Time is slow

Chapter 829

Chapter 824: Get What They Want

Chapter 824 Everyone Gets Their Own

Li Jiao’s death was like a splash at this tragic juncture. Although it aroused a lot of speculation and panic among the concubines of the harem, it did not cause a storm.

On the contrary, adopting the son of the clan as the prince and entrusting the eldest princess to the newly-appointed German concubine to raise, all the measures indicated that the situation of Emperor Taixiang was not good.

There are suppressed cries all over the harem.

Many concubines did not have the luck of queens and concubines, and they had no children under their knees. They could not do without two endings. One was to be buried, and the other was to enter the royal temple.

Their lives seem to have just bloomed and they hurriedly ended, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, no one outside the palace cared about the fate of these concubines, but waited for Emperor Taixiang to call again.

The prince is young. Once the emperor is in the sky, he will inevitably need ministers to regent. This power is too tempting.

Emperor Taixiang knew his own situation, and he did not let those people wait for long, and said to Wei Wuxie: “The first assistant of the cabinet, Xu Mingda, the second assistant Su He, the six ministers, the king of Changshan, the champion, the commander of Jinlinwei, etc. People meet…”

Seeing that Emperor Taixiang was no longer strong enough to speak, Wei Wuxie hurriedly sent his servants to spread the word.

The people who received the news rushed to the palace in a hurry.

Emperor Taixiang was already difficult to stay, and the place to meet all the ministers was conveniently in the palace.

The huge Hall of Mental Cultivation was empty and silent, except for the rubbing of clothing and footsteps made by ministers walking by.

Across the sky blue gauze embroidered with blessing and longevity patterns, all the ministers knelt on the ground: “I will meet the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live.”

There was no movement from the tent.

The ministers could not help but look at each other.

Is it possible that the emperor had not had time to explain his future affairs—

With the thought of    together, all the ministers became more nervous.

Wei Wuxie came out of the tent and said loudly, “Your Majesty asks you all to go outside first and later.”

The ministers could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the emperor planned to summon people alone.

Under the guidance of the inner servants, the ministers came to the outer room and waited silently.

Soon Wei Wuxie came out, glanced at all the ministers, and finally his eyes fell on Shao Mingyuan: “Marquis, Your Majesty, please go in first.”

All the ministers looked at Shao Mingyuan.

Shao Mingyuan was the first to be summoned. Although he was surprised, he did not show any sign of expression on his face. He gave Wei Wuxie a slight nod and walked in with him.

The remaining ministers exchanged their gazes silently, wondering why the first person the emperor summoned was the champion.

Shao Mingyuan was shocked when he saw Emperor Taixiang.

When he first learned that the Empress Dowager and the emperor were attacking Zhao Zhao, he was very angry, and he did not hesitate to attack the Empress Dowager, and he intended to impress the emperor, which was a knock on the mountain.

But what he didn’t expect was that the emperor could not help but be so frightened, and he became like this in a short period of time.

Of course, since he had done it, he had no regrets, but he could not help feeling emotional.

“Wei Chen has seen the emperor.”

Emperor Taixiang stared at Shao Mingyuan, and after a while said softly, “Master Hou is here, come and sit next to me.”

Shao Mingyuan walked over and sat down.

Emperor Taixiang moved his eyes to look at Wei Wuxie: “Wei Wuxie, I want to talk to Lord Hou alone.”

Wei Wuxie hurriedly backed out and stood guard outside.

Only Shao Mingyuan and Emperor Taixiang were left in the room, and the smell of medicine seemed to be getting stronger.

Shao Mingyuan looked respectful, waiting for Emperor Taixiang to speak.

Emperor Taixiang just stared at him without blinking.

Time passed by, and Shao Mingyuan was surprised for a long time, and he couldn’t help raising his eyes to meet Emperor Taixiang’s gaze.

Emperor Taixiang’s eyes were so deep that he couldn’t tell his emotions for a while.

Shao Mingyuan lowered his eyes and continued to wait.

Emperor Taixiang finally spoke: “That night… Was it Lord Hou?”

Shao Mingyuan’s brows moved slightly.

He never expected that the first sentence the emperor would ask was this.

Could it be said that when people are about to die, they act unexpectedly?

“Wei Chen doesn’t understand what the emperor means.” Shao Mingyuan replied calmly.

Could it be that when the emperor saw that he could not succeed, he was desperate to vent his anger except him?

The thought of    just flashed in Shao Mingyuan’s mind, and his face remained calm and calm.

Emperor Taixiang had a panoramic view of his expression, and he smiled softly: “Master Hou, I know that it was you that day.”

How could he not know, since Qingliang Mountain, in countless nightmares, this person rescued him from fire and water, and this person’s eyebrows and eyes have been depicted thousands of times in his dreams.

That night, despite the distance, the man was hidden in the dark again, but he would not have mistaken those eyes.

Shao Mingyuan simply lowered his eyes and said nothing.

At such times, he disdains to deny it, but cannot admit it.

No matter what the emperor is going to do to him, he will not drop the handle on his tongue.

Contrary to Shao Mingyuan’s expectations, Emperor Taixiang did not pursue further questions, but instead asked, “Master Hou, will you take good care of your most precious things?”

Shao Mingyuan was silent for a moment, raised his eyes to look at Emperor Taixiang, and replied seriously: “Yes, for Weichen, if anyone wants to destroy my most precious things, then Weichen will do everything in his power to pay back.”

This is the answer he gave the emperor, I believe the emperor understood.

Emperor Taixiang smiled when he heard it: “So the peace of the people in Daliang is the most precious thing in the heart of the Marquis?”

Surprise flashed from Shao Mingyuan’s eyes, but he quickly replied: “The peace of the people in Daliang is one of the precious things in Weichen’s heart.”

From the age of fourteen, he has traveled thousands of miles north to fight on the battlefield, fighting with blood and blood countless times to protect the people of Daliang from being ravaged by the Tartars?

Because I have paid, so I can’t give it more and more.

“Then I can rest assured, cough cough cough—” Emperor Taixiang coughed, and his cheeks quickly turned crimson from the violent cough.

Shao Mingyuan glanced at it, bent down and picked up the golden spittoon beside the bed.

Emperor Taixiang shook his head, weakly pointing to Wei Wuxie outside.

Shao Mingyuan had to stand up and shouted, “Eunuch Wei, the emperor asked you to come in.”

Wei Wuxie walked in in a hurry, and when he saw Emperor Taixiang like this, he immediately took the spittoon from Shao Mingyuan and handed it over, but Emperor Taixiang did not vomit, and pointed at Shao Mingyuan.

Wei Wuxie was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, smiled wryly at Shao Mingyuan: “Master Hou, the emperor asked you to go out first.”

“Wei Chen retire.” Shao Mingyuan solemnly kowtowed to Emperor Taixiang and withdrew.

Emperor Taixiang opened his mouth to spit, but he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

“Your Majesty—” Wei Wuxie’s face was pale with horror, and the hand holding the spittoon trembled violently.

“Go and call them all in.”

After a while, all the ministers knelt on the ground and listened to Emperor Taixiang slowly speaking through the gauze: “Xu Shoufu, the prince is young, you will have to worry more about national affairs in the future… Uncle Wang, you are highly respected in the clan, please help me in the future. Constrain the prince…”

The sound gradually disappeared from the gauze tent.

All the ministers cried.

Soon after, the death knell rang, and there was an endless mourning inside and outside the palace.

In the late spring of the second year of Taixiang, Emperor Taixiang died, and the first assistant Xu Mingda and King Changshan were appointed as auxiliary ministers. Beijing.

(end of text)

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(end of this chapter)

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