A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 69: Fight.

The You family gathered in the dining hall. The hall was circular. The hall ceiling was supported by strong alloy pillars, the walls were decorated with gemstone engravings of four mystical beasts. The ceiling had ten crystal and glass chandeliers hanging from it in a circle, while in the center of the circle hung five stones encased in four mythical beasts and YOU engraved coverings. Light leaked out from the stones. The light was so bright that it made the engravings look like they were cast by the light itself.

The tables were set in a unique manner, too. The dining hall had no doors. It was said that the ancestors of You Family did not like restrictions about eating hours. So, when he became the family head, the first thing he did was to remove the doors of the dining hall. Inside the hall laid a round table with eleven seats. This table was for the family head and the Elders Council, around this table, was another table, that circumference the main table, this table was for executives in the family. A third table circumference these two tables. This table was for the outstanding young generation individuals of the family. There was left an empty spot of one chair in both the outer tables, preventing them from blocking the way to the Master's table. 

The tables and chairs were all same but different in sizes. The master's throne was the biggest and a golden-colored YOU insignia was engraved on its headrest. The chairs for the Elder's were smaller and had a white-colored YOU insignia engraved on the headrests. The other chairs were all uniform sized and had a blue-colored YOU insignia engraved on them. 

Te family held gatherings here on special occasions such as birthdays and achievements of the family members, but some individuals came to have their meals here daily. This dining hall could be seen as a cafeteria of the family. Today was a special occasion in the family.

You Xi Wang arrived with Celestia holding his hand, while You Zhichi and his aunt, Chen Qianbei walked behind the duo. The rest of the family members were almost all present, they all stood up regarding the master of the household. You Xi Wang smiled and nodded to them all one by one as he walked towards his chair. They all took seats and waited for everyone to arrive. There was also a guest table where Susan and Snow sat down. Although Susan was You Xi Wang's girlfriend, she was not yet an official member of the family. As for Snow, she was a guest.

Shortly after, when all the members arrived, only the elders were missing. All the You family juniors were looking towards the entrance in anticipation. You Naixin arrived first wearing a red shirt paired with black jeans. Her hair was tied in a pony. She wore red sneakers with black flowers printed on them, nobody could say that this lady was in her fifties, she didn't look one day older than her mid-twenties.

She was greeted by everyone with a smile, and she smiled back at them too. She came to the master's table and sat down. near You Xi Wang, who was smiling at her. Five minutes passed, but the elders were missing. A young man couldn't hold it in anymore and said, "Granny Xin, why are the elders not here?"

You Naixin turned to him and said, "They will be here You Kai." she then turned to the entrance and yelled, "ARE YOU OLD COOTS COMING IN OR DO YOU WANT ME TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD BALD TOO?"

Just as she finished saying all the elders entered the hall. They all had a mask on their faces. The family members all saw this and tried to hold in their laughter, they all knew the reason behind this. The elders sat down on their respected tables, and You Xi Wang stood up to address the family, "Today, we are gathered here because our dear Granny Xin has achieved another milestone, on the behalf of the family I congratulate her. Let the feast begin."

As he was done with his piece, the food was served. Everyone started eating, but Susan and Snow were confused about what achievement did You Naixin achieved. So, Susan stood up and asked, "Granny Xin, I congratulate you on your achievement but please pardon me, can you tell me what is this achievement everyone is celebrating?"

Her innocent question triggered a bout of laughter around the hall. The whole family was laughing except the elders, Chen Qianbei and Susan and Snow. You Naixin answered her after calming down, "Sweetheart. This grandma just slew Nine Dragons last night." everyone laughed again. 

Susan raised his brows and said, "Granny, Nine Dragons? Isn't it too much of boasting?" before You Naixin could reply an elder who felt very embarrassed and agitated took off his mask and yelled to the whole crowd, "THE DRAGONS SHE IS TALKING ABOUT IS OUR BEARDS, OKAY? NAIXIN, YOU BRAT, HO..." before he could even finish his words, a pastry was found covering his face. 

You Naixin had thrown a pastry on his face. The whole crowd descended in silence. You Gongzheng (fourth elder) was enraged. He picked up a dish in front of him and threw it towards the former, who ducked and dodged it. The dish landed upon an executive's face. Amidst all this Susan who saw You Gongzheng's baby face without the beard laughed out loud. Other elders took their masks and showed their beardless faces, You Shengyu (seventh elder) said in a deep voice, "Enough, today we punish this brat You Naixin. We have spoiled her too much." they were after all her elder brothers and they spoiled her since childhood, but this time they really were agitated.

You Ziyou looked towards his grandson, who was trying not to laugh hard, and said, "Brat, declare that the fight is on. We can't wait any longer."

You Xi Wang looked towards all the elders and said as he stood up, "Everyone, this is the 30th time granny Xin has slain the dragons. So, the Dragon keepers seek revenge. Normally, they could have had a duel but this time, there is a change of rules."

Everyone started whispering, You Naixin asked, "What do you mean, Xi Wang?"

You Xi Wang said in a loud voice, "I declare the 30th battle of honor is now open." he picked up a pastry and threw it towards his cousin You Shan Wang and yelled, 'Food Fight." it took everyone a bit to understand what just happened, but when they did, the entire hall descended in chaos. Pastries, cakes, noodles, soups, stews. rice balls and whatnot flew all over the place, hitting anyone and everyone. 

The family had a food fight, where there was no winner. Yet, it helped them dissolve their issues with laughter when they looked at how funny they all were, covered in food and beverages. After they ran out of ammunition, You Xi Wang spoke again, "I declare, the winner is You Family. Glory to the You Family."

His cry was answered by all the people present. "GLORY TO THE YOU FAMILY." after this they all left to clean up and You Xi Wang asked the elders and Executives to be present in the Main Hall for some discussion. 

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