a certain scientific harry potter

Page 31

She used to look at Harry while washing her hair, but most of them just found it novel and interesting, but it was completely different from this time.

Against the dim candlelight in the room, Harry's eyes were extremely bright, and his expression was very serious, very...

"What are you looking at?" Harry asked coldly.

"No...it's nothing~" Hermione blushed slightly, and hurriedly closed her eyes, not daring to look again.

"What about that egg, I'll just use it up." Harry didn't think it was unusual, after washing Hermione's hair completely, he remembered that this girl seemed to have gone to the kitchen to get a 'hair care product' .

"Here it is~" Hermione handed the egg to Harry, but her expression looked a little embarrassed, "Otherwise, just wash it up. It's so late, don't bother..."

"I never thought it was a problem."

Harry shook the egg vigorously with one hand, while constantly adjusting the water temperature with the other hand. Finally, after feeling right, he mixed the egg liquid and bath liquid thoroughly and applied it evenly on Hermione's hair.

After that, he dug his fingers into Hermione's hair and began to massage slowly and gently... just like they did at home.

Feeling the familiar touch from her head, while Hermione was enjoying it comfortably, she suddenly felt a little pantothenic in her nose.

So much had happened in the months at Hogwarts that she was really homesick.

"Hey...Harry, what were you and Mr. Filch talking about when we were in the kitchen?" Maybe because she didn't want to be immersed in the emotion of missing, Hermione took the initiative to chat with Harry.

"It was just a small talk about the burglar's speculation, and you were caught~" Harry smiled and brushed Hermione's little nose with a lock of hair.

"Hate~" Hermione snorted dissatisfiedly, "By the way, I found a terrifying three-headed giant dog in that room on the fourth floor. Know what you're guarding."

"It's a room that Headmaster Dumbledore expressly forbids you to enter, so no matter what, you and I don't need to pay too much attention to it."

Harry probably knew what the three-headed dog was guarding, but he felt that it had nothing to do with him.

Most importantly...he didn't want anything to do with Hermione! !

"Harry...thank you~"

Hearing Hermione's soft groan, Harry froze in place for a moment, even his hands that were being massaged stopped...

(ps Let me tell you, this picture is so hanging that it didn’t make the designer big baby collapse on the spot, (@_@;))

Chapter 57 The thieves came in from the outside

Exactly what Hermione's gratitude meant, Harry wasn't quite sure.

He didn't know if the other party heard what he said just now, or simply sent a belated thank you for the previous group fight, or... the feelings of the past few months?

However, when Harry was silent for a while and wanted to check with Hermione, he found that the girl in front of him seemed to have fallen asleep, and even began to breathe evenly.

Colorful bubbles were flying around with a soft rhythm. Looking at Hermione's sleeping face, Harry's heart trembled inadvertently.

He felt that Hermione at this moment was exactly like the mermaid in the frame on the wall.

She was lying on the rock sleeping soundly, her long hair brushing her face, trembling slightly with every breath she took...

Seeing Hermione like this, Harry didn't choose to wake her up, but just helped her tidy up her still damp hair a little, then wrapped her carefully with a bath towel, and carried her away from here.

There was a long distance from the prefect's bathroom to the room where Professor McGonagall was. Harry never let go, and took every step carefully, as if he was afraid of waking the girl in his arms...

"Mr. Granger, this is very inappropriate, do you know? You may think it doesn't matter, but to Miss Granger, this matter is really. very. inappropriate!"

Sure enough, when Harry wrapped Hermione in a towel and found Professor McGonagall, the latter's face suddenly turned cloudy.

Professor McGonagall, who has a somewhat rigid personality, has always disapproved of the close relationship between the Granger siblings.

Even the fact that the two of them shared a wand, she was still quite critical.

Hmm... Apparently a certain bumblebee didn't tell Professor McGonagall all about why Harry didn't have a wand.

Originally, when Hermione started to keep the necessary distance from Harry and lived with her, Professor McGonagall was very happy that the two children finally started to understand, but he never thought that the Granger brothers would suddenly let him go tonight. A big move!

"Don't go to bed at three or four o'clock in the morning, but run around in the corridor, and covered with a towel.

Professor McGonagall scolded Harry angrily, but Harry could hear the other party's sharp mouth... In order not to wake the sleeping Hermione, her voice was kept very soft.

"Hmm~" Harry kept nodding his head like a good baby, "It's my fault, I will definitely change it next time. Professor, let me put Hermione to sleep first~"

"I'll deduct thirty points from Ravenclaw... You and Miss Granger, each will deduct thirty points!"

Professor McGonagall was furious when he saw Harry's face, because on both sides of Harry's cheeks, there were clearly written two lines of 'Admit mistakes with humility, never change after repeated admonition'!

She waved her hand in disgust, signaling Harry to settle Hermione quickly, and then leave immediately.

"As long as you are happy about deducting points, in short... I really appreciate your willingness to take care of Hermione during this time!"

"You..." Harry was still smiling playfully a second ago, but then he nodded solemnly in thanks, which made Professor McGonagall a little dazed.

But Harry had already quietly bypassed Professor McGonagall, put Hermione on the small bed in the room, and tiptoedly turned and left.

It's just that he didn't realize that when he turned to leave, Hermione suddenly opened his eyes, staring blankly at Harry's leaving back.


Back at the caretaker's cottage, neither Filch nor Mrs. Norris were asleep.

"They're all very energetic, so let's talk about the clues."

It just so happened that Harry wasn't sleepy now, so he might as well help Filch solve the problem first.

"Clue...what's so special about that piece of bread?" Filch was also interested when he heard it, and asked with a puzzled face.

Before Harry came back, he had been looking at the piece of bread repeatedly for a long time, but he couldn't see anything at all.

"There's a big problem with this bread!" After carefully observing the evidence bread under the light, Harry suddenly aimed the notch on the bread at Mrs. Norris's mouth, "Mr. Filch, take a look, Is the gap bitten here very close to Mrs. Norris's mouth?"

"Do you suspect that Mrs. Norris is a thief who steals food? Let me tell you, it's absolutely impossible!" Seeing that Harry put the thief's hat on his cat's head, Filch immediately blew his beard and stared.

"Of course I'm not doubting Mrs. Norris. As long as we are feeding delicious food every day, Mrs. Norris will go to the kitchen to steal bread~"

"Meow!" Mrs. Norris raised her paw at Harry dissatisfied, obviously feeling that Harry's evaluation just now was a bit insulting to the cat.

"The problem with this piece of bread lies in its occlusal section. This kind of conical occlusal gap, similar to cats, where the upper and lower jaws protrude at the same time, is unlikely to be bitten out unless it is intentional by humans. "Harry explained to Filch, holding up the bread.

"So, you think the burglars will be the other cats in the castle?"

"No." Harry shook his head and rejected Filch's guess, "This piece of bread was not bitten by a cat, which can be clearly seen from another mark on the bread."

"Another trace... this is?"

Filch looked at Harry in surprise. At this moment, Harry was imitating the way of a thief, holding the bread in his hand through the pinch marks on the bread.

He placed his three fingers together on the three small finger marks on the front of the bread, while his thumb just touched a slightly larger indentation on the back of the bread, so he lifted the whole bread with four fingers.

And by this time, Filch finally understood what Harry meant.

The thief was very anxious whether he was biting or grabbing the bread, but there was no trace of the fifth finger on the bread, which shows that...

The thief didn't even have a fifth finger, the little finger!

"I didn't find anyone with a similar disability in Hogwarts, and based on the previous occlusal cross-section, I'm afraid the thief we are looking for is not human." After summarizing some clues, Harry came to a general conclusion, "Dual protruding jaws, narrow mouth, and only four fingers, the biggest possibility is... a house elf!"

That's right, the creature that best fits all of the above is the house-elf who has been working in the Hogwarts kitchens!

"It turned out to be them?" Filge stared at the words, "I will inform Professor Sprout tomorrow and ask her to interrogate all the house-elves in the kitchen one by one!"

"No, this will only scare the snake away!" Harry shook his head and rejected Filch's proposal, "You just need to ask Professor Sprout to investigate secretly and tell Principal Dumbledore the results of our analysis."

House elves are very servile creatures, they cannot guard themselves and steal, so even if the thief who stole the food is really a house elf, he must have sneaked into Hogwarts from the outside!

The other party has been able to hide in Hogwarts for so long, and it seems that he is quite capable. If he conducts a large-scale investigation rashly, he may not be able to catch the other party because of the leak.

What's more, Harry was worried about another thing at the same time... house-elves generally serve wizarding families!

If he was assigned by wizards to infiltrate Hogwarts, then this purpose is very intriguing.

Is there a conspiracy against Hogwarts, or...

What about being sent to deal with himself and Hermione?

It is necessary to write a testimonial on the shelf

Hmm, 12 words, I heard that writing testimonials will lose acceptance, is it true?Be frightened first~

After thinking about it, I still feel that I would like to thank all my friends here first.

First of all, I would like to thank a little cutie who first proposed and allowed me to take out the classic "HP" from my childhood and modify it, otherwise there would be no book "Mouha".

So I really want to thank you here, because from compiling the outline to writing the text, Sanmiao is really excited every day. There are so many plot points that can be released in "HP", and the brain holes that can be infinitely expanded are one after another. This kind of setting is so hard to stop~ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Then I would like to thank all the friends who have always supported Sanmiao. Sanmiao was introduced to this site. After arriving for the first time, I feel that the atmosphere here is really good. It is also very relaxed and comfortable when writing and updating. I really appreciate this Thank you very much.

Regarding this book, Sanmiao also knows that her abilities are limited, and it is impossible to write a plot that satisfies every reader, so she can only say that she will do her best.

Some of the problems in the book, such as Scamander who went wrong on the set, the protagonist who is engulfed by fate, etc., some of them are the foreshadowing of the plot setting, which will be unfolded slowly later, and others are the creation of an overhead world. Problems that will inevitably arise after realization.

It is true that "HP" is a fictional fairy tale, but it is impossible for Sanmiao to write a fan story and write it as a fairy tale, to also make up a beautiful, ungrounded story that floats on top of the clouds.

Therefore, many problems in the book, such as the collision between magic and science, the reason why Transfiguration ignores energy conservation, and many other problems, will have their own reasonable answers after the worldview is down-to-earth. Use a scientific perspective to interpret "HP "This seemingly fairy tale, but actually fantasy story is also one of the original intentions of Sanmiao to open this book~

Anyway, all in all, this is the job of a writer. Every step that Sanmiao takes is actually inseparable from the support of old and new friends. I have always been very, very grateful to you all!

Finally, I would like to talk about the issues that everyone is concerned about. It is certain that it will explode on the shelves. Let’s come to Shigeng first today~

As for tomorrow, hey, let’s keep it secret for now~

Chapter 58 'Cheating' will always be exposed (1/10)

After the conclusion of the analysis, Filch reported the news the next day, and soon, in the next few days, there was no news of food being stolen from the Hogwarts kitchen.

Harry didn't think this was a good sign, because it meant that the thief must be very smart. Not only did he hear the news for the first time, but he also knew how to hide himself from the limelight.

So... what was Old Deng thinking?

Harry absolutely did not believe that Dumbledore would be incapable of catching the thief, but he chose to hold back, which made Harry very dissatisfied.

If you really want to be nice to me, knowing that I have arranged for Hermione to live with Professor McGonagall in order to protect Hermione's safety, shouldn't you take the initiative and catch the thief immediately to make me feel at ease?

Give you a chance, you are useless~

However, as the saying goes, a house leak happens to rain all night, and people are like this sometimes, and bad luck will follow one after another.

While Harry was slandering Lao Deng's act of pretending to be dead every day, another troublesome thing had come quietly...

One day when Halloween was approaching, Hermione ran into Hagrid on campus, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Aha, Hermione!" Hagrid waved excitedly, passing through the piles of students and came to Hermione, "We haven't seen each other for a while, how are you and Harry doing? Strange, why didn't you together?"

"We... you know, Hagrid, we sometimes have our own things to do..."

Hermione was embarrassed by Hagrid's outspokenness. She had spent a lot of effort recently to make her relationship with Harry "a little more normal" in the eyes of others. As a result, after Hagrid's voice, the surrounding students He must have recalled the anecdote of the Granger siblings going out together.

Looking at all kinds of teasing and pointing eyes around her, Hermione hurriedly pulled Hagrid to change the subject.

"By the way, I heard from Harry that you have raised a cat and raccoon, can you take me to see it if you have a chance?"

Hermione, like Harry, is a serious cat lover, so she has always been curious about the blood composition of Crookshanks and the cat lizi who is a magical creature.

"Cat raccoon?" Hagrid frowned in confusion, "When did I raise that thing, Harry, did he remember it wrong?"

"You haven't raised one?" Hermione couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, "The week we just started flying lessons, Harry clearly said that you found the cub of the cat lizi?!"

"That's impossible~" Hagrid waved his hands carelessly, "I'm allergic to cat fur, and I'll sneeze and sneeze non-stop if I get a little bit of it on. And they're not friendly at all, neither me nor Fang... In short, I definitely won't Cat owners! Besides, I wasn’t at Hogwarts at all during the week you started flying lessons, otherwise I would have supported Harry after his fight with Malfoy.”

"You're not at Hogwarts? Then you're going to..."

"At that time, I went on a business trip with Professor Kettleburn, who was in charge of teaching the protection of magical animals, to investigate the magical animals for teaching in the next semester." Hagrid explained, "Professor Kettleburn is old after all, and There are only half of the arms and legs left in class, and Dumbledore is really worried about him going out alone, so he asked me to be his assistant."

"It turned out to be like this...why?!"

After listening to Hagrid's explanation, Hermione swayed in place, then suddenly turned and ran away, no matter how much Hagrid shouted behind her, she didn't stop.

She ran all the way back to the room that Professor McGonagall gave her, buried her face in the pillow sadly, and didn't even eat dinner from afternoon to night.

She couldn't believe it, Harry would lie to her! !

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