A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 78

Chapter 77: Expansion

Is there any way to attract the caravan to Jinjiang County?

Xiao Jingduo pondered this question attentively. Seeing that Xiao Jingduo had not responded for a long time, the master called out softly, “County magistrate?”

Xiao Jingduo came back to his senses, he raised his slender fingers and pressed his eyebrows helplessly: “What is it?”

“This is the account book for this month. The treasurer asked me to hand it to you. And what are we going to do next month?”

It really is that there is nothing in the whole city that he doesn’t need to worry about. Xiao Jingduo had studied the way of being an official for a long time in Guozijian, but it was only when he actually stepped into the officialdom that he realized that the doctrine in the book was of no practical use. What he has learned in Guozijian for three years is not as good as the accumulation of one month of being a county magistrate.

Although things are trivial in Jinjiang County, it has greatly exercised his practical ability.

Violators will be severely punished.”

“After harvesting the grain, immediately send someone to collect taxes. I think this year’s harvest is only average. I will buy some rice from other places next month. Cang Lin must have enough money at any time.”

“After the harvest, many people should be idle. You draw up a summoning order to call people to repair the embroidery workshop. By the way, the market will also be expanded. Cold, without delaying the construction period, the market will be built in the slack season, and it will be able to open next year.”

After the bookkeeper left, Xiao Jingduo did not rest, but took out a piece of paper from the bamboo tube in the corner of the desk and slowly spread it out.

This is Xiao Jingduo’s initial plan of Jinjiang County, which is marked with embroidery workshops, markets, inns, farmland, etc. It is Xiao Jingduo’s plan for Jinjiang County, which has been drawn one after another these days.

Although Jinjiang County now has the financial road of double-sided embroidery, it is still too reluctant to support a city with only splendid embroidery, and the business is laid in Chengdu Prefecture and Rongzhou, many benefits are obtained by this The two places have been deducted. If there is no caravan directly coming to Jinjiang County to sell and buy goods, it is absolutely impossible for Jinjiang County to go further.

Xiao Jingduo insisted on sketching on the map, thinking about the roads in the city in his mind. He simply referred to the layout of Chang’an, divided the market into special areas, placed the businesses with the same attributes and could be connected in a line adjacent to each other, and separated the opposite industries, such as butchers and clothing stores, This is definitely separated.

Where do you buy the wood from?”

“County magistrate, the silk in the embroidery workshop is running out. How much silk do you want to buy from Chengdu this time?”

“The county magistrate, the grandfather of the Sun family asks to see you.”

“The county magistrate, two people in the city are fighting!”

There are countless things like this, and Xiao Jingduo has been busy for several months. He wanted to write several times to urge the Ministry of Officials, what about his deputy, the county magistrate? When will it arrive?

Unfortunately, until the end of the year, Xiao Jingduo did not wait for his county chief.

During the Chinese New Year this year, the county was obviously beaming, and it was much more lively than in previous years.

In just half a year, the economy of Jinjiang County has undergone tremendous changes. There are many ways to make money. In a family, the parents are often farming, the daughter and daughter-in-law are embroidering in the embroidery workshop, the smartest and strongest of the brothers follow the caravan to deliver goods from north to south, and the other brothers either work in the county government or help. Parents tend to the land. After the autumn harvest, the father and brother left behind the matter in the fields, and they could go to the county government to sign up to repair houses and roads, and earn more money. After such a year, their family has earned a lot more money than in previous years, and besides boys, girls can also make a lot of money for the family.

Therefore, although the county has different evaluations of the new magistrate Xiao Jingduo due to contracts and other matters, everyone has to admit that Xiao Jingduo is a capable and strong official, and he is only a county magistrate. In 2008, Jinjiang County has undergone earth-shaking changes. Many people can’t help but look forward to it. Next year, what will Magistrate Xiao plan to do?

The New Year is approaching, the embroidery workshop is on holiday, the official store closed early, and the people who delivered goods from all over the place also returned home and sat and chatted with their families. But after all, their topic is always inseparable from the county magistrate Xiao and the changes in the county. The men are discussing which part the magistrate Xiao will handle next year, but no one can convince anyone, and the result is that everyone is red-faced. , and the chat content of the female relatives is more harmonious. Half of the time, they revolved around a topic: “Is the magistrate Xiao really not engaged? Didn’t he say he was going to be engaged last time, so he sent double-sided embroidery. go back?”

“How come, I heard people say in the embroidery workshop, they have tested Qiu Ju’s tone, and there is no such thing.”

“Ah!” The young girl’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she chirped, “It’s true!”

In the county government office, Qiu Ju, who was frequently mentioned, was talking to Xiao Jingduo without realizing it: “…Langjun, there is a letter from the Hou residence. The old lady has come to send a message to urge you to go back for the New Year. .”

“Look at the county government, can I go away?”

Qiu Ju understood, and silently ended the topic: “Lang Jun, then I will reply to the old lady at my own discretion?”

Xiao Jingduo nodded in agreement.

“Langjun, when the spring starts next year, can we move to the West Court?”

“Yes. In a few days, the entire government office will be renovated.”

Qiu Ju was very happy when she heard that the government office was going to be renovated: “That’s great! With the speed at which we sell embroidery products, wouldn’t we be able to save enough money soon?”

Xiao Jingduo smiled and said nothing, Xiao Lin copied things for Xiao Jingduo next to him and said, “It’s not that easy.”

Qiu Ju glared at Xiao Lin angrily, puffed her cheeks and didn’t speak, Xiao Jingduo didn’t care when he was checking the information, but slowly he felt something was wrong.

Xiao Jingduo glanced at Xiao Lin calmly, Xiao Lin still seemed to be mute.

Only Qiu Ju continued to say ignorantly: “Master, what are you going to do next year? Do you want to think of some new tricks?”

“There must be a lot of double-sided embroidery in Chang’an now. In recent months, although the official store is still making money, the increase has not been as good as before. If we want to continue to make money next year, we must Think of new tricks, and most importantly, we have our own style.”

“What does this mean?” Qiu Ju asked.

From the style of Jinjiang County, people can see at a glance, those are double-sided embroidery from Chengdu Prefecture and which are double-sided embroidery from Jinjiang County. Because Miss Chen is good at landscape and artistic conception, Jinjiang County is located in the mountains, we Might as well take the wild road. The literati are so elegant, the young ladies in Chang’an are so fresh, and the goal of our embroidery should be them.”

Qiu Ju and Xiao Lin nodded: “It makes sense.”

They were talking here when there was a knock on the door, followed by the voice of the statement: “Xiao Mingfu, can I come in?”

“It’s Madam Chen.” Qiu Ju jumped up and ran over to open the door for Chen Ci, “Miss, you are here!”

The statement slowly entered the door and was surprised to see so many people in the room, and then slowly saluted. “Xiao Mingfu.”

“Miss Chen doesn’t have to be like this.” Xiao Jingduo sat up straight and asked, “You came today, is it…”

“The New Year is approaching, I have nothing else to do except embroidery, so I embroidered a table screen to congratulate Mingfu.” The screen in the maid’s hand looked at Xiao Jingduo with a smile, “Xiao Mingfu, look!”

It is still a familiar needlework, but when the maid turns the screen in her hand, everyone in the room exclaims.

The embroidery patterns on both sides are different! Qiu Ju leaned forward in disbelief, and stared at it curiously: “My God, double-sided embroidery can actually make the patterns on both sides different! Doesn’t this mean, Mrs. Chen, you have to think about how to embroider on both sides at the same time, and every stitch can be done on both sides? Can’t be wrong?”

Chen Niangzi pursed her lips and smiled, Qiu Ju brought the screen to Xiao Jingduo, Xiao Jingduo was amazed after reading it: “Ms. Chen’s embroidery skills are amazing.”

Xiao Jingduo read it again and asked, “Miss Chen, what is this embroidery called?”

“Double-sided different-color embroidery, I figured it out in my spare time.”

“We were still in a dilemma before, what new patterns to embroider next year, I didn’t expect Miss Chen to send good news so soon.” Xiao Jingduo smiled, “Miss Chen can be said to be out of blue and better than blue. I’m afraid Grandma Zhou doesn’t know how to do this kind of embroidery either, but next year, there’s no need to worry about having nothing to sell in the official store.”

“Isn’t that true?” Qiu Ju also added, “If you say double-sided embroidery, you can also learn stitches and skills, but double-sided embroidery is all about talent, not enough. If you have enough talent, I am afraid that you will not be able to teach it by hand. And you are not afraid of stealing the teacher. You can embroider the pattern on both sides at one time. If you can embroider the first piece, you will definitely be able to embroider the second piece, and no one else can think of it!”

But if you want to embroider with different colors, I am afraid that less than one adult in the embroidery workshop can learn it.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Xiao Jingduo smiled lightly, “Things are rare and precious, we should also bring out an expensive and exquisite embroidery.”

Qiu Ju was not too excited yet, and excitedly dragged her remarks to talk about things, Xiao Lin said softly from behind: “Qiu Ju, you have to quarrel with Dalang-Jun. already.”

Xiao Jingduo raised his head from the scroll, smiled and said, “It’s okay.” Qiu Ju turned her head and glared at Xiao Lin, and then said to Xiao Jingduo: “Darlang-Jun, you have finally taken the annual leave, why do you still stay in the house all day reading? You are so busy this year, why don’t you take advantage of these few days to walk outside? move?”

Xiao Jingduo pointed to the book on the desk and said, “Wait until I finish reading this volume.”

“Mr. Dalang!” Qiu Ju refused to obey, and even took the statement to comment, “Ms. Chen, does Dalang-Jun always say this, but he has never fulfilled it once!”

Xiao Jingduo shook his head: “The shop has just established a firm foothold, and we will open up new business routes next year. If I don’t check the map now and do some homework, I’m afraid that the spring will be delayed. Go out and have fun first, you don’t have to spend it with me.”

No one has ever been able to persuade Xiao Jingduo. Seeing him say this, Chen Zi can only be sadly blessed and go out with Qiu Ju.

Xiao Lin was about to leave, but was stopped by Xiao Jingduo when he went out: “Xiao Lin stay, I have something to tell you.”

Qiu Ju glanced at Xiao Lin with emotion, then glanced at Xiao Jingduo secretly, and hurriedly took the statement and went out.

After the door was closed, Xiao Lin answered in a low voice, “Mr.

“What’s the matter with you and Qiu Ju?”

Xiao Lin paused for a moment, and readily admitted: “Little heart is happy Qiuju, please Dalang-Jun.”

Xiao Jingduo put down the book, looked at Xiao Lin, and sighed after a while: “You two often do things under my nose. I never thought that it was the two of you.”

Get the wedding done. Just in time for the spring to move the yard, when the time comes, the two of you will move out.”

Xiao Lin saluted and kowtowed to the ground: “Xie Langjun.”

“I have never presided over a wedding, and I don’t know what to give to the newlyweds, so let’s go, I will give you the happy money, and you can buy what you like.”

Xiao Jingduo’s way of giving gifts is really simple and rude, but it is extremely practical, Xiao Lin kowtowed again and thanked: “Thank you Langjun!”

After sending Xiao Lin away, Xiao Jingduo couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Unconsciously, Qiu Ju, Xiao Lin, and even himself, have come to talk about marriage. Xiao Lin was able to say “I like her” so calmly, but for some reason, Xiao Jingduo actually envied him.


This year, the new embroidery workshop was completed, and all the embroiderers moved to the spacious and bright new embroidery workshop. Taking the opportunity of relocation, the embroidery workshop was once again layered, with different levels, different The embroidery girls of the contract are divided into different areas, and the embroidery workshops perform their own duties, gradually evolving from a small workshop with a temporary intention to a mature embroidery workshop with clear divisions and distinct levels.

The people of Jinjiang County also found that the market has expanded a lot, and the functional areas have been neatly cut in it. Such a change cannot be said to be bad, but the people are whispering: ” Why did the magistrate Xiao expand the market so much? How can such a large place be used!”

The smart people had a premonition that Xiao Jingduo would have a new move. Sure enough, not long after the spring, Feng Butcher led his team, instead of going to Chengdu or Rongzhou, but changed the route Head south and walk in the direction of Nanzhao.


The author has something to say:

First month

Xiao Jingduo issued a team application [Jinjiang County is in urgent need of a county chief, please the central government to deal with it as soon as possible]

The officials took a look and closed the interface

Nth month

urgent need!

The officials took a look and closed the interface


Thank you dear!

The college entrance examination is coming soon. If there are readers who want to take the college entrance examination, I wish you a successful title in the golden list, come on!

June is a super exam season. If other little angels also have exams, I will give you Xiao Jingduo the same Xueba halo.

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