a certain scientific harry potter

Page 50

"I'm late…"

Facing Harry like this, all Dumbledore can say is to admit being late...

He claimed to understand Harry's state very well. After all, he had just experienced a fight, and he probably killed Quirrell with his own hands. It is understandable that he would be in shock.

However, what he didn't know was that Harry was already used to seeing death and corpses, so he wouldn't have any so-called shock at all!

The reason why he was so prepared was because he wanted to directly confront Dumbledore while there was no one else here and Hermione fainted at the same time! !

After studying at Hogwarts for a year, Lao Deng also took it for granted to be a parent for a year, and even nearly killed himself and Hermione because of a wrong plan in the end... Is he really going to continue to swallow his anger?

But Harry was also worried, because he didn't know if Dumbledore would read his mind or even attack him directly when he became angry, so...he must always be prepared!

He probably calculated that after his silence was completely liberated, he should be able to temporarily entangle Lao Deng, so even if he and Lao Deng really fell apart, Norbert, who was recuperating, could at least leave here immediately with Hermione.

As for myself...

Harry dared to bet a Gold Galleon that Old Deng would not kill him directly, so even if things didn't help, he could still hope for Scamander's rescue.

"Harry, it's great to see that you're fine..." No way, Harry kept silent, and Dumbledore could only continue in embarrassment, "You're doing great, when I'm not around, You firmly shouldered the responsibility for the safety of the teachers and students in the school, protected everyone including Miss Granger, and even defeated the unpredictable Quirrell..."

"He is not a guy with ulterior motives!!"

Hearing Dumbledore mention Professor Quirrell, Harry's anger officially began to erupt!

"He has been guiding me, from the non-existent Philosopher's Stone to the levels of the professors...every level! He used his unique intelligence to leave a series of clues for me. In the end, he even risked his life. To help me create an opening to defeat Voldemort..."

"Although he failed, in my opinion, he is a senior who has passed on the spirit of Ravenclaw to me, and he is a great wizard worthy of everyone's respect!!"

"Harry, you said... Quirrell, left a clue for you? This, this is really unexpected..."

Harry's words made Dumbledore lose his usual calm expression. He hadn't noticed at all what Quirrell had done as a 'bad guy' and the true meaning of many clues before.

But it was no wonder, because all his attention was on Harry.

"But you gave up on him!!" Harry pointed at Professor Quirrell's broken body angrily, "You let him be controlled by Voldemort, let him go to the point of no return step by step...you sacrificed a wizard who should have a bright future, Just to complete a ridiculous, shady plan!!"

"Harry, please calm down first. I am deeply sorry for Quirrell's affairs, but in fact... I never knew that he showed signs of breaking away from Voldemort's control." Dumbledore tried to explain to Harry, "He has fallen It's too deep, since he returned from his travels, his thoughts have changed..."

"Then why don't you educate him well?!" Harry sharply criticized, "You are the headmaster, and you are also a teacher at Hogwarts, and Professor Quirrell was a student at Hogwarts, and you know that he Going astray, why not stop him in time and bring him back to the right path?!"

"Do you know, when he was bewitched by Voldemort, how much he needed a teacher's persuasion? When he was gradually occupied by Voldemort, how much he hoped that someone could save him and find a way to bring him Out of the dark abyss?!"

"But what about you? Instead of saving him, you treated him as a pawn that can be discarded, and finally forced me to kill him with my own hands!!"

"Harry, listen to me...you must keep calm now, or your emotions and silence may get out of control!" Dumbledore persuaded with a frown, "I'm very sorry about Quirrell, but it's about Voldemort. You can only sacrifice..."

"Apology!" Harry didn't want to listen to Dumbledore's sophistry at all now, "You must apologize to Professor Quirrell who was abandoned by you! No one deserves to be sacrificed, and no one is born willing to be sacrificed! But for the so-called righteousness, For some ulterior purpose, he was cruelly abandoned in the end... As the principal and teacher, I think you have seriously neglected your duties! And your behavior, in my opinion, is no different from murder!!"

"Harry... I think you really need to calm down!" Dumbledore's tone became more and more serious, and his expression turned slightly cold.

After being accused repeatedly by Harry, he was already getting angry.

"I want you to apologize!!!"

boom! ! !

After the furious roar, the silence on Harry broke out again, turning into a storm that seemed to destroy everything! !

"Harry...you?!" Dumbledore's expression turned serious. He didn't expect that Harry would choose to fight himself desperately for a dead Quirrell! !

At this moment, Dumbledore was caught in a dilemma.

To Dumbledore, the apology Harry asked was nothing more than bowing his head, but the hidden meaning made it difficult for him to choose for a while.

Because once he bowed his head, it meant that he admitted his failure, and the object of the admission was Harry Granger—the child he had to pay attention to and help him plan for the future.

Therefore, after this apology, there must be a subtle psychological gap between him and Harry.

It can be said that once Dumbledore bows his head today, it may be difficult for him to intervene in Harry's future growth path as before.

But...Harry was special after all.

It's easy to defeat Voldemort, but Harry's power is indispensable if you want to find all Voldemort's weaknesses and kill them completely!

Therefore, no matter how Harry was snarky or making troubles in school before, Dumbledore chose to ignore them.

But this time, Harry actually set the fire on himself, and it turned out that he was wrong first!

Quirrell has been leaving clues to Harry, but he didn't find out before; Voldemort had already discovered that the Philosopher's Stone didn't exist before entering the Chamber of Secrets, and he was also belatedly aware of this...

In the end, when he rushed back anxiously, Harry's battle was over...and he even won! !

This time, I even missed the chance to save him.

and so…

"I... I'm sorry!" After hesitating for a long time, Dumbledore bowed his head deeply.

"I blame myself for my negligence, and I am even more ashamed to give up such an excellent wizard as Professor Quirrell! His death, and everything that Harry, you and Hermione have endured today, I can hardly shirk my responsibility! "

Dumbledore... chose to give in!


After finally forcing an apology out of Dumbledore's mouth, the frustration in Harry's heart finally eased a bit.

In this way, at least Professor Quirrell can't be regarded as dead.

Although Harry will still feel very sorry...

Of course, it's not enough to just apologize to Professor Quirrell, Harry hasn't said anything about himself yet.

Holding the interspatial ring in his hand, after silently reciting the meditation spell a few times, Harry slowly retracted the silence that was barking his teeth and claws.

"Hmm..." Suddenly, a sharp pain started from the brain and quickly swept through the whole body, but Harry stubbornly suppressed it.

I have used too much silent power today, and it has already started to hinder my body...

But fortunately, it is estimated that there is no need to pretend to be "desperate" silently and continue to bluff against Lao Deng in the future.

Dumbledore's retreat just now made Harry see a mystery.

There must be something closely related to Voldemort in him, because of the existence of this kind of thing, Dumbledore must ensure that he is alive.

So he won't do anything to himself, and he has to talk to himself, so that he doesn't commit suicide by running away silently!

It's ridiculous to say, but pressing death is indeed Harry's best reliance at this time.

Because he must always show his attitude of 'give me freedom or give me death' to Dumbledore in order to be invincible in this confrontation!

"Principal Dumbledore, at this point, we might as well clarify the matter." Harry looked at Dumbledore expressionlessly, "You should have found out about my relationship with Mr. Scamander Bar."

The year Harry entered school was not in vain, and the reason Lao Deng valued him could only be Voldemort, so he had always entrusted Scamander to investigate the matter of Voldemort.

Investigating a dark lord who is well known in the magic world is bound to attract a lot of attention, so when Scamander returned some investigation results to Harry, Harry knew that their relationship must not be hidden .

"Yes, I've heard about it." Dumbledore nodded. "I'm really happy for you to have such a powerful and experienced wizard as your friend."

"So can you answer a few questions for me?" Harry asked flatly, "Why did you put me at the Dursleys' house?"

"Harry, I'm worried that you are dazzled by the aura of a hero." Dumbledore said with concern, "A newborn child defeated the vicious Dark Lord, if you are left in the wizarding world, you will You will hear too many voices that are not conducive to growth..."

"Even if this is the case, you can still send me to a more reliable orphanage, or spend time finding a normal family like Granger, instead of ignoring Professor McGonagall's dissuasion, and knowing that the Dursleys are people. Under the circumstances, you still insist on going your own way!" Harry easily found the loophole in Dumbledore's words, "Besides...have you forgotten the game between us more than two years ago?"

As soon as I heard that I was leaving the Dursleys' house, Mrs. Figg tipped off the social worker first, and then a group of wizards went on the streets of London to investigate.

In the end, the Ministry of Magic even sent an Auror to attack the royal family so that I could choose a wizarding family!

So... you guys are doing all this just to prevent me from growing into a brat, what about cheating ghosts? !

"It's because of the Blood Protection Curse..." Helplessly, Dumbledore had no choice but to confess the truth, "Before she died, your mother Lily injected an ancient curse called 'Love' into your body, hoping to protect your safety. After I learned this, I cast another blood protection spell on you to strengthen this protection. As long as you can stay with your blood relatives and admit that it is your home, this protection will last until you are 17 years old. Before, it will continue to take effect."

It turned out that it was the mother who left her love for herself, and then Dumbledore was worried, so he added another protective measure~

Therefore, the reason why Dumbledore placed himself in the Dursleys' house was actually to continue this protection so that he could grow up safely.

Should Harry be touched?

"Mr. Headmaster, come to my next question... am I safe after Voldemort's defeat 11 years ago?"

"Yes...you were safe then."

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched unconsciously, and now he finally realized the feeling of those professors before.

Harry started the pressing mode that he liked to hear step by step, but he could only answer the other party's continuous progressive questions step by step.

He can't get angry, let alone attack Harry, because Harry is now a firecracker with the fuse exposed... It will explode at one point!

And once he explodes in front of his face, then everything will be over! !

From Dumbledore's point of view, Harry's temperament is already extreme, coupled with the influence of silence on emotions, he has to coax Harry all the time~

"Is this safety because of the blood protection curse you just mentioned, or because there was no danger to me at the time?" Harry continued to ask.

"There should be both of these situations, Harry, your mother has always used her love to protect..."

"I have a list of former Death Eaters provided by Mr. Scamander, which records the detailed whereabouts of almost all of them after Voldemort's 'judgment'." Harry's mouth curled into a sneer , "Mr. Principal, do you want to reconsider... the answer to my question just now?"

"This... well, I admit that the environment at that time was relatively safe for you." Dumbledore sighed helplessly, "Some of Voldemort's most loyal Death Eaters died in the war, and the rest Almost all of them were imprisoned in Azkaban. And those Death Eaters who turned from darkness to light, because the Dark Lord was 'dead', all joined the side of justice again, and naturally they gave up wanting to seek revenge on you meaning. Of course there must be some enemies at large, but..."

"But you have already arranged eyeliner near the Dursley's house, right?" Harry silently took over Dumbledore's words, "For example, Mrs. Figg, and of course there may be others...It's a pity that they stared People's kung fu is not enough~"


"Very good~" Harry nodded in satisfaction.

The debate is not sophistry. Dumbledore tried to get Harry to focus on his mother's protection, to magnify the dangers that were unwarranted before Harry became an adult; but what Harry had to do was to cite hard evidence to overthrow his argument !

And the proof is: in the past 11 years, no matter whether he was in the Dursleys or the Grangers, his mother's power had never taken effect once, and he had never been attacked!

If Dumbledore can cite specific names and examples, such as who attacked Harry in a certain way in the past 11 years, who attacked Harry in a certain way, and who rescued Harry in secret …

Such an example, as long as he can cite one, Harry can stop here today and bow his head to admit his mistake!

But the truth is, he couldn't name any of them.

There is a simple truth, which can be understood after thinking about it... If there were really Death Eaters who posed a huge threat to Harry in exile, how could Dumbledore send only Mrs. Know, Squibs that even Dudley can't beat, go stalking the Dursleys all by themselves? !

So, when Voldemort 'died', his bastards simply either gave up or couldn't bother Harry at all...

And since there is no trouble, do you dare to say that the blood protection curse is not superfluous?

Oh, of course not...

Because the blood protection curse and my mother's love have the same power, but the actual meaning is completely different!

"Harry, you can't say that..." Dumbledore frowned slightly, and argued aloud, "You and I both know that Voldemort has returned, and once he finds you..."

"Mr. Principal, do you think it's faster for you to hear about Voldemort's return first, or for Voldemort to find me first?"

It was yet another question that left Dumbledore speechless, for the result was in sight.

Voldemort is back, but he is extremely weak and can only be attached to Quirrell, surviving on the blood of the unicorn.

Don't look at Harry's dangerous fight, but in fact, if Dumbledore is willing to make a move, it is probably quite easy to kill Quirrell Voldemort in seconds.

But he didn't.

"Let's make a hypothesis, Mr. Headmaster." Thinking of this, Harry continued to ask the question, "Supposing I didn't come to Hogwarts to study, what would happen to Voldemort after he came back this time?"

"I should have been defeated when I was looking for the Philosopher's Stone..." Dumbledore said after thinking for a while, "But Harry, this is an impossible situation."

"Of course this situation can't happen!" Harry's face turned cold instantly, "Because didn't you make up your mind a long time ago, no matter what method you use, you must forcefully take me to Hogwarts?!"

"..." Facing Harry's questioning, Dumbledore remained silent.

Scamander had a very good saying back then. He said that the legs grew on Harry himself. If he didn't want to go to Hogwarts to study, Dumbledore would not be able to tie them up.

But the truth is, Dumbledore did not come to kidnap Harry, but he sent someone to kidnap Hermione!

Because Hermione was born in an ordinary family, before entering school, there must be a messenger to introduce the situation of the wizarding world to the Granger family.

So Harry wanted to ask, why was it such a coincidence that the messenger came to the door just as he was rushing him to go out?

As for the mysterious messenger, why did he seem to know Momoran so well that he could exaggerate the harm of suppressing magic in front of the Grangers and Hermione?

Harry has investigated before. Although the number is small, there are children in England who have awakened their magical powers but do not want to go to school every year. Which one of them is not living well now?

Why did Hermione's situation become so dangerous that it could only be solved by going to Hogwarts when the messenger talked about it? !

In addition, this messenger not only bragged about the wizarding world and Hogwarts in front of the Granger family, but also talked loudly in front of Hermione...the story that he once 'repelled' the Dark Lord!

He made Hermione mistakenly think that Harry is a nobleman among wizards and a hero, and made Hermione mistakenly think that Harry looked down on her, and then Hermione began to lose her temper and be arrogant, and finally stubbornly chose to go to Hogwarts!

So in that situation, was there anything else Harry could do?

Even though she apologized at the time, she was still determined to go to Hogwarts!

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