Trinity of Magic [Progression Fantasy]

B4 – Chapter 79: The Auction I

The days rushed by in a blur, particularly for Zeke, who found himself getting little sleep during this time. Balancing his responsibilities as the leader of the Ember Scar Cartel and the owner of the Blackthorn Covenant with his plans for the city left him with scant moments for anything else.

Zeke was standing on top of the Black Tower, which served as the headquarters of the Blackthorn Covenant. His gaze was directed at the street below, watching the people going about their business. Despite his exhaustion, a wide smile adorned his tired face. The reason for it wasn’t hard to guess.

Starting with the few blocks surrounding his two organizations, the roads had begun to look cleaner, the people were better fed, and uniformed guards patrolled the streets. However, that wasn’t the biggest change. No, the biggest difference could be seen in the people.

The first time Zeke had visited Undercity, what startled him the most was the oppressive atmosphere. It had been a shocking sight. However, the sense of hopelessness and gloom that had once gripped people's hearts was rapidly dissipating, replaced by a newfound sense of joyful optimism.

Even Zeke was surprised. He had not expected the people to be able to change so much in such a short amount of time, but the truth was undeniable. There was a current in the air, a lively energy that had been absent all this time. People seemed to have regained a certain spark that had been absent from their lives for decades.

His eyes settled on the long queue starting from the base of the tower and extending well out of sight. At a rough estimate, there had to be hundreds of Chimeroi. Zeke knew why they had come. They were here for the same reason they had come yesterday and the day before: They were hoping to receive the same offer their friends and family had received.

Rumors of a selfless savior had spread far and wide, attracting everyone's attention.

To the residents of Undercity, the offer of free housing and three meals a day was irresistible. Coupled with the promise of protection, it completed the package. After all, these were the fundamental desires of all intelligent lifeforms: food, shelter, and security. The modest pay that was promised on top of that made the offer all the more attractive.

Zeke smiled widely—a genuine, warm smile.

During his time beneath the Ember Scar Cartel, he had come to terms with the reality that he might be forced to do some truly terrible things in the future. After all, he had been resolved to sacrifice thousands for his goal of bringing down the Archmage. Fortunately, it had not come to that, but Zeke was well aware that he couldn’t always be this lucky.

The realization of the impact he was making heightened the significance of the current situation. Zeke was improving the lives of thousands — soon tens of thousands — of people. A warmth spread through his body as he witnessed the smiles on the faces of the Chimeroi waiting in line to enter the Black Tower. If he had his choice, he would dedicate himself to such endeavors in the future. Helping people rise was far more fulfilling than tearing them down.

Alas, he was well aware that those were nothing but wishful fantasies. There were no castles without defenses, no treasures without guardians. It was simply the way of this world.

This was also the reason Zeke was so determined to use the Enslavement Ritual on as many Chimeroi as possible. It was the only way they could not be taken against their will. After all, nobody would employ people who served another Master. That was far too risky. Those people could be made to betray you with a single word.

He just hoped he could get enough of them before his plan was revealed to the people in charge. Luckily, most of the leaders of Korrovan were still occupied with protecting the capital from the storm. However, that would end soon.

Whispers spread that the storm had passed, and the cleanup was well on its way. Already, the central district was in an uproar, with most of the refugees preparing their return to the surface. Giving weight to those rumors was the fact that the grand auction was set for the day after.

Zeke sighed. On the one hand, he had been looking forward to this auction for a while; on the other hand, he wished he had more time.

However, his weary expression soon turned into a wry grin. Had he become too greedy? When he arrived in Undercity a fortnight ago, he had been on the brink of death, dragging two unconscious followers with his one remaining arm.

But what about now?

His body was restored, his enemies were dead, and his follower count had multiplied by the thousands. Yet he was still complaining? He truly had become greedy.

But if Zeke was being honest with himself, he was very pleased with how things had gone. His expectations upon arriving in Korrovan had been exceeded by far. Not only did he secure the black liquid, but he also discovered its source. Furthermore, he established a stable presence in Undercity.

Ultimately, there was only a single sore spot remaining.

Jaihar, the youngest Firebrand heir, had escaped a second time and even found refuge with the Varun family. Of course, he no longer posed any danger to Zeke or his goals, but he couldn’t just let him be.

After all he had done, there was no way Zeke could forgive him. And even if he could, he still had a promise to keep with a certain vengeful Dragon. He clearly remembered the words he had spoken that day.

A river of blood for every drop we have spilled. A severed head for every loss we have suffered.

Zeke had made good on that promise. He razed the Firebrand school to the ground and wiped out their lineage. Even Jaihar’s uncle, the formidable leader of the Ember Scar Cartel, had not been spared. Zeke had taken everything from them.

However, this made it all the more jarring that Jaihar, the source of this grudge, was still alive. That coward seemed to possess a sixth sense for danger, managing to escape twice beforehand while leaving his people behind to die. This time, he had even sacrificed his entire family to cover his retreat.

Zeke's eyes turned sharp at the reminder. His mind was made up. After the auction, he would demand that the Varun family hand him over. For now, however, he needed patience. It wouldn’t be wise to strain their relationship so close before the auction. After all, he still needed to purchase Snow.

After that, he couldn’t care less about the Varun family. He was already destined to clash with them. After all, they were one of the richest families in Korrovan, and most of their business dealings relied on Undercity in one way or another. They would be among the first to turn against him when his machinations came to light.

Zeke sighed and tapped the railing a final time before stepping back inside the tower. Tomorrow, he would return to the surface, but today, he still had dozens of Rituals to carry out.




Zeke blinked furiously, squinting at his blindingly bright surroundings. Had the sun always been this bright?

Idly, he was wondering how it would be for the Chimeroi, who had spent their entire lives underground, to see the sun for the first time. After all, he had only been down there for a matter of days, and he already had such a hard time.

“Are you alright, Master?” Vulcanos asked from beside him. They had been the only ones standing still, halting the progress of the people behind them.

“I am fine,” Zeke said while moving ahead. At the moment, he relied more on his [Perfect Spatial Awareness] than his eyes, but it did just fine to navigate the crowd.

His small group was part of a much larger stream emerging from the tunnel leading to Undercity. Exclamations of joy echoed from all around as the smiling residents returned to their homes.

Zeke led his group to the home of the Nair family. They had already returned earlier today and were most likely waiting for him. Thanks to his connections, the Nair patriarch had managed to get a VIP ticket for the auction, and Zeke intended to accompany him.

When his eyes finally adjusted somewhat, Zeke took in the sights of the capital. Contrary to his expectations, the city appeared unchanged from before the storm. This made Zeke all the more curious about what kind of defensive measures the higher-ups had employed while the people hid below ground.

Zeke was aware that most of the family heads and stronger Mages had been asked to help in the protection efforts, but he hadn’t been able to find out what that entailed. Most likely, Ravi would know. Zeke would have to ask him the next time they met. Even so, the city looked flawless. Not even the flora seemed to have been disturbed by the storm. It made him wonder why the people even bothered taking refuge underground.

After a brisk walk, they arrived in front of the Nair family home. As expected, a group was already waiting. Zeke recognized Mohan Nair and his daughter Aisha, alongside a few of the elders. However, it appeared that only Aisha was dressed for the occasion, while the men all wore simple, comfortable robes.

Zeke furrowed his brows. “Are you going out dressed like that, Mohan?”

Mohan turned at the voice and smiled upon recognizing who it was. “How could that be?” he shot back. “I have a reputation to uphold.”

Zeke immediately realized something. “You aren’t going?”

The old man nodded. “Our ticket allows for the entry of up to five people,” he explained. “I thought it would be smarter to have your guards accompany you instead of our elders.”

Zeke nodded thoughtfully. So, that was the reason Mohan had instructed him to bring no more than three guards. His gaze drifted to the only woman present. “Are you going to accompany us, Aisha?”

Aisha smiled widely, her eyes turning into crescents. “I am. Somebody has to make sure you don’t embarrass our family, after all.”

Zeke rolled his eyes. This girl had become increasingly cheeky since their last outing. Well, it was a lot better than her guarded hesitation from when they first met. It was most likely a sign that they had gotten closer.

After a quick round of farewells, their group made their way to the Treasure Pavilion, where the auction was set to take place. It wasn’t a long walk, and Zeke could see more and more parties heading in the same direction. Most of them gazed curiously at his procession. They stood out quite a bit.

His group consisted of Vulcanos, Gravitas, and Ash, in addition to himself and Aisha. While he and Aisha were dressed up, the Chimeroi were wearing light armor, signaling their position as guards.

He smiled wryly; he was clearly among the only ones to arrive with this many guards. After all, this was an event catering to the elites of Korrovan. It was not like Zeke expected any conflict to arise, but it was always better to be prepared.

Upon arriving at the Treasure Pavilion, Aisha boldly passed by the waiting crowd and approached the entrance. She didn’t even halt her stride as two guards stepped into their path. Instead, she casually flashed their golden invitation. The men immediately gave way to their group, to the surprise of the onlookers.

This was the first time Zeke had seen her act so domineeringly. Was this what she meant by making sure not to embarrass her family? Well, who was he to criticize the local customs? It got the job done, after all.

They entered the entrance hall, which was even more gaudy than the last time he had come. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of grandeur, while crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a shimmering glow across the marble floors below. The air was thick with the scent of rich perfumes, and the murmur of hushed conversations filled the room. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the opulence and excess that permeated every corner of this establishment.

A servant strode over and took their invitation with a low bow. “If you would follow me, Miss Nair, your lounge has been prepared.”

Aisha nodded and, after a short glance back, followed the man up the stairs to the VIP area. Zeke was only a step behind. He could hardly wait for the event to begin.

A note from Elara


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