a certain scientific harry potter

Page 33

Now, when it really happened, he actually said that no one should be responsible for it? !

This kind of sophistry almost made Harry's three views explode! !

However, what made Harry even more speechless was that Professor Flitwick seemed to quite agree with this?

Most intuitively, after Dumbledore said these words, although Professor Flitwick was still a little sad, he was no longer as self-blaming as before!

I'm so depressed~

"Harry, you don't have to worry too much about this matter. I will come forward to appease Draco." Dumbledore seemed not to have noticed Harry's emotional changes, and slowly concluded the matter.

"Principal Dumbledore, I don't quite understand what you mean... You could have told me, or the other professors, about my peculiarity in advance!" Harry asked Dumbledore with a sullen face, " In addition, Mr. Filch also gave you clues about foreign house elves infiltrating Hogwarts before, I want to know...why hasn't that intruder been caught yet?!"

"Harry, I admit that what you said has some truth, and I am very pleased that you have shown a maturity that is different from ordinary children. But what I want to tell you is that not everything can be prevented in advance. We cannot Just relying on a little clue, go to guard against something that has not yet happened, because not only will it not work, but it may cause more serious panic and incidents."

Dumbledore walked up to Harry and patted Harry on the shoulder: "Harry, I understand your worries all the time and your desire to stay away from here. But both you and Hermione are big Don't worry, Hogwarts is definitely the safest place for you, I can assure you of this!"

Listen, Lao Deng said that Hogwarts is safe~

I'm afraid Hermione and I will be safe when my actions are completely under your control? !

"Harry, in my heart, you are really a good boy. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you can agree with Hogwarts, and find your true joy in the journey of growing up!"


Hmph, that's how it is~

By now, Harry fully understood.

Why, Dumbledore kept a lot of things hidden; why he didn't solve it as he thought when he clearly provided him with clues; why...he knew that many of his actions would arouse his disgust, but But he refuses to change, let alone lower his posture and have an open and honest dialogue with himself!

Because the root of all this lies in an adult's inherent arrogance towards children! !

Chapter 61 The so-called reconciliation is brought about by growing up (4/10)

Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts, but when dealing with Harry's problems, he is more like a parent, always keen to make arrangements that he thinks are 'better for Harry' according to his own judgment .

Therefore, in order not to let Harry grow up to be a bear child, of course, there are also factors such as wanting Harry to experience family affection or other factors, so he took it for granted that Harry was fostered at the Dursleys' house.

Knowing that Harry wanted to stay away from the wizarding world, he still asked the owl to send Harry the admission notice, because he thought it would be better for Harry to become a wizard, and it would be safer for him to stay at Hogwarts.

He hid the special nature of Harry and the holly wand from others because it was such a big deal, and he also didn't want other students at Hogwarts, after learning that Harry was a 'wand grabber', to Alienate Harry.

In the end, he let house-elves, who might have been sent by the Malfoys or some other pure-blood family, lurk at Hogwarts, because the infiltrators didn't cause too much trouble other than stealing food.

Therefore, as long as there are no vicious incidents, the interior of Hogwarts will remain stable, and the conflict between Harry and Malfoy is just the conflict between the two children, which cannot rise to the height of the family behind it.

This is the so-called, children's affairs are solved by children, and adults' affairs are taken care of by adults~

From this point of view, Dumbledore is indeed not wrong, because everything he does is for Harry, so that Harry can have a safe, normal, stable and happy wizard apprenticeship in his opinion!

But for Harry, the most selfish thing in the world is... I am doing it for your own good.

I'm for your own good, so I'm right and you're wrong;

I care about you, so you have to listen to me;

I care about you very much, so you have to grow up in the way I like;

I'm doing this for your own good, why are you so ungrateful?

I'm doing this for your own good, why can't you think about it from my perspective? !

Everything I do is for your own good, if you don't accept it... then you are a child and ignorant, and you will completely hurt an adult's heart! !

So, this is the most condescending arrogance of an adult to a child...

After thoroughly understanding all the key points, Harry finally gave up his plan to have a frank talk with Dumbledore, because he knew...that would be meaningless.

Yes, Harry admitted, he had been wrong for a long time.

Dumbledore is actually a good man, just like Hagrid, Professor Flitwick, and even the tsundere bat spirit in the Snake Court, he has always cared about himself.

But so what? Does that mean that you must accept the other party's arrangement?

Indeed, all the efforts Harry has made from the time he entered the school to the present are absurd in many cases, because from the perspective of God, it is impossible for Dumbledore to let him drop out of school!

But what makes Harry feel sad is not that he has been doing useless work, but that even if things have come to this point, even if Dumbledore has fully understood Harry's character, and even came up with a series of "human control" He used a "human" method to limit Harry's behavior, but his attitude towards Harry was still the way parents take it for granted when dealing with their children! !

He thought that the path he designed in advance would eventually lead to Harry, but he didn't know... Harry wanted something other than that!

However, Dumbledore's experience is too long.

There were too many roads he had traveled and too many things he had seen, and Harry couldn't change his mind at all.

There was no way for Harry to ask Dumbledore to put himself on an equal footing with him to have a conversation!

What's more, if Harry insisted blindly, he might be suspicious, and he might be arrested and pried open his brain to read his memory.

He didn't believe that wizards didn't have this ability!

Therefore, shallow communication is useless, and deep communication is suspicious. Harry can only choose to give up communication in the end.

In his previous life, he also experienced the process from confrontation to reconciliation with his parents, so he deeply knows that the root cause of the reconciliation is not simply the so-called reasonable communication, but because of...

grow up.

As their children grow up, parents may say things like 'children will always be children', but at the same time they will admit in their hearts that their children are gradually becoming independent and distanced from themselves.

Until one day, when the parents discovered that the child's size, experience, and abilities had completely surpassed their own, the so-called reconciliation was naturally reached.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for Harry to waste time with Dumbledore now.

What he should do more is to find Hermione immediately!

Harry doesn't remember much about the plot of "The Sorcerer's Stone", but he is generally clear about some famous scenes.

On the day of learning the Levitation Charm in Charms class, on Halloween, that Quirrell guy is going to bring trolls to Hogwarts! !

If he didn't find Hermione in time... Harry couldn't imagine it!

He immediately ran to the women's bathroom on the second floor where Hermione might be, yelled at the door cheekily, and even risked being regarded as a pervert, went in and searched one by one, but found nothing.

He ran to find Hagrid again, but only learned from Hagrid why Hermione was angry, and where he had deceived her...

He even thought about following Quirrell directly, only to find that Quirrell hadn't been at Hogwarts since the afternoon!

"Hermione...where did you go?!"

The basement classroom, the common room of Eagle Yard, even the secret room on the fourth floor and the prefect's bathroom on the sixth floor, Harry searched all the places Hermione might go, but still found nothing.


Harry had never hated himself more than now...he had lost Hermione!

If he had known that Dumbledore would give such a useless explanation, he shouldn't have gone to the headmaster's office with Professor Flitwick, leaving Hermione alone! !

After searching hard all the way, when the anxious Harry broke into a certain classroom on the fifth floor like a fly without his head, he froze in place for a while.

This place seemed to be an abandoned classroom, with dilapidated tables and chairs randomly piled up by the walls, and large clusters of dust everywhere, obviously no one had cleaned it for a long time.

However, in the very center of this classroom, there is an item that obviously does not belong here.

"Is this... a mirror?"

It was a huge mirror with a height reaching the ceiling. The mirror was inlaid with a golden frame around it, and it shimmered in the dim room, looking quite mysterious.

On the top of the mirror, there is also a string of particularly strange characters engraved.

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi

Harry just read it roughly and knew that the string of characters should be read backwards.

'What I show is not your mirror image, but your heart's desire'

This is what the string of characters above really means.

(Ps It is scary to arrange this plot on the shelf, but the protagonist must have a chance to know himself. He and Lao Deng are actually the same person in essence, and they are both self-righteous big parents. Lao Deng doesn't think so. There is nothing wrong with my restraint and concealment of Harry, because he is an adult and Harry is a child; in the same way, Harry does not feel that his behavior constitutes a deception to Hermione, because he is an adult and Hermione is a child... In short , then the protagonist will reflect, and his and Hermione's ideas will gradually begin to converge)

Chapter 62 Robbers can be kind too (5/10)

Harry finally remembered now that the Mirror of Erised seemed to be the medium through which he finally obtained the Sorcerer's Stone in the original book.

At that time, he just looked in the mirror and found himself in the mirror with the Philosopher's Stone in his trouser pocket, and then he really got it.

It was also in front of this mirror that Harry caught Quirrell to death with his own hands...

So, what is the use of this mirror now, can it help me find Hermione?

Thinking of this, Harry raised his eyes to look at the magic mirror in front of him, only to be shocked to find that a phantom appeared in the magic mirror!

"Can really see... no! It's not Hermione!"

Harry was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurried to the magic mirror, only to find that the outline in the mirror was not the person he wanted to see.

The outline of the figure in the mirror was very blurred, and the facial features could not be seen clearly at all. Although it could be roughly judged to be a young girl, she had blond hair reaching waist length.

Based on this alone, Harry could already conclude that she was definitely not Hermione!

"So... um!!"

However, when he wanted to confirm further, the sudden sharp pain felt like a needle prick, turning his mind into a mess!

Countless memory fragments came one after another, attacking Harry's mind wave after wave. Harry's spirit could not bear the violent impact, and finally he rolled his eyes and fainted in front of the Mirror of Erised.

After Harry fainted, the outline of the girl in the mirror gradually disappeared, and only his shadow was reflected...

"Ugh... that's bad!"

After an unknown amount of time, Harry woke up suddenly and struggled to sit up from the ground.

He felt that there were some inexplicable memories in his mind, but he didn't dare to recall them at all, because as long as he thought about it even a little, his head would be as painful as splitting open.

He got up cautiously, but found that his body was extremely weak at the moment, his whole body was trembling as if he had collapsed, and he couldn't even clenched his fists.

The Mirror of Erised... Harry glanced at the mirror standing not far away with lingering fear, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

There were obviously some great secrets hidden in this mirror, but it was also extremely dangerous, and Harry didn't dare to explore it lightly now.

"So, the time...damn it! It's already so late?!"

He struggled to move his body to the corridor, and when Harry saw the completely dark sky outside through the window, he was extremely anxious.

It's already dark, and the Halloween dinner may have started early... What about the troll? !

He stumbled and ran towards the auditorium on the first floor, and even almost fell down the stairs several times in the middle, but Harry didn't care at all!

All he wanted now was to rush to the Great Hall as soon as possible to make sure Hermione was safely seated at the long Ravenclaw table for dinner.

If she's not here...

"The troll—it's in the underground classroom, you should know..."

Harry, who was out of breath, barely reached the first floor when he heard a stern warning. He followed the sound and happened to see Quirrell, who had been missing all afternoon, dizzy next to Dumbledore's chair.

So... where's Hermione?

Before the entire auditorium was completely fried, Harry checked the long table of Ravenclaw as quickly as possible, but he didn't find Hermione's figure.

she is not here!

It seems that I still have to go to the women's toilet!

Ignoring the chaotic students behind him and Dumbledore's shouts to maintain order, Harry staggered and turned around, rushing to the girls' bathroom on the second floor again!

In the original movie, Hermione met the troll here. Although Harry was the first to investigate here in the afternoon, no one can guarantee that Hermione will not come here when he is unconscious!


At the same time, just when Harry made up his mind to break into the women's bathroom again, Hermione, who had been imprisoned for an entire afternoon in an unknown room in Hogwarts Castle, was constantly trying to break free. .

"Let go of me! Did you hear me...I tell you to let me go!!"

Hermione's whole body was bound to a chair, and she couldn't even take out her wand, and could only yell at her in vain over and over again.

After Charms class, Hermione, who was extremely sad, originally wanted to find a corner where no one was around, and cry alone, but suddenly her eyes blurred when she passed a certain corridor, and she didn't know anything after that .

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