A Cracked Star

Chapter 2: New Dawn (Revised)

[Pov Stella] 

In an open field, targets can be seen set up towards the end as arrows periodically hit as I take my time to correct my form. Two wolfkin standing to my side, with one mimicking my motions as he sends arrows down range with a stubborn frown on his face as he works on his release.


The last standing there supervising, his toned muscles from years of training and working, with reddish orange hair, a signature feature of our family; he calls out to us, “Alright you two, you’ve been out here since dawn, time we pack things up. I don't want to get another earful from your mother because we missed lunch again.” He looks at us, shaking his head. “Why couldn’t you two at least pay attention to the time like your youngest sister.” 


Looking at father, my brother replies back, “It's not like you're any better, Mom's always dragging you back to the house with your ear in her hand.” Laughing, I start to look over my status after practice.

Stella Vamir

Titles: Fragmented 


Race: Infernal Wolfkin

Racial Skills: 

Fire Affinity: I


Class: Nature’s Ranger

Lvl: 2


Archery: III

Tracking: II 

Soul Sight: II

Unique Skills:

Dryad’s Knowledge: I

Nothing has changed, ever since I reached level 1 and unlocked my class I’ve been training my archery for almost about eight years managing to only level it twice. What more does it take? I’ve wondered if I need to learn more archery styles for it to proceed further. 


I’ve been learning from mom for a few years after I leveled up and acquired Dryad’s Knowledge, mainly because she’s an alchemist and regularly works with plants so she thought it beneficial if I broadened my knowledge and learned from her when she found out about the skill. 


Some things I’ve noticed over the years after acquiring it is that I find myself feeling at peace when I’m close to any forest. It's also easier for me to learn about plants and their effects, even sometimes feeling the emotions of plants. Other than that, I can recall information about plants and the things they can cure. 


Even after four years now, there has been no sign of leveling it up. The other skills I think I just have to keep using them, possibly experience new things while using them. I sigh as I start to pick up equipment.


It will be extremely useful when I eventually leave to become an adventurer. I’ve always looked up to my dad, who is a retired adventurer, growing up hearing of his accomplishments and stories of how he helped defend the city from power creatures. I just wish I could just convince my parents to let me at least take the test to become one.


“Stella, you can leave the equipment to your brother, your mother wanted you to help her out once you were done.” 


Father says, bringing me out of my thoughts, I should probably hurry home if mother is asking for me. Quickly grabbing my bag, I start to run off, but not before yelling out, “Dad I’ll see you later, just hope mom doesn't get too mad this time.” I mumbled the last part while thinking about what I did this time. 




Arriving back to WolfenDorf, the gate guards just waved me on through the gate. They must be getting ready for something, with there being more guards around. Might just be another drill, not the first time that's happened.


As I made my way into town I noticed that the roads were more open than usual. Slow day today huh, not many people in the market and the usual stalls are not even set up today now that I get a better look, weird. 


Thinking something is wrong I start to speed up, making me get home quicker. A few streets later and I can see our house finally. A building two stories tall, made from wood and stone with a greenhouse and its attached shed peeking around the house. 


The house and greenhouse seemed solid enough to survive multiple earthquakes. Don’t know if I believe him but dad always says his friend, an earth mage, claimed it could survive them. 


I can see mom walking quickly through her greenhouse quickly grabbing herbs. It seems to be the herbs needed for what looks to be giant’s strength, why does she need those? Thinking something’s wrong, I speed up to see what has her like this.


“The crafting hall collapsed a little bit ago. The guards came running in earlier, they're grabbing anyone strong enough to help with moving the rubble.” Mom starts preparing the potions in the bag before handing it to me and continuing, “I already sent your sister with a batch already but that was a while ago, they should start running out soon so I’m sending you there with the next batch. Now go, and don’t think I don't know about you sneaking out. We’ll talk about that when you get back.” 


“M-Mom, I just want to prove I have the skills to help out at the guild. You know this, I’ve always wanted to be a hunter. ” 


“I KNOW!” She slams her hand onto the table making me step back. She turns to me, her ears starting to drop, “I know, it’s just, I worry about you, and not because I don’t think you can’t be a hunter. It's about the state your soul is in, I’ve always known about it.” 


“What?” Quickly bringing my arms to catch the bag I almost dropped, I stare in shock at my mother for the fact she knew all this time. How could she know and not talk to me about it before, not even trying to help? 


“All my life, I could sense. . . see . . .other people’s souls, do you know how I feel seeing the state of your soul? All over it there are cracks, that if anything slightly pushes against you it would fall apart.” Mom says, growing more emotional with each word. “I just didn’t know how to bring it up with you.”


Seeing her like this is a new sight for me as I’m having trouble trying to understand the emotion she is showing. She’s only ever shown herself as confident as she works.


“So all this time, you knew? Of the times I snuck out, searching for answers at the library?” I say accusingly, getting a nod from her. “Good to know I’m not the only one who can see I'm messed up.” I scoff at her.


I started to walk out of the greenhouse to head to the craftsman district. Right as I’m at the entrance, mom calls out one more time, with a tone more serious than before. 


“Stella” I look back, to see mom with her vibrant eyes, a look more serious than usual. “You’ll know when you’re ready for your adventures. You won't know when, but it will come. I just hope that when that time is here, you still feel joy at the end of the day.” 


I don't know what to do with that, she knows something. Something important to me. She only ever does this when she thinks I’ll learn it by myself. But how do I do that when I don't even know where to start? All my life I could feel my soul and the souls of those around me. I know the state of my soul, but I don't know how to heal it.




Continuing towards my destination, I rush through the district while keeping the potions safe. It doesn't take long to figure out where to go, with all the people scrambling around what used to be the craftsman headquarters. I see a group of guards handing potions out to people helping. 


One of the guards noticed me, “Miss Vamir, so glad you're here. Do you have the next batch of potions your mother made?” Nodding my head, I hand him the bag, before leaving to find my sister. 


After looking for a bit, I can see her moving rubble before getting an old man out from underneath. 


“Sierra! I brought the next batch, do you know where I can help?” 


“There’s someone stuck under rubble beside me but the rock that's on them is too heavy for me alone.” 


Looking where she points, it makes sense why she couldn't move it alone, the damn thing is almost three times her size. Thinking of how to move it, I grab a broken wooden beam nearby to use it as leverage.


“I need you to push the beam down while I try to lift the rock okay?” She nods before positioning the beam in a secure spot. Calling out to let me know she's ready, “We’re going to start moving this rock, if you can move, try to figure out a position to crawl out.” 


On the count of three, we manage to get the rock moved enough for the man to come out from under. Not looking entirely banged up save for a few scratches here and there. Thanking us, he headed over to the medical tent to get treatment and help out others. I sit down beside Sierra, looking down at the ground.  


“So, what's up? You’re usually not this quiet.” Sierra asks.


Kicking a few stones while thinking about what to say, I take a bit before finally responding. “Did you know about what’s wrong with me?” 


I feel empty as I asked the question, not knowing what exactly I expected as an answer. She looks shocked at the question, her eyes quickly darting side to side, I can't tell if it's from the tone of my voice, or as if not expecting me to question her about that. Either way her reaction was enough for me to know. 


I ask a different question, “How long?”


“Excuse me?” She says.


“How long have you known?” This time, my voice cracking as I faced her, finding it harder to control these emotions.


It seems my family has known all this time. It makes sense now that I think about it, they’ve always been touchy about my health in the past. Either through deflecting the conversation or being more concerned at times.


Getting up, I decide it's time to head back home. Everyone around seems to have a handle on the situation anyways.


“Stella wait!” 


Not listening, I continue marching on. Following behind me decides to not say anything, as if knowing I wont respond. I glance back to see her staring at the ground. 


Walking home, it feels like my body is starting to burn up while my sight starts to blur. Something’s wrong, I can feel it, slowly building up like my body is being twisted and pulled from multiple areas. I start to stumble, falling towards the ground as I feel my legs give out from under me.  


“Stella, what's going on?” Showing panic but a clear sign of conviction in her eyes, Sierra says, reaching out to catch me before rushing through the crowd. Letting out gasps of pain as I struggled to breathe. Growing too much for me as I start seeing a blinding light that slowly turns into spots within black. The last thing I hear is my sister calling out to mom as she sees mom running out of the greenhouse into the street.


“MOM! Stella needs help, she collapsed on the way back home, she’s burning up badly and won't respond to words!”


All I see is a sea of stars before everything goes black.

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