Watcher of Fate

017 - Daylight

As Elara sat on the throne, catching her breath and absorbing the gravity of her victory, a soft, shimmering light began to coalesce before her. Out of the light, a silver chest popped into existence, its surface gleaming in the golden glow of the great hall. The chest was adorned with intricate woven knotwork and mechanical designs, hinting at its treasures.

Elara stood up, her eyes momentarily shifting to the giant kneeling automaton. The [Iron Protector (Rare)], now subdued, remained still, its massive form casting a long shadow across the hall. She felt a twinge of worry as she watched it, the memory of its powerful attacks still fresh in her mind. Shaking off the unease, she turned her attention back to the chest.

Curiosity piqued, she approached the chest. She ran her fingers over the cool, metallic surface, tracing the intricate knotwork that decorated it. Each knot seemed to tell a story, interwoven with the mechanical designs that hinted at the chest's dwarven origins. Taking a deep breath, she lifted the lid, which opened with a soft, almost musical creak.

A beautifully crafted clockwork locket lay inside, nestled in a bed of rich, dark velvet. The locket was a masterpiece of tiny, interlocking gears and delicate filigree, each component moving in perfect harmony. It glowed faintly with a soft, magical light that seemed to pulse gently as if alive.

Elara carefully picked up the locket, marveling at its intricate design. The main body of the locket was crafted from polished silver shaped into an elegant oval. The front was adorned with a delicate filigree pattern, forming an intricate lattice of swirling designs that caught the light beautifully. Tiny, perfectly cut gemstones were embedded within the filigree, adding a touch of sparkle. The back of the locket featured an intricate engraving of a celestial motif, depicting stars and moons intertwined with mechanical gears, symbolizing the union of magic and craftsmanship.

As Elara tilted the locket, the interlocking gears inside turned smoothly, creating a mesmerizing display of precision engineering. She noticed a small inscription on the back, elegantly engraved with fine craftsmanship. She read it aloud, her voice filled with awe.

Equipped [Clockwork Locket (Good)] +11 Dex, +11 Int

She smiled, feeling a surge of excitement. The locket would enhance her dexterity and intelligence, valuable traits for her journey. With a sense of anticipation, she fastened the locket around her neck. The chain felt cool against her skin, and she could almost feel the locket’s magic intertwining with her own energy.

Elara turned to the crow, perched nearby and watching her intently. "What do you think, Crow? Ready to see the sun for the first time?"

The crow tilted its head, its eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement. "I am, Elara. I've heard tales of its warmth and light, but I've never experienced it myself. This will be a new adventure for both of us."

Elara nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Then let's not waste any more time. We've spent enough days, weeks, even months in the shadows of this dungeon. It's time to step into the light."

She focused on the option before her and selected "Yes." Immediately, she felt a rush of energy envelop her as the spell activated. An intricate pattern of purple threads began to weave around her, forming a cocoon of magical energy. The threads were extremely intricate, each one glowing with a vibrant intensity as they wrapped around her, creating a protective barrier. The pattern shimmered and pulsed with power, growing more complex by the second until it surrounded her. The dungeon around her dissolved in an instant, replaced by a blinding flash of daylight. The sudden brightness was overwhelming, and she instinctively raised her hand to shield her eyes.

Disoriented, Elara drew her sword, dropping into a defensive stance. Her heart raced as she scanned her surroundings, half-expecting an ambush. Slowly, her vision cleared, revealing that no one was around her.

Elara's eyes adjusted to the blinding light, and she began to scan the area, her senses heightened and alert carefully. She turned slowly, taking in every detail with practiced precision. Her gaze swept across the crumbled ruins of the once-grand city, noting the scattered debris and the eerie stillness that hung in the air. She observed the deep, jagged craters that pocked the streets, their edges charred and blackened by explosions. Burnt-out buildings stood like skeletal remains, their walls scorched and crumbling, with some structures so badly damaged that the stone had melted and warped from intense heat.

She listened intently for any movement sounds, her ears straining to catch even the faintest noise. The silence was almost deafening, broken only by the occasional creak of a collapsing structure or the distant rustle of debris shifting in the wind. Her eyes darted from shadow to shadow, searching for any signs of life or hidden threats.

The crow perched on her shoulder, its feathers ruffling in the gentle breeze. "I love the sun," it said with a touch of wonder, "but this town appears a little... destroyed."

Elara's smile faded, replaced by a deep sadness. She gazed at the shattered remnants of what was once a bustling metropolis, her heart heavy with sorrow. The vibrant life that had filled these streets was now only a memory, crushed under devastation. Each burnt-out building, each crater, seemed to echo the pain and loss she felt within.

She thought of her mother, the kind and gentle woman who had always been there for her, now missing and presumed dead. Her father, strong and wise, had fought to protect their home, but he too was gone, lost to the horrors that had befallen the city. The thought of them brought a lump to her throat, and tears welled up in her eyes. She blinked them back, determined to stay strong, but the ache in her chest was undeniable.

"This city," she whispered, trembling, "was destroyed by orcs. They took everything from us."

Memories of her parents' laughter, their warmth and love, flickered in her mind. She remembered her mother’s gentle touch and her father’s reassuring presence. The empty, silent ruins seemed to mock those memories, a cruel reminder of all she had lost. The grief was almost overwhelming, a heavy weight that pressed down on her, making it hard to breathe.

Elara took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. "I will never forget you, Mother and Father," she whispered. "And I will never forget what happened to our city." A vivid memory resurfaced as she stood amidst the ruins, burning brightly in her mind: the sight of a siege-level fireball crashing into her family home, engulfing it in flames.

Memory Added to your [Memory Shelf (Uncommon)].

Memory contains a Spell Form...

Cannot add Spell Form to list missing purple-dyed threads.

Skill [Memory Shelf (Uncommon)] level increased.

Startled, Elara looked around, the notifications appearing before her eyes. She felt a strange but profound shift within her as she read through them. The once blurry and fragmented memories of her parents and the destruction of her city sharpened into perfect clarity. Every detail, every moment, every sound became vivid and precise as if she were reliving them in real-time.

She closed her eyes, recalling her mother's laughter, light and musical, a sound that had always brought her comfort. She could see her father's strong, reassuring presence, his hand on her shoulder, his voice full of wisdom and warmth. The sights, sounds, and even the scents of her childhood home flooded back with stunning accuracy. It was as if a fog had lifted, revealing a landscape of memories she thought she had lost forever.

Elara felt a bittersweet joy. Though the pain of their loss was still raw, the clarity of these memories brought a sense of happiness and peace. She could remember them as they were, preserving their essence within her heart.

With a newfound clarity and sense of purpose, Elara decided to test if this feature would work on other spell forms she had encountered. She thought about the spell form used by the [Iron Protector (Rare)], but quickly dismissed the idea, knowing she lacked the silver-dyed threads required.

Next, she recalled the spells used by the [Dwarf Revenant Shadowknight (Uncommon)], particularly the simple knot of black threads that had struck her. She focused on the memory, hoping to preserve it permanently.

Memory Added to your [Memory Shelf (Uncommon)].

Memory contains a Spell Form...

Cannot add Spell Form: combat spells are prohibited by [The Watcher of Fate (Rare)] Class.

Elara grumbled at the restriction, feeling a twinge of frustration. She pondered her next move, searching her memories for a non-combat spell form she might be able to add. She remembered how the [Shadow Wolf (Uncommon)] had moved, its form shrouded in a spell. Concentrating on the memory, she focused on the spell form surrounding the creature.

Memory Added to your [Memory Shelf (Uncommon)].

Memory contains a Spell Form...

You gained a new skill: Lvl 1 Mana Knotting (Uncommon).

You gained a new skill: Lvl 1 Mana Thread Weaving (Rare).

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Shadow Step (Uncommon).

Skill [Memory Shelf (Uncommon)] level increased.

Elara's eyes widened with excitement. She quickly accessed the new spell's description, eager to understand its potential.

Shadow Step (Uncommon): This spell uses the shadow affinity to teleport the caster to any location within their line of sight. The mana cost is determined by the skill level and the teleportation distance.

A thrill ran through Elara as she imagined the possibilities of her new ability. She couldn't wait to test it in the field, knowing it would give her a significant edge in future encounters. The clarity of her memories and the newfound spell had renewed her determination. With a final look at the ruins around her, she prepared to move forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Elara looked down the rubble-strewn road, her eyes fixed on a distant point among the debris. She took a deep breath and activated [Shadow Step (Uncommon)]. She felt the spell form around her, the shadows wrapping her in their cool embrace. It wasn't instantaneous; she felt a gentle tug as if being pulled through a dark tunnel. The world around her blurred and twisted as the shadows carried her forward, moving her to the point she had fixed her sight on.

As Elara emerged from the shadows at her destination, a wave of exhilaration washed over her. She was far down the road; the spell had worked perfectly. She couldn’t contain her excitement, a broad smile spreading. The spell's success filled her with confidence and joy, knowing this new ability would be a powerful asset.

Determined to continue her journey, Elara consulted her [Thread of Fate (Legendary)]. She closed her eyes, concentrating, and summoned the guiding thread. Almost immediately, a luminous golden thread materialized before her, glowing softly in the dim light of the devastated city. It extended ahead of her, winding its way through the ruins like a beacon of hope.

Elara followed the thread, which seemed to weave purposefully through the city’s destruction. It led her past collapsed buildings and charred remnants of what once were homes and marketplaces. The thread floated above the ground, shimmering as it moved, guiding her over obstacles and through narrow passageways formed by fallen debris. She noticed how it avoided danger as she walked, steering her clear of unstable structures and treacherous terrain.

Finally, the thread led Elara to the outskirts of the city. Here, the devastation began to thin, and the remnants of civilization gave way to the untamed wilderness beyond. The path ahead was clear, the thread pointing resolutely toward the horizon. She stepped out of the city's ruins, the last vestiges of the urban landscape behind her, and entered the dense, whispering woods that bordered the city.

The transition from the broken cityscape to the vibrant, living forest was stark. The golden thread wove its way through the trees, guiding her along narrow, winding paths. The forest was alive with sounds, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the distant calls of unseen creatures. The cool, fresh air was a sharp contrast to the ash-laden atmosphere of the city.

As Elara walked deeper into the woods, the canopy above thickened, dappling the ground with patches of sunlight. The golden thread glowed brighter against the verdant backdrop, a constant and reassuring guide. She moved with purpose, her footsteps light on the forest floor. The thread led her over moss-covered logs, through clusters of ferns, and around ancient, towering trees.

With each step, Elara felt a sense of renewal. The forest's natural beauty and tranquility contrasted sharply with the chaos and destruction she had left behind. The golden thread continued to lead her forward, deeper into the woods.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (25,076 of 29,000) 14

Naitharon: (21,475 of 29,000) 14


HP: 845 of 845(2.1/min)

Mana: 702 of 702 (1.6/min)

Sta: 936 of 936 (3.7/min)


Strength: 30

Dexterity: 40(46)

Constitution: 46(50)

Perception: 80(96)

Intelligence: 15

Resolve: 68(78)

Free Points: 0

Class Skills:

Memory Shelf (Uncommon): 3

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 2

True Sight (Legendary): 8

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 14


Dimensional Link (Rare): 6

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 1

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 4

Cooking (Common): 4

Meditation (Common): 12

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 8

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 3

Mana Knotting (Uncommon): 1

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 1

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 1

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 1

Mana Dyeing: Water (Common): 1

Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common): 1

Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common): 1

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1

Blunt Weapons (Common): 1


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