A Date With Faet

63. Described

Kelly looked at me and asked again, "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, babe?"

"She already said she's fine, sis." Keira pointed out. "And you know as well as I do, she kept us out of it yesterday for our own peace of mind."

It was mid-morning, and all three of us were still in our nightshirts as we sat around the breakfast table in Kelly and my room. It was the same large suite we'd shared every visit since our first, with the huge king-size poster bed, a desk in the corner, the table by the windows, a wardrobe, the big fireplace, and the attached bath room.

Since Keira started coming over with us she'd been given an adjoining room. And thanks to a little magic stonework we had a connecting door between the rooms, so the three of us could get together without anyone having to go out into the hall. Keira shared our bath room, and we got a third chair so she could join us in here for meals.

Her room wasn't quite as large or as lavish, but it was still more than enough for one person. It was nice though having her join us for meals or just to hang out. I'm sure she'd have gotten lonely otherwise.

I swallowed a mouthful of toast and jam then sighed, "Keira's right Kelly. The less you know the better. And I'm fine, but thank you for worrying."

As far as I was concerned, I just wanted to forget about yesterday afternoon completely. The whole situation had sucked and in the end it got us very little in the way of useful information.

Three years ago when I confronted Liam, he may have been helpless but there was a lifetime of bad blood between us. And he kept rubbing it in on how he'd messed with my gender and identity. He'd goaded and pushed until I snapped. And even then, even after everything he'd done and said, I still felt guilty afterwards. I still committed myself to undoing what I'd done to him, because I didn't want to be as bad as him. I didn't want to be that sort of person.

Yesterday afternoon though, at the command of my mother, I had to be worse. I had no quarrel with either of the prisoners. There was no goading, there was nothing they could do or say to taunt me. They were just two helpless people locked in cages, and I was expected to do horrible things to them because they had information Maeve wanted to know.

I went with Keira's suggestion. She was right, it was the least awful out of three terrible options. It was painless, harmless, and fast. It was also a complete violation, and I felt dirty and guilty when I was done.

The first prisoner was a new hire, a guard. He'd been paid off and sent here specifically with the goal of spying on the castle. The second one was a shock. It was the young apprentice healer, Aoife. I found out she'd been magically compelled, forced to act as a spy. The compulsion on her prevented her from even explaining that. She'd been grabbed and 'recruited' in the spring when she left the castle to go and visit her family at Beltane.

They both had the same contact name, some guy called Captain Eamon. Both were to send information the same way, by writing notes on a piece of enchanted parchment. Both had burned their parchment when they were apprehended. And that was it. No other details, no idea who this Eamon guy was, where he was from, or who he worked for or with.

I wound up having dinner alone with Maeve after I was done with the prisoners, and I told her what I learned from her two spies. I also asked her to go easy on Aoife since she'd been forced into it and I was able to break the geas that compelled her to betray the clann.

Maeve thanked me, acknowledged my request for mercy on behalf of the girl, and that was that. The only other feedback was when she seemed to recognize the name I gave her. When I mentioned it, her expression darkened for a moment before she got control of her emotions.

The only other thing that came up during dinner was I asked to have some time alone with her again today. I told her there were a few things I wanted to speak with her about, unrelated to the current crisis.

After a few minutes of silence, Kelly finally sighed. "I'm sorry Tegan, I'll stop asking. And I appreciate that you're protecting me and Keira from...whatever had to be done."

The three of us finished the rest of our breakfast in silence.

Eventually Keira asked, "So what's the plan for today?"

"You two can take it easy, do whatever you like." I replied. "I have to meet with Maeve again for a while. Probably a few hours? Maybe not that long, I'm not sure. Anyways, that's what my afternoon's going to be like."

Kelly looked to her sister and suggested, "We can go for a walk around the castle if you like? Or if you're feeling energetic, we can climb up to the top of the north tower. It's an awesome view from up there."

After breakfast I wound up putting on one of the dresses Maeve supplied. I figured it might make her happy to see me in 'proper clothes' rather than one of my strange Earth outfits, or one of the Earth-inspired outfits me and Kelly had made for us here.

The twins decided to spend the rest of the morning being lazy and just hanging out in the room, but they agreed to go climb the tower in the afternoon.

When the time came I bid them both a good afternoon, then set out to meet Maeve. Rather than the study, this time she asked me to come to the part of the castle which held her private chambers. I'd actually never been in that section before, so it was either an honour, or perhaps kind of scary that I'd been invited there now.

On my way there I ran into seneschal Owen, who was coming to fetch me.

He bowed and said, "Follow me please, Lady Tegan."

Owen led me into Maeve's private wing of the castle, and into a room which almost could have been a normal living-room in a normal house. Unlike all the other rooms I'd seen in this place, this one was small, like the size of room I'd expect in a normal house. There was still a good-sized fireplace and the walls were hidden behind tapestries, and the floor was covered in rich carpeting.

The furniture seemed almost normal too, there was a sofa, a love-seat, and what looked like a recliner. A coffee-table was positioned in front of the sofa, and in the corner was a sideboard with a decanter full of some kind of booze, and a half dozen crystal goblets sat waiting nearby.

"Please wait here, m'lady." Owen said with another bow. "Lady Maeve will join you presently."

I thanked him and sat down on the sofa to wait.

A few minutes later a maid entered, she was carrying a tray of fancy-looking foods. Like an appetizer tray for a party or something. She also had a pitcher of my favourite juice with her. The tray was left on the coffee table, and the juice was placed on the sideboard next to the decanter.

And finally Maeve joined me. She smiled as she entered, "Tegan, I see you've dressed up for our talk. I appreciate the gesture, but I know you find our fashions uncomfortable."

She was actually dressed a little more casually this time. It really felt like I'd wandered into her house, rather than being in part of the huge castle. And I realized that's probably what this was. Her private wing was literally her own personal residence inside the larger castle.

I smiled back at her and shrugged, "I figured I'd make the effort. Not saying I'll make a habit of it, but..."

"I understand, Tegan." She moved to the sideboard first and poured herself a glass of the booze, and a glass of juice for me. Then she came and sat down beside me on the sofa.

She set the juice down in front of me, then had a sip of her drink. Finally she gestured at the food, "Please, help yourself. Now, what was it you wanted to discuss?"

I thanked her for the juice, and picked out one of the little appetizer things from the tray. It crossed my mind that perhaps all of this was a reward, or a 'thank you' for getting her that information yesterday. She knew how uncomfortable the whole situation had made me, maybe she was doing this to thank me for putting my feelings aside and getting the job done.

The food was divine. I mean, food always tasted better here, but this stuff was next-level. I couldn't believe she ate like this every day, this had to be something special she'd put together for me.

After a few bites, I finally got to the conversation.

"There's three things I wanted to talk with you about, mother." I explained. "First was, I've decided I want to learn the sorts of things you've said I need to know. Swordplay, using the bow, fae history, politics, all of that. I'd also like to learn to ride horses better, and maybe even learn more about travel and camping and that sort of thing."

I took a deep breath and summed it up, "Basically I want to learn to be a Brádaigh. But I'm not in a position to move here. Not yet. Kelly and I still have a life on Earth. So, I guess I'm not sure when I can start. But I do want to learn."

Maeve was quiet, her reaction subdued. But I could tell by the look in her eyes, she was thrilled.

"Well Tegan... I'm very pleased to hear that, as I'm sure you can tell."

She paused for a bite to eat, then looked thoughtful. "I could send a contingent of soldiers over to Earth. You really should have at least an honour-guard there. I'd make sure to include an experienced trainer. Then you'd have someone on-staff who could tutor you on sword, bow, and horse riding."

She had a sip of her drink and added, "I could also send someone to school you on history and politics."

I grimaced slightly, "I appreciate the thought mother, but I've only got six acres. And my house is the right size for me and the twins. There's nowhere to house a tutor, let alone a contingent of soldiers."

Maeve looked at me with a disapproving frown, "Please don't repeat that where anyone else will hear, Tegan. Six acres is an embarrassment. There are peasants with more land."

"I know mother," I sighed. "Things are very different on Earth. Land's very expensive and large estates are hard to come by, particularly in the area where I live."

"Hmm," she looked thoughtful. "When you're ready to return to Earth, I will send you off with more resources. Make your neighbouring landholders an offer, see if you can acquire their properties peacefully. If they refuse, then take it by force."

Before I could comment, Maeve asked, "What else did you want to discuss, Tegan?"

"Ok, this is maybe an odd request," I sighed. "I know you have contacts, spies on Earth. I need to know all you can find out about a fae named Keenan ó Conghaile. He's Kelly and Keira's grandfather. I have some suspicions about him, but I don't want Kelly and her sister to know. Not until I have some proof."

Maeve nodded, "Very well. I'll pass on your request. It may take time of course, Tegan. Months perhaps."

"I understand," I nodded. "Thank you mother."

She ate a bit more then asked, "May I ask what you suspect this man of doing?"

I sighed. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her. "Before I answer that, will you promise that whatever we might learn about Keenan, you won't hold it against Kelly or Keira?"

Maeve nodded "Of course Tegan. You have my word."

"Thank you." I took a breath then explained, "I think he worked for Eileen. I think when Liam kidnapped me and escaped to Earth, Keenan was there waiting for him. Liam would have needed a contact, a guide. Perhaps an assistant."

I hesitated, then added, "It's even possible Keenan was the main participant on Earth. Liam may have just delivered me to Keenan and left it up to him to perform the changeling ritual."

My fae-mom's expression grew darker as she listened to me. Finally she nodded, "I will set my people on the task Tegan, and I will ask them to make it a priority."

We were both just about done with the food, so the two of us just relaxed with our drinks.

After a few minutes Maeve asked, "You indicated there were three subjects you wished to discuss. We've covered two of them, I think? What was the third topic you wanted to talk with me about?"

I took a deep breath. "This is actually the most important of the three, but also the most delicate. It concerns Kelly and Keira. There's something I want to do for them, a gift I want to offer them. Before I do that though, I need to verify that what I'm planning is going to be acceptable. That I won't be breaking any major taboos or putting any of the three of us in jeopardy."

Maeve stood up and took our glasses over to the sideboard to refill them, then returned to the sofa. She handed me my juice and sat back down next to me.

"Well, that does sound like you have something significant in mind, Tegan." She paused for a sip of her drink, then asked, "So why don't you tell me what it is you have planned for your friends?"

"Right," I nodded. I braced myself then began explaining my idea, my Samhain gift for the twins.

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