Watcher of Fate

025 - Into the Dungeon

Now Entering the Kobold Caves.

The group found themselves in a narrow, rough-hewn passageway, the walls, and ceiling made of jagged rock and dirt with roots sticking out at odd angles. The ground beneath their feet was uneven, with gravel, mud, and dirt pathways barely wide enough for Sera in her armor. Her broad frame nearly blocked the entire pathway as Sera led the way, forcing the others to walk in single file. The air was thick with the scent of earth and moisture, and the dim light barely illuminated their surroundings.

Valen stepped forward, murmuring an incantation under his breath. A soft, golden light blossomed from his outstretched hand, illuminating the passageway. The light spell revealed more of the rough environment around them, highlighting the intricate patterns of roots and the glistening dampness on the rock walls.

With their path now more clearly visible, Sera paused to give instructions, her voice echoing slightly in the confined space. "This is a kobold dungeon, which means we must be highly alert for traps. Unlike typical kobold lairs, this one is designed for slightly larger creatures, so we won't have to crawl through tight spaces. The passageways are narrow but walkable, and the rooms we encounter will be large enough to fight in. Stay close and be vigilant."

Lora nodded and began to rummage through her magical inventory. She pulled out sections of thin metal piping and expertly assembled them into a long pole. The pole extended to a length that allowed her to reach far ahead without getting too close to potential traps.

Sera glanced back, a slight smile on her face. "Alright, we're going to use the tried and true trap-detecting method: poking it with a stick. Lora, you take the lead with the pole. Everyone else, stay behind her and watch for any signs of traps."

Lora stepped forward, the pole held firmly in her hands. She prodded the ground and walls ahead of them, testing for hidden mechanisms. The others followed closely, eyes scanning every inch of the passageway for anything unusual.

The air was damp and cool, carrying the faint smell of earth and decay. Their footsteps echoed softly, the sound amplified by the narrow confines. The occasional water drip from the ceiling added to the eerie atmosphere, reminding them of the dangers lurking just out of sight.

As they moved deeper into the dungeon, the walls seemed to close in even more, and the darkness pressed around them, broken only by the flickering light of Valen’s spell. They encountered the first room, a larger space to spread out slightly. The walls were still rough and uneven, and the floor was strewn with rocks and debris.

Lora, leading the way with her pole, paused at the entrance to the room. “There’s a trip wire trap right here,” she said, pointing to a nearly invisible thread stretched across the threshold.

On high alert, Elara suddenly caught a faint sound coming from deeper within the room. It was a subtle noise, like scratching or rubbing against stone. She leaned closer to Sera and whispered, “I hear something further in the room. It sounds like scratching or rubbing.”

Sera’s eyes narrowed as she processed the information. “That’s probably an ambush. Everyone, back up. Let’s not take any chances.”

They all retreated a safe distance down the narrow passageway. Lora readied her fire wandcaster, taking careful aim at the trip wire. With a steady hand, she fired, sending a burst of flame to sever the wire.

A loud mechanical click echoed through the room when the wire snapped, followed by a whooshing sound. A wall of spikes swung down from the ceiling, crashing into the floor where they had been standing moments before. The spikes embedded themselves deeply into the ground, the deadly trap now visible.

Sera let out a relieved breath. “Everyone, stay sharp. These traps are no joke.”

Lora nodded, lowering her wandcaster. “Let’s move carefully. There might be more traps ahead.”

They cautiously moved forward, stepping around the now-visible spikes and into the larger room. The space allowed them to spread out slightly, but they remained close enough to support each other. The flickering light of Valen’s spell cast long shadows on the walls, adding to the dungeon’s eerie atmosphere.

The scratching sound that Elara had heard was still present, coming from further within the room. Sera raised a hand, signaling everyone to halt. “It’s an ambush. Get ready,” she whispered.

They tightened their formation, weapons at the ready. Sera led the way, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of movement. The sound grew louder as they advanced, the source still hidden in the shadows.

“Lora, keep an eye out for more traps,” Sera instructed. “Valen, Elara, be prepared for an attack.”

Lora continued to probe the ground ahead with her pole, her movements careful and deliberate. Valen’s light spell flickered slightly, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance along the walls.

Without warning, trapdoors hidden in the ceiling sprung open, and a swarm of kobolds dropped down, snarling and brandishing crude weapons. The ambush was sudden and chaotic, with the small creatures attacking with ferocity.

Sera reacted instantly, smashing her shield into the largest kobold in sight, sending it sprawling. She immediately began to engage, using her shield to bash and her claymore to slash, holding the line against the onslaught. Lora, positioned slightly behind, fired her wandcasters as fast as she could, bolts of fire and ice bursting forth, striking down kobolds left and right.

Valen pushed his way through the melee to stand back-to-back with Sera. His staff whirled in defensive arcs, and with each swing, he cast spells that knocked back and stunned the kobolds, giving them a brief respite from the continuous assault.

Elara, amid the fray, viewed the entire scenario as if in slow motion. Her eyes scanned the kobolds, discerning their levels and potential threats.

[Lvl 4 Kobold (Common)] x 26

[Lvl 8 Kobold Shaman (Uncommon)]

[Lvl 10 Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)]

Mentally, she reached out to her spirit crow, her thoughts urgent. “This is a lot of enemies, and we must take out the shaman. Do you have any ideas?”

The spirit crow’s voice echoed in her mind, calm and thoughtful. “There are several intermediate sword techniques in the [Blade Dance (Rare)] that are designed to deal with masses of lower-level monsters. Picture a whirling dervish of blades, but I’m not entirely sure how it translates to the [Crimson Quill Dance (Unique)].”

Elara understood immediately. She focused her energy, calling upon the [Technique: Entwined Dragon's Ink Fury]. Her movements became a blur, her sword dancing through the air with unparalleled speed and precision.

Elara's blade moved like the strokes of an artist's brush, each movement deliberate and fluid. As she spun, the edge of her sword shimmered with a dark, inky aura. The first [Kobold (Common)] to fall was almost severed in half, the blade slicing through it with the ease of a hot knife through butter. Elara continued her deadly dance, her body moving with a graceful and lethal rhythm.

She twirled on the balls of her feet, her sword carving intricate patterns in the air. Each arc of her blade seemed to leave a trail of dark ink, like a dragon's tail painting a story of death. She ducked under a [Kobold (Common)]’s desperate swing, her sword flashing upward to catch it under the chin, the force of the blow lifting the creature off its feet.

With a swift pivot, Elara brought her sword down in a sweeping motion, taking out the legs of three [Kobold (Common)] at once. They fell with shrieks of pain, their bodies hitting the ground in a tangled mess. She continued to move, her blade finding its mark repeatedly. Each strike was accompanied by a burst of dark energy that disoriented the [Kobold (Common)], making them easy prey.

The [Kobold Shaman (Uncommon)], attempting to cast a spell, was caught in Elara’s furious onslaught. Her blade struck its staff, shattering it, and with a final, decisive slash, she cut through its chest. The creature’s incantation died on its lips, its eyes widening in shock before it crumpled to the ground.

Elara didn't pause, her momentum carrying her forward. She leaped into the air, her sword spinning above her head before she brought it down with a force that split the ground beneath her. The shockwave from the strike sent nearby [Kobold (Common)] sprawling, their bodies broken by the impact.

The technique left a trail of fallen [Kobold (Common)] in her wake, their bodies littering the floor. Sera, Valen, and Lora fought with renewed vigor, inspired by Elara’s prowess. The remaining [Kobold (Common)], now leaderless and demoralized, were quickly dispatched.

As the last [Kobold (Common)] fell, the room grew quiet, the echoes of battle fading. Elara, breathing heavily but uninjured, stood amid the fallen enemies, her sword still gleaming with the energy of her technique. She exchanged looks with her companions, each sharing a moment of silent acknowledgment of their victory.

Sera stepped forward, placing a hand on Elara’s shoulder. “That was incredible, Elara.”

Lora and Valen nodded in agreement, their faces showing relief and respect.

Sera, her expression serious, turned to the group. "That was too many mobs for this room. There should have been no more than five. This dungeon must already be close to overflowing."

She then looked at Elara, a mixture of admiration and concern in her eyes. "What you did was amazing, Elara, but also reckless. We should have worked through the mobs methodically, ensuring we weren’t overwhelmed."

Elara nodded, her expression earnest. "I understand, Sera. But I saw you were already engaged with the [Kobold Brawler (Uncommon)], and we needed to take out the [Kobold Shaman (Uncommon)]. Its spells could have turned the tide against us."

Lora stepped forward, supporting Elara. "Elara's right. A [Kobold Shaman (Uncommon)] could have buffed and healed the other [Kobold (Common)] or even cursed us if it was a high enough level. Taking it out quickly was the right call."

Sera considered their points, her stern expression softening slightly. "You both make valid points. It’s important to be decisive but also cautious. We need to find a balance between the two. Let's rest for a moment and then proceed with caution. The fact that this dungeon is already showing signs of overflow means we must be extra careful."

Elara took a deep breath and asked, "Do we need to loot anything from the [Kobold (Common)]?"

The group collectively shook their heads. "No, there's nothing valuable on these," Valen replied.

Elara nodded. "Please stand back."

With a graceful motion, Elara cast [Dimensional Link (Rare)], a technique she had honed over months of practice. Her hands moved in intricate patterns, forming a glowing sigil. The air around the fallen [Kobold (Common)] shimmered, and their bodies began to dissolve into putrid-smelling smoke almost immediately, much faster than when she performed the technique outside. The dungeon seemed to reclaim its mana rapidly, reinforcing the sense of urgency and danger.

The smoke spiraled upward, disappearing into the ether, and Elara felt a warm, comforting sensation envelop her. She sank into meditation, connecting with her [Spirit Tree]. The warmth of the Spirit Tree surrounded her, its presence a soothing balm to her weary mind and body. She could feel the spirits being absorbed, their essence nourishing the tree, strengthening their bond.

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