A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

O’Stupid Hero

27+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne

“She….. She is WHAT!?” Kaori’s eyes turned very scary as she stared at Tomoya. Her body swayed back and forth as she slowly walked towards Tomoya, each step as if she was carrying a hundred times her weight. “To… Mo…. Ya…. This might sound very strange, but I still need to ask, but you and sensei…..”

“Ah…. Sensei is also my wifey now as well. She is also pregnant.” Tomoya replied, scratching her head.

“This….. We need to TALK!” Kaori grabbed Tomoya’s hand and was about to pull her to the side, but Shizuku quickly pulled her back.

“Kaori, calm down. This is not the time or the place for this. We need to return before we do anything else.” Shizuku knew they were still within the dungeon, so it was not the best idea to be arguing about things.

“But…” Kaori bit her lip. She hated it. Her Tomoya was surrounded by many girls. And none of them were her!

Tomoya looked at Kaori, who was about to cry and sighed. She walked over and placed her hand on Kaori’s head. “Don’t worry. We can have a long talk later. You as well, Shizuku.”

“Fine…” Kaori couldn’t resist Tomoya’s charm and nodded her head. Shizuku was not sure why she was suddenly being brought up since none of this had anything to do with her. But seeing how amazing Tomoya was just now really did make her look like a knight in shining armor.

“Alright, you all need to get yourselves together. I will escort you all to the surface. As for the trash on the floor, someone drag him with you and hand him over to a soldier or something. I was nice enough to give Hiyama a sex change. I am sure there is a soldier who can’t get any that will make do with him.” Normally, at this point, Aiko would say something, but she turned her head, ignoring it. She did not like the fact that Hiyama had tried to kill Tomoya all because he was jealous.

“Let’s go!” Tomoya said as she began walking forward with Myu in her arms. Myu had fallen asleep at some point. Even with everything that was going on, she trusted Tomoya unquestionably. She did not feel scared as long as Tomoya was around.

“Wait…. Tomoya. Why did you do that to Hiyama? You could have just turned him over to the guards.” Kouki yelled out as he stood up. For one, he hated how it seemed his Kaori and even his Shizuku were about to be taken away. They were his childhood friends. Why should he let them be taken away from him? But since he could not say this out loud, he decided to target the fact that Tomoya had severely hurt Hiyama in more than one way.

“Huh? Kouki. Are you fucking brain dead? That fucker tried to kill me and wanted to take Kaori for his own. His own delusion would have led to someone getting hurt, but you have the fucking balls to ask me why I did what I did? Did your brain get shaken up too much when the demon lady kicked your ass?” Tomoya always hated Kouki, so she was always willing to put him in his place.

“You still did not need to go that…..” Kouki never got to finish what he was saying when a crisp sound of skin on skin was heard.

“Amanogawa, shut your mouth.” Everyone looked over at Aiko, who still had her hand raised, her palm burning red. On Kouki’s face was a small handprint. Kouki stared in disbelief at his teacher, who had always been one to try to calm things down peacefully and was shocked to see hate and coldness in her eyes. “That person you are speaking up for tried to commit murder. He tried to kill Tomoya. But you want to stick up for him just because Tomoya took her revenge? You have to be kidding me! Have you not learned anything from me as your teacher!? Are you this incapable of seeing the wrong in other’s actions but want to target the victim!? Normally, you are such a good and honest boy. What is wrong with you!?”

Aiko’s tears fell. Yue pulled her back and brought her to Tomoya’s side while hugging her shoulder. Tomoya placed a hand on her head and sighed. She leaned over and whispered into her ear before opening a portal next to her. Tomoya gave Yue a look, who nodded and pulled Aiko through with Shea, Yuka, and Tio following them.

Tomoya just stood there and waved her hand again, closing the portal. “People who only think about themselves never see what is right in front of them. I know why you are pissed. You dislike that Kaori likes me, and you dislike the fact that Shizuku is looking my way.”

“Wha!? No, I….” Shizuku blushed and quickly denied Tomoya’s words.

Tomoya chuckled. She loved seeing Shizuku flustered. “At any rate, O’Stupid Hero. I think you need to fucking grit your teeth because I am going to punch you.”

Tomoya did not wait for a response before she disappeared and reappeared in front of Kouki and punched him in the mouth. She stepped on his chest and stared down at him with cold eyes and her arms crossed in front of her chest. “No one is allowed to make my wives cry. Be lucky you are Kaori’s and Shizuku’s friends, or else I would have killed you just now. If it ever happens again, I will not care anymore and will cut your fucking head off.”

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