The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4808 - No way

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, this is a small country. Yes, his land area ratio is not too big, but it is larger than Zhao’s, and with a lot of domestic resources, so the development speed is very fast, but unfortunately, he can’t occupy the market. As well as technical advantages, so although this country has industry, the technical level determines that it is unlikely to have too much development. Under such a situation, their development is actually very passive. Yes, in such a situation, many things will far exceed their imagination.

They are currently encountering such a situation. With the rapid development of Yan State, they have the ability to process and produce industrial parts and trains. Zhao Guoren produces engines, and Yan Guoren imports cheap materials from Goguryeo, and then manufactures parts and components. Assembled in the factory, and later, in order to save costs, they set up a branch factory in the Goguryeo area, mainly to make the improvement of the suspension, frame, and related beams of the car. Only in this way, their situation can become extremely There are many advantages. In such a situation, their development status will be very favorable.

Goguryeo is in the need to speed up the country’s economy for the second time. A large number of these industries will be introduced and the employment problem will be solved at the same time. In this case, their problems have been improved to a large extent, and even their situation has become extremely serious. Advantageous. In such a situation, their situation will develop extremely favorable.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, just when the economy of Goguryeo relied on the rapid development of motor vehicles. The price of rubber has risen, and the rise of raw materials has led to the rise of other key materials, such as coal and even coke. Production costs have increased dramatically, especially for rubber. The price increase was very fast, which directly caused their situation to be in a very unfavorable situation. Because most of their orders are signed in advance. Calculated according to the general level of prices, they can still maintain a certain level of profit. Goguryeo originally earned the cost of processing.

However, the rise in rubber disrupted all production plans, because tire production is concentrated here, with high pollution and harsh operating environment. In terms of technology, the people of Zhao and Yan took them away. The production process will increase their labor costs. Goguryeo people can do such things.

But the current situation is that rubber prices have risen, and their processing profits will be eaten up at once. At the same time, they will lose money. The more orders they sign, the more they lose. If many factories complete the orders, they will be completely lost. Bankruptcy. Without fulfilling the order, they will also go bankrupt.

The automobile-related industries suddenly entered the storm of bankruptcy. And all this is because of rubber, if they have enough raw materials, they will not withstand such a big storm pressure.

Goguryeo’s economy is taking off, and as a result, the rise in rubber is cut off. Such a situation is a huge disaster for anyone, and everyone is crazy. They really did not expect that they would encounter such a thing, or in other words, they would not encounter such a situation in their own situation.

“If it continues, our factory will be completely closed down. In that case, for us, it will be a huge disaster. We cannot see such a disaster continue. Otherwise, our situation will be It will completely collapse. We absolutely cannot see such things develop. In that case, our situation.” The Minister of Economy said to Li Lin very worried.

Their industry is a low-end situation, they can’t take the initiative at all, the price of orders is in the hands of the other party, and Goguryeo, who cannot master the core technology, can only face such a slaughter.

“First provide them with some loans to help them tide over the difficulties. Talk to the people of Zhao Guoren about the order and solve such problems. We can’t see those factories stop and close down, otherwise, there will be more people. After losing a job, Goguryeo’s economy, which finally took off, will suddenly fall down, and our situation will be extremely collapsed. It is best not to happen such a thing.” Li Lin said.

Li Lin knows very well that if Goguryeo loses some of these orders, the factory will close down and workers will be unemployed, and the whole society will enter a state of turbulence. Those who lose their jobs will enter a situation of being forced and helpless. It will make people feel very collapsed to the greatest extent. Such a thing is very unbelievable.

“But, Mr. **, this can’t solve the problem fundamentally. We still need orders, and some problems need to be completely reversed. Otherwise, it will be very unfavorable to us, and even our situation will be In some passivity, thorough.” He couldn’t go on. The Minister of Economy is too aware of the terrible nature of this situation.

“Well, I know that such a situation will create a terrible situation for us, but there is no way.” Li Lin said embarrassingly. He is also aware of this, and even in many cases, he still needs to find various ways to solve some of these problems. In this way, their situation will get better. Unfortunately, they have not thought of a way yet. It’s great.

Persia, the Tenth Army, and the First Army spent a lot of effort expelling the 77th Infantry Regiment of Rest. Although this regiment is a robbery regiment and its combat effectiveness looks weak, in fact, do not underestimate their overall combat effectiveness. Although the Seventy-seventh Infantry Regiment is not very good, their tactics and skills are very strong. The Tenth Army only expelled the opponent after more than 3,000 casualties and retreated ten kilometers. The First Army also It’s not good to go there, they paid the price of two thousand people.

There is a big gap in the quality of the soldiers and tactics between the two sides. In addition, there are too many recruits in the Persian army, and they are the target when they rush out. Many people were killed innocently.

The First Army, Lieutenant Commander Zhang Gu looked at the forward position with a telescope. In front of the position, there were all his own people lying down, and it felt distressed to see him. However, the 77th Regiment could retreat calmly, and retreated with their spoils.

“Sir, the gap between us and the Parthians is still very large. Under the current circumstances, our losses may result in great losses.” The staff officer said with great concern.

For just one attack, they paid more than 5,000 people to attack, but the other side only had a force of 3,000 people, and this number of casualties was really too big. When they got so big, they themselves felt unlikely to become so advantageous.

“Yes, there is no way. There is a huge gap between the training and the quality of combatants between the two sides. We have too many recruits, and the number of the First Army has just recovered. Everything is very difficult.” Zhang Gu was helpless. Speaking of. He is a man who knows soldiers. He used to be the commander of an infantry division under the First Army, and his combat effectiveness was quite strong. But helpless, his troops were dismantled when they were disbanded. Many outstanding senior generals have also been dismissed and retired.

When the First Army was reorganized, many elderly people were discouraged. Unable to come out, Zhang Gu was the commander here under such a situation. His ideas are good. Even in many cases, many of his actions are correct. Unfortunately, the situation seems to be correct. It is very unfavorable to him. Despite the supplementary weapons and equipment, the personnel situation is too poor, there are too few veterans, too many recruits, and many people have no military combat skills. When fighting, they rely solely on a swarm of charges. The military police followed, but there was no way. The recruits saw the casualties and began to turn around and flee. Killing multiple people in a row can control the situation. Even with weapons, the marksmanship is very poor and can only be fought by swarms of charges. This kind of tactics brings about one-sided slaughter, and some can bypass the opponent’s rear to launch an attack. Luckily defeated the enemy. But the price they paid is also very high. One missed a row. In order to defeat the opponent’s defensive position in a platoon. Even in an intensive class, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides made him frustrated. Even, in many cases, Zhang Gu felt that this was an extremely tricky thing.

“Sir, do we change our strategy? If we attack frontally, it will be very detrimental to us. If we can boldly bypass the enemy’s rear, the two sides can avoid such frontal contact and combat, because if this goes on, it will be straightforward. This led to a very unfavorable result, the number of casualties increased wildly, which for us. This is an unprecedented disaster.” The staff officer said.

Faced with the huge number of casualties, the staff also thought about ways to change.

They learned a little from the tactics of the Seth people. Although they also launched a frontal attack, most of them would carry out roundabout operations. The strength of the counterattack was unprecedented, making everyone feel uncontrollable.

If they also learn such tactics, will their problem be solved? The staff immediately put forward this view.

Zhang Gu is very clear about the value of such tactics, but the question is, can the Persians do it? You know, these soldiers are very difficult to control. If there is no military police, the recruits’ combat effectiveness is very weak, roundabout, and sometimes they need to go deep behind the enemy. They may be scared to death by themselves, and the tactics are rigid and rigid, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete. This kind of thing, this kind of situation will bring them even greater disaster to the greatest extent, and they can’t let this happen.

Zhang Gu finally shook his head helplessly, no way.

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