hold. 


"So we have to wait again." Michael sighed. 


"Mmhmm. But once it's done, we can eat." Keith stated. He took a frisbee out. It was time to play with Mir.


"Po!" Mir jumped when he saw the frisbee. Keith tossed the frisbee, and Mir started to chase. 


He brought it back quickly.


"The little fella is fast," Michael stated. 


"Mmhmm. I think he might be the fastest out of his siblings." But after a few tosses, Mir started to grow tired. 


"Alright, I think that's enough." Keith picked him up, "You're the fastest, but you also have the worst stamina."


"Po!" Mir licked Keith's face.


Keith smiled, "Cute." But then he turned to Michael and Fira, 


"Can the two of you stop staring at the oven? It's not going to make it go faster,"


Those two pairs of eyes were locked in the oven. 


"I must take it!" 


"It smells so good!"


The smell coming from the oven started to flow out. The group could smell the scent of fresh bread. 


But they didn't realize the smell of fresh bread had flowed throughout the estate. 


"Ngh!" Sophia groaned as the aroma went up her nose. 


It lasted a few seconds before she woke up. William was the same as well, waking up at the same time. The couple looked at one another, 


"What's that smell?!" The two questioned at the same time! That smell was incredible! 


The two didn't need to ask who caused it. What mattered was to figure out what it was. The two turned to the window. 


They saw a bright light coming from the resting area. 


The smell came from there!


They weren't the only ones who were surprised by this smell! Others were immersed in the aroma.


"Kid, is the bread done?" Michael glared at the oven.


Yes, glare. 


Michael's eyes were like a fierce lion as he stared at it. The smell from the oven was too great!


Keith gulped. The smell of fresh bread in the morning was the best!


"Let me check." Keith took off the brick to see the bread was fully baked. He turned to Michael, 


"Help me take it out."


"Gotcha." Michael took out a metal stick and took out the two pans. He placed it on the table. 


"Don't touch it, you two!" Keith caught Mir and Fira,


"But it's so good!" "Poooo!"


"You're going to burn your hands and paws." The pans were made out of metal. It would be hot from being in the heat for so long!


"Let's open it up." 


Taking off the lid, what they saw was three mini loaves together. It was golden and crispy. There were some burnt edges. 


"This looks nothing like the bread we have." Michael stared at it. The regular ones were flat and hard. This one looked airy and light. 


"This bread is special. I'm going to take it out." Keith took the three square loaf and popped it out. He pulled it apart. When he did, everyone saw the flakiness!


Michael and the animals were in awe at the sight. Keith handed one piece to Michael. He split his with Fira and the other for Mir and Aria.


And when they bit into it, 


"So fluffy!" Keith and Michael could help but say. The animals also screamed out how good it was. The milk bread was flaky and soft. Not only that, there was a sweet hint of milk. Keith couldn't help but smile. 


It didn't take long for them to finish. Michael turned to the other loaves, 


"Kid, cut that one up. I'm so hungry!" Eating a piece wasn't enough. He needed to eat more!


"Alright." Keith wasn't going to say no. When he was going to open the next one,


"Ahem!" A cold cough caused him to pause.


 Keith and Michael's eyes widened as they heard it. The two turned their heads to see William and Sophia were there.


And they weren't alone. It seemed everyone in the estate stood in front of the entrance!


"Good morning, Father, Mother." Keith bowed his head. 


"Good morning, Son. But I think it's too early to say that." The sun was coming up now. They should be sleeping.


"Why is everyone up?" Even the knights at the barracks were up as well! 


"That's because Keith made such a delicious thing without sharing it with us," Sophia stated with a smile. The smell coming from the oven kept them all awake. There was no way they couldn't come here. 


"Commander, the smell made my stomach rumble!"


"How could you eat without us!"


"Death to the commander!"


"Hey! The last one isn't needed!" Michael roared. The last knight was asking for it!


"What did you make, Keith?" Sophia walked up to Keith. 


"I baked bread, Mother!" Keith quickly showed her the loaf. Sophia was intrigued, 


"You baked bread?" It looked nothing like the ones they usually ate.


"Try it!" Keith quickly sliced a piece for her to try. Sophia couldn't say no to that. Her face brightened as she ate a piece, "So delicious."


"Boss, can I try a piece as well." Gus was curious about it. 


"Sure." Keith handed him a piece for him to try. And Gus said nothing. 


"Are you still baking, Keith?" William noticed that there was still something baking in the oven.


"Mmmhmm. I'm still baking the loaves. I will make enough for everyone to try." When the maids and butlers heard that, they wanted to cheer!


The young master is a saint!


Thank goodness I live in The Freed Estate. 


That was what they all thought.


"Are we going to have it for breakfast?"


"Mmhmm." Keith nodded his head. William was content when he heard this. Breakfast was going to be interesting today. 

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