A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 344: Gossiping about their husband I

Layla who was looking at Olivia with an indescribable gaze in her eyes suddenly said before Olivia could continue.

"Is that really why you came here? To tell me the nonsense you are spouting from your mouth? What do you mean by you have lived through disastrous events with him? I have also gone through things with him that could have taken our lives. Anyways, I agree that you are the first wife since it's you he knew before he entered into a relationship with me. But that doesn't mean you should be bossy around me. I won't take such bullshit from you" Layla angrily retorted.

"Oh really? Well, that's cool of you to say. Anyways, I wouldn't be bossy around you if you just do what I said. I have said what I need to tell you so you could enjoy sharing Alex with me, and I wouldn't repeat myself again. I am leaving" Olivia said and then stood from her seat.

Layla looked at Olivia as she walked towards the door and said "Wait, you are leaving just like that?"

Olivia turned around to look at Layla and said "Yea. Sure."

"Hmm. I know we started together on a bad note. But can we start all over again. Let's get to know each other. And we could discuss or gossip about our husband." Layla said.

"Okay" Olivia agreed after pondering about it for a moment.

Then she turned around to go back to the seat she stood up from.

"So, what would you like to know about Alex?" Olivia asked.

"Well, everything you know about him. You could start by telling me how you met him" Layla said.

Olivia smiled.

"Okay." She said.

"When I was younger, like fifteen years old, I was kinda arrogant because of my status at the Immovable Mountain Academy. You know, being called the Great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain Academy got to my head. So at that point in time, I and a few other people were sent to the red lotus mountain to retrieve a blue crystal lily to treat a senior that was stung by a particular deadly insect. Also, our mission in that place was to hone our battle experience. It was there we came across Alex. Not really us, it was he who came across us. He was hiding behind a rock at the entrance of the cave we were in when the oldest in our group demanded that he showed himself or he would be beaten." Olivia said and smiled as she began to recount everything that transpired between her and Alex when they were younger.

"At that point in time, he was so naive, so innocent. And I think he liked beautiful girls. I arrived at this because he was always looking at me. I always felt his gaze hovering about my body without stop throughout my adventure in that cave. So, this gave me the feeling that he couldn't get enough of my beauty, and that he was into girls with attractive faces and bodies. Haha! But as for me, I didn't spare him a second glance then because I was, you know, arrogant. Although he was astonishingly handsome when I first saw him, I however saw him as an ant that could be squashed to death by a single attack from me. I looked down on him with disdain in my eyes. I didn't talk to him when he was discussing with the others. But my arrogance didn't continue for long when I saw how powerful he was." Olivia said.

"As we walked in search of the blue crystal lily, hundreds of beasts suddenly appeared from many meters away. Then we started unleashing killing rays of the energies that we cultivated at the beasts to slay them. But it came to our great shock and amazement when Alex's single attack would go on to kill at least ninety beasts at once. While I who was the strongest in the group could only take down a maximum of twenty beasts with a single attack. So, not willing to lose to him and be inwardly ridiculed by my colleagues, I set out to show how powerful I was by killing so many beasts at once with a strong, fire-based attack. However, it left me very weak and pale-skinned. Then when I recovered my depleted energy after cultivating for a long time and then moved on to continue our search for the blue crystal lily, we unfortunately came across a beast king that there was no way I would be able to fight and subdue. It would instantly tear all of us apart if we stayed to fight. It was Alex who had the lowest cultivation base of us all that came forward to fight a beast king that was a condensation-rank beast, while he was at initial-phase, entry stage. And to our tremendous surprise, Alex destroyed it. Can you imagine such power and prowess? It was then it dawned on me that we couldn't be called together in the same tone. So, I dropped my foolish arrogance and became friendly to him. And I when I came close to him, he was all over him. I guessed he really liked me. But I wouldn't lie to you, just that amazing battle power that he showed back then made me to instantly like him. It was then he appeared very handsome in my vision and I began to see him as someone I would love to date" She said with a reminiscent gaze in her eyes.

"Wow!" Layla said as her eyes shone with awe.

Her mind at the moment couldn't stop reeling from the marveling thing that Olivia said about Alex.

"So he was that powerful back then. Even to the point of killing a beast king that was at a level above his cultivation stage? I am so amazed by his prowess." Layla said with a brilliant light of awe in her eyes.

"Yea. Same with me. Then when we got to know each other, my mind was delivered another tremendous shock again when he said that he was from the Houston mansion, and that the owner of the mansion was his uncle, Houston. It was then I understood that I was basically nothing beside him. His uncle, I believe, is a hundred if not a thousand times wealthier than my entire family if they combine their resources together. This then made me very unhappy at the lordly attitude I foolishly displayed to him many moments ago. Despite the insanely enormous wealth that his uncle possessed and his terrific battle prowess, Alex wasn't proud, neither was he arrogant, when he should have been and everyone would see it as a normal thing." Olivia said.

Then she continued "However, we sadly couldn't stay with Alex for long when we came across the students of the Scarlet Fire academy that were fifteen in number and were all at the late-phase and peak-phase entry stage. And with them not hiding the sinister intentions of their hearts from us, Alex who I knew had a liking for me, told us to leave the cave at once. While he actually stayed behind to hold them back for us all by himself just so we could escape from the clutches of their evil claws. It was then that I couldn't see him again. I however knew that he wouldn't be killed. He was too strong to be overpowered by those fifteen guys from the Scarlet Fire academy. And because of what he did, trying to sacrifice himself for a bunch of strangers, my heart completely wanted him. My heart began to yearn only for him and nothing else. I didn't want any other man except him. If we hadn't reconnected, I would never marry anyone else in this life and fully dedicate my soul and every essence of my being to cultivation to become the strongest in the realmverse."

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