A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 61: Ambush In Broad Daylight.

The morning sun spread its warm and radiant embrace around the world, engulfing it and making it lively. At the border region of the forest stood 10 men, dressed in black cloaks, their faces were covered. They all had an eerie aura and presence.

These men were standing in two queues. A man from the left queue spoke up, "How do we do it?"

The one on the right said, "According to the information target is living inside the mid-section of the first layer, we can head there in a group and split up at the border."

The man on the left nodded, and they started moving through the forest. These two men were leaders of the two teams, they were peak spirit formation realm cultivators. This group had four 6th level spirit formation cultivators, four 3rd level spirit formation cultivators, and two 9th level spirit cultivators.

It was quite a big group assigned to capture a target of only 5th level spirit formation. It was said that killing someone was easier than capturing them alive. These people were supposed to capture the target alive and guard her well on the way back to their appointed rendezvous point.

Little did they know, their task has just gotten harder. This group of people was moving fast in the forest. They would turn now and then based on the signs they found of human movement in the forest. These guys reached a clearing and they saw six sets of footprints moving in different directions.

The right queue leader said, "Shane, I smell something fishy, let us split up."

The left queue leader was known as Shane. He nodded and said, "Kojo, you be in touch. These sets of footprints could lead us to strong individuals." the right queue leader, Kojo nodded, and he gestured his team to move towards the three sets of footprints moving towards the right direction and Shane headed in the opposite direction.

They both avoided something crucial in the scene present to them. Six silhouettes appeared from the treetop, landing softly on the ground. They were none other than You Xi Wang, his team, and the so-called target.

They avoided the detection because they were covered in the soul energy You Xi Wang used to hide them from the assailants. You Xi Wang nodded, and the group split up and chased after the assailants of the left group. They have been monitoring these people with drones from the sky. So in the time, these people split up they had a good idea of their personalities and successfully made an action plan.

You Xi Wang spoke up in a low voice, "Snow, Neo, you two, wait for the two weak ones to die then charge in on the mid-level guys. Yuki, Allan, and I will take on the final guy."

They had left those footprints deliberately, with the proposal of confusing the enemy. The motive was now complete, they only needed to kill them off one by one. The group took a short-cut and intercepted the enemies. They wanted to ambush these guys. You Xi Wang hid everyone with his soul energy. Fenny climbed a tree and waited for the enemies to arrive.

After waiting for a few minutes, they heard some footsteps running over. You Xi Wang waited patiently. He had absolute trust in Fenny.

Fenny was crouching on a treetop, waiting for the dark dwellers to reach the designated ambush point. Her wait ended after just twenty seconds. She took the shot at the head of the last guy in the queue. She squeezed the trigger with no hesitation at all. The gun was equipped with a suppressor that muffled the sound of the gun to negligible. The bullet flew across the air and pierced through the skull of the guy like a hot knife through butter. Fenny was positioned behind the group of assailants. It was a surrounded ambush.

You Xi Wang, Yuki, Allan, Neo, and Snow were positioned like a pentagon around the group of assailants, while Fenny had positioned herself behind the assailants. This strategy was called, guiding to the guillotine. Snipper will be the guide and the melee warriors were guillotine.

The assailants stopped when they heard the thudding sound but before they could react another bullet flew across the air, claiming the life of another early spirit formation realm dark dweller. This was a queue to the melee warriors. Neo jumped into action, he rushed out of the bushes and engaged an enemy with his halberd, Yuki was the next she also chose a mid-level spirit formation cultivator like Neo. They could completely kill them with ease despite being on the weaker side.

Shane wanted to intercept, but he was met with a shower of bullets, Allan performed impeccably in his duty as close-range support. Shane was about to attack when he saw from the corner of his eye, a fist covered in blue lightning aimed straight at his face.

Shane did not even get to react when the fist kneaded into his face, he was forced to take ten steps back but another attack came from behind him, You Xi Wang made him retreat in the direction where Snow was waiting to attack.

Snow came out of the bushes like an angry lioness and slashed her sword on the dark dweller's back, causing blood to splash around. Shane wailed in pain. If only the world had medicine for regret. Shane's only mistake was not being aware of this group of kids.

He was shocked at what had happened to his group, they never expected to be ambushed and that too in the broad daylight.

"Who are you? You will pay dearly for this kid." Shane hissed in an enraged voice.

You Xi Wang sneered and said, "Tch, you worm, kneel."

It was as if his words were some signal, Fenny fired one bullet aiming at Shane's knee from a distance while Neo stabbed another one with his halberd. Shane was forced to kneel and to make it worse for him, Yuki took out a kunai and threw it right at Shane's dantian. The kunai entered his dantian causing Shane to wail.

"You wanted to make us beg for death. I would make you do the same." You Xi Wang opened his fist and between his fingers laid a needle. This needle was hollow and was filled with the poison of pain-inducing leech. He cleverly stabbed this needle into Shane's skin when he punched him earlier. The poison will take effect in a bit and they will get much more information out of him.

You Xi Wang turned to Yuki and said, "Take Maya and Neo with you and place this piece of shit in that den. Make sure you cut off his tendons and seal his acupoints, ask neo to strip him naked and not leave any modes of contact with him, he has nothing implanted in his body."

Yuki nodded, Neo also heard this and took hold of Shane and took him away, while You Xi Wang gave Maya a look, who is intelligent, understood this and led Yuki and Neo away.

You Xi Wang looked at the rest and spoke, "Regroup, time to hunt the second guy. Bro Allan, let's erase the tracks before others return." the latter nodded and they got to work.

To be continued...

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