Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 395 Policemen go into the sewer

The intricate roads of Gotham's sewer system are so complicated that even super soldiers will not know the direction when they first set foot on them. Fortunately, AI and super brains will help them record the routes they have walked.

As they walked, the scout suddenly used his sharp eyesight and the super auxiliary system of the power armor to spy on the remaining footprints in the sewer.

He half-crouched down, letting the sensor on his arm identify more carefully for a long time, and then stood up and said: "It seems that someone has been here too."

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"No one will come here for a few years after the sewer is built, and this location is not a place where the sewer needs to be maintained, and normal people will not walk here."

The team members stopped and did not feel threatened by the footprints in the sewer. After staying for a while, they continued to go deeper into the sewer.

They turned on thermal imaging and life scanning, scanning hundreds of meters in the open area. When they came to the complex terrain of the sewer, they could only see life within a radius of fifteen meters at most.

Most of the animals they could see were rodents such as mice. No living people were seen, but there were more footprints on the ground.

The team did not deliberately look for people. They went deeper and turned a few corners to ensure that they would not be discovered by the municipal staff who arrived early tomorrow morning. Then they did not go deeper and sat down against the wall of the sewer to rest.

Try to contact the headquarters, or play your own AI and play an online six-player shooting game to kill time.

Although the appearance of today's power armor still maintains the bulky feeling on the surface, the number of smart devices inside is no worse than all the previous armors of Tony Nano Armor. They can use the smart system of the power armor to do many things, including leisure and entertainment.

The scout who also serves as a musician can even project a virtual piano that only he can see. The smart module of the power armor allows him to have the same feel as hitting a real piano when hitting the virtual piano.

He was immersed in his own world at this time, sitting on the back of the released mechanical dog, his hands kept tapping in the air, the sound of music came into his mind from the bone conduction player, and he closed his eyes in ecstasy.

He liked the famous musician Beethoven very much, especially the Symphony of Fate, which was said to be a world classic.

Some people may sneer at music that too many people know, or use niche music to highlight their differences from the masses, but such people do not really like music, and classics should never be viewed with personal comparison.

The ups and downs of emotions contained in the song of fate are the soul of music. A piece of music is like tasting a life.

The scout who was immersed in the music played for a long time, immersed in his own world, and completely entered the state of concentration of the flow.

It was not until the captain used his authority to wake him up that he realized that several hours had passed.

It was dawn, and he thought that the communicator had received a signal from the headquarters, but it was not.

"Someone is coming... a lot of people.

The work that should have been done by the scouts is now all handed over to the miniature scout spiders.

Under the eyes of these little guys, a large number of armed police and special police entered the sewers from several confirmed tunnel entrances.

For a moment, they all wondered if they were exposed.

After eavesdropping on the radio of the police rushing into the sewer, they learned that these police came to the sewer to arrest people. In this way, the footprints in the sewer may be those of Gotham criminals.

But what should we do now?

The team members looked at the captain, waiting for him to make a decision, should they go out and meet the police, or continue to hide in the sewer?

The bulky gravity armor does not have an optical camouflage system, which is not convenient to install on the airtight power armor. On, and optical camouflage is only effective for the eyes. After a long consideration, the designer did not install optical camouflage, nor did he install a silent walking system.

The heavy armor has some cushions under the feet to reduce the sound. The feeling of stepping on it greatly affects the action, and it is completely unnecessary for the heavy armored warrior to lurk like an assassin.

So now it has led to a very embarrassing situation. They just wanted to wait for the headquarters to reply in the sewer, a place where few people come, but what they waited for was a large group of police.

Even if they released the spacecraft and took the drone to put on a layer of optical camouflage, it would be useless. The sewer is not wide, and there are many policemen. They completely occupied the road, and they would be hit after the optical camouflage.

"There is no way, then go out and negotiate with the police, stay in the detention center and wait for news. "

After thinking for a long time, the captain chose to lie down. Anyway, they would not take off the power armor. With the power armor still on, the contact would not be interrupted. In this way, no matter where they waited, they would wait. When the people from the headquarters came, they would clean up the mess for them.

No one objected. They walked along the road they walked yesterday and prepared to walk out of the big hole.

If there was no one outside the big hole caused by the spacecraft, they could continue to hide and not get involved in the affairs of this world.

Their calculations failed. There were not only people on the other side of the hole caused by the spacecraft, but also a lot of them.

Dozens of policemen surrounded the big hole, and many policemen also descended. The strong flashlight saw six iron cans coming out of the sewer.

The exclamation suddenly resounded through the sewer, "Don't move! Put your hands up!"

"Put down your weapons! Let me see your hands!"

"Don't move!"

The policemen in dark blue uniforms and bulletproof vests all drew their guns and pointed them at the iron cans coming out of the sewer. Their hands holding the guns were a little stiff. Although they said not to move, they were not very confident in facing the vicious criminals.

These six big cans looked like something made by some super criminals.

In Gotham City, where there are many talented people, you need to be extra cautious when you encounter some weirdos in strange clothes. The pensions of the police who are not vigilant are basically paid out.

So after seeing six iron cans nearly three meters high coming out, they did not think of attacking and subduing these weirdos, but retreating collectively.

If they had not seen the six big cans really stop according to their words and raised their hands in cooperation, they would have opened fire directly.

The police commander at the scene was also nervous when he saw the six iron cans coming out. He quickly notified his colleagues at other entrances of the situation here, pulled out the intercom from the police car, and reported to the superior in charge of the action command.

"Sir, six robots were found in the big hole on the outskirts of the city. They look like people wearing armor. What should we do?"

"Evacuate, evacuate all!


The answer from the intercom made the police officers on the scene change color, and they quickly put away their guns and fled the scene.

The way for Gotham police to survive is to refuse when your superiors ask you to charge, but when your superiors ask you to evacuate, don't hesitate and run immediately!

Bang bang bang bang!

It was too late. Several pickup trucks suddenly drove in from the road in the abandoned warehouse area on the outskirts of the city. More than a dozen armed men sitting in the pickup trucks held a variety of automatic weapons and fired at the police who were preparing to evacuate, instantly sweeping down a large area.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source change app used by old bookworms,]

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