The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.34 – Climbertown

As I am getting closer to finishing the pre written Act 1, I am starting planning act 2 - I know a lot of you have idea's suggestions, specific monster girls you want to see. I will in the next few weeks hopefully be doing some polls and questions on my discord were people can choose between some non-plot affecting things they might be interested in for Act 2, as I have too many idea's for all of them to fit. It will be limited to kinks & specific types of monsters, not plot points - but if you want to be a part of this, join the discord. And don't worry - there's still a lot left of act one for you:)

They exited the gate in a large town square - no more mist and stone tower. It was busy and larger than Fiona thought.

Red tiled roof, with white walls and dark timber framing, Climbertown could have been taken out from any story Fiona had read. The buildings were constructed haphazardly, some leaning dangerously forward. A large market with wooden stalls surrounded the open space where another party- a group of elves - popped out. It seemed everyone entered the town somewhere in the clear space, and the town's economy was centered on it. The people surrounding them seemed to be of every fantasy race had ever heard of, and then some. Everyone seemed to keep to their parties though, leaving each other alone.

A second after they entered a stout dwarf dressed in white robes came over to them, his red beard bristling as his eyes were mostly glued to a  wooden clipboard his pen thrumming against it.

"Right, welcome to Climbertown, please follow me out of the entry zone to prevent any accidents. I am Guff Guffson, and will be your guide to help you navigate the town." The words in the gruff voice came out with the droning monotone of a repeated script. He didn't wait for them to follow, just started walking back.

The party exchanged glances, before hurriedly following the man not wanting to see what kind of accident happened when a party spawned on top of another one. 
He led them to a small tent, where he took place behind a wooden desk and indicated they sit in the four empty chairs on the opposite side.
"Right, hrm, yes." He scribbled something down on his clipboard. "Party of four - Party leader, name, and base class please."
"Ehm, Fiona Ragehammer, Berserker" This was not like the stories... It was very. Efficient? Regulatory? Either way, she wasn't keen.
"Thank you, and the rest of you." 

Liddy and Ash gave their names and class in quick succession and was written down without much note.
"Qaerlyz Mazayl Franath, Paladin." At hearing the name Guff seemed to remember something, and he opened a tall drawer in his desk, flicking through. 
"Where was it where was it, ahh." He stopped and pulled out a paper sheet.
"Ah yes, your highest Queen Qaerlyz. The mayor has requested your presence once you arrive if it suits you."
Qae nodded.
"I intended to see her as soon as myself and my companions had found lodgings and arranged for our professions"
"Of course -  I am certain she will not mind the wait. Now."

His voice had a smidgeon of life in it again, once he had a reason to go off script. Immediately removed, back to the same repetitive tone he continued on.
"We recommend parties spend at least a few days in Climbertown to rest, organize professions, and find required party members - I see you only need one. There are several establishments providing lodging in town - I recommend Guffson's Gruff Grub & Beer, no relation - that cater specifically to adventuring parties and will have notices for climbers in search of a party. I have noted down the trainers for each of your professions, the recommendation is to start there." He pulled out four folded pieces of paper. "Here are basic maps of the town, I have noted key points of interest - the Inn, your profession trainer, shops, the sphere-stone, and a few others. My name is noted at the bottom - if you go to the Climbertown Welcoming Committee - a representative will be at each affiliated inn, and ask for me I will be able to come help you as soon as able." The rehearsed schpiel stopped, and Fiona was confused. Was this a resort or a fantasy village? Although it made sense, she supposed, to have this sort of organization. And that god had said there were other transcended - maybe one of them had put this in place.

She was also surprised by Qae having a personal message for her from the mayor - she knew she was important, but having the rest of the tower acknowledge her importance and have a personal request for her within a few minutes of arriving? Fiona had never had anything like that in her life.

"Any questions?" Guff asked as he handed out the maps - each marked with their class in the top corner, pre-prepared.

Fiona looked at the others, who seemed almost as overwhelmed as her except for Qaerlyz. 
"I don't think so..." She said. 
"Excellent, well welcome to Climbertown again - once you are ready to leave the portal to the fifth floor is just out the north gate. You will not be able to return for a while, so ensure you have completed everything you wish to do before you enter."

And with that the dwarf hurried off back towards the arrival zone, honing in on another party that had just stumbled through. A goblin with a large hat covering their face, two humans, and some form of golem creature with an enormous sword.

Not paying them any further attention, Fiona led the group to the side a bit.
"So that inn is clearly like his family's?" Ash started.
"Yeah. But does it matter? It seems close as well" Liddy had her map open, studying it.
"Why don't we go get a room, and then all go do our professions? And Queen Qae-Qae can have her fancy important meeting." The sea gnome giggled.
"It's not important, I have corresponded with the mayor of Climbertown since its foundation. I am finally meeting an old friend in person - however, Fiona I believe you may want to meet her as well." Was that a devious expression on the dragon's face? Surely not. "Your suggestion is good, Liddy, and I believe the Guffson's Inn has a decent reputation."
Ash seemed a bit confused, but Liddy and Fiona just pretended that it was normal to have corresponded with a village that had been there for hundreds of years. The fox girl pretended to fit in and did the same.

Entering the lively and slightly rowdy - but still nice, clean, and well-lit - establishment Fiona was suddenly reminded of one thing.
She didn't like crowds of people. And she certainly didn't like crowds of drunk people, all around her, far too close, shoulders rubbing. She shivered as she pushed her way to the bar, her friends waiting by the entrance. She'd volunteered, as the elected leader, and now she hated everything.

At the bar, a dwarf that looked nearly exactly like Guff, to everyone's surprise, welcomed her, with a far more surprising cheerful tone.
"Heya, lass - how can I help ya!"
"We need rooms." Fiona sighed as someone bumped against her again. 
"How many of ya?"
"Fresh party - Excellent, it's a silver a night -pay on checkout!" He handed her four sets of numbered keys, wrote her name down and was off with the instructions that rooms were upstairs.

Fiona looked down at the four sets of keys. She hadn't actually wanted four rooms. She was... Disappointed. She'd hoped at least one of the girls would share with her, and have a friendly sleepover. She'd gotten used to sleeping next to her friends and would feel weird not to.
But of course, they got individual rooms - they had plenty of gold, and it would be nice. Just. Yeah. She liked her friends being nearby. Very nearly. Almost on- no. She could not have lil Fiona get excited in a crowd of people. No.

Joining the group again she handed out the keys at random. Everyone accepted their keys without any comment, although Fiona thought Liddy seemed disappointed if only for a second.
"Let's head to one of the rooms and plan what we are doing in detail. It seems impossible to get a table down here, and it is rather loud." Qaerlyz seemed to voice Fiona's exact thought, and she was happy to ascend the stairs away from the loud first floor. Qae's room was the closest, so they all piled in there to make a plan.

The room was simple, a bed - large enough for two, Fiona immediately thought and then blushed. A writing desk, and - surprising Fiona, a functioning bathroom with plumbing. Runes around the bathroom seemed to support it, and - as Qae explained - the lower floors tended to have very good amenities, which became more sparse the higher you climbed, as fewer and fewer people and variations of classes and skills made it there to help improve it - particularly crafters.

Apparently, crafters had entirely different ways to climb the tower, but still challenging. Most never went high, as there was simply no need - the majority of customers were low down, and they could have a great experience never leaving Climbertown.

They all spread their maps on the bed, planning for the day. 

"Oh - our trainers are near each other!" Liddy exclaimed comparing her and Fiona's maps. "Wanna go together?"
"Sure." Fiona said.
"I will take a while - I do have to see Tialah, so please don't halt your plans for me." Qaerlyz said, subtle excitement in her voice.
"Same - I have to visit the gunsmith, and then I wish to do some shopping" Ash looked at Fiona. "There's... There's a store here you might like, I heard of it before entering - I'll show you what I get if you wish?"
"That. Yes. I'd like that - maybe we can go again later?" Fiona didn't need to ask what the store would be.
"Right. Meet here in a few hours, team dinner?" Fiona asked, getting flashbacks to team dinners with Gary and her old job. Just for a second. She did miss them, but that... Had she accepted that was gone now?

Her job yes. But not Annabelle. Or Quinty or Mariell. She deeply missed her friends - her new ones were great, and she cared for them deeply even after such a short time. It had been so overwhelming. But she just wanted to talk to her friends again. It was still raw, still hurt.

"Shall we go see mine first? I want to know what it is!" Fiona asked Liddy, trying to distract herself from the thoughts.
"Sure! I want to know too!"

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