A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse


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Tomoya spent the next few days with her wives, trying her best to get Yue and the other girls pregnant. But it seemed none human races were still quite hard to impregnate, which was concerning her. “I guess I will hopefully be able to pull both Shizuku and Kaori into doing it. Although Kaori might be easier, Shizuku is the problem….”

“What’s wrong, Tomo?” Yue asked as she wrapped Tomoya’s fluff around her body, hooked her arms around Tomoya’s neck, and bit into it. She loved her Tomoya’s taste.

“I was just thinking of how I will get the last target. Kaori will be easy, but…. Shizuku is kind of a hard nut. She is the type who can’t be honest with her feelings. I can only try to play the knight.” Tomoya replied with a slight frown. This meant needing to fight things she did not wish to fight. But that did not mean she would not still do it. In order to get her waifus, Tomoya was willing to do a lot of things.

“Oh right, did they get the information yet?” Tomoya asked. She had asked Yue to ‘kindly’ make some of the people from the gang that had kidnapped Myu speak about one of their bases before ‘kindly’ disposing of them one way or another.

“Mmm… We got the details you asked for.” Yue replied. “They captured a Dagon girl and are currently moving her to one of their auctions.”

“Good….” Tomoya’s lips curled up into a sinister grin. “Then let’s have some fun, shall we? I say we dispose of this gang so nothing like this can happen again while we save Myu.”

“You really want to make this girl your daughter?” Yue asked curiously.

“Of course, her mother is a beauty after all. Myu might not be my kid, but she will be my ticket to her mother. Yue, I am sure you will like her too.” Tomoya turned her head towards the Loli Vamp, still hanging from her neck.

“Hmmm… Well, I have been having fun bullying my sisters in bed. I love it when they scream in pleasure while you pound them. Especially Aiko and Yuka. But you should be careful not to make the babies stupid.” Yue was afraid that Tomoya’s massive click would cause the kids brain damage.

“I do not push that far.” Tomoya chuckled as he pulled Yue into her arms and kissed her lips. “I only stick it in halfway, as you have seen. I mean, you love licking my pussy when I am pounding the girls.”

“Because Tomo tastes amazing.” Yue grinned. “By the way, Shea and I want to be stacked next time. So you can do us both at the same time. Her breasts are amazing cushions. And she seems to get off on me sucking them.”

“I do not mind. But it seems you really love Shea too, huh?” Tomoya grinned as she hugged Yue tight.

“She comes in second after you. Of course, we never do anything without you. We do snuggle, though. It was lonely without you the other night when you were doing Tio.” Yue explained.

“That’s fine. If you two need to pleasure each other, that’s fine too. I do not mind. After all, you are both my girls. If I am not available, I do not want you girls to be lonely.” Tomoya’s hand slipped up Yue’s shirt as she began massaging the modest mounds.

Yue grinned and leaned into Tomoya’s embrace. She couldn’t get enough of her Tomoya’s touch. She spread her legs and let her hand slide down between her thighs as she began massaging herself.

“Ah! Yue is getting Naughty!” Shea bounced over and dived onto Tomoya.

“Hehe.” Yue slipped her hand out of her shorts and put her fingers into Shea’s mouth, which Shea licked clean. “Shea, Tomo said she would stack us.”

“Yay!” Shea grinned and kissed Tomoya on the lips.

“Alright, no more. If we continue, I will miss my chance to save Myu. So let’s go pick her up first, okay?” Tomoya could feel if they did not stop, she would end up doing it all day with these two girls and then all night with her other wives. Having so many girls could be fun and bad at the same time. They were all so damn sexy in their own ways!

“Okay~!” Both Yue and Shea said at the same time. They looked at each other for a second before they started to giggle. Tomoya smiled. She was glad these two were so close. She felt bad on those nights when she was with a new wife, and they were by themselves. She did not wish for them to feel as if they had to be abstinent. She also felt by them forming a strong bond filled with love would also allow their family to be much happier.

“Later, I want to see you two eat each other out,” Tomoya whispered to the two girls, causing both their eyes to light up. They love putting on shows for Tomoya.

“Why do I feel like we are being left out!” Yuka snorted as she walked over.

“Well….” Tomoya pulled Yuka close and whispered: “I wouldn’t mind seeing you take down Aiko. I know you have thought about it.”

Yuka’s whole face turned red as she playfully punched Tomoya. “If it’s for you, I will, but you better give me some good loving, too. I can only do this for so much longer. I am carrying your baby, after all.”

“As you wish, my cute little wife.” Tomoya grinned, pulled Yuka into her arms, and gave her a deep kiss. Yuka lost herself in the kiss as she let Tomoya’s tongue invade her mouth.

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