A Cracked Star

Chapter 26: Pity the Frogs



“What are you doing?” I hear one of my sisters call out.


“Just making sure our bag is set with everything we need.” I replied as I continued to look through the supplies given to us by one of the merchants in the guild. Apparently every adventurer can get a monthly bag with a few supplies, test takers also get one but if they fail then they can’t get another one even if they try to retake the test.


Dawn comes over to the side of the bed to face me, “Supplies, we had those?” 


“We didn’t, I went to grab them this morning once that section of the place opened up.” I told her before looking up to her. “Also I’m surprised you’re up this late.” 


Dawn starts to scratch at her cheek as she lightly laughs, “Yeah, I had a decent night of sleep for once, all thanks to the dwarven spirits.” 


I guess she had a fun time at least, if Taleah’s recount of the event was anything to go by. “Taleah let us know what time we have to be at the city gates for the test, we still have an hour if you want to take over for a bit and get cleaned up. Just don’t use anything extra, already did all that earlier.”


“Oh are you done with the supplies?” She asked.


“Yes, they gave us two potions, one for wounds and another in case we get poisoned, they didn’t specify what type though so I’ll have to bring it up with Stella later. One thing that was nice was that they gave us some extra rations since we didn’t need to rent a weapon.” I said, giving control over to Dawn.


“Anything else? Like a tent or something.” Dawn said, as she headed to the bathroom.


“Mmm, nothing like that, we have materials for torches and a fire starter.” I replied as I floated around Dawn freely, relishing in the feeling. “Even if they’re useless for us.”


“Oh don’t be like that, you never know when a situation comes up where we can’t use mana.” Dawn said as she shrugged her shoulders.




An hour later, I’m walking through the streets of the city as we make our way to the city gates. Seeing the lively market once again as I start to notice more armed individuals heading the same direction as us. Most of them seem to be made of groups, with very few people alone. 


A little bit ahead of us, there is a group of six people, half of them were male wood elves that can be seen everywhere. They carried a wide range of weapons, from shortswords and crossbows, to daggers. The last one was carrying a stringed instrument?


“Is that a yarting?” Stella asked. 


“Yarting?” Dawn replied.


“Yeah, a stringed instrument that I’ve only ever heard of. It apparently has a really good tone to it but only elven bards ever seem to use it.” She taught us.


A dwarven male who notices us with a look of recognition, probably from last night, as he waves at us. A tall human man wearing heavy plate armor, a shield and mace in his hand. The last member of their party was a woman who wore light clothing, and was barefooted. She stopped suddenly on the small bridge we were crossing before turning to stare at a group of frogs that croak loudly amongst themselves.


“Hold on, those frogs are talking shit.” The woman says in common as she starts to glow. She jumps towards the frogs, turning into one herself before ruthlessly biting on the other frogs and throwing them over her frog shoulders? 


The wood elf with the instrument starts to walk to the edge of the bridge, “Save your pity for the weak!” 


Something about that line sounds strangely familiar as I feel a small headache starting to build up. The elf, still playing his instrument quickly as the druid woman continues to fight the frogs. Looking over the rest of the party, I noticed that most of the party members were laughing while the human male just rested his head in his hands. 


Dawn and Stella, are off to my side laughing loudly as they watch the events unfold. I continue to stare at everything before remembering our current objective. 




“Here, before you leave for your quest.” A guard says as he hands me a metal plate with inscriptions covering the entire thing. 


“What is this?” I asked while trying to not show on my face the irritation I feel. Stella and Dawn took the time to stare at the metal plate, floating right in front of me oblivious to my growing irritation.


“What do you think? I feel like it’s some sort of tracker or something, this is a test so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s to help the guild employees know where we are in case of emergencies.” Dawn said, getting a raised eyebrow from Stella.


“You’ve been awake in this world for what, a few months and you seemingly know the intricacies of magic?” Stella said.


The guard, not knowing of their conversation, continues to explain about the metal plate. “This plate will help record any magical beasts or creatures that you might potentially kill, and also the number if you’re fighting a bunch of them. Do note that if you feel you can’t accomplish whatever fight you’re in, just imbue this plate with your mana and it will notify the guild you need help.”


“See, it does track things.” Dawn said as a grin formed on her face.


“You wouldn’t have known that if the guard didn’t mention it.” Stella retorts.


I’m going to smack them both when I get the chance. They can bicker all they want, but not in front of my damn face, especially not if I’m talking to someone. 


“Thank you for the heads up.” I replied to the guard.


We start to make our way down the road as we go to our quest destination.


“So what exactly are we hunting?” Dawn asked.


“Apparently it's been reported that a group of dust mephits have been seen terrorizing a farmers land.” I replied.


“Dust mephits? That doesn’t make any sense.” Stella quickly said, “We’re nowhere near a desert.”


“I don’t know what to tell you, that’s what's been reported and it’s our task to kill them. It’s our test to join the ranks.” I said.


“Are they strong?” Dawn asked.


Stella, sighing at Dawn’s remarks, answers her before I can. “Not really, the risk factor they have is that once killed, they have a chance to explode causing some destruction. They also attack in groups.”


“Anything else you can recall?” I replied, continuing to make our way down the highway, hoping to not look like a lunatic who talked to themselves.


“Not really, I feel like I’m forgetting something important but I just can’t think of it.” She said.


“Greaaat.” Dawn said slowly, getting a light smack on the back of her head from Stella. “What was that for?”


“Don’t you antagonize me brat.” Stella said, making Dawn reel back as she placed a hand on her chest, looking at Stella in shock.


“Me? I would never.” She said, dodging Stella who moved to smack her again.


“Will you two ever quit it?” I said looking at the two of them.


“Never!” Dawn playfully says as she smacks Stella in the face with her tail, only to doge her hand. 


“Oh that’s it you.” Stella replied, chasing her as they flew around me. 


“This is going to be a long day.” I said to myself, quiet enough my sisters wouldn’t hear me.




I have Stella and Dawn on the ground, the legs underneath them as they kneel with their heads hanging down. “Just a few hours, that’s all I ask. A few hours of peace and quiet and what do I get? Children who can’t stop bickering about stupid topics.”


“They aren’t stupid.” Dawn mutters to herself.


“What was that?” I quickly glare at her.


“Nothing.” She said immediately, getting a snicker from Stella before I smack her on the top of her head.


“You’re not free of blame either.” I told her. 


As we were making our way towards the farm I noticed that the dirt trail we veered off to was slick and muddy from the recent storms. Stella and Dawn, not paying attention as they ‘played’, eventually flew into me, causing me to stumble into a muddy puddle nearby making one of our only sets of clothes dirty.


“So what are we going to do for the rest of the way?” I said, my eyes twitching as I stared at my sisters.


“”We’re going to play nice and hold hands the rest of the way to make up.”” They replied together.


“Yes you will.” I said before picking them up as my head continued to hurt. “Now, you can either stay out here, or go back to our soul realm until we get to the farm.”




It didn’t take much longer for us to reach the farm, mostly we spent the time talking and looking at the scenery. Dawn had the idea of freezing all the mud on my clothes to just scrape off, leaving me cleansed from the mud earlier. Though it did take a bit to get the hang of it and not freeze all of my clothing.


The farm, while a few hours away from the city, had an overlook from the cliff area situated towards the shoreline in the distance. 


“It’s beautiful.” I hear Stella say, no longer under punishment with Dawn. 


“Wonder what they grow here.” Dawn said.


“Don’t know but I can see the owners over there.” I said, pointing towards the house with the owner sitting out on their porch. 


Walking over I get a closer look on the couple, an old wood elf, wrinkles covering his face, white hair adorned with a couple bald spots here and there. Wearing a loose gray t-shirt with dark blue overalls. Holding a pipe in hand as he rocks back and forth in his chair. 


“Hello.” I called out to the man, getting his attention.


“A beastkin? Don’t see many of your kind down here often.” His voice coarse as he replied. “I take it you’re here for my request?”


“Indeed.” I replied. “Dust mephits right?” 


“That’s what I saw, though I did get some conflicted looks from the guild receptionist when I was reporting it.” He replied.


“Ah, well. . .” I scratched my cheek as I could understand why. “Dust mephits are known to be around deserts so to see one in a forest filled with nature and life is a bit weird.”


“That would do it. Could never know with these magic beasts. Always something with them.” The man says as he takes a hit from his pipe again.


“Do you know where they are usually sighted?” I asked.


“Oh yeah, just over there.” He leisurely points off into the distance.


Taking the time to look, I can see a group of dust mephits destroying the farmland they were at, throwing magic around them. The creatures were small creatures, hanging in the air with their leathery wings. Their noses were elongated and sharp on the end, a wide smile showing their serrated teeth as they cackled amongst themselves. 


Their arms hung below or in front of them allowing me to see that they were much longer than their legs that were scrunched under them.


“Ew.” Dawn said. 


“I knew they were ugly but what the fuck.” Stella said, getting a few giggles out of Dawn.


“How many do you think there are?” Dawn asked.


“I don’t know but it’s over a dozen I know for sure.”


“Let's deal with them then, can’t wait all day else they escape.” I said before starting to walk out. 


“Be careful lass.” The old man says.


“Will do.” I replied.




We hid ourselves as we got closer to the mephits, using the tall crops and logs that were scattered about. “So how do we want to do this?” I asked.


“If  you want, I can pin down a few of them with my arrows, try to catch their wings or something. Got a few ideas.” Stella said.


“I’ll let you two initiate the fight since I’m not that proficient with magic from a distance yet.” Dawn said, floating above.


“Could do that. Then we continue to bombard them with arrows and magic?” I asked.


“Yeah, just keep switching between me and you, hopefully taking them out before they get close.” Stella said as she readied her bow. The blue veins started to glow as she imbued her bow with magic. An arrow with a brown tip starts to form. 


“Before we start, let me summon Rosa, she should be able to help us once they start attacking.” Dawn said as she summoned her. 


Play?” Rosa asked as she sat by us, her tail happily wagging. 


“Not now, we’re going to be attacking monsters soon and once they start to attack we’ll need you help in dealing with them.” I said.


So still play.” Rosa happily replied.


“No!” I loudly whispered, Dawn letting out a soft laugh.


Finally ready, Stella releases the arrow into the group of mephits, we watch as the first one gets pierced and pinned to the ground before the arrow starts to glow. The area of impact from the arrow explodes out as spikes form on the ground in all directions. Catching another mephit while scratching others. 


Taking the chance we reposition so the mephits don’t catch sight of us. While doing so, Stella preps another arrow, this time the tip a bright reddish orange, releasing it once ready. The mephits notice us as they start to head towards us. 


The arrow lands in the middle of the earth spikes, causing an explosion, creating a makeshift shrapnel explosion. Some of the mephits were injured in the process, they stopped advancing and started to form a spell in the air beside them. 


 The others that were advancing were slinging spells, throwing spears formed from the earth at us. 


“Switch!” I yell out. 


Taking control I create a wall of ice to block the spears, while still allowing me to see them coming. I try to gain some distance while I start to form small icicles in the air, spinning them around before launching them in the direction of the incoming mephits.


“I see what you meant by a few ideas.” Dawn said to Stella as they watched. 


“It was interesting, wasn't it.” She replied. “I noticed that I was able to form arrows and that I could cause different effects based on an idea. I haven’t figured out everything about what I could do but it’s been successful so far.”


“Less talking, more lookout!” I yell at them as I dodge spears shot at me. 


“Yes mother.” Stella says with a hint of sass.


“Sister!” I replied as Dawn whistled out.


“Sick em Rosa!” She yelled out, Rosa who grew to her larger form rushed out to the mephits to attack them. Her claws started to ignite as she imbued them with mana. Her starry back looked brighter than usual as she did this1.


We continued to play a game of hit and run with the mephits as they chased us around the farm. Using the logs and crops, I attempt to break vision with them while Stella and I switch. Firing arrows and magic continuously, our mana reserves slowly started to reach empty. 


Rosa played a big part in distracting them as she continued to take some of them out quickly as she ambushed them from one patch of crops to the next. The mephits, upon death, explode out into a cloud of dust almost blinding us whenever they were close enough. Even after we defeated countless numbers of them, it looked like their numbers were not dropping no matter what we did.


“What’s going on?” I said under my breath. We should have taken care of them all by now. 


“Oh shit.” Dawn says.


“What is it?” I replied. 


“The mephits that stayed back from the beginning, they’re summoning more of them as the fight goes on.” Dawn said.


“We have to stop that then, unless you want us to be swarmed!” Stella said quickly.


“You think I don’t know that?” I yelled back


Using inspect on the mephits confirmed that they were being summoned.


[ Dust Mephit (Summoned) ]

CR: ¼


Then I inspected the ones summoning them. 


[ Dust Mephit (Summoner) ]

CR: ½


Making a run for them, I continue to use a mix of ice and earth to block any incoming attacks, returning them if I get the chance. The summoners, seeing us run towards them, start to look panicked as they try to finish the spell they’re using. 


Once I get close enough, I focus a blast of solar mana on the tip of my spear before exploding them out, creating a ray of fire that flies in a straight line, killing the summoners. Not even giving them time to explode out as they are burnt to a crisp.


With their anchor to this place gone, the summoned dust mephits all explode as they quickly die. Seeing this I start to relax, exhausted from the mana and stamina used. The farmland all around cracked and broken, the cracks spreading along the ground look like they’re spreading but it’s hard to see them. 


“Thank god that’s over.” I said with a sigh.


“We should be good to return to tow-” Stella started before getting cut off by Dawn.


“SWITCH!” She yells as she forcefully takes control of our body. Taking her ax to guard against an attack that appeared out of nowhere. 


The force of the attack causes Dawn to be thrown across the farmland until she hits a pile of logs. Blood flowing down her face and left arm from the attack, she doesn’t seem to be awake after the attack, Rosa rushed towards Dawn. I notice her arm quickly starting to turn a shade of purple around her elbow. 


“DAWN!” Stella yells as she flies over to check up on her.


In my confused daze I look over to the source of the attack, to see a giant skeleton bull, bright glowing green eyes and on two legs with two long horns on top of its skull as it brings back its giant greataxe. The thing starts to walk towards Dawn slowly, only causing more cracks to spread out from its steps. 


Inspecting it I frown at what I see along with a notification right beside it.


[ Inspect has leveled to II ]

[ Minotaur Skeleton ]

CR: 2

HP: 87

Str: 20 Dex: 11 Con:15 Int: 6 Wis: 8 Cha: 5


I feel myself being dragged towards Dawn as the entire farmland starts to crack and break away, revealing a dark cavern right below us. Last thing I see before we fall is the minotaur losing its footing and quickly falls into the cavern.

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