A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 6: Framed

Chapter 6: Framed


“Mercy? Who gives mercy? Is it the strong who shows mercy to the weak? Or is it the weak who shows mercy to those weaker than them? Morals are nothing more than laws created by the society, by the majority. The reason one would find murder repulsive, is because they were taught by birth from those around them, from society, to show kindness, to show mercy. Little did they know, the first to show any sort of kindness on the battlefield, never leave the battlefield.”



Devil Mammon, Sin of Greed

Year ???


--POV: Octavius Chamberlayne—

--Place: 5th Court of the Magic Order / Time:11:23—

“Where were you on the 12th of Janavus at 09:00 o’clock?” The judge asks patiently and calmly as a heavenly silence fills this room, to the point of suffocation.

“I was taking a walk with Viscount Zaron in the 7th ward garden, your honor” I too, respond as patiently and calmly as the judge.

I am currently standing as a witness to prove and confirm that Baron Kainz raped a commoner woman that goes by the name of Alice.

Did he actually rape her, though? No, he didn’t. Why am I testifying to prove something that didn’t happen? Political gain.

Baron Alfador Kainz has recently risen to the position of head of the Kainz household, he commands and lords a neighbouring fief right next to Marquis Chamberlayne’s land, ruled by my father.

He is four years younger than me, being only 17. He rose to the position of head of Kainz, on his father’s death, three months ago. Having no siblings, and little to no relatives, the inheritance passed with ease. In which afterwards, he decided to join the federalist faction, a political faction which is hostile towards Chamberlayne.

Sebastian Kainz, Alfador Kainz’s father, was originally a commoner, however, with decent talent in the sword he rose to the position of Knight Commander, and through that position, rose to nobility after being decreed a true knight of the kingdom by the King himself, and was gifted a decent amount of land that was previously controlled by the crown, becoming a true lord of an estate.

Back to Alfador, he, being the greenhorn in politics that he is, declared himself a member of the federalist faction a month ago. Although he is more like a pawn for the high ranking nobles in the federalist faction to use against Chamberlayne.

Now, in order to gain recognition and favour from my father, I decided to frame Alfador as a rapist, I bribed a girl that was found beaten up in the slums, the girl is Alice. Coincidentally, she was raped by some thug.

I bribed her to go to court with the accusation, Alfador Kainz raped me. However, I had to pick a certain time frame, so there would be no alibis. So I invited him anonymously and sneakily, and told him not to tell anyone, as we belong to rivalling factions, to meet me in a run down restaurant, to give him my congratulations on rising to head of the household, along with a generous gift.

 I then made her accuse him of raping her during that time frame he was talking with me. So there would be no one there to prove he was elsewhere, during the crime.

Now, that he has stated in front of the judge and jury, that he was with me. And me, having denied this, and saying I was having a walk with Viscount Zaron, who is by the way, a part of Chamberlayne’s faction. I have ultimately left him hanging to dry.

“Im..p…os…si..bl…e” He mumbles something, bringing me out of my thoughts “I was with you!! You said you wanted to meet me for a chat!!”

He starts screaming fanatically, along with a lot of spit, pointing in my direction, whole body shaking, with blood shot eyes.

Here is where my act comes in. “Y-your honor” I turn towards the judge, and talked to him in a scared voice. “I-I have n-no idea w-what it is he is s-saying, y-your h-honor” I also use mana to cool down my body, making me look pale.

“ENOUGH!” The judge slams his gavel, as he shouts. Silencing all the murmuring in the jury and the spectators.

“The accuser Alice, has evidence on her body, that she was forced to have sexual relations she did not want.”The judge continues, after no more whispers can be heard. “While the defendant, has no witnesses, alibis or any empirical evidence to defend their statement that they indeed did not rape this girl.”

A lot of the jury, happen to be rich or high-class commoners. Commoners that can live in luxurious and expensive areas of the capital, namely merchants. These merchants and common folk, would most likely side with a poor commoner girl. Over a greenhorn, that was born with wealth and land at the tip of his fingers. Most of the jury after all, worked for their wealth, and weren’t born into it.

“I hereby declare, that Alfador Kainz, shall be stripped of his title and rank, as well as his fief, for his abominable acts” No prison sentence? Well, you can only win so much. However, I still have to collect my spoils for framing this dumb bastard. “As for the fief, who should rule the currently lordless land shall be discussed after tomorrow at 10:00 o’clock, in a separate case in the 7th court”

Now is when the battle for who gains Kainz’s land begin.

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