A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Saving Lives?

48+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne

“What happened?” The guard asked as he looked at the man rushing in in a hurry.

“There was an accident in the mines. We do not know why, but armored dinosaurs came out.” The man replied.

“If we do not deal with them before they run out of the city….”

“That is not the problem. The patrolling team has already gone to subjugate them. How ever…. The miners went very deep into the mine to collect magic ores and seem to have been severely injured.”

“What!? Gram and the others….” The guard held his head.

“Because of warring funds, there are not enough recovery medicines…. If this goes on..”

“Don’t speak nonsense! They are like my own brothers… how can I let them die so easily…”

“Anyway, with only the current recovery medicine…”

“Oi!” Tomoya knew now was the time, so she called out. “Hey!”

But no matter how much she called out, they would not pay attention to her… “I guess I have no choice….” Tomoya walked over and waved her hand. The door to the cell sprang open with a click as it became unlocked, allowing her to step out and tap the guard on the shoulder. “Excuse me, but….”

“Huh? Can’t you see I am… Hey, how did you get out of the cell!?” The guard yelled out in surprise.

“That is not what is important. You need healing potions, and I got a barrel of it right here.” Tomoya pointed to the barrel inside the cell. Remmi was currently sitting on top of it with the lid open revealing the blue liquid inside.

“This…. Alright. Get back into your cell. We will deal with your release after I save my friends.” The guard did not have any time to think about anything else. He walked into the cell, slammed the lid onto the barrel, and hoisted it on his shoulder before rushing out of the jail.

“So now what?” Remmi asked as she looked at the now unlocked cell.

“We do nothing but wait. I do not want us to make enemies of this nation.” Tomoya replied. “We are here to look for craftsmen. This might be a good thing for us.”

“True….” Remmi did not know why, but she also felt the same as Tomoya. She watched as Tomoya walked back into the cell, closed the door, locked it, and then sat down before hopping into her lap.

Tomoya took out a tattered book and began writing in it, which caught Remmi’s curiosity. “I have long been meaning to ask, but what exactly is that book?”

“This book? It’s the Guide to the Multiverse or more like my own personal diary, I guess.” Tomoya replied honestly. She felt no need to hide it.

“Guide to the Multiverse…. What exactly are you writing in it? Ah… umm… if you do not mind me asking.” Remmi felt embarrassed since she was being a little too forward just now.

“I just write down what I have done in every little detail I can remember. I do not know why I go into such detail, but once I start writing in here, everything just flows out.” Tomoya never understood this book, but it was as if she was possessed when she began writing in it. Every minor detail would quickly be written down, including her current stats waifus and any other progression information. It was almost as if it was a kind of save point.

“I see… Maybe I should keep one myself.” Remmi felt maybe keeping a written account of her journey in her new world was not such a bad idea.

“You just need a book. We will get a few here and something to writer with as well. This way, you will have extras later on when you run out.” Tomoya’s hand finally came to a stop. She reached up and rubbed the top of Remmi’s jelly-like body and smiled. Remmi did not know why, but being stroked by Tomoya always relaxed her.

“Then let’s pick some up once we make some money from selling some things….” Remmi’s voice was half asleep due to the head patting technique.

“Umm… I am still here…. Hey!” Gobta learned a new lesson today. Never interrupt Remmi’s head-patting sessions. It was the fastest she had ever seen Remmi react. The slime had actually sprayed out her webbing so fast that Gobta had no time to react before he was wound up and attached to the ceiling.

Tomoya chuckled and continued what she was doing. She did find it shocking but felt that Remmi was still the original MC after all. Even if Remmi was losing her memories, which worked out well for her, Remmi was still going to become a very powerful demon lord later on.

A little while later, the sounds of footsteps could be heard coming their way. Tomoya looked over to see the door open, and the guard from before, as well as three other men following behind him, walked inside the jail.

The three men all bowed their heads towards Tomoya and Remmi. “You saved us. I do not know how to thank you.”


“If it wasn't for your medicine, we would have certainly died. Thank you.”


“It really is unbelievable, even if you think back about it. My arm was cut into shreds, and now it has fully recovered.”


“Why is there one person only making noises and not saying anything?” Remmi whispered.

“Just ignore it. Otherwise, it will drive you insane. Trust me.”

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