A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 2: Ranga Village

Chapter 2

Tidbits of Information

Adventurer Rank was determined using the Monster rank as a basis. Once a monster rises from its rank to the next it gains a certain power-up. Meaning higher ranked monsters has various unique skills related to its race. The skills mostly are the same for every monster of the same species but once it ranks up from B they start to differ from each other. That is why no two SSS rank monster of the same species will have the same move-set but will have their own unique way of offensive and defensive pattern.  

Somewhere else

Ryuu was dazed. Just as he was about to say something, maybe even slightly beat up those boys, then something shined from the floor. From there everything was blurry and he felt as if he was in a high-speed roller-coaster. Just when he came to he was in a room that had many people dressed in white robes with long white hats as well as staff. A massive circular drawing, which vaguely resembled the one that transported them, was beneath them. The person, who Ryuu assumed to be the leader, was clearly shaking in joy. His clothes were a little fancier than others.

"Finally we have summoned the Heroes! Many of them at once as well! The Gods have answered to our prayers!"

Many of the students had regained their wits as well. But seeing the strange man laughing gleefully seemed to put them all at unease. Perhaps sensing their unease, the mad man seemed to cough a little in embarrassment.

"Ahem! Clearly since you all have arrived I will explain the situation to you all. But first I need all of you to remain calm. Perhaps this dark room might not be the most pleasant of places. Guards! please let us escort our esteemed guests to the hall with utmost care."

Not that they could not comply but being in this place certainly put them at edge. Ryuu seemed to look around here and there as if searching for someone when they were getting escorted. He could not see the one familiar person he had spent his childhood life with.


Everyone was surprised by the seriousness of his voice as well as the command and authority that was exuding out of him. Even the mad person was surprised as he asked.

"Yes, what is it?"

Ryuu got to the point.

"There is someone missing!"


"Kimiko is missing!"

The students then looked around, only to find that Ryuu was right.

"Where is Kaichou?"

"Where is she?"

The room was filled with the murmuring and whispering of the students. The head person frowned at that. He then looked at his right to a mage and gestured him to check the ritual place. Just minutes later he seemed to have found the reason.

"Archbishop Frederik! The ritual circle.......it has been partially destroyed!!"

The head, who was the Archbishop, was surprised.

"What! How can it be?! That ritual was gifted to the mortals by the Gods themselves. How can it be so easily destroyed?”

“I-I-I honestly don’t know, your grace.”

Archbishop frowned at that. This time many Heroes had been summoned. These heroes are people with great potential. Maybe due to summoning of this many Heroes caused a strain? Maybe but he had honestly no other explanations for it. Also he was lacking in time and thankfully summoned them before the others noticed. However, the amount of mana that the summoning used, drew a lot of attention already from the others stationed in the [Holy City]. He will need to answer some questions. They began walking towards the hall. Many paintings of individuals with proud look and donning incredible designed armors were seen. In some paintings they were alone and in another there was a group of people.

“It is regrettable but I think she was not summoned because she was far away from the ritual circle, Hero-dono?”

“No she was right beside us when it happened…….and Hero?”

The Archbishop smiled and nodded.

“Ah yes, this is the summoning ritual where Heroes from another world are summoned in order to save the world from the [Demon].”

Gasps and murmur could be heard as they were being escorted. This type of genre only happened in fantasy, not in real life. The Archbishop seemed to be proud as he continued speaking.

“In fact we have been summoning Heroes many many years ago when we could not save the innocent people from the destruction and despair brought by the [Demon]. It was only when the [Summoning Circle] gifted to us by the Gods summoned individuals, who were weak at first, slowly gained power and became the strongest of us, that the salvation arrived. They braved many dangers and saved all of us. Though many civilizations were destroyed but we persevered. These individuals were known as Heroes to us.”

Ryuu frowned as he asked.

“What…..makes us Hero? Blessing from Gods? Special skills?”

The Archbishop seemed to smile and nod as they went through the corridor containing myriad of paintings of different individuals.

“Exactly both of that is one of the requirements.”

Again many gasps could be heard and they all seem to chat among each other. Ryuu seemed to look at these paintings and expressed his thoughts.

“Are these…..Heroes of the past?”

“You are quite smart boy. Yes, these paintings are all the esteemed heroes of the past. So what makes a Hero a Hero? You see, whenever a person Levels up he or she is granted points to add in his or her stat. But to us these stats are randomly kept, we cannot control it. Only jobs can affect it. If you have a [Warrior] job, then your stats are focused on strength and vitality but it is again randomized as in how much each gains. If you have [Mage] then it focuses on intelligence and wisdom. But it is also randomized. But as a Hero you can control where you want to keep or maybe even keep it for later use. This is the main advantage of a Hero.”

Ryuu asked as the whole group listened to their conversation,

“So anyone can be a hero if they can control their stat?”

“Exactly, some of these Heroes or their companion were not summoned but were normal people from our lands.”

The Archbishop’s eyes seemed to moisten a bit when he closed his eyes and his face expressed anguish. It was as if he was thinking of a great tragedy.

“The last time the Demon King was born; he was the strongest ever known. If it were not for these proud Heroes, The Six Braves of Vesperia, then all of the world would have been destroyed. Only one of them was summoned Heroes, others, who could also control their stats like her, were some of the incredible geniuses of those time. If it were not due to their efforts, then the world would have been destroyed or even enslaved. Though we lost almost all of civilization, their effort ensured that the peace that lasted over a century, allowing us to rebuild and be as strong if not stronger than before."

The Archbishop’s voice seemed to grow more fervent the longer he talked. He pointed at the end of the Hall where a 25-foot big painting was kept. It was the biggest one yet and was even decorated more lavishly than the others.

Ryuu seemed to squint his eye at the last painting. He felt it to be strangely familiar as did all the other students. As he they went closer and closer, realization dawned to him. His body trembled a bit as he seemed to recognize someone in the painting. The Archbishop was in his own world as he did not seem to notice his trembling.

"The only portrait that we could salvage of those Heroes was this. There are no other portraits left in this world."

Ryuu burst out in confusion and fear.

“No….No way!”

The others seemed to be confused at him before looking carefully at the painting. As they went closer and closer, realization dawned on them why Ryuu was confused.


“Is that….”

“No wonder what happened to Ryuu….”

The majestic painting held six figure standing together. All wearing some armor but the most focused one was the one at the center. A girl with stoic expression, who had steely blue eyes with long straight black hair. Who looked exactly like their beloved Kaichou.

The Archbishop didn’t seem to have noticed the discussion as he was fervently describing that painting to them.

“The Six Braves of Vesperia, the one at the most left is Mirzael, The Spear King, wielder of Rhongomyniad, the spear of Destiny.”

A man who has long straight red hair that seemed to reach his waist with a feminine appearance as well as wearing gaudy armor was depicted in the painting.

“Beside him is Mitelt, The Grand Archer, wielder of Pinaka, the Bow that Penetrates all.”

A fair skinned beautiful female with shoulder length black hair and Asiatic feature wearing light armor was seen.

“Beside her is Solomon, The Grand Magic king, wielder of Yggdrasil, the Staff made from the oldest bark of the World Tree.”

A handsome man with pale skin and unruly long white hair wearing white and black robes was seen. He had this mysterious charm that even got the few females in the group to look at him and blush despite being a mere painting.

“The one on the right is Terza, The Divine Blacksmith, wielder of Mjolnir, the Hammer forged from comets.”  

A burly man with short blonde hair who was almost 7-feet-tall was seen wearing heavy armor.

“The one next to him is Misha, The Sharpshooter, we don’t know what her weapon was but it was said to change its form and shoot different projectiles.”

A girl with long wavy brown hair and a big chest as well as wearing light red clothes instead of armor was seen.

“The last one at the center is Kimiko, The Sword Saint, Wielder of Ea, the Sword that Ends all!”

Dab smack in the middle was a girl who looked older than the students knew but it was without a doubt their student council president. Her blue eyes and her stoic face as well as well as her name was a dead giveaway.

“So that means she was sent here century ahead of us?”

The Archbishop seemed to have heard what they were talking about the Sword Saint.

“Huh? You knew the Sword Saint?”

All of them looked at each other before nodding.

“Yeah, you know the one we were talking about. Who did not arrive with us.”

The Archbishop quirked an eye at that, intrigued.

“Oh so you meant to say that The Sword Saint had arrived more than 100 of years earlier than you all. Hmm interesting but alas records of earlier years were destroyed when previous Demon King razed our original temple down. Our history had taken a toll during his rampage. The only source of information could be at library of “Tower of Babel” but sadly we are not on friendly terms with them….”

Before he shook his head. A huge door in front of them was opened by the guards as intense light shown through the gap causing all the students to block it with their hands. But the Archbishop continued on.

“But let’s leave it at that and come feast with us, O’ heroes of this generation as well as the friends of The Sword Saint! The Archbishop of the temple of the Origin Gods, welcome you all!”

After everyone adjusted to the intensity of the light, they were amazed at the amount as well as the varieties of foods placed in front them. But Ryuu’s eyes were dazed…..lost.….if only he had the courage to take the step forward with her. This hollow and empty feeling might have had subsided a bit. Alas he was too late to figure out what those feelings inside him meant. Now…now…they were centuries apart from each other never to see her again. Maybe he would never ever speak to her again.

As the other students seemed cordial enough to feast on the food, only Ryuu’s eyes were filled with sadness. While they were having the meal a guard entered the hall, drawing a few attentions from the students. He whispered something to the Archbishop who nodded sagely. He smiled and told.

“No need to be shy. Regrettably, I have been called so I must retreat from here. Please enjoy and ask the guards here anything you want.”

By saying that he left the hall alongside the full armored guard that whispered to him. As the doors to the hall closed, the Archbishop narrowed his eye and asked him.

“The [Sun Cardinal] is calling for me?”

The guard nodded stiffly as the Archbishop nodded. The Archbishop walked in front of the guard as he smiled slightly and murmured.

“I have caused enough havoc to evoke a meeting. I hope I have given you enough time, my friend….”

A Random Village Girl’s POV

Rin was a 12-year-old girl from the village of Ranga village. A small village of 200 people which was surrounded by woods with only one road which reached towards the local Lord’s city where peddlers would arrive to bargain. She was the only daughter of her mother. Her father was killed by monsters that would rarely come to terrorize their small village as she was told. Their only salvation was to plead the local Lord to send subjugation squad periodically to kill the monsters. The good thing known to her was that the lord was at least serious in his duties. But the bad thing was that he was known to be a bonafide lolicon. Rin did not know what the word meant but the look of disgust people showed when speaking of it was proof enough that it was a bad thing.

But Rin knew that he would always take away female orphans to his manor as a maid right? So at least they had a job right? He was good then so why people would show disgusted expression when he would arrive at the orphanage every month?  But sadly this was not the only village that the lord had to protect. So he would sometime fail to protect every village out there. There were at least 15 villages in his territory. So he could not send his soldier to every village. Or that was what the messenger had said so as this time their village could not be protected.

One monster had arrived. A horned bear. It was very dangerous beast according to the occasional stories shared by some travelling adventurers. At least D level they said. It mowed down houses like nothing and her mother was caught in the crossfire. She was scared when she had seen her mother lying in the pool of blood. Hopefully that the local doctor could save her life but the blood loss was too much and the doctor needed [Kelpa grass] that cured Blood loss fast otherwise her mother would die!

She only had her mother and aunt. She had already lost her father when she was six but she did not want her mother to die as well. That was why she went out to the forest to gather the [Kelpa grass] when no grown up would go for her mother’s sake. Rin was extremely annoyed at the grown-ups and the adults of her village.

‘Hmph! They said that the monster would still be around but they are all scaredy cats! Next time, I won’t talk those meanies ever again!’

She had worn her cape and with her basket was venturing deeper inside the woods. She searched every blade of grasses as well as bushes for the herb but she could not find anything. Then she unknowingly arrived in front of a cave. There she could see some [Kelpa grasses] growing there in patches. Rin happily started to pick them up when she heard as soft growl. She froze up, then she slowly looked towards the dark cave only to see two yellow glowing eyes. The same eye that had terrorized her village few hours ago.


She screamed as she stumbled on her back while tightly clutching the basket where her mom’s only lifeline was kept. She then ran away from that place. The ground shook when the monster bear got out of the cave and ran towards her. She ran and ran until she stumbled on the overgrown roots of the trees. She could hear the trees uprooted and tumbled aside behind her. Just as she got up the bear was already behind her. Standing on its hind leg, it was already a 15-foot-big behemoth of a monster. It raised its paw in order to kill her and eat her. Rin was scared.

‘Is this…the end?’

‘No….no…I don’t want to die! I don’t want my mama to die!’

She closed her eyes and hoped for a miracle. That somebody, somewhere out there would save her like how those adventurers said they did.

And a miracle did arrive as a young girl who was summoned nearby.



She opened her eyes to see that the monster was dead with a sword sticking at the back of his head.

Then a calm voice called out to her,

“Are you Ok?”

‘Was she an angel?’

Rin thought as she stared at her rescuer. Straight black hair that cascaded down to her waist with dark blue eyes that twinkled like the blue ocean. Not that Rin had gone there but the vivid stories told by her father when she was young had left an impression like Ah! That is what oceans would look like.

She then got out of shock then clutched to her savior’s arm that has tried to comfort her and started to bawl. All that adrenaline wore off leaving a chill feeling behind. After all she was just a kid who had luckily escaped from death.

Kimiko POV

‘Ah, it seems that I have arrived on time.’

She looked at her arms which was being hugged by a weeping girl. She patted the girl’s head in a soothing manner. After 5 minutes of weeping the girl seemed to have calmed down. She was still sniffling and had red puffy eyes though. The girl seemed to have remembered something looking at her basket, which contained [Kelpa grass] if Kimiko was right, because she hurriedly dusted her clothes and bowed down to Kimiko.

“Thank you Angel-san for saving me. Ah ah umm”

‘She seemed to be fidgeting. How cute.’

“Umm..I can take you to the village if you’d like but we must hurry. I need to give this herb to the doctor who can save my mamma’s life!”

Kimiko looked fondly at her. She had only met this cute little girl and she was already growing fond of her. She nodded and swoop the little girl on her arms and ran towards the nearest village that seemed to be 400 m ahead. Though the village looked like it had been attacked by monster because some part of it was utterly wrecked.

The little girl seemed to have been surprised but surprisingly she didn’t scream but was excited. Though Kimiko wondered why was this little girl so deep into this forest. She arrived in half a minute to the village entrance. The people were not that surprised at seeing her but gasped on seeing Rin. One of the woman who looked pale shouted at her.

“Rin! Why did you venture out in the forest! It’s dangerous. That big monster is still out there!”

So the little girl’s name was Rin. It seemed that she had ventured into the forest without the adult’s permission but for what reason?

‘Wait a minute…. [Kelpa grass] is used for minor blood loss so maybe somebody was injured and is under the threat of dying due to the monster rampage? Looking at the state of the village, it is seriously ill-equipped in handling monster, but that is from my time before. I don’t know the condition of this world yet.’

Rin replied happily and grinning.

“Yes the big bear was still there but big-sis here killed it!”

The woman looked relieved and looked at Kimiko before bowing down and saying gratefully,

“Thank you for killing that monster for us, Adventurer-san!”

Who else could kill the monster? She did not look like a soldier to the woman.

“I only did what I did. If not, then it would have killed her.”

“……What? ………….WHAT!”

The woman looked furiously at Rin who was decent enough to look sheepish. She scolded Rin.

“Rin…..Please don’t pull stunts such as these! What would have happened if Miss Adventurer had not arrived on time? Your mother will kill me for it!”

“Ah Mamma! I got the [Kelpa grass]!! I need to hurry and give it to the good doctor!”

Rin ran away from there to one of the run down houses where her mother was. The woman sighed wearily.

“Really that girl will be the death of me. Sorry for showing such a behavior, Adventurer-san. My name is Sheila and I am Rin’s aunt. Thank you for saving her!”

Kimiko just nodded politely.

“Well my name is Kimiko but I am still not an adventurer though. Besides what happened here? This place seems to have seen better days.”

“Eh the usual.”

Sheila seemed to look towards the sky. Then she looked at Kimiko before saying in a mocking tone.

“The lord could not send his troops to fight monsters because he had too many villages to look after. But it is all and utter bull-shit.”

Then Sheila sighed.

“The lord is good at managing this territory. Economics have risen, we are getting better prices for our goods but if only he wasn’t controlled by his libido then it would be perfect.”

Kimiko’s eye seemed to twitch. She asked incredulously,

“His libido?”

Sheila replied in a dead tone,

“Yeah, his li-bi-do. He has a strange preference of ‘little girl’.”

“So a lolicon?”

“Yes and not afraid of it getting to public as well. This is how we knew about it. It seems that the fat pig has all the money to periodically request the guild to subjugate the monster terrorizing every villages 20 times over. But as the pig had finished ‘tasting’ all the little orphan girls in his town he has set his eyes over villages. He doesn’t send any army to one of the villages. When the monster would arrive to wreak havoc, some of the father and mother die trying to save their kid. If it is boys he doesn’t care but if it is girl, he has opened up orphanages that strictly monitor and take these girls under their care.”

Sheila spits on the ground in disgust.

“Then he visits every month in order to take them away to his mansion and they are never heard from again. The absolute scum!”

Kimiko frowned.

“But doesn’t anyone try to do something?”

Sheila sighed in acceptance.

“Who? The Adventure guild? At least they have tried but the men they tried to cough up details were unnaturally loyal to the lord. They died instead of talking. Then the lord used that incident to kill the Adventurers responsible. Now the Adventure just gives cold shoulder to him. At least they sometime send some adventurer here in guise of exercise and have foiled the lord’s plan on getting the parents killed. The Judge? In his pockets bathing in gold. The Inquisitor? Dead somehow. Practically every plans foiled in some mysterious way and no evidence ever found, so much that the Kingdom is taking a cautious approach unless he doesn’t mess it up in some way. This time he nearly succeeded in getting Rin. Thankfully her mother can live. See that sharp nosed ugly man? He is responsible for the ‘Orphanage’ of this area.”

Kimiko looked at the direction she was pointed towards to see a tall man with pointy nose looking at the doctor’s house in annoyance. Kimiko’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

Well, now it was time for some Lord-bashing.

Edited: 20-Nov-2020. Some fix in the grammar and some addition of sequence in the summoning place

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