A Bond Beyond Blood

[REWRITE] A sudden kiss

"It's going to look bad so...."

She brought her face closer to mine, leaning over my shoulder, as if in a trance. With her hand she starting touching my chest, and leaning her body forward. She whispered to my ear, in a strangely sensual tone.

"Why not with me...?"

Her eyes drooped, only half opened and clearly tired. Her face was a little flushed while she blankly stared at me. Chiori looked completely out of it. Somewhere in between acting like a drunk and someone that was high.

Come to think of it, she didn't sleep any either yesterday, just like me. I wondered to myself whether that was the root cause of her strange behavior.

"Hey, hold on." I replied, putting my hands on her shoulder. "What are you trying to do?"

My voice, clearly upset, was not powerful enough to dissuade her. She pressed her lips against mine before I could react, before I was able to push her away. For a split moment, our mouths connected. With that, a smacking sound as well, before I brought my head backwards.

"It's fine right? Nobody's out there..."

Her otherwise confident, boisterous voice turned into a yawning mumble. it was like she'd lost all energy. Maybe that's why she suddenly started acting weird.

The sensation of her soft lips touching me briefly dazed me. It wasn't unpleasant, though it should have been.

Yet again she tried approaching me, but I held firm this time.

"S-snap out of it." I embarrassingly stammered, averting my eyes.

I backed off away from her by pushing against the back of the bench, bumping against the lunch I'd set aside in a hurry.

"Onii-chan... come here." She tried entrancing me with a sweet voice.

I shook my head defiantly. I thought she'd gone crazy at this point, yet for some reason, as I panicked, she backed off for a moment.

"See, you do like it." She said mockingly, a blatant impish grin stretched ear to ear. "You can be honest with me, onii."

It was like she was testing me. Something caused a sudden sift in personality in her. Whether she was only half awake or stopped being able to think rationally, this was not the same Chiori I usually know.

"Hell no!" I accidentally raised my voice. "That's... that's not right."

The fact she was trying to cross these lines I tried to maintain so brazenly had upset me.

"Ohhh... then..."

Before finishing her sentence she started kissing me on my neck, slowly, seemingly enjoying my inability to handle this situation.

"Like this...?"

After saying that, she began licking as well. An incredible erotic feeling tickled me while I was busy confusedly trying to make sense of her sudden, impulsive actions.

My heart pounded more excited than ever before. I hated myself for secretly indulging in this powerlessness. Yet while I started to get into it, reason dragged me back from the clouds.

Its still a space where people could see us, especially if we lose track of time, so I stood up, before things could escalate any further.

"Class is going to start, probably. We should head back."

Instead of looking displeased, she looked at me with a deeply enamored, loving, and patient gaze while stifling a chuckle.

"Sure, onii-chan, let's go together."


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