Chapter 340: Signs of a Betrayal

Gale threw over a blanket covering up Gemini as he turned to Alice. "Are you sure it was him? This isn't something Alton would do."

Alice clutched her hands together, looking sure of herself. "I'm certain, and after confronting Alton about it, I have no doubts in my mind. He killed Gemini."

"While I do not doubt you here, Alice, the better question here is why?" Harmony opened up, biting her thumb. "She wasn't a threat; Alton even chose her for his team. So what reason would he have to die?"

"This rescue mission was just a front for his true operation. I thought it was to steal as many Stages as possible but…. What if that wasn't his true agenda? What if it was to kill Gemini all along?"

Riley snarked at this waving her hand. "If that's the case, couldn't he have just killed her ages ago? So why go through all this effort putting his own and Zinnia's life at risk just to kill someone beneath him?"

Alice gave it some thought, trying to put the pieces together left trapped at the last hurdle. "I don't know, but we all knew Gemini was connected to the Garden. Maybe her power could detect Alton or something?"

"Or maybe it was as he said, and Gemini went ballistic. It's not the first time she tried killing him." Riley snapped. "Just admit it, Alice; you're looking too far into this."

"He wanted me to help him achieve Salvation's Calling."

"He what now?" Tempo questioned, standing up. "Wasn't that the endgame of the Garden to wrap reality to whatever he wishes?"

"It is…. I'm afraid Alton will try and use this power no matter what. To make it that the Garden never existed."

"And that's a problem?" Riley asked. "I'm not trying to knock you down a peg here, Alice, but how is this bad thing? We're at war, are we not? So taking down the Garden is our priority, right?"

"Lady Riley is right. Our enemy is the Garden." Haggis brought up standing his ground. "We fight however we see fit."

Riley leaned on her arm smugly, staring at Alice. "I see. Could this possibly be because you're scared? If Alton makes it that the Garden never existed, then you wouldn't either. You were made with the power of the Garden. Could it be your agendas lie with them?"

Alice snapped a stray arrow grazing Riley's cheek. "Don't you dare question my allegiance here, Riley Syndicate! The Garden has taken as much away from me as it has you. First, I was there fighting for my life on their turf. Then, I saw the man Alton was, and it wasn't anything natural. He killed hundreds of innocent people for no good reason."

"The Garden ruined my life," Clark whispered. "It tricked me and used my weakness to manipulate and destroy me. If it wasn't for Mortem, I would be dead. Even then, that would be better than the body I control. This isn't me. I may act like Clark Henderson and remember his memories, but I'm certainly not him. Think of how many others were ruined because of the Garden. Vanguard, Gemini, the Montagues, Alton's family and you. If they were gone, think of how much better life would be."

Gale stood up from his chair, sighing. "Mortem would agree with you on that. But I cannot. I was lost before Team Rhapsody. I took my grief over my grandma out on the world, hurting so many innocent people. It wasn't until Alton and Zinnia came along and stopped me that I was able to make amends and stop my misdeeds. That's how we stop the Garden. We help them the best we can to work for a brighter future. Causing mass genocide over a race who have been wronged time and time again isn't the way."

Harmony and Tempo both looked at each other, nodding. "We were never the sort of people to be heroes. At the end of the day, we were just idols, a band who wanted to play music. We were dragged into this world against our will; therefore, it wouldn't be in our line of interest to start a war. No war can end without the two sides talking. Haven't we all lost enough? Let's stop this pointless fighting."

Riley shook her head, sighing with an aggressive tone. "There wouldn't have to be any pointless fighting. All we would have to do is let Alton go. Give him Zinnia's Stage, and he can do the rest. We can sit here drinking away into the night and before you know it. You awake to a brave new world."

Alice clenched her grip keeping her cool. "It's only fair if we keep this to a vote. We should give everyone time to think this over carefully. This isn't just about Alton here but the lives of an entire population. They don't deserve that, plus we don't even know what will happen if we give Alton the other Stages. We don't know how far he will go. Who's to say he doesn't wipe us out alongside the Garden?"

This made everyone fall silent as Zinnia walked out, rubbing her eyes. "What's everyone shouting about?"

"It doesn't matter, Zinnia. You don't need to be a part of this…. You need rest." Alice snapped, not making eye contact with her friend.

Zinnia looked at everyone, worried, before nodding. "Ok."

Riley watched Zinnia leave before adding her comment. "She has the right to choose too, you know. She's just as much involved as the rest of us."

"She's been too much. She doesn't need this on her conscience."

"What is it you suppose we do, Alice, if we choose your path? Do we lock Alton away forever, take his Stages, kill him? Could you do it? Could you kill your beloved Alton Brantley?"

Alice stood up, walking away, hissing under her breath. "That thing in there isn't Alton."


Memento woke up finding himself tied up on the top of a Titan overlooking the city he was tasked with destroying. Still dazed, he looked around, lost to find Eve squatting down staring at him. "Big bro, Adam…. He's awake."

Bargaining waltzed over, standing with a proud look smirking. "That was quite the show you pulled there; you're lucky to be alive. It seems even your Long Whisper was useless compared to Alton."

"Alton Brantley…. He was a monster; he would plough through his friends as if they were nothing more than snow blocking his front door. He's nothing like the boy you described Bargaining."

"Yes, well, I suppose I might have had a small part to play in that."

"What happened?" Memento whispered. "Was it true? Did Alton attack the Garden?"

"He did. He destroyed the last village and lay waste to dozens of innocent lives. Not to mention he also killed one of the Gardeners and stole the Stage of Pain." Bargaining explained. "He would have stolen your Stage, too, if I hadn't saved you."

"Then why are we here? Shouldn't we be with the Garden?!"

"Easy Memento, no need to act so worked up. It really doesn't suit you. Should we tell him, dear sister?"

Eve stood up, spinning around giggling. "Can I, can I?"


Eve skipped over, kneeling to Memento's level, smiling. "We betrayed the Garden. We're not going back."

"Come now, Eve, how can we betray someone with who we never actually sided. We're downplaying house with those disgusting vermin. So now Eve and I are taking matters into our own hands." Adam explained, smiling. "And we're taking you along for the ride."

"You bastards…. I won't stand by an-."

Memento froze, looking shocked as Adam twirled his hand into view showing a purple bud. "Looking for this? The Stage of Depression. You didn't seriously think I'd save you purely from the kindness of my heart, did you?"

"I don't understand."

"Truth be told, I've been keeping my eye on your Stage for quite a while now, Memento. But I could never find the right time to take it. That was until Alton almost killed you. Then, sweeping in at the last moment was easy. And now, with Denial and Bargaining under my belt with you Stage soon to follow, it will only be a matter of time before the ae rest mine."

Memento tried struggling, looking worried. "That was your plan? Why am I still alive then? Why haven't you just taken the Stage yet?"

Adam tapped Memento's face laughing. "Calm down, my boy. It really is quite simple. I haven't taken the Stage yet because it would only draw attention from the Gardener. She'll be coming after me soon enough and well. I only want to make these Stages mine once I've collected them all. With Salvation's Calling, I can finally save Eve from the curse of Salvation before it's too late. She's fine now, but soon she'll start losing her mind forever. I can't let that happen."

Hiding Depression away, Adam walked away as he looked down to Eve. "Is it time?"

Nodding, Adam turned to Memento again. "And the reason I haven't killed you yet, well, I just love seeing the look on someone's face when I reveal my plan, and yours is quite priceless. But that's as far as your worth is known. So so do with him as you see fit, Eve. He's my present to you, your new doll."

"Thank you, brother. I'll be sure to take good care of him."

Adam walked away, looking down on the city as bloody screams echoed in his ear before eventually stopping. "The final step in our plan is almost here, my dear sister. Look at the sunrise; it's the final one you'll have to bear too as Salvation."

Eve stood next to her brother, covered in blood, smiling. "I'm so glad to hear that…. But I'm afraid my doll already broke."

"Not to worry, dead sister. Where we're going next, you'll have a house full of dolls to play with."


The sun began to rise on the hills on the outskirt of Rhinefield. Alice emerged from the bottom, climbing the hillwalking for what seemed like hours. Waiting for her, Lucas turned their hand on his blade. "You wanted to talk to me?"

Alice nodded, putting her bow to the floor. "I come in peace."

"You look just like her. Like Eve."

"I've been told. What happened to your home was horrible…. It keeps me up at night. It isn't what my sister, what Alton would have wanted. So, therefore, I offer you an alliance. I'll help your people find a home here peacefully where we can help rebuild. All in return, I ask is that you help me."

"What is it you seek from me?" Lucas questioned, still wary of Alice's true motive.

Alice gulped, licking her lips calming herself. Now surer than ever, she stared Lucas in the eyes with a determined look. "I want you to help me kill Alton."

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