A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination

Chapter 22

Chapter 21: Evidence

Aunt Xiao and others were shocked by Wu Junru’s words. They covered their mouths and noses with their hands, and exchanged glances with the people around them in surprise and excitement. Even the maids in the yard were startled. He pointed at Xiao Jingduo vaguely.

“I didn’t expect Dalang-Jun to be such a person…”

“So what? It’s just poisoning a servant. With the Marquis, how could the government punish him?”

He tilted his head and asked with great confusion, “Mrs. Hou, what are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?”

“Huh.” Wu Junru sneered, “You killed Mammy Wei, and are you still playing stupid with me? Mammy Wei’s body is next door, do you want me to show you?”

“Mother Wei?” Xiao Jingduo frowned, looking very puzzled, “When did Mama Wei come to the Buddhist hall, I don’t know.”

“Ah? You didn’t know Wei Wei came to the Buddhist temple?” The old lady was also confused by Xiao Jingduo’s words, “What the **** is going on?”

“I don’t know.” Xiao Jingduo shook his head, the expression on his face was more innocent and innocent, “I used to copy the dead scriptures for my mother in the Buddhist hall, but suddenly I felt something, and I remembered my grandmother treating me. In the past ten years, my grandmother has worked hard and taught me hard, how is this kind of cuddling different from the kindness of my parents? I felt emotional, so I wanted to go to see my grandmother at the Gao Shou Tang, just as the weather is extremely hot today , I went back to Qingzeyuan to fetch ice and made ice drinks for my grandmother myself as a sign of filial piety. But I didn’t know that my grandmother had arrived at the Buddhist hall until I went to the Gao Shoutang. Mrs. Hou is also talking about the murderer.”

Xiao Jingduo smiled and continued: “Grandmother, grandson really doesn’t understand what Mrs. Hou is saying, can you please help grandson?”

“So what do you mean, you left the Buddhist hall ahead of time and didn’t see Wei Wei?” The old lady clarified her thoughts and asked in doubt.


“Pretend, you can pretend again!” Wu Junru changed her past gentle image and shouted sharply at Xiao Jingduo, “You said you left the Buddhist temple early, is there any evidence? It’s ridiculous that you’re still arguing here, trying to get rid of yourself. You can hide it from your mother-in-law, but you can’t hide it from me!”

“Yes, Duo, do you have any witnesses?” The old lady also agreed.

“Qiu Ju can testify for me. If my grandmother doesn’t believe me, she might as well call her and ask her when I returned to Qingzeyuan.”

“Qiu Ju is your maid, how can she count?” Wu Junru sneered, “Didn’t you say that you left the Buddhist hall early, why didn’t the maidservant of the Buddhist hall see it? get out?”

Seeing Mrs. suddenly mentioning herself, the janitor shuddered and replied tremblingly: “Slave, I really didn’t see Dalang-Jun going out…”

“Yo, this is really exciting.” Second Aunt Xiao stood in the crowd and burst out laughing.

Even the old lady’s eyes were filled with suspicion, looking at Xiao Jingduo up and down. Xiao Jingduo calmly asked the janitor: “You were dozing off when I went out, so of course you didn’t know it.”

The gatekeeper’s face turned red with embarrassment: “Slave… This is the negligence of the slaves, please forgive me, masters.”

At this time, other servants came out to testify: “When the slave passed the Buddhist hall, he did see the little maid taking a nap.”

After the old lady and Xue Lan and the others examined the evidence, they spit angrily at the guard girl: “What a lazy girl, she often sleeps when she is on duty. If so, Duoer It makes sense to go out while she’s sleeping.”

The old lady is facing her grandson, but Wu Junru will not do this. Wu Junru sneered and said sarcastically: “Darang Jun is really smart and knows how to take advantage of the doormaid. But how can there be any reason to testify for yourself? Your words are not credible, if you really have a clear conscience, why? Don’t you come up with other evidence?”

“Why does Mrs. Hou believe that I am the murderer?” Xiao Jingduo asked in blood, “Mother Wei died in the Buddhist temple, is there any clue at the scene that it was me? If not, Mrs. Hou To testify against me in front of everyone, I would like to know, what exactly does Madam Hou mean?”

“Yes”, the old lady also reacted, “Jun Ru, why do you insist that it is Duoer?”

“I…” Wu Junru was at a loss for words. Of course she knew that it must be Xiao Jingduo. The organization of the Buddhist hall was originally designed for Xiao Jingduo. Who else is there besides Xiao Jingduo? But Wu Junru couldn’t say the reason, she could only insist, “There are only two people in the Buddhist hall, Xiao Jingduo and Wei Wei, who else is there besides him?”

Wu Junru and Xiao Jingduo were tit-for-tat, and the old lady was caught in the middle, completely dazed. Just when there was a lot of noise in the Buddhist hall and there was no conclusion, a loud announcement came from outside: “Master Hou is here.”

Xiao Jingduo withdrew his confrontation with Wu Junru, bowed his head slightly and stepped aside, and everyone else in the yard also got up to welcome Xiao Ying’s arrival.


Who is right?”

Xiao Ying knew everything that happened at home early on the road. With a solemn face, he strode into the courtyard and asked in a deep voice, “What’s going on?”

The old lady is right, Xiao Ying is indeed much sharper than the old lady, and being swept away by his majestic gaze, everyone in the yard accepted their hearts and bowed their heads obediently, not daring to act again Guess yourself.

Wu Junru knew how important the first impression was, so she spoke first and relayed everything that had just happened to Xiao Ying, trying to make Xiao Ying preconceived and determined that Xiao Jingduo was the murderer.

Xiao Jingduo didn’t argue with Wu Junru, and let her complain first. He looked down at the porcelain bottle in his hand and smiled inexplicably.

Shaking the ice cubes in the jar, he casually lifted the whole chinaware, “I said before that I went back to Qingzeyuan to fetch iced drinks for my grandmother. The ice cubes that were given to me before to escape the heat were useless. It was hidden in the ice mirror. Today I took a whole block of ice from the ice mirror and brought it to my grandmother when the ice was almost melted. It will take at least half an hour for a whole block of ice to melt into this shape, Hou Madam might as well do the math, from when Wei Wei sets off until you find Wei Wei dead, can the period be half an hour?”

Wu Junru was dumbfounded for a while, she assigned Wei Wei to come to the Buddhist hall to check on Xiao Jingduo’s situation, and then waited for another quarter of an hour, which is almost half an hour in modern times. Seeing that Wei Wei still did not come back, Wu Junru felt Something was wrong, so he immediately brought his maid to the Buddhist hall to look for someone, and when he came over, he found that Wei Wei was dead. It took about half an hour from when Wei Wei went out to the discovery of the corpse, and Xiao Jingduo only melted the ice for an hour. If what Xiao Jingduo said was true, then he really didn’t have time to commit the crime.

Xiao Ying made no statement, but only ordered people to bring up the porcelain bottle in Xiao Jingduo’s hand. He scrutinized the fine white porcelain, the body was cold, and there were even small pieces of ice **** floating in it. Even the old lady came over to look at it. She looked at it carefully for a while, and finally said with certainty: “The mansion I have also seen the ice that was made, and if you want to melt like this, you can’t do it without a lot of time.”

“Impossible…” Wu Junru did not expect such a change. There is no refrigerator at this time, and there is no possibility of making the water ice quickly. The ice water in Xiao Jingduo’s hand can only be used Natural ice melts. Wu Junru found that she fell into Xiao Jingduo’s trap again. She was busy for a long time. Could it be that she was just looking for an alibi for Xiao Jingduo?

Wu Junru scoffed at this possibility. She was sure that Wei Wei’s death was caused by Xiao Jingduo, but what happened to the ice in his hand? Wu Junru felt a flash of inspiration in her mind, and she said quickly, “I see, he uses fire to melt ice to shorten the time for the ice cubes to melt!”

Xiao Jingduo smiled lightly: “Mrs. Hou seems to recognize that I am a murderer, the firewood in Qingzeyuan has a set rules, since the death of my mother, Qingzeyuan has not decocted medicine for a long time, The small kitchen has long been abandoned, you might as well go to Qingzeyuan, there is no firewood at all.”

No firewood? Wu Junru racked her brains and came up with another possibility: “He must have colluded with the maid, Qiu Ju helped him melt the ice in Qingze Courtyard, and he came to the Buddha Hall to kill Wei Wei!”

Xiao Jingduo sneered, disdain to answer, even the old lady showed disbelief: “Jun Ru, what happened to you today…”

Wu Junru still looked incredulous, as if she couldn’t figure out how Xiao Jingduo did this. Xiao Jingduo’s hand still had the coolness on the white porcelain vase. If he smelled it carefully, he could smell the smell of saltpeter from his hand.

It does take more than half an hour to wait for a piece of ice to melt, but if the ice is made quickly, it does not take such a long time.

Xiao Jingduo once saw in medical books that when saltpeter is put into water, it will absorb a lot of heat when it dissolves, and it will freeze the water for a while. After Xiao Jingduo avoided the crowd and returned to Qingze Courtyard, he immediately brought a water tank, filled it with water, and put saltpeter in it. The temperature in the tank dropped rapidly. Xiao Jingduo put the white porcelain bottle into the water tank, and he easily got the float. Drinks with ice. In this way, he saves a lot of time and can use ice to testify for himself.

But Wu Junru doesn’t need to know how Xiao Jingduo created an alibi for herself, she just needs to know that he will never let her go.

“Mrs. Hou really took great pains to get rid of me.” Xiao Jingduo said slowly, as if he was deeply wounded by today’s unpredictable disaster, “I thought that Mrs. Hou would always look like a well-mannered man. Well, it turns out that you are also arrogant and vicious, just to put to death those who are not pleasing to your eyes.”

“Shut up!” Wei Wei’s death was a big blow to Wu Junru, but now Xiao Jingduo wants to come over to add fuel to the fire, Wu Junru hates him so much, how can she care When I put on my own character, I immediately yelled, “I know it’s you. You can deceive others but not me, and I will definitely make you pay the price. You wait, I will report it to the official, and let the people in the government check it out. clear!”

Reporter? Xiao Jingduo froze in his heart. The people of Dali Temple have experienced hundreds of battles. If they are allowed to come over, there is no guarantee that they will see any clues. This is not acceptable.

“Junru!” The old lady didn’t expect Wu Junru, who has always been a gentle person, to have such a side, she sullen and scolded, “It’s just a domestic servant, you actually want to make trouble outside go?”

You can’t hide from the professional people of the government!”

“Nonsense!” Xiao Ying also frowned, it was only after the death of the dignified mansion, and he even reported to the officials because of this, do you want his face? Xiao Ying originally thought that Wu Junru was a virtuous wife and would become a good mother in the future, but today he found out that Wu Junru’s so-called gentleness and virtuousness were just because she didn’t offend her.

Wu Junru made up her mind to report to the officials. She couldn’t see Xiao Jingduo’s trick, so let the people from the government come. She must make Xiao Jingduo pay the price, even if she has to tear up her business for a long time. The image is also spared. After all, Wu Junru’s family background is there, and when she makes such a fuss, the people in the Hou Mansion can’t do anything to her.

She was about to go out when she suddenly saw Xiao Jingduo leaning over, as if he had picked up something from the ground.

This kind of bee was popularized by her when she was traveling in modern times. The tour guide said that this kind of bee is extremely poisonous, and one can poison an adult, but as long as it does not get contaminated with special honey, this bee will not easily sting.

Poisonous bees don’t sting people easily, because they don’t live long after stinging people. At this time, what Xiao Jingduo is playing with is the corpse of the poisonous bee.

Wu Junru was greatly frightened, did Xiao Jingduo know? How could it be that Xiao Jingduo also traveled through? Wu Junru’s thoughts were messy, and her originally firm determination was shaken.

Xiao Jingduo stood in the corner, clearly surrounded by many servants, but his eyes could penetrate the sea of people and directly capture Wu Junru’s whole person. In such eyes, Wu Junru actually felt cold all over and couldn’t move.

And Xiao Jingduo was still smiling, he told Wu Junru without hesitation that he had seen through Wu Junru’s trick, and Wei Wei also killed him, but so what? If Wu Junru dares to report to the official, then he will make Wu Junru’s actions public.

Wu Junru felt that the blood in her whole body had coagulated, and at this time the old lady was still whispering in her ear: “Jun Ru, I know that you and Wei Wei have a deep relationship, but the family shame cannot be made public. Let Dalang come to investigate the matter, but don’t report it to the officials! Our family can’t afford to lose face.”

Wu Junru nodded stiffly and responded: “Okay, daughter-in-law listens to mother-in-law.”

The old lady was overjoyed: “This is good, this is good. Junru, it’s not me who said that you can’t wrong people again without thinking, even if Duoer is not your own, You can’t do that either!”

Wu Junru closed her eyes tiredly, not wanting to listen any more.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed.

Second Aunt Xiao and others saw that the murderer was not a family member, so naturally they didn’t want to stay in the dead person’s place anymore. The crowd rushed out, and Wu Junru stood in the crowd, confused and didn’t know where she was.

The maid of the Wu family hurried over to support Wu Junru’s arm. Wu Junru was pale and just recovered her mind when she saw Xiao Jingduo also walking out with the crowd.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned sideways and smiled at Wu Junru.

The smile was pure and pure, and with his outstanding face, he was like an angel of the West.

But Wu Junru was so frightened that she took a step back and fell down suddenly.

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

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