A Date With Faet

10. Contented

I slowly drifted awake and took a deep breath. My first thoughts were about last night, and I felt another flutter in my stomach. I actually lost count of how many times I came. Kelly was in charge the whole time, but she was always gentle and she definitely put my pleasure ahead of her own.

I had no idea she was into that stuff, or if she'd want to do more of it after I was back to normal. I can't say I didn't enjoy it though. I doubted I could ever be a domme, but being her sub was incredible.

At the moment though, I wasn't really interested in more. I felt really good, happy, and satisfied. We were still cuddling, and after the wild intensity of last night, it was nice to just lie quietly in bed with her like this.

Kelly's naked chest was pressed against my back, her arms around my waist. Her hands were just below my chest, tucked under my boobs. Our legs were intertwined, one of hers in between my own. I'd never been the little spoon before, but I loved it. I let out a happy sigh as I lay there, a blissful smile on my face.

After a couple minutes, Kelly whispered "Tegan? Are you awake?"

"Yeah," I grinned. "Good morning Kelly."

She shifted slightly, "Good morning."

I stifled a sigh as she pulled away, then I rolled over so I could look at her.

"So," she seemed a little nervous as she asked, "What did you think of last night?"

My cheeks started going pink and I bit my lower lip, but I smiled "That was... Wow! I've never experienced anything like it."

Kelly smiled, but I could tell she was still nervous about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my grin fading.

She sounded a little uneasy as she asked, "Are you ready for me to dispell the magic on you?"

I sighed, but nodded. "It's been fun. A lot of fun. But yeah, I guess it's time for the fantasy to end and me to return to reality."

Kelly asked, "Right now?"

I frowned, then sighed once more. In all honesty I really wasn't ready. I was embarrassed to admit it, even to myself, but I really enjoyed being Tegan. And I really wasn't looking forward to being...him again. I wasn't ready to try and examine those feelings, but a large part of me just really wanted to keep being Tegan.

I knew that wasn't an option though. I had a whole life as that other guy. I couldn't just turn my back on all that. And anyways, Kelly said the spell was temporary so really it was a question of when I changed back, not if.

Finally I nodded. "Yeah, may as well get it over with. Then we can shower, and maybe figure out breakfast I guess. I have to return those other clothes today too."

She nodded, then slowly reached her hand out and gently pressed a fingertip against the top of my chest, below my throat. More or less the same place where the crystal necklace had been on Friday night.

I felt a little bit of dread settle in the pit of my stomach, and I closed my eyes.

With her finger lightly touching my chest, Kelly whispered something. More magic words I assumed.

I kept my eyes closed and waited for the inevitable.

After a few seconds, I felt Kelly's finger press a little harder and she whispered again.

There was another pause, then she said "Uh, Tegan?" She sounded scared.

I opened my eyes, "What's wrong?"

Kelly's face was pale and her eyes wide. "It's not working. I'm trying to dispell the magic but nothing's happening!"

I sat up and let the sheets slip down off me. I was still Tegan. Still a short cute girl, with purple hair and big boobs.

"Don't freak out!" Kelly said, as she sounded like she was starting to freak out.

"I'm not," I replied. And I wasn't. My heart was racing slightly, but that may have been excitement rather than fear. "Can you figure out what's wrong?"

Kelly sat up and rubbed her head as she frowned. Finally she sighed, "I have to make a phone call. And I'm probably going to be in deep trouble. But we'll fix this."

"Just don't panic," I gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm going to put the coffee on."

I didn't bother with clothes. If I was stuck like this for a little while longer, I decided I was going to enjoy it while I could.

Kelly got up as well and pulled on her nightshirt. She wound up on the sofa with her phone while I was in the kitchenette getting the coffee machine started.

I didn't exactly mean to eavesdrop, but it's a small apartment so I didn't have much choice really.

"Hi mom," Kelly said into the phone. "Sorry to bother you so early, but I've got a problem. I uh, screwed up."

Her mother's voice was audible through the phone but I couldn't make out what was being said. I'd never actually met Kelly's parents, but I knew Kelly and Keira were from somewhere out of town.

After a pause, she explained "I used a transformation spell on my uh, boyfriend. And before you say anything, yes he agreed to it. That was Friday evening. Now I'm trying to dispell it, but nothing's happening."

Her mother sounded a little angry and Kelly winced, then blushed. She answered, "Uh... Into a girl..."

After some more angry noises from the phone, she protested "She's honestly taking it really well? I mean, I think she actually likes it..."

Now her mom was yelling, and Kelly moved the phone away from her ear as she grimaced. Even with her mom shouting I couldn't make out what was being said. Eventually it dawned on me, she wasn't speaking English. I didn't recognize the language but my guess would have been Irish.

Finally her mother stopped yelling and Kelly looked at me. She whispered something and I saw a flicker of light in her eyes but nothing else seemed to happen. She frowned and said into the phone, "No, nothing. How can that be?"

Her mom must have switched from yelling to quiet, because I couldn't hear her now. Kelly's eyes widened though and she whispered, "Oh fuck. Please tell me that's not the only answer... Ok... Ok... All right. Thanks mom."

Kelly put her phone down and let out a deep sigh. She looked really worried now.

Fortunately the coffee machine was doing its thing and we'd have a couple mugs ready in the next minute or two.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly. "It sounded like your mom was uh, a little pissed at you."

She looked at me, her expression a mix of confusion, fear, and compassion. "I can't believe you, Tegan. You have to know how serious this is, and you're still worried about me being ok."

I gave her a warm smile, "You're worrying about me, so I'm worrying about you."

Kelly sighed again and slowly shook her head. She still had that mix of fear, confusion, and compassion on her face.

When the machine was done, I got both our coffees ready then joined her on the sofa. I set hers on the table in front of her and sat down beside her.

"So what did your mom say?" I asked. "Give me the bad news."

Kelly sighed, "Put down your coffee and look me in the eyes please."

I had a sip then set my mug on the coffee table next to hers. I turned slightly towards her, and of course had to tilt my head up to look her in the eyes.

She whispered some of her magic words, and I saw another flicker of light deep in her eyes. I don't know what else happened, but she flinched and pulled back slightly. It was almost as if she'd seen a ghost or something.

I frowned, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Kelly bit her lip. "I can't dispell my magic, because it's already gone. It's probably been gone since the moment I worked the spell on Friday night."

"That doesn't make sense. I mean, you said last night your spell made me sort of subby and I'm pretty sure that worked."

She blushed, "There were two spells, Tegan. One affected your mind, one was supposed to change your body. That second one would only hold you in the altered shape as long as the magic was in place. As soon as the magic's gone, your shape goes back to normal."

"That still doesn't make any sense though," I said, trying to understand what she was saying. "I mean, your magic changed me into Tegan, and I'm still Tegan now."

Kelly sighed, "But that's not what my magic was supposed to do, remember? I told you what I was trying to do, and this wasn't it."

I shook my head, "I'm still not getting it. What are you saying?"

"Mom says my spell probably started to change you but failed. And that probably broke another spell that was already on you. And without that other spell, you snapped back to your true self."

I looked down at myself, sitting there naked on the sofa.

Kelly said softly, "This is the real you. And Tegan's probably your true name. That's why it feels so right to you. That's why the other name feels so wrong, now that the other spell is gone."

Outwardly I was staying calm, but inwardly my heart was racing. And my mind was spinning, back and forth through everything that happened since Friday.

The name was just one small part of the whole experience. There's the fact that apart from the initial shock, I didn't really freak out about any of this. How I felt looking at myself in the mirror. How much I enjoyed shopping, being cute, just being Tegan. Heck even the news that this might actually be permanent didn't upset me that much.

Finally I asked, "What was the thing with looking into my eyes? I saw some light in your eyes just then. It was like Friday night when you worked the spell, your eyes flashed before the glowy stuff happened."

"You saw that on Friday too?" she sounded surprised.

I nodded then had a sip of my coffee.

Kelly sighed, "Our eyes do what when we use or are exposed to magic. Humans can't see it though, only we can. What I just did right now was... Basically I bounced some harmless magic off you. When I did the spell on Friday I didn't see it, but that's probably because your true nature was concealed. But just now, I saw it. Your eyes flashed too. You're one of us."

"You mean I'm part-fae, like you?"

She shook her head, "Not part, just fae. You're what we call a changeling... A fae child, disguised and left with human parents."

I sat back on the sofa and sighed. I still wasn't freaking out, but I think at the moment I was mostly just numb. I didn't understand a lot of what she was saying, and what I did understand, I wasn't quite ready to believe yet.

Finally I asked, "I guess my first question is, how do I explain this to my parents? And then next question, what do I do about work tomorrow? And college next month? What do I do about ID?"

Kelly sighed, "I have to talk with my mom again. She'll probably come to see us, and hopefully she can help."

"Ok," I said quietly and had another sip of coffee. "How can she help?"

She finally picked up her mug and had some coffee as well, then replied "She'll know what to do. Mom knows way more about magic than me, and she can fix your ID and stuff. And she'll probably know how to talk to your folks."

After a pause she added, "Unfortunately she might ground me for the next decade or something. Me and Keira both actually. I wasn't kidding when I said we're not supposed to do this stuff."

"Ground you?" I asked, surprised. "What are you, fifteen?"

Kelly sighed, "If she's angry enough, she'll find a way."

By now, some of the numbness started to fade, and I was beginning to feel better again. I looked up at her and asked, "Kelly, do you know what this means?"

She hesitated. "Uh...not really?"

"It means I don't have to take all my cute clothes back after all!" I grinned. "Better still, I have an excuse to buy more!"

She almost face-palmed again. "Tegan... You're impossible!"

I giggled, "You've created a monster, Kelly. Now you have to deal with the consequences."

She rolled her eyes then mock-threatened, "I still haven't removed that other spell, remember? If you start acting bratty on me, I'll use my domme-voice."

I bit my lip and grinned, "This morning just keeps getting better and better..."

Kelly sighed and I giggled again as I cuddled up against her. "Wanna go out for breakfast? I feel like pancakes. Or waffles!"

She sighed again but wrapped her arm around my shoulders. She whispered "Make it brunch. I'm too comfy right now."

My head rested on her shoulder and I nodded, feeling happy and content.

I didn't know yet what was going to happen with my family, or my life. But whatever the future held, I'd face it as Tegan.

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