Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.31 Offering Alice an Attribute

After a little while Alice knocks on the bathroom door.

“I’m done changing.” She said to me. 

I step out of the bathroom and see Alice in the navy dress. She even makes the simple dress look cute. Some people just have it easy. Well for her, it’s only in terms of appearance. 

“Could you hold onto this for me?” Alice asks as she presents me with the hoodie I made for her.

“I can, but why?” I ask.

“I’m afraid that father will confiscate it and hold it hostage, so he can force me to study extra hard.” She tells me.

“He really is afraid of that prophecy, isn’t he?” 

“You know about it?” 

“Yes. Henry told me yesterday.”

“I see. For some reason father is sure that it will happen during his lifetime. Even though the prophecy was made 150 years ago. And with your appearance he is even more sure. He says things like, ‘With a system support holder the prophecy will come to be.’ and ‘With Brian’s arrival the time is soon.’ He thinks you were given system support to help us face this issue.”

“It could be. I’m not saying I can take down a lesser behemoth as I am now, but I think if I get the right monsters I could.” I tell her. Ideally I would just play a spell that destroys a target monster, or maybe even something like Raigeki. That should theoretically kill even something like a behemoth in one shot.

“Are the monsters you can summon really that powerful?” Alice asked.

“I’m not completely sure. But in the legends called anime I have heard of them, these monsters have even gone up against gods. And won.” Even if that is stretching the truth a little bit. But I think anime antagonists like Darkness and Don Thousand count as gods. And they were beaten by Yugioh monsters. In a duel specifically, but again close enough.

“I have never heard of these legends.” Alice said. “Is it a rare legend that is not told often?”

“I think it might be a regional one. My parents are the ones that introduced me to it. Then someone else told it to me.” Or my parents bought a tv and Yugioh was on air. Not that I watched the newer seasons from the tv. Internet is a thing and it has anime. 

“I see. I might have to ask my teacher if he has heard of these legends.” Alice said. After a quick thought she continues. “Please keep good care of that.” She said and pointed at the hoodie. “I’ll go back to my room.”

“Sure.” I responded. Then I remember that I want to talk to her about gaining an attribute by installing a card onto her. Or would that be in her? “But would you like to open some packs with me first? We’ll have to do it fairly quickly, but I think we have enough time.”

“Can we?” She asked, seeming slightly excited.

“Sure.” I tell. “I get more pack tokens every morning so I can open packs.”

“Let’s do it then.” Alice says having risen from her gloom. Good. Now she might be willing to get an attribute later.



We sat down on a sofa in the room. Alice is sitting on my right side. I open my skill with “Pack opener open” so that Alice can see it as well.

Pack Opener
Sleeve maker
Daily Pack tokens: 5
Current Pack tokens: 5
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness

“So, what are we opening?” She asks me.

“I think we should open this one. Magic ruler.” I tell her. I think she went a little more gloomy after hearing the set name. “If we get some cards I want, we can also open something else afterwards.”

“...sure.” I didn’t mean to bring her down like that, but I hope once we get what I need, we can open something else. LoBY would be nice for the Pot of Greed.

Use a ‘pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Magic Ruler’
[Yes] [No]



The cards appear with their backs towards us. I was about to flip them all, but I think Alice enjoys flipping them one by one.

“Do you want to flip them?” I ask her.

“Sure.” She said and just flipped them all quickly.


“Is this good?” She asks me.

“Well it’s not that bad. Labyrinth Wall and Magical Labyrinth are cards to be played together, but other than that, it’s fairly basic.” I tell her honestly.

“Did you get what you wanted to get?” 

“Not yet. Let’s try again.” I tell her and open up another pack. Again I let her flip the cards over.


“Is there what you are looking for in this pack?” Alice asks me.

“There isn’t, but Mystical Space Typhoon is really good.” I tell her.

“Really?” She got excited. “What can you do with it?”

“It’s a spell that destroys other spells. It can be really useful. I definitely enjoy having one.” I tell her.

“But you didn’t get what you wanted to get, did you?” She asked.

“Not yet, but we can still open three more, so don’t lose hope yet.”

Alice nods at me. I think she is trying to hold onto hope. Or more like positivity. 

Third pack here we go!


“There we go.” I said as I saw both Umiiruka and Gaia Power. They are both attribute boosters. I still don’t have all six to choose from but I think five might be enough.

“What is the card you are excited for?” Alice asks me confused. I guess nothing leaps out at her, but for me Gaia and Umiiruka are nice to get. This makes it easier to ask if she wants an attribute.

“These two.” I tell her and point out Umiiruka and Gaia Power. “If I install one onto you, you should gain an attribute.”

“...you are lying…” She said.

“I’m not. I know you can gain one.” I told her.

“It’s impossible.” She says.

“You think it’s impossible because you have never heard about it being done. I’m telling you it is possible.” I try to overturn her view.

“Then if it is possible, do it right now.” She demands.

“Sure I will. We just have to choose what attribute you want. I can give you fire, water, earth, light or dark. What will it be?” I ask her.

…. She seems to be deep in thought.

“If you would rather have the wind attribute we can open more of these packs. The card for that is also available if we get lucky.” I told her.

As she continues her pondering I get a system mission.

Mission: Granter of Magic
Goal: Grant a magic attribute to hard working people who don’t have one
Grants 1-5 monsters of the attribute given.
If the recipient is an extremely hard worker, cards may come in sleeves or toploaders
This mission is repeatable


“I have decided.” She said to me, “I want the (     ) attribute.”

I was lazy with the packs in this one, so the rarity's and prizes are visible. If you hate it let me know, and I'll edit them out. If you like them also tell me, so I can be lazy in the future.

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