21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 540 - Season 2 Book 22 Battle of Life or Death – 1-4 Disintegration

Chapter 540: Season 2 Book 22 Battle of Life or Death – 1-4 Disintegration
January 23rd, 2024, 06:10
The bunker situation room, Shinjuku City Security Force Central Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan

“Hahaha. It’s a success. Success! Reports of successful suppression of Marine bases are coming in.” Superintendent Yoshida Maya laughed loudly as his smile stretched from ear to ear. The atmosphere in the bunker situation room was very much like the superintendent’s happy face. The tension that was
lingering heavily in the air before the big event was gone with no trace of it to be found.

“There’s also a report that the base of the 1st Marine division headquarters has also been suppressed.” Senior Superintendent Nagatomo Yuto, who was in charge of situation propagation, relayed a report that had just come in.
“Good! Good! We’re doing well. As expected, it seems that the U.S. Special Forces are a great help to us,” said Superintendent Yoshida Maya. Satisfied, Minister of Security Forces Mike Takashi also had a content look on his face.
“Right. Now if the U.S. arrives on our land, we, Japan, can become an autonomous country like before!”

“You’re right. The past three years were hell. They dismissed our self-defense force and claimed to protect us, but all they did was hinder us in anything we tried to do.”

Three years ago, during the war with China, Japan took the opportunity to launch a pre-emptive attack and go into war with Korea in which they were defeated. They seemed to have forgotten the relationship between Korea and Japan that had been formed according to the surrender agreement after they
had been defeated in war, and jabbered on as if Korea was the aggressor nation.

However, they were hugely mistaken. Though they had received reports from the commanders of the security forces currently performing the operation, these reports were made based solely from their perspective.
Currently, the ist Marine division had already finished preparations to move back to its homeland, and it was deliberately avoiding excessive engagements. If the 1st Marine division had tried to stop Japan’s ‘Declaration of Independence’ beforehand, they wouldn’t have used this tactic.

They would have blocked off the paths of the security forces advancing from various parts of Honshu and would have performed counter surprise attacks on the camps of the security forces located in various places in Tokyo beforehand. They were also aware that the American Special Forces were
deployed in Tokyo, so they would have reacted accordingly and responded with appropriate engagement strategies.

‘The 1st Marine division had, in actuality, completely established these response strategies and was fully prepared for what was going to happen in the future, when orders from President Choo Un-hee eventually came in.
‘While the Japanese were spewing nonsense, an aide from the security forces quietly went up to the Minister of Security Forces Mike Takashi to speak to him. “Minister! The president of Korea has made an announcement regarding the recent events. It has just ended, but there is a recording of it.”
“Is that so? Turn it on!”

“Yes, sir.”

‘The screen in the situation room turned on, and the video of President Choo Un-hee’s announcement began playing. A few minutes into the video, Superintendent Yoshida Maya scoffed, “Ha! How that woman talks…”

“I didn’t like that woman from the start.”

“Right. This is what happens when a woman becomes a politician.”

Each of them mocked President Choo Un-hee, while watching the announcement.

“She’s saying that in eight minutes, we’ll go back to three years ago, but I have no idea what she’s trying to say. Haha, will all of us be traveling back in time to three years ago in five minutes? Is the president of Korea a woman who can control time? Hahaha.” Even Superintendent Yoshida Maya mocked
President Choo Un-hee, and the situation room became a sea of laughter. Soon after, the video ended.

“Hmph, that video’s just full of nonsense. I’m just going to go now!” said Minister Mike Takashi, getting up from his seat as the video ended.
“Ah! You’re going to meet the prime minister?”

“Yes. He’s at the Center Hall bunker right now. Shouldn’t we be going in person to report this good news?”

“Ah! Yes. Of course, Minister! Don’t worry about things here and have a good trip.”

“Yes. Superintendent Maya will be in charge here. Contact me right away if there are any changes in the situation.”

“Yes, sir. I will.”


January 23rd, 2024, 06:20

The Keihin industrial region, Japan

The Keihin industrial region, which had developed around Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kawasaki, was known as the number one industrial area in Japan. It was a region developed especially for the heavy chemical, steel and petrochemical, automobile, electronics, and precision machinery industries. However,
because of the war three years ago, it had been destroyed, but considering its geographical characteristics, it had been selected as the first region to be rebuilt. With the continuous restoration operation performed in this region, it was currently restored to around 60 percent of what it used to be three
years ago.

This region was especially important because it was very close to Tokyo. It was a region where many people came to work at while living in Tokyo. In other words, this was a region in which most of the people in Tokyo made a living.

Dozens of suspicious airplanes appeared through the darkness in the skies over Gunma, which was at the border of the Keihin industrial area and known as the center of Japan’s economic industry. These planes, shaped differently from other planes, were triangular with long rear wings. They were the
CB-91P Goshawk bomber jets belonging to the 36th Strategic Bomber Wing of the Air Force of the Republic of Korea.

The CB-91P Goshawk bomber jets had left the Suwon Airbase 30 minutes ago, their plasma engines whirring softly. They had passed the skies of the East Sea at maximum speed and had arrived in the skies over Gunma. They began to slowly decrease their altitude to bomb the regions they had been
assigned to. When they reached a specific altitude, the three fairings for the internal armory opened all at once.

The conventional bombs and then began raining down—one after another they were separated from the internal armory as if they were a row of sausages. The conventional bombs, also called blind bombs, directly hit the designated target region. Upon impact, a dark red tornado was formed on the
ground along with a loud explosion sound.

‘The damage was a lot worse when the conventional bombs landed and exploded on large tanks that held heavy chemicals. Large mushroom-shaped clouds, bigger than most basketball courts, were created—as if an atomic bomb had exploded. The aftermath of the explosion reached tens of kilometers
away. In addition, large flames covered several kilometers around the region, even spreading to areas where the conventional bombs didn’t land, turning everything it touched into a wasteland.

The 22 CB-91P Goshawk bomber jets had arrived at the targets carrying the maximum capacity of 50 tons of bombs. They attacked eight times that day, flying hundreds of kilometers above Gunma, Chiba, and Kanagawa. After burning for two weeks with black smoke rising from the flames, the Keihin
industrial region which was hit by thousands of conventional bombs turned into a pile of gray ashes.

January 23rd, 2024, 06:20
‘The Chukyo industrial region, Japan

The Chukyo industrial region was critical in Japan’s economic recovery, as it suffered less damage than the other industrial regions during the Korean-Japanese war. It was a region that was centered around the area surrounding Nagoya, and it had most of the automobile, machinery, and steel industries
central to the Japanese economy.

But the CB-91P Goshawk bomber jets, much like the grim reaper, had quietly visited in the early hours of the morning and turned the area into a thing of the past.
The Chukyo industrial region, a large region 100 times bigger than Yeouido, saw large explosions and was filled with dancing flames strong enough to melt steel with black smoke reaching up to the skies.
As this region was filled with Japan’s car factories, tens of thousands of completed cars that were waiting to be exported or moved to other areas to be sold were engulfed in flames, leaving behind only their bare steel frames.

After 10 hours of bombing, all of the fire trucks from Nagoya and the regions surrounding it were urgently dispatched, but they didn’t even attempt to put out the tsunami-like fire, which was erupting several meters high and was still spreading. All they could do was to help evacuate the surrounding
region’s citizens and watch from a distance.

January 23rd, 2024, 06:20

‘The Hanshin industrial region, Japan

The Hanshin industrial region of Kobe, Osaka, was one of the four main industrial regions of Japan. It had first started as a fiber industrial region, but it had later developed into a steel and petrochemical industrial region.

Of course, this region was also one of the areas affected by the Korean-Japanese war. The semiconductor and fiber industries that had been previously well-known in the area had moved to the new Konosu industrial region. Currently, the center of this industrial region was made up of the steel and
petrochemical industry.

The region inland of the coastal industrial zone was usually filled with light industries such as machinery and other small to medium-sized factories, The Senshu region of the southern regions was an industrial region centered around the fiber industry. After the use of underground water had been
prohibited from the waterfront, the sinking of the ground had stopped, but air pollution caused by smoke emissions had also become a problem. As the industrial regions expanded to the west, the Harima district, and the region to the south, the Wakayama region, the steel and petrochemical industries
grew even larger.

Because of these reasons, this region had more large tanks filled with various chemicals than other industrial regions. There were more than 200 cylinder-shaped tanks that were bigger than most buildings.
Thus, when the CB-91P Goshawk bomber jets appeared and bombed this area with conventional bombs, these huge cylinder tanks exploded, causing damage that was ten times greater than what it should have been.
Every time one of the large tanks exploded, the ground shook as if the world was ending. The sound was so loud that the eardrums of the people nearby ruptured. There were more than 200 explosions which turned the area into a large melting furnace.

The chemicals also created poisonous gases that were carried dozens of kilometers by the wind, causing considerable damage to the citizens of Kobe and Osaka. Many of the children and the aged that had weak lungs, especially, were dead. This was a mistake on the part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They
didn’t expect so many innocent citizens to die because of poisonous gases when they had planned the bombing.

On a side note, as post-war investigations into the deaths of the civilian victims in Nagoya and Kobe were conducted at the end of the war, the head of operations and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that had planned the bombing took responsibility and retired.
In this bombing operation, the Korean Air Force had used up all of their conventional bombs. This was extremely puzzling—why did Korea use up all of the bombs they had stored up, especially when there was an ongoing war with Russia as well as a possible war with America in the future?

The reason for that was that both Russia and America were located far away from Korea. Also, Korea did not have hundreds of bombing jets like America did, so travelling thousands of kilometers just to bomb them once with conventional bombs was not a very good method. In addition to this, many
escorting jets would also have to be mobilized as well, as they would be flying long distances.

And unlike Japan, the industrial regions and the regions with factories weren’t clustered together, since these countries had larger land. For countries like Russia or America that possessed atomic bombs, it was logical to respond with a strategic-level bombing instead of conducting a large-scale bombing.
This was why, according to President Choo Un-hee’s orders, they had used up all of the conventional bombs for the bombing of Japan.


January 23rd, 2024, 06:20

The Konosu industrial region, Konosu, Saitama, Japan

The Konosu industrial region, the driving force behind Japan’s new economic renewal, which was separated from the previous Keihin industrial region, burst into flames everywhere.

In the early hours of the morning, Marines wearing exosuits had gone around the Konosu industrial region and had installed PP7-XAMs before setting them off by remote.

‘As the PP7-XAM was an install-type plasma cohesive bomb, its explosive power was great. Every time a PP7-XAM bomb exploded, a radius of 300 meters around it was tured into a wasteland.

The Konosu industrial region, which was newly formed after the defeat of the Korean-Japanese war, was a highly valued industrial region with many industries needed for the future, including electric cars, semiconductors, and other technological industries. This region made up 15 percent of Japan’s
economy, even though the scale of it was smaller than those of the other industrial regions.

Within just a few minutes, the Konosu industrial region disappeared behind huge fires. The big and small factories around Tokyo were swallowed up by large explosions and flames, as well.

As many as 328 locations—most of which were factories, even those of medium-sized enterprises of Japan—had become a target of the 1st Marine division…

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