The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 436: The most powerful blood hunter ever

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in a dense forest.


Ryan and Melo, one Gorefiend, were like two planes ramming across the ground.

The forest was plowed into deep ravines like a sliced ​​pizza. Birds all over the sky were frightened and flew into the air. The roar caused by the movement could be faintly heard even dozens of kilometers away.

Residents in the distance stopped their work and looked in the direction of the sound, listening to the deafening roar and watching the animals fleeing around, many people thought that an earthquake had occurred.

After chasing for a few minutes and running dozens of kilometers, Ryan finally caught up with Gorefiend Mello.

Ryan hugged a tree trunk that was hugged by five people and pulled it hard!


He uprooted an ancient tree dozens of meters high, and then smashed it hard at the Gorefiend Mello not far away!


The ancient tree dozens of meters high turned into debris because it couldn't bear Ryan's huge power, and the earth appeared a deep ravine several meters deep and extending for hundreds of meters under the full blow of Ryan. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Gorefiend Mello, who was hit from the front, glared at Ryan while vomiting blood, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, do you think I ran away because I was afraid of you? Don't be too arrogant!"

"Huh?" Ryan was surprised: "The bloodline melting agent was almost decomposed by you? Your strength is really terrifying, and it is correct to use poison on you."

After finishing speaking, Ryan clenched his fists and roared, and charged towards Mello.

Facing Ryan, the hateful enemy who had hurt him so miserably, causing him to suffer the worst injury in hundreds of years, Mello did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards Ryan with a fist.

One person and one Gorefiend have a monster body size of three meters, and their speed is about 700 kilometers per hour.

The distance of dozens of meters between them, at their terrifying speed comparable to that of a plane, did not even take a fraction of a second to cross.


They collided, and the aftermath of the power spread around them with them as the center. The trees shattered and the stones cracked. The birds in the air were shaken to death by groups, and fell one by one.



They are deadlocked, they are roaring, they are in the purest power competition!

It was just a stalemate for a few seconds, and Ryan looked obviously out of his depth.

He was pushed hard by the powerful force of Gorefiend Mello, and he kept sliding and retreating on the ground. After a while, he was pushed back several hundred meters by Mello, and his back was against a cliff.


The stone behind him cracked directly, and his body slowly sank into the cliff.

Mello raised his fist and punched Ryan's head!

Ryan's face sank directly, his sharp teeth were knocked out, and one of his eyeballs actually burst out of his socket.

Ryan roared and wanted to fight back, but Melo's speed and strength were above him.

In the face of the unstoppable force that Mello threw at him, he could only passively endure it.

"click, click, click..."

His bones kept shattering, and his muscles and internal organs were nearly all broken and shattered by Melo's onslaught.

After waving his fists thousands of times, Ryan's body had plunged into the cliff more than ten meters deep. The entire cliff shook violently due to the shock wave generated by these consecutive hits, and finally cracked and collapsed.

Hearing the sound of the mountain collapsing, Mello did not have any fear in the face of the danger of being buried alive. Instead, he became more courageous. He continued to wave his fists and wanted to directly smash Ryan into mud.

But to his surprise—

He actually emptied!

"That human being has the energy to dodge?"

"And he can't sense his breath, which means that he can still use advanced breath concealment skills that even I can't perceive in this situation?"

"His injury was less severe than I thought."

After knowing that it was impossible to kill Ryan in a row, Melo, who didn't know where Ryan disappeared, began to step back.


When retreating, he felt a sharp pain in his left arm, and then the entire left arm was bitten off by Ryan in the darkness.

After Mello escaped from the burial of stones, he looked at his empty left arm and frowned, "That human not only has a strong physique comparable to our blood demon, but also has a strong fighting experience, fighting skills and spiritual will. The level is extraordinary.”

"Apart from me, any Gorefiend prince will only have a dead end when he encounters him, right?"

His consciousness was focused on the broken left arm, and the wound stopped bleeding all of a sudden.

Then the flesh and blood at the wound squirm, but within a few breaths, a brand new arm regrew.

He looked at Ryan, who had only crawled out from the depths of the stone burial at this time, and said, "I thought you escaped."

Ryan replied, "My self-healing ability is still not as good as yours. It took a little more time to digest the arm you took and use the magic in your arm to heal the body."

Mello squinted at Ryan and said, "Boy, you look very confident? Do you think you can beat me?"

Ryan asked back: "Hey, I should be asking you this sentence, right? How much combat power do you have left now that you have been infused with my bloodline melting agent?"

Melo snorted coldly, "You'll find out later!"

Looking at Mello rushing towards him, Ryan didn't dare to be too big this time. If he continued to confront Mello head-on, he would die miserably.

He took a stance and prepared to face the enemy, "It's time to show my superb skills."

But as Mello got closer, he felt something was wrong.

He felt as if the surrounding gravity had increased, his body suddenly became extremely heavy, and the magic power in his body became disordered, and the difficulty of using it suddenly increased several times.

This feeling became more and more serious as Merlo approached.

"Is this his blood gift?"

The battle with Mello just now only used the body to fight. After using the bloodline talent, Mello's combat power can increase several times!

Ryan has no bloodline talent, and his physical quality is much worse than Melo's. Now that his body is affected by Merlo's bloodline talent, it has become extremely heavy. If it was an ordinary person, it would be hopeless.

However, Ryan still has a hole card, "True Vision Field!"

As if time had been slowed down, the movement speed of everything around was tens of thousands of times slower, and even the trajectory of the speed of light seemed so clear.

True Sight and bullet time are similar, but completely different.

Bullet time is to speed up one's own thinking speed, and the thinking speed becomes faster. The content of thinking in one second is equivalent to the previous ten seconds, so the illusion of time is slowing down.

However, the use of bullet time will cause great pressure on the brain and consume a lot of energy, so it cannot be used easily.

Although the field of true vision is also accelerating thinking, it relies on Phoenix and the Web.

Simply put—with the power of his body!

A more accurate statement is that the world he sees now is the world in his own eyes.

His body is the peak of the second-order full moon, and he has a fourth-order dimensional network that can speed up his thinking speed by 256 times.

In the past, he just took what he saw for normal. When he came to this world and became an ordinary person, and then observed the world with the help of his ontology's vision, he realized how terrifying the Moon Manjian wizard and the fourth-order dimensional web are. .

If it wasn't for Phoenix's help, the information he received in a second would have exploded his brain!

"In the wizarding world, I was ravaged by the real powerhouses, living in hiding like a mouse, and I was worried and feared every day. I went to a weaker world, such as the world I am now in, calling myself a god. Are you all right?"

When Ryan used the field of true vision, in this world that was tens of thousands of times slower, Melo's every move was so clear in his eyes.

Mello was surprised to find that none of his attacks could touch Ryan!

Ryan's speed was indeed slowed down by his blood talent, but in the face of Ryan, who didn't even have half of his speed, he was actually tricked!

"what happened?"

He found that all his attacks had been predicted, and Ryan's timing of each attack was unimaginably accurate, as if there was not even a ten-thousandth of a second error.

"Could this be his blood gift?"

"His blood endowment can predict the enemy's actions?"

This kind of blood endowment that can predict the future is very rare. There are only four people and blood demons who have this ability in his hundreds of years, including the current Ryan.

As for fighting an enemy with this kind of blood endowment, this is the first time for him!

"Faced with an opponent who can predict the future, the best way to crack it is to crush it with absolute power!"

Does he have absolute power over Ryan?

If he hadn't been poisoned and his strength hadn't been greatly reduced, he thought he could still do it.

Now he can't!

He is arrogant, but not stupid.

As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, he does not know how many blood hunters he has fought, how many blood hunters he has killed, and how many times he has been besieged by blood hunters.

He believes that no one in this world knows more about blood hunting than he does.

In the blood hunting, the blood hunting that can compete with the blood demon prince of Sophia's level is already considered the strongest in the blood hunting. Generally, there are no more than one strong person in an era.

Ryan is obviously too strong!

Relying only on the power of the flesh, he easily crushed Sophia and Count Kiri in their heyday, plus the mysterious blood endowment that seemed to be able to predict the future.

He can assert that Ryan is definitely the strongest blood hunter ever!

As a blood demon who can change into a Persian cat that "meows meow" all day long in order to hide his identity, he has no pride in being a warrior.

He is now thinking, how to escape?

His movement speed is comparable to Ryan's, and as a Gorefiend, his stamina is better than Ryan's. In theory, if he wants to escape, Ryan will never be able to catch him.

But reality is not theory!

He knew in his heart that after Ryan used the blood gift of predicting the future, it was impossible to escape from Ryan only by relying on speed.

Because Ryan can predict obstacles in advance, others may need to walk back and forth dozens of hundreds of times before they can find the best route, and he can walk directly with the best route the first time.

At the same speed, one takes the best route, and the other can only smash through obstacles with brute force.

Who is faster still need to ask?

But Mello is worthy of being a sinister and cunning person who has lived for hundreds of years, "I will flee to the crowded place, let's see what you do!"

At a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour, the shock wave caused by passing by ordinary people can kill people, let alone hit them directly.

What will Ryan do if he catches the person in the way and throws it at Ryan?

If he rushes into the school and directly destroys the school, what will Ryan do in the face of the crying and immature faces in the collapsed teaching building?

He is a Gorefiend, and no matter how many human beings die, it has nothing to do with him.

Can Ryan as a human do it too?

After figuring out how to escape, he gave Ryan a cold smile, "You are stronger now, so—"

He turned around and ran away!

Hearing the footsteps chasing behind him, he smiled cruelly, "What will you do in the face of the next decision? Let me look forward to it."

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