A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 32: A Happy Cooperation.

Takeshi Kinben sheathed his sword and gave a pat on You Xi Wang's back as he said, "Take care of my Yuki. She is a good kid." the latter replied with a nod and walked towards his family.

Just as he was about to talk further You Ziyou walked up to him and whispered something in his ear, his eyes turned cold and he said in a somber voice, "Granny attend to the guests, I have something urgent that needs my attention, Aunt, you come with me, please." he turned to Ushijima Choma and Takeshi Kinben and continued, "I apologize but something very urgent came up and I need to leave." his eyes were cold, yet his voice was sincere.

The couple nodded and Ushijima Choma said, "You don't have to be formal with us now, you are my daughter's future husband. We will talk with your sister and granny before we leave. Take care of your duties with no hesitation."

After hearing this You Xi Wang turned and walked away with You Ziyou and Chen Qianbei following him, they have headed to You family guest hall. The reason was that You Family men secretly apprehended a big shot in Miria Group.

"How did we nab this guy?" asked You Xi Wang to his grandfather.

He replied, "Three Days ago a spy of our family, You Wusheng, was following a person called Kojiro Shinrai, an assistant manager in Mirai group, our spy scanned his maglev and found that it was also similarly tempered with just when he was about to board the vehicle Wusheng appeared and brought him here in secret, they just arrived when your sparring session began so I told you afterward."

You Xi Wang nodded and headed towards the guest hall while speaking, "He was to be murdered, you say, there are only two possibilities, first, he offended that person inside Mirai Group by some action of his, second, he knows something he shouldn't or he knows too much that he has become a liability for them."

Both the elders gave a positive response, and they arrived in the guest hall. You Xiwang saw a slim man who had beady eyes, a triangular face as if a viper transformed into a human, a sharp nose, thin lips thick brows, he wore spectacles, his hair was disheveled and his clothes were full of wrinkles and dirty. He was obviously Kojiro Shinrai. Beside him sat a man wearing casual clothes yet his mannerism had been formal, his face was typical, someone you can easily forget, maybe that is the reason he was a spy, a usual commoner like body and aura, yet You Xi Wang knew this was all a facade to mislead enemies. This man was You Wusheng.

You Wusheng stood up and gave a deep bow towards You Ziyou, he glanced at You Xi Wang but ignored him, he did not acknowledge a kid as his family's head, he was not here when the duel happened but when he heard about it he thought it was all over-exaggerated. His action pissed You Ziyou and Chen Qianbei but before any of them could say anything they saw You Xi Wang walking towards Kojiro Shinrai with a calm face. He glanced at the servant was there to attend to them and said in a calm tone, "This guest hall is sealed for cleaning, lead the guests to other halls. You understand, right?" the servant shivered when he felt a chill lingering in his voice and nodded. He hurried outside and sealed the hall.

You Xi Wang looked towards Chen Qianbie and said, "Aunt, I want a barrier around this room." she flicked her hand and produced a spiritual energy barrier capable of suppressing prying eyes and ears and sounds from inside.

You Xi Wang stood in front of Kojiro Shinrai and a smile surfaced on his lips, he saw a teapot filled with hot tea placed on the table, he picked it up and turned to his "guest" and asked politely, "Sir, you look exhausted, may I serve you some tea?" You Wusheng scoffed in disdain and turned his face around the felt ashamed to have this kid in his sight, but You Ziyou and Chen Qianbei were very calm. Kojiro Shinrai nodded and said, "Thank you."

Just as he was thinking how courteous You family was his left ear was grabbed and he felt a liquid being poured in his ear. A moment later it felt like burning and he screamed which shook the adults inside the hall. You Xi Wang knew that this guy is a cultivator even though he was only a mid-level body formation cultivator he could resist heat from tea easily, so he infused fire elemental spiritual energy in the tea and poured it down his ear.

He kept pouring and Kojiro Shinrai kept screaming, but his voice fell on deaf ears. Soon the pot was empty You Xi Wang again smiled and spoke in a joy-full voice, "Sir would you like anything else or..." his voice suddenly turned cold and his smile vanished and his face was now like a stone with no fluctuation, his gaze was a blizzard, he leaned towards Kojiro Shinrai and spoke slowly, "What made Mirai Group target a useless waste of flesh like you?"

Kojiro Shinrai shook his head in denial and another smile emerged on You Xi Wang's face and others felt shivers down their spines as this kid looked like he was having fun. You Xi Wang then said, "The tea was hot, sir, might feel hot and want to feel cold, don't worry sir, I will help you." Kojiro Shinrai thought he was about to be frozen by some cold water but that did not happen. What happened made him realize that dying at Miria Group's hand was better than being alive in front of You Xi Wang.

You Xi Wang grabbed his shirt and tore it off, and spoke with a grin on his face, "Still feeling hot sir, maybe it is your skin that we need to take off of you." he focused his spirit energy, and a wind blade formed in his hand, he flayed Kojiro Shinrai alive from his fingers to the neck, the process was very disturbing, Kojiro Shinrai had the skin on his fingertips sliced and slowly the blade moved upward, the hall was filled with dreadful screams and smell of blood. After five minutes both his arms were flayed and Kojiro Shinrai was now begging, "Please kill me, I will tell you everything but please I beg you don't hurt me anymore. It was CEO, Mr. Edward Colt, who is a part of Shadow Council, he wanted to buy something from your parents but they were not ready and also rejected the invitation to join Shadow Council. He also lusted over your mother but his approach only earned him disdain. He has also harmed a lot of women in the company. The board could do nothing because he has the backing of the Dark Dwellers."

He spits out everything, from rapes to illegal transactions made by Edward Colt. You Xi Wang looked towards the others and stabbed the blade in Kojiro Shinrai's chest and started moving it and formed a circle around the heart region. He ripped off the skin, and a heart appeared in another's sight. He reached inside the open chest and grabbed the beating heart and carefully brought it out and showed it to Kojiro Shinrai with a playful smile.

Kojiro Shinrai was in so much pain that he could not even groan, let alone scream. He saw the smile on You Xi Wang's face and said, "You... You are a demon... Edward Colt will not forgive you."

His words made You Xi Wang smile, he spoke directly in Kojiro Shinrai's mind, "You filthy insect, I destroyed the soul seal he placed on you the moment I entered this hall. He won't know anything, Wusheng is in a disguise. Your sacrifice is down in the sewer you crawled out from, I will kill Edward Colt and everyone related to my parent's death."

He chuckled and spoke in a loud voice, "Tell Yama, You family sends their regards and that I hope he will not hate me for sending trash to his kingdom. May we have happy cooperation?"

He killed Kojiro Shinrai by crushing his heart into a bloody mess.

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