a certain scientific harry potter

Page 96

But now... Dumbledore told him that all this was just because of a prophecy.

It was Voldemort who chose himself among the two children born at the end of July, and all the tragedies happened because of it...

"So, who was the person who leaked the secret at that time?"

After a long silence, it was Harry who spoke first. His voice was so gloomy that it was comparable to the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

Sybill Trelawney is a professor at Hogwarts, and the prophecy she made was naturally aimed at fighting Voldemort, but Voldemort knew the prophecy.

The biggest possibility is that someone leaked the secret to Voldemort!

"Harry, on this matter, I think..."

"tell me!"

Old Deng's face turned pale with joy, it seems that this is another matter with hidden secrets... But no matter what difficulties he has, Harry must know the truth today!

And Harry was sure Dumbledore would say it.

Because this was the result of his stalking Dumbledore from beginning to end in the first year!

Harry has never gained old Deng's trust and attention by pretending to be cute, and the reason why Dumbledore is willing to maintain such a harmonious relationship with Harry is because he knows very well...Harry is still the same as last year in his heart. That ruthless man who would use his own life as a bargaining chip when he became crazy!

If he didn't say anything today, Harry would definitely turn the table over.

"The man who leaked it... was, Severus Snape..."

"What did you say?!"

Although Dumbledore's voice was very weak at this time, the name he said still made Harry feel like a bolt from the blue!

His body swayed slightly, and he felt as if he had stepped on a ball of cotton under his feet, without any support at all.

At this moment, Harry really felt that the fate of killing a thousand swords had been playing a joke on himself!

I was on Voldemort's must-kill list because of an endless prophecy, which eventually led to the tragic death of both my parents 12 years ago. As a result, I leaked this prophecy to Voldemort...but why is it Sect? ! !

"Harry... Severus also regretted that such a thing happened back then, not to mention he also..."

Seeing that Harry's expression was wrong, Dumbledore hurriedly tried to defend Snape, but Harry raised his hand to stop him.

"Mr. Principal, let's stop here for the question about the prophecy. I will investigate the truth of the year by myself..."

While saying these words, Harry tightly held his ring in his hand, and even pushed the water element he had just acquired to the limit in his body, and only then managed to regain his composure.

Dumbledore just told him the news, and he didn't leak the prophecy himself, so there was no need for Harry to quarrel with him.

As for why Snape leaked the secret back then, of course Harry would investigate it himself.

He is not a person who will listen to the conclusions provided by others. When judging a matter, Harry will only believe what he sees with his own eyes and the evidence he finds.

What happened between Snape and his parents, as well as the clues about his other 'enemy' Sirius, all of these he will investigate bit by bit!

"Harry, I sincerely hope you can look away." Dumbledore looked worriedly at Harry who was trying to regain his composure, "If you really feel too depressed, you can also consider learning Occlumency. Inside Hogwarts... well, forget it, I'm just suggesting."

Dumbledore struggled for a while, and suddenly realized that the topic he had changed was not appropriate.

In today's Hogwarts, there are only two people capable of instructing Harry on Occlumency.

One of them is undoubtedly Dumbledore himself, but teaching the practice of Occlumency requires a certain degree of intrusion into the other person's mind, and Harry has always absolutely disliked Dumbledore doing this.

But the other person was Snape...

"Mr. Principal, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'm fine." Harry shook his head silently, with a slight smile on his lips, "Let's talk about other things, for example... the Defense Against the Dark Arts in the second half of this year What about the course?"

"I was going to ask you about this too," Dumbledore also changed the subject, "Now that the school year is just over halfway, it is very difficult for us to find a new teacher who can start immediately."

"Are you asking me about this?" Harry suddenly showed a wry smile, "Didn't the two black defense professors fall into my hands? You want me to personally choose the third victim~"

"This..." Lao Deng's face was embarrassed when he heard the words, and he immediately felt as if he had eaten Bibi Duowei beans that smelled of booger.

Quirrell was beaten to death by him, and Lockhart also made him crazy. He said that the black defense professor at Hogwarts was a consumable, but Harry himself ruined both of them~

"Why don't you just wait for Professor Si to wake up and let him take over the class." Harry said after thinking for a while, "It just so happens that he has always wanted to teach this class... It's just that it may be very hard for him."

"Harry...you are right, Severus is really suitable. As for his course pressure, I don't think you need to worry about it." A reassuring smile appeared on Dumbledore's face, "During the next six months, Severus As long as Fleurs is in charge of the fifth to seventh grades, those students who need to prepare for OWLs and NEWTs are in urgent need of a good teacher to guide them. As for the other middle and lower grades, I will think of other ways."

At this moment, Dumbledore was very relieved to look at Harry, because in his opinion, Harry did not lose his mind because of the past.

"However... we still have to place a job advertisement in the "Daily Prophet"... My God, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is really exhausted~" Dumbledore, who was in a good mood, made a small joke , and winked at Harry along the way.

"Then can you publish another recruitment advertisement by the way? I think the school will also urgently need an engineering team capable of transforming the pipeline system in the future~" Hearing that Lao Deng was going to post an advertisement, Harry's eyes lit up, "I I promised Mercus the Mermaid before to help improve the water quality of the Black Lake, and now that the mouth of the Black Lake and the secret chambers have all been seen again, I just took this opportunity to carry out a large-scale pipeline renovation."

"Merkus is our friend. Naturally, I am also worried about the environment of the Black Lake. Can the water be purified just by changing the pipeline? And... what does this have to do with the Chamber of Secrets?"

Dumbledore may be a great wizard, but when it comes to environmental protection and water quality problems in the ordinary world, he is a complete blind spot.

"The water quality of the Black Lake is deteriorating year by year. Apart from the fact that the lake is no longer flowing due to the blockage of the sea inlet, the main reason is that Hogwarts has been discharging untreated domestic sewage into the lake." Ha Li patiently explained to Dumbledore, "So the next transformation we need to do is to extend the main drainage pipeline of the castle to the mouth of the Black Lake; at the same time, we also need to add nodes that can treat and purify domestic sewage. , and this is exactly the reason why we need to use the secret room."

"Judging from the relative positions of the castle and the Black Lake, the secret room left by Salazar Slytherin is perfect for building a septic tank~"

(ps write here, a little bit emotional.

Before opening the book, I checked a lot of information and read a lot of things. Finally, when I started writing, I decided that I couldn't make the protagonist into that kind of sensible and cute character.

The protagonist Harry is the character at the center of the whirlpool. No matter how good and trustworthy he is, it is still impossible for Lao Deng to tell him everything.Because many problems cannot be solved by pure appreciation.

Like Snape...

Strictly speaking, there are three enemies of Harry in HP: Voldemort who did it, Pettigrew who leaked the secret, and Snape who eavesdropped on the prophecy.

Therefore, no matter how good Harry performed, it was absolutely impossible for Dumbledore to tell him the whole truth. After all, it was a blood feud between his parents, and no one could tell how Harry would react.

So it's better to be an annoying child from the beginning, and you will spoil me if you don't tell me, and you can't afford the price of spoiling.

Do crying babies have milk~

Let’s talk about Sculpture again. In fact, Sculpture is the beginning of Harry’s tragic fate. In the original book, Rowling didn’t know how to resolve the conflict between Harry and Sculpture peacefully. After that, Harry fled in embarrassment in the seventh grade, and Snape stayed in school to become the principal; when Harry returned to Hogwarts again, Snape had already died in Nagini's mouth.

So their conflicts have not been resolved at all, it’s just that the Sijia people die like a lamp goes out, and everything is forgotten~)

Chapter 180 Four things are tacit

The reason why the water quality of Hogwarts Black Lake is going from bad to worse is actually the difference between living water and stagnant water.

The Black Lake is not a completely closed inland freshwater lake. There is actually a hidden mouth at the bottom of the lake. It is precisely because of this mouth that maintains the flow of water that the Black Lake has suffered from all the Hogwarts teachers. After so many years of pollution, the basic water quality can still be guaranteed.

And this kind of water flow obviously also ensured that the water in the secret chamber was filled, so Voldemort was able to see the spirit of Salazar that year.

However, in the past few decades, the silt and garbage at the bottom of the lake have completely blocked the mouth of the sea, which has directly turned the Black Lake into a pool of stagnant water, and the water level in the secret room has also begun to drop continuously.

Under such circumstances, Hogwarts and the gang of uninformed guys still poured and sprinkled into the lake every day. If the water quality is good, there must be ghosts.

If it wasn't for the fact that the mermaids have been fighting against the pollution of the lake all these years in order to survive, the Black Lake might have been completely reduced to a puddle of stinky water ten years ago~

Therefore, in order to improve the water quality of the Black Lake, in addition to dredging the bottom of the lake and adding additives, it is also necessary to find a way to solve the pollution at the source.

As we all know, the most basic facility for urban domestic sewage pretreatment is septic tank~

Of course, these are actually secondary. The reason why Harry wants to change the Chamber of Secrets into a septic tank is, in the final analysis, to disgust Salazar Slytherin.

That old lunatic not only insulted Harry's surname, but also hanged Harry to death. He absolutely wanted to use the head of that stone sculpture as the water inlet of the septic tank...

Shit you~

As for Harry's superficially righteous but actually selfish revenge proposal, Lao Deng finally chose to agree decisively.

"Well... Slytherin is an eclectic person who defies general rules. I believe he will never mind something like this that benefits the entire Hogwarts~"

It's hard to say whether Lao Deng really thinks what Harry said is reasonable, or just wants to stroke Harry's hair in this situation. In short, he finally agreed with Harry's proposal of 'Hogwarts management Road Improvement Program'.

After that, Harry didn't stay any longer. He left the principal's office and took a box of chocolate frogs from Mr. Principal.

The card in the box is an ancient Greek wizard. Dumbledore said that the card is quite rare. If Harry finds a child who likes to collect cards, it is estimated that it will be easy to exchange for most of the collection in the hands of the other party.

Hehe, childish things like this...Harry really did a lot of things before.

Who hasn’t had a childhood where they vomited after eating crispy noodles~

"Uh...Harry, do you have time now?"

After leaving the principal's office, Harry was stopped in the corridor on the third floor.

The red-haired siblings, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley, seemed to have been waiting for Harry here.

"It's you, what's the matter?" Harry asked lightly, while maintaining a position farther than the normal social distance.

"I... I heard from Professor McGonagall that you came to the principal's office, so I came here to find you." Ron said eagerly, "I want to thank you. When Ginny was taken away, I didn't know what to do. What to do! But you rescued her, thank you very much..."

"Harry, thank you..." The red-haired loli also peeked at Harry. Her voice was as soft as a shy gnat. If Harry hadn't had good ears, he probably wouldn't be able to hear what she was saying.

"It's okay to thank you, anyway, I was going to solve the problem of the Chamber of Secrets." Harry waved his hand indifferently, "As for your sister, she was rescued by Luna, if you want to thank her, thank her."

"This... besides thanking you, I also want to apologize to you!" Ron bowed his head to Harry with a guilty conscience, "Your guess before was correct, and Dad reprimanded Ginny for this. We I just realized that if you hadn't stopped the diary's conspiracy, Dad might even have been calculated to lose his job in the Ministry of Magic! So, I was really too reckless at the time to..."

"I don't think you need to apologize to me, Ginny is actually the same." Harry's face remained flat, "Under that situation, subconsciously trusting relatives and subconsciously choosing to protect yourself were all normal reactions. , so you don’t need to blame yourself at all.”

Harry really didn't care, because he felt that he and the Weasley brothers and sisters had nothing to talk about, no matter thank you or apologize.

What's more, he couldn't wait to find a place to digest the things about Snape.

If only Hermione was by my side at this time...



Ron wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a crisp shout from a distance, and after hearing this voice, Harry's previously heavy expression began to quietly relax.

The high school girl who someone was missing rushed to her with strides, and after roughly scanning the three people on the scene, she leaned forward and took the initiative to hold Harry's arm, and took advantage of the opportunity to block Ginny's peeking sight.

"Weasley, I have something to talk to Harry about, can you let him leave first?"

It should be the first time that Hermione still showed her domineering appearance outside of studying.

At this moment, she raised her head proudly, and told Ron with the expression on her face... she absolutely didn't want to hear half a word~

As for Ginny, after meeting Hermione, she felt strangely ashamed.

This is incredible for her, because she has been named the lady of Gryffindor not long after she entered school.

But Hermione was a nerd with shaggy hair, freckles all over her face and a pair of front teeth. In terms of beauty, she was absolutely inferior to her.

But because Harry had her arm the whole time, she won so easily.

"Then...you guys should be busy first~"

Hermione's aura made the Weasley brothers and sisters completely retreat, and Ron finally understood that Harry was not interested in listening to him at all, so he had to step aside resentfully.

"Farewell." When Harry saw this, he was not polite at all, he took Hermione and left without even paying attention to Ginny who was beside him.

"Well, Harry..."

Looking at the backs of the two Grangers walking away, Ginny's shoulders began to tremble unconsciously. She barely covered her mouth with both hands, and her eyes gradually began to fill with mist...

Of course, Harry couldn't see this scene, and even if he saw it, it would be hard to make any waves in his heart, after all...

Longing is the feeling farthest from understanding.

What Harry needs is not a beautiful vase of fans, but a partner who is obviously strong and arrogant to others, but who can always be sensitive to changes in his mood.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Hermione couldn't help but feel a little worried when she accurately captured the trace of fatigue hidden in Harry's brow.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I know how to deal with it." Harry chuckled and held Hermione's hand, "Besides, as long as I'm by your side, I can't be in a bad mood~"

"What nonsense are you talking about~" Hermione pouted and gave Harry a white look, but she didn't break free from her hand, letting him lead her around the campus.

Some things, they may have tacit understanding.

However, Hermione was still waiting for an opportunity.

And Harry, too, is waiting for a certain day to come...

Chapter 180 Five Therapists Can Also Be Considered

The Chamber of Secrets incident finally came to an end, but Hogwarts was not completely happy because there were still many people lying in the hospital at the moment.

This incident dealt a heavy blow to Hogwarts. Three of the petrified victims were school employees, and two of them were deans.

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