A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 307: Stalling

"Hello folks. Welcome" Alex said with a smile.

"Where is the treasure-palace?" One of them directly asked, ignoring Alex's greeting.

"Oh that. It's with me. But wait, before you do anything, I want you all to know that I am too weak to keep that kind of treasure with me. So, since I can't keep that kind of treasure with me, I want to auction it out to the wealthiest cultivator here. Now, the starting price is twelve billion yellow sapphirstones. Anyone that has the highest bid gets the treasure-palace. Bids start now" Alex said.

Immediately Alex said that, the cultivators in the air looked at each other.

Then when they placed their focus back on Alex, one said "Isn't twelve billion yellow sapphirstones too much for the treasure-palace. I don't think I have that kind of money on me. And I believe same goes for everyone. Therefore, you should reduce your auction price for the treasure-palace"

"Okay. To how much if I may ask? Do advise me" Alex said.

"Well, to a hundred yellow sapphirstones. That way, everyone here would be able to bid for it. Then the treasure can go to the highest bidder" The cultivator that spoke earlier said.

Alex looked at him with a smile and saluted him.

"I think I can go with that. So, gentlemen and ladies, please place your bids" Alex said.

The cultivators in the air furrowed their brows.

This boy actually wants to sell off that kind of treasure-palace for such low price? They started to doubt if the treasure-palace was original. It could be a fake they thought

"Gentlemen and ladies, you are wasting precious time. And time is money. So please place your bids" Alex's voice rang out again.

"Show us the treasure-palace. We want to see it to know if it's an original" One of the cultivators said.

"Oh. I can't you show that until you have place your bids. You would only see it when the treasure-palace goes to the highest bidder. So, stop contemplating and start bidding. We don't have all day" Alex said.

Although it sounds like Alex was making a fool out of them, he was actually trying to stall for time to bring up the God-eyes of Ice World Creation and Glacial Desolation. He wanted it to manifest so he deploy the vast power of Ice that it possessed.

When Layla told him three days ago about the vision she got and the icy feeling that she experienced within her body when she looked into his eyes, Alex had been focusing on the eyes, trying to understand how to use it power for himself. Although it was not like the God-eyes of Grand Destruction that was weaponized i.e. had exceedingly enormous and astronomically powerful, Weapon-Class arrays embedded into it which could produce immeasurably vast amounts of Destruction Originforce energy (Primordial Energy of Destruction), making it a Marvel-Weapon that he needed to understand to be able to operate as he would a weapon, the God-eyes of Ice World creation and Glacial Desolation which belonged to an ancient expert who had cultivated frostforce energy to the Immortal Cultivation stage that it transformed into Frost Originforce energy or Frost Primalforce energy (Primordial Energy of Ice), and finally to the near-pinnacle stage where no other cultivator of frostforce energy (Ice cultivator) would be able to reach in a tremendously great number of years, didn't need to be understood like it was a weapon.

So, since already had an understanding of frostforce energy since he also cultivated it, he was able to chip away a little of the seals placed on the full ability of the God-eyes. Therefore, after three days of dedicatedly trying his best to wear away one of the many seals inhibiting the God-eyes from showing it full potential, he was able to wear away three-fifth of a single seal out of the billions of seals placed on the eyes to immensely restrain it flow of power. Although this sounds very low for the God-eyes to be able to produce insane devastating power, one shouldn't underestimate the power of an ancient expert, as only 0.01% of their full power could sunder and reduce numerous cities to dusts.

So, what Alex was doing to stall for a little amount of time to cause the God-eyes of Ice World Creation and Glacial Desolation to manifest.

"I said bring out the treasure-palace from wherever you kept it!" The expert that spoke earlier said again with a loud booming voice that could cause mortals to explode into mists of blood.

Alex's tough body instantly cracked in hundreds of places when the power-imbued booming voice rang out. Also, because of the air suddenly greatly expanded like tons of powerful, rock-splintering bombs detonated at once, Alex was launched into the distance where he landed to the ground thirty feet away from where he initially stood and still dragged upon it surface for twenty feet more before coming to a stop.

Although intense excruciating pain racked him, it wasn't enough to make him scream out in anguish. Then with muffled groans, he quickly produced a peerless-grade, Saint-rank healing pill which he swallowed.

Once this got to his stomach and instantly dissolved, turning into large amounts of healforce energy, it rapidly spread throughout his entire body and accelerated his body's insanely fast healing process.

When the cracks all over his body disappeared in an instant, Alex then stood up to his feet and dusted himself. Then he looked at the experts who had begun flying towards him with stern expressions in their faces. But he could see in their eyes certain degrees of surprise. He knew that they were shocked that he had quickly recovered from the powerful sound blast that was unleashed by a cultivator who cultivated soundforce energy. Although they knew it was a pill, but what kind of pill was that? What they wouldn't know was that Alex swallowed a peerless-grade healing pill meant for Saint stage cultivators. And this he had been doing since a long time ago. So, although his body was supposed to explode into bits from the huge amounts of healing-energy that would be unleashed upon dissolution of the high-rank regeneration pill in his stomach, his body which was now tough had long grown accustomed to it that he doesn't feel a little as aching, pressuring or stretching of any of his organs. He also wouldn't feel bloated or anything like that.

"Why are you so stubborn? Produce the treasure-palace now!!" Another cultivator asked and commanded after recollecting himself from the shock that Alex gave him.

"Gosh. So condescending! Why should I do so? So that you can take it forcefully from me and kill me?" Alex questioned with utmost disrespect in his tone.

"I would have killed you since if not that I can't exactly place where you hid the treasure-palace. Also, I have scanned the entire valley using my field-scanning sense ability when I first appeared. But surprisingly, I couldn't detect it. And no spatial ring can be seen on you. I wonder where you hid it, and how you are able to do so since I can't perceive the treasure-palace on you and in anywhere here. So, that's what's keeping you alive. Nothing else. But once you are forced to produce the treasure-palace and you eventually do so, the next thing for you is a cold-blooded, grievous death. Therefore, I would like to see you getting tortured by these impatient folks. And when your mind and body isn't able to take it anymore and then you produce the palace, that would be your death! Hahaha" The law enforcement agent who had been silent since he appeared here finally spoke with coldness in his tone and laughed raucously.

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