A certain Hogwarts magical cat

Chapter 23 Night Attack Plan

Chapter 23 Night Attack Plan
Knowing that a little wizard like Malfoy can provide him with experience points five times higher than that of magic pets,

A very good plan suddenly rose in Charlie's mind.

For the time being, he named it "Night Attack Plan"!
If the plan is successful, maybe his character level can be raised from level one to level two tonight.

Good job, little wizard, the experience value is higher than that of magic pets, and there is no resistance ability. Even a genius like Hermione can only know a few at this time. Magic with no offensive power like the repairing spell and the unlocking spell,

It will not pose any threat to him at all, and there is no risk. It is simply the best source of experience in the early stage.

"What should we do now, should we throw them out?"

Ron looked at the three Malfoys lying in the box, shrugged and asked,

"I don't think that's going to be easy!"

Harry glanced at the figures of Crabbe and Goyle and replied.

At this moment, Hermione took out her wand, and said in the direction of the three of Malfoy:

"Clear water is like a spring!"

A few seconds later, a drop of water dripped slowly from the tip of her wand,
"This is a spell I read in an extracurricular magic book. It doesn't seem to work that well!"

The spell was released successfully, but it seemed that it was not successful. The original stream of clear spring turned into a drop of water, which made Hermione feel a little embarrassed.

"It seems that you are not so powerful!"

Seeing this, Ron on the side suddenly laughed gleefully,

"It's better than you can't even pronounce the spell clearly!"

Hermione was not a good one either, and immediately retorted.


Ron wanted to refute, but he was at a loss for words when he remembered the color-changing spell he released just now.

"Okay, stop arguing, I'll take care of it!"

Alice pulled Hermione, picked up a glass of water from the table, and splashed it on the faces of Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle respectively,

Sometimes, not everything has to be solved by magic.

The cold water stirred, and the three of them who were knocked out by Charlie's gentle force slowly opened their eyes.

Charlie stepped forward and roared,

The three of them suddenly seemed to see some kind of scourge, and immediately screamed and ran out of the box in fright.

10 minutes later,

In the box of the Malfoy trio,
Malfoy, who had recovered completely, ordered to Crabbe and Goyle:
"What happened just now, you two remember, absolutely don't tell outsiders, I will rot in my stomach!"


Crabbe and Goyle looked puzzled,
From their point of view, they should tell the school teacher about this, and ask the teacher to drive that dangerous phantom cat and that damned Mudblood out of the school.

"Are you going to let everyone in the school know that the three of us purebloods with noble blood were knocked out by a mere pet?"

The proud Malfoy would never allow such a scandal to happen to him,
And he definitely didn't want his father to know that he was beaten by a mudblood pet before he entered school.

Hearing Malfoy's reply, Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other, showing admiration in their eyes. They just felt that it was Malfoy who could think so deeply about things. The two of them didn't expect this.
If Malfoy hadn't reminded them, the two would have almost become the laughing stock of everyone in the school.

at the same time,

Seeing that the three of Malfoy were scared away by Charlie, Alice hugged Charlie and Hermione and bid farewell to Harry and Ron, and continued to look for Neville's lost Raffle.

Walking all the way to the rear of the car, the two still didn't find Lai Fu, so they returned to their own box as originally agreed.

"Wuuu, Lai Fu, I didn't expect you to come back by yourself, it's really great!"

As soon as Alice and Hermione opened the door of the private car, they saw Neville hugging Raffle who had been squeezed and stuck out his tongue, and they were so moved that they wept bitterly.

I found out after some enquiry,
It turned out that Neville didn't find Laffe either, but when he returned to the box to wait for the two of them, he found that Laffe had come back and fell asleep lying on the bench.

As the last rays of the sun dissipated, the world outside the car window was completely plunged into darkness.
"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please leave your luggage and pets on the train. We will have special personnel to send you to the school dormitory."

At this time, a slightly old voice sounded in all the cars of the train at the same time.

After Alice heard the voice, she immediately returned the magic book in her hand to Hermione, and then hugged Charlie, who was still asleep, to the table and said:
"Charlie, you will stay here for a while, someone will send you to the dormitory, and after the opening ceremony is over, I will go to the dormitory to find you right away!

Charlie responded, wagging his tail at Ellie, signaling her to ignore him, and fell into a doze again,
He has actions tonight, and he will go to class with Alice tomorrow, but he doesn't have much time to sleep.

As for the opening ceremony of Hogwarts and Alice's sorting situation, he didn't care too much about it. No matter which college he was assigned to, the courses he studied were the same, and there was no shortage of magic knowledge that he should learn. Even the teachers were the same.

But thinking about it, based on his understanding of Alice, it should be either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.

Slytherin values ​​ambition, cleverness, shrewdness, wit, and pedigree. Of course, the most important thing is pedigree. Although Alice is a little obsessed with money, she is not an ambitious person.

The key point is that Alice's growth environment made her not have a good impression of Slytherin.

When the Sorting Hat sorts into schools, it will first obey the heart of the little wizard to the greatest extent, and then assign them to different colleges according to their different qualifications.
If it is only based on qualifications, maybe Malfoy's two followers and Ron should be assigned to Hufflepuff, because they all like to eat,

Of course, apart from liking food, the most important thing for Hufflepuffs is to have the character traits of hard work, tolerance, loyalty and fairness.

Although Alice usually feels very gentle and seems to meet the requirements of Hufflepuff, in fact Charlie knows that Alice's essence is very similar to himself,

She is also a person who only cares about herself, and she doesn't have much kindness in her heart for other people.

Therefore, Charlie judged that Alice was either assigned to Ravenclaw or Gryffindor in the end.

If you haven't met Hermione, Harry, etc., then it is estimated that 90.00% of them are Ravenclaw, but now, it is hard to say.

"First-year freshmen! First-year freshmen come here!"

Not long after the Hogwarts Express slowly stopped on a dark and small platform, a rough shout came from outside the car window,
Alice, Hermione, and Neville didn't dare to delay, and immediately grabbed their wands, followed the flow of people outside the box, and walked towards the direction where the voice came from.

That voice was none other than Half-Giant Rubeus Hagrid, Keykeeper and Gamekeeper at Hogwarts,

He will lead the first-year freshmen to cross the Black Lake by boat and formally enter the magical Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


(End of this chapter)

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