a certain scientific harry potter

Page 373

It's time for a showdown with Dumbledore.

Harry roughly described what he had experienced to Dumbledore, but it was a description, but it was almost a complaint.

Especially in the face of a client who looks exactly the same, it is really difficult for him to be completely objective. When talking, even fragments of silence escape inadvertently.

"Child, calm down." Seeing this, Dumbledore hurriedly dissuaded in a gentle voice, "I know you have resentment, but the power of silence must be well controlled."

"Sorry..." Harry also knew that he had lost his composure, so he gradually eased his emotions.

"Excellent control," Dumbledore nodded in praise. "It's generally difficult for silent people to control their emotions. In addition, your temper is already a bit extreme. It's really not easy to control it to this extent. Just from this point of view, The me in your time and space does have some problems... The silent person can only be influenced by love, I have the same experience with him, and he shouldn't be targeting you like this."

"Who says it's not~" Harry pouted speechlessly, "Maybe he doesn't have such a thing as love in his heart."

In the final analysis, Harry is a person who values ​​first impressions very much, and takes soft things rather than tough ones. Those who make a good first impression on him and are always friendly to him, Harry basically takes out more feedback.

But Lao Deng seems to be doing it on purpose, every time he can step on the minefield where Harry's temper explodes just right~

"Oh, I personally will be very sad to hear this." Dumbledore shook his head regretfully, and then looked at Harry sincerely, "Son, if you need, I can replace him to you..."

"Don't!" Seeing that Dumbledore seemed to be bowing to him, Harry hurriedly waved his hands to stop him, "You two are not alone at all, I don't need you to apologize for him, the grievances between me and him, in the future I will definitely solve it on my own. I am actually just curious this time, and it is obvious that two people who have experienced similar experiences, why there is such a difference!"

"Well... child, I'll take you to a place tomorrow." Dumbledore said after thinking for a while, "Some problems may be better explained there."

"There is…"


Chapter 790 Too good eyesight is not a good thing

Nurmengard...Harry never imagined that the place Dumbledore was going to take him would be there!

That quaint castle in Austria was once a wizard prison as infamous as Azkaban.

But in fact, this place is more like a concentration camp that has not seen the sun. When it was not deserted, all the wizards in it were those who did not obey the rule of the Dark Lord at that time.

But time has changed, and since 1945, this concentration camp for wizards has been completely deserted.

Now in this deserted prison, there is only one wizard imprisoned, and the irony is that the other party is precisely the builder of Nurmengard Castle...

Gellert Grindelwald - the Dark Lord who once shook Europe and most of Mizhou except England, was also Dumbledore's like-minded... best friend when he was young.

The above paragraph belongs to the history of this time and space. It was preserved in a corner of Harry Potter's memory when he fled in the seventh grade, so it did not attract Harry's attention before.

But looking at it now, this period of history is quite different from what happened in Harry's own time and space.

After all... In Harry's time and space, Grindelwald had long since died in the hands of Old Deng. It is estimated that even his ashes had been taken away, and Nurmengard Castle had been completely turned into ruins.

Now, Dumbledore here actually wants to take him to see Grindelwald, which will inevitably make Harry fantasize.

In his own time and space, his understanding of Grindelwald basically comes from Bathilda and Aberforth. One of them is old and can't remember many things clearly, and the other Simply regard Grindelwald as an enemy, so the objective impression he can give Harry is quite limited.

Therefore, Harry only knew roughly that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were brothers.

But now it seems that the relationship between them may not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

Harry had been thinking about it the whole way back to his tent after leaving Hogwarts.

He entrusted Dumbledore to help him explain why there was such a difference between the other party and Old Deng, but the other party directly moved out of Grindelwald...

Could it be said that it was Grindelwald's death that prompted Lao Deng's "temperament change"?

But Harry really didn't understand. Grindelwald was obviously killed by Old Deng himself. If he is really so reluctant and really can't do it at all, then don't do it as soon as possible!

It is completely normal for the heinous criminals to be unable to get rid of their crimes, etc., in a Western magic society that is full of human rights and freedom.

There is no death penalty in the British wizarding world. The heaviest punishment for a wizard is to be thrown into Azkaban, and then secretly tortured to death by dementors, or directly absorb the soul and become an unconscious living dead.

So if Lao Deng really doesn't want to kill Grindelwald, then after defeating the opponent, he can learn from the "original book" and imprison this guy in Nurmengard to face the wall and think about it~

Maybe, the two of them can still play some tricks such as Hongyan Passing Books in private.

It turned out to be a good thing now, Old Deng killed himself happily, but he made himself into such a ghost, and disturbed the whole of England, no matter whether it was decent, villain or middle-of-the-road, all had to endure his convulsions at every turn~

"Oh...forget it."

Back in front of the tent, Harry shook his head irritably as he watched the faint yellow lights peeking out from the entrance of the tent, forcing himself to suppress those chaotic thoughts.

Seriously, he hates the name Gellert Grindelwald.

Although he had never met, and Harry actually admired the other person's actions, for some reason, there was always an inexplicable disgust and hatred in his heart, as if this person was in conflict with his natural horoscope.

Including when he was investigating the Deathly Hallows and Lao Deng's past, whenever this name appeared, Harry would always be angry for no reason.

Tomorrow, if I actually meet this person, what will happen...

Gently lifting the curtain of the tent, Harry found that the lights in several bedrooms had been turned off, leaving only a door light for him in the living room.

That's right, although in their own time and space, the real time may have passed less than 10 to [-] minutes, but they have traveled through three periods of time in a row, and there have been several battles in between, the two women must have Already exhausted.

What's more, since I came back so late, would Hermione and Luna have to curl up on the sofa and wait for him?

After confirming that the two girls seemed to have fallen asleep in the master bedroom, Zouwu and Norbeta were also resting in the corners of the living room. Harry didn't want to disturb everyone, so he simply tiptoed and washed up, and then picked a second bedroom to go to bed. .

It's just that when he was lying on the bed, although he kept trying to relax himself and stop worrying about tomorrow's affairs, he found that he couldn't fall asleep at all.

No matter how he emptied his mind, or even chanted the Dingjing Waterstop Mantra over and over again, as soon as he closed his eyes, various chaotic images would always appear in his mind.

First, the skeleton frame with soul fire flashing in its eye sockets kept casting lingering shadows on him, followed by a series of figures such as Voldemort and Lao Deng appeared one after another, and finally there was a man with short hair and short hair. The guy with the short blond hair and one pale eye just couldn't get enough of him.

In the end, Harry just kept his eyes open and kept looking at the ceiling of the tent that way, at least that way he wouldn't be hallucinating.

Then after a long time like this, the door of his room was suddenly opened a small crack...

The shallow light in the living room spilled into the room through the crack of the door, and it also attracted Harry's eyes to the door, and then he saw... two sneaky people closed the door and walked towards him like thieves. The girl touched by my bed~

No... Hermione and Luna, what are they doing at night?

Do you want to come to the night attack?

Then do I let them succeed, or do I succeed~

Panic panting sounds and cautious footsteps were getting closer and closer, but just as Harry was struggling in the dark, whether he wanted to pretend to sleep and wait for the other party to continue, or just make a sound to break them, he inadvertently met A pair of bright eyes...

Immediately afterwards, the girl's panicked exclamation came from the darkness.

"He...how is he awake?!"

Luna's eyes are also very special, and she can see clearly even in this kind of darkness, so she suddenly realized...Harry lying on the bed was looking at them with a dazed expression at the moment~

So she panicked decisively.

Being reluctantly (actually, half-pushed) being dragged over to Night Attack, only to find that the target of the Night Attack was staring at their performance the whole time with two big eyes...

In an instant, a surge of embarrassment rushed straight from the soles of her feet to Tianling Gai, making Luna so ashamed that she wanted to hide her face and run away immediately.

"It's a shame that you are called a crazy girl, why don't you just pretend that he is asleep?!"

However, the 'main culprit' who urged her to come here obviously didn't want to let it go, she not only hugged the girl who was about to run away, but also pinched her from behind and pushed her down on Harry's bed!

"Ah! You know everything, don't be like this... eh~"

Hmm...Harry, who subconsciously raised his hand to help, said that he really didn't mean to let the girl scream out of tune...

Chapter 790 The magic power of love is powerful

Regarding the oolong that happened just now, Harry felt that it was necessary for him to explain...

Please, it really was Luna who accidentally fell over by herself!

What happened just now was too unexpected. It was too late when Harry raised his hand to help him. As a result, the girl turned around in a panic when she lost her balance. In the end, she not only fell directly on her back beside Harry, but also And sat on Harry's hand firmly...

Of course, it's not standard to say 'sitting', because Luna is actually lying on Harry's hand straight now, and her body is tense and motionless, like a...

How would you describe it, little zombie?

Harry could clearly feel her nervousness even by the sense of touch... Well, she shrank and shivered, and she was trembling a little.

If I pinch it, I shouldn't be chopped off...

However, hearing the girl's increasingly disordered breathing and the uneasy trembling of her body, Harry felt that this kind of oolong could not continue, especially in front of Hermione.

"Hmm..." But he just tried to pull his hand out, and Luna, who felt his movement, groaned inadvertently...

"Don't move either of you! Especially Harry, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will take the crazy girl away immediately!" This small sound also alarmed Hermione at once, and she didn't know it came from What was the purpose? It was directly threatening and luring Harry until he froze on the bed.

As for Luna, her whole body is so stiff now, otherwise she wouldn't be able to stand up until now...

"Know everything... Even if you don't let him move, at least let him take his hand away first..."

Apparently, someone didn't hear the voiceover of Luna wanting to cry, but instead climbed onto the bed and lay on Harry's other side.

So, without Harry knowing what happened, the three of them slept in the same room again, just like they had done in Paris before.

And this time it was still on the same bed, and Harry was switched to the middle~

Being tightly clamped by the two women, especially one hand held down by Luna, Harry now feels like his brain is going to shut down, and he doesn't know what they are going to do...

What's more, bringing Luna with her or something... Has Hermione been able to play this big now?

"You... don't think about it!" As if she had guessed Harry's mind, Hermione argued a little awkwardly, "It's a crazy girl, she said she couldn't sleep in bed, and she would be afraid to sleep by herself at night." , that’s why I came to look for you!”

"I don't have it..." Luna couldn't help explaining in a low voice after being so 'slandered' by Hermione, but unfortunately the decibel was not much higher than that of a mosquito.

And Harry was speechless about this kind of explanation. To be honest, Hermione didn't even believe in the stupid reason she gave~

Saying that Luna will recognize the bed, Harry will bear it for the time being, but if you say that Luna sleeps by herself, she will be afraid... Please, when has she ever slept by herself?

Hasn't she always been slept by you?

You two were lying on the same bed just now!

Just complaining about it, Harry soon felt that Hermione's mood didn't seem right.

She didn't seem to be here to make trouble, not to mention that even if she really wanted to do some shows with Harry, she wouldn't be crazy enough to just bring Luna on together!

After lying beside her, Hermione was like a kitten, lying on her side and leaning into Harry's arms, while she reached out and stroked his chest lightly.

But she didn't seem to be playing tricks... Her hands were trembling slightly, and she seemed a little flustered.

"Hermione, what's the matter?" Harry asked softly, sensing the girl's strange behavior.

"We... are really worried." Hermione gently grabbed the clothes on Harry's chest, "I don't know what's wrong with me, even when you went to face Voldemort alone, I wasn't so worried, but for Dumbledore... I'm really afraid that something will happen to you..."

"I have the same feeling..." Luna, who was frozen on the other side, also whispered, "Maybe I was too deeply influenced by another person, I was always worried that you would conflict with him, and he still held the Elder Wand... "

"Is that so..." Hearing what the two women said, Harry couldn't help but sighed softly.

It turned out that they were just as concerned about this matter as they were themselves.

Lao Deng in his own time and space, seems to have really become a heart disease for himself and those around him.

Especially for Hermione and Luna, they are still students at Hogwarts after all, and they have been openly opposing the headmaster like this. The psychological pressure they face every day can be imagined.

Alas, I hope that the next trip to Nurmengard can completely untie this knot for everyone.

"I actually had a good chat with him, Professor Dumbledore over here, he has something that the headmaster doesn't have." Harry hugged Hermione slightly, "He will take us to a place tomorrow , then maybe all the mysteries will be solved.”

He briefly told the two women about the meeting with Dumbledore and the upcoming itinerary, but when he mentioned someone's name, Luna's body trembled suddenly, and the whole person jumped from the bed. It bounced straight away!

"Luna? What's wrong with you?" Seeing this, Harry hurriedly got up with Hermione.

"I... I don't know, I'm just a little scared all of a sudden, it shouldn't be a big deal..."

It could be seen that the girl really wanted to make Harry not worry as much as possible, but she couldn't hide the pain and fear in her eyes at all.

"Harry..." She looked at Harry with wide eyes, and at that moment, Harry seemed to see extreme reluctance in her eyes.

"Luna... this time, don't leave me again!"

Harry completely understood Luna's worry, he confided in a hoarse voice, and held Luna tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid that Luna would disappear from his side like the nightmares he had seen before...

At this time, Hermione, who was following Harry, also gently reached out her hands and grabbed Luna's wrist.

"Well, no~" Seemingly feeling Harry's intentions, of course, it might be because of the encouragement of the two of them, Luna temporarily gave up her shyness, shrunk her body into a petite ball, and hugged her tightly. into Harry's arms.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people today, their relationship is somewhat deformed, but as the parties, they don't care anymore.

Because these three people know each other very well...they can't leave each other at all!

They hugged each other like this, and finally fell asleep together.

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