The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy

Chapter 34

Doro’s seed bank has long run out of soybean seeds. Mihe bought seeds from Xingwang. When the bean sprouts emerged from the soil, she felt something was wrong, because the size of the seedlings Started out bigger than normal seedlings.

After a week, the seedlings grew very fast, which reminded Mi He of the experience of planting Bran sweet peppers. Not long after, the seedlings really grew like a small tree, and Mi He saw the small tree in the flowerpot. , I feel that even if I grow up this big, it will be fine. When I mature in the future, I will let Lieutenant Colonel Yang help me pick beans.

As a result, after a few days, when the bean sprouts formed pods, Mi He was not very good.

Because the pods split slightly after they grew out, and then as it matured, tickling liquid flowed out of the cracks, and it felt like some kind of horrific man-eater was drooling…

A few days later, the huge circulating flowerpot indicated that the fertility in the flowerpot was insufficient, and ricewort was needed to supplement protein-based fertilizers. Ricewort didn’t take it seriously, and threw the leftover earthworms into the flowerpot. Decomposition fertilizer drawer.

But the next day, the flowerpot reminded her of her lack of fertility. And the pods in the flowerpot drooled more, Mi He always felt that something was not quite right, and then one day when she came home from school, she saw Lieutenant Colonel Yang standing in front of the flowerpot, opened the lid of the flowerpot and fed the pods and earthworms into it. part!

Mi He angrily said, “Dad, how can you feed it earthworms? It is a plant, and it needs to convert protein into fertilizer and absorb it into the body before it can grow up!”

Lieutenant Colonel Yang threw the rest of the earthworm on the pod, and Mi He saw that the pod attracted the earthworm into the pod little by little, and then the crack of the pod was closed, and the drool was no longer tick-tick. became bulging.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said with a natural face: “This kind of beans is meant to be eaten with protein. When you bought it, the breeding instructions were clearly written.”

Mi He: ==

She looked back to find the breeding instructions, and she saw a reminder: “After the pods are mature, protein foods must be fed every day, so that the beans can be full of fragrance, and they will taste delicious in the future…”

Fragrant lips…

Mi He doesn’t know whether others have a fragrance or not, but she and Muchen haven’t eaten soy products for a long time since they knew that the beans they eat are so strange.

Doro also said: “Don’t you humans eat everything? This mutated bean is more fragrant than the ultra-small soybeans that were hundreds of years ago. In some impoverished remote star regions of the empire, this is still a very popular nutritional product. Woolen cloth.”

Later, every time Mi He saw Lieutenant Colonel Yang helping her ‘feed’ the pods, she felt that she was not raising soybeans, but piranhas…

When the soybeans were mature, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was also enthusiastic about helping Mihe pick pods. When picking them, Lieutenant Colonel Yang was quite reluctant to give up and said, “After picking this pod, it will die, so I will not feed it at night. Eating earthworms makes me feel like something is missing.”

Miho:  …

I feel that my father is not raising a pot of plants, but rather like raising a puppy.

Later, Mi He didn’t have time to continue planting mutant beans, because her final exam for the first semester of her junior year was coming soon, and she had to work hard again to study.

Although Mi He has been studying very seriously, compared with Muchen, there is still a big gap. As Doro said, directional people are born with a higher starting point than ordinary people, and they are genetically far away. It is far more than an ordinary person. How can Mi He not work hard as an ordinary person?

Doro saw that Mi He was starting to study seriously, and he was quite satisfied. He felt that although Mi He was a little stupid as an ordinary human, he was quite satisfied that he was obedient and obedient.

Then he started to give questions to Mi He, Hannah left, and he took over. Doro often gave her questions in Alexa, for example, a question in Imperial Common Language: “Calculate the magnetic field of this magnetic field. Scope.”

What Doro wrote in Alix language is: “ǜ”

Miho:  …

Physics is already difficult, and learning is so ethereal…

In the midst of such a hot water, Mi He finally passed her first-semester exams. After getting her grades, she found that her scores in Alexa and Physics were not bad. She passed 80 points in both subjects. As far as she is concerned, it is already a high score, and she does not know how she learned this ethereal physics.

Doro was very happy, thinking that it was his ability to write the question, and said, “It seems that I can still give you a question in the Dutch language in the future.”

Mi He remembered how Muchen summed up how to distinguish the key point of Daqi language is to grasp the bifurcation points of circles. She thinks that using Alix language to learn physics is ethereal physics, then using Daqi language to learn physics is soaring physics…

Fortunately, Doro has an unexpected sense of pride in his race, and feels that except for Alix, all other languages ​​are low-level languages, so Mi He has been learning Alix and continuing her ethereal physics. .

After the exam was over, and the short winter vacation began, Mi He began to plant bean sprouts again. This time, she planted beans like a big peach in the small flower pot with white lotus soil. After the beans were put in, the potatoes were not enough to cover them. Mi He asked Lieutenant Colonel Yang to take her to dig some soil by the Everest Lake, and then the soybean seeds were planted.

After a period of time, the bean sprouts sprouted, and the bean sprouts sent out this time were as big as last time. Mi He felt a little cold when he saw the size, thinking that this time, Lieutenant Colonel Yang could hold the rest again at night. The earthworm segment stands next to the pot and feeds the pods.

As a result, this time the bean sprouts grew very slowly. At first, they seemed to be malnourished, and the bean sprouts became thin and small. Lieutenant Colonel Yang also commented: “I think you put less earthworms.”

Mi He: ==

Ordinary plants don’t eat meat, okay?

Later, the bean sprouts sent out more leaves from the two leaves, maybe the magical white lotus soil worked, and the bean sprouts became smaller.

Lieutenant Colonel Yang said regretfully: “Oh, why did it mutate again.” Then he said, “I prepared so many earthworm segments, it was a waste.”

Mi He turned his head and threw the earthworm segments into the fertilizer processing drawer, which turned into soil fertilizer.

However, this time, when Mihe was full of expectations, the bean sprouts still produced tiny pods that were dripping and drooling. Lieutenant Colonel Yang expressed his opinion again, “Although it has become smaller, the meat can be cut into small pieces. Block feeding.”

Then this pot of bean sprouts was fed by Lieutenant Colonel Yang again.

Mi He was planting mutant bean sprouts one after another like this. Lieutenant Colonel Yang fed her for two years. At the last time, she finally planted beans that were similar to those in her previous life. She knew that it was finally done.

At this time, Mi He was fourteen years old.

The fourteen-year-old girl Mi He has grown into a big girl, and her stature has become taller. When she was a child, the short legs that rode on a two-headed chicken became long legs, and the fat face of the chubby baby became a small face. , the chin shows a little sharp trend, when he smiles, there are two sweet smiles on his lips, and his big eyes are filled with warm light, which makes people like her, want to chat with her more, and want to see her. laugh.

On the founding day of Mi He’s fourteenth year, everyone gathered to watch the celebration in Mars from afar. The first one to appear was the first family of the Empire. Since Mi He met in Mars two years ago After returning to Prince Friedrich’s real life, every time it came to the founding day, he would stand in front of the TV and wait to see the prince.

Two years later, Prince Friedrich will be eighteen years old. The age of adulthood stipulated by imperial law is twenty years old. After two years, the prince will become an adult. After the adult ceremony, the prince will choose his concubine. At first, but all the girls in the universe are dreaming that one day the prince will choose her as his concubine.

The eighteen-year-old Prince Friedrich is even more handsome. When Mi He met him two years ago, he was still young, and now he has grown into a handsome man. A pale blond hair was pulled behind his head, revealing his smooth forehead, as if the wisdom of the whole universe was hidden in his head.

Mi He remembered that he had read on the Star Online that His Royal Highness had completed a doctorate in mecha design, and it was said that he was doing a second doctorate. If this is true, such a powerful character is only eighteen years old, and he is still handsome, and he is the future master of billions of creatures in the universe.

No wonder girls all over the empire dreamed of marrying him.

Mi He is also a girl, she is a girl who has seen His Royal Highness the real person, and naturally her heart overflows from time to time, but she does not want to marry the prince, she just thinks that one day the prince will kneel in front of her, lower his noble head, and kiss her. The back of her hand is fine.

Mi He felt that his idea was a bit useless. After all, everyone thought about kissing at least something on the mouth, but Mi He knew his weight. As an ordinary person, there seemed to be no gap between him and a targeted person, but in fact, Mi He knew his weight. This seems to be two species, separated by a moat.

After the success of soybean planting, Mihe studied making soy sauce, but there is an essential soy sauce koji essence for making soy sauce. In fact, this kind of thing only needs a little bit in the fermentation process, but it is essential.

Mi He asked Dolo again, but Dolo rolled his eyes and ignored her, and directly dumped her on an extraction method, allowing Mi He to cultivate Aspergillus oryzae by himself.

So Mi He’s ethereal physics class has turned into ethereal chemistry class. Fortunately, she is now very good in Alix, which can basically be regarded as a second language besides Imperial. As for ancient Latin, which is similar to English , she almost forgot English, let alone ancient Latin…

She deliberately picked a handful of wheat in the laboratory, then pulled out the bran by hand, and ground the wheat into powder, and began her first experimental preparation.

At this time, Mi He did not know that her cooking career would be inseparable from the laboratory in the future.

After mixing the bran and wheat flour, the temperature and humidity of the warp were adjusted in the laboratory. Mihe recorded her first chemical experiment. That night, mycelium appeared in her petri dish. Three days later, she finally isolated Aspergillus oryzae.

Mi He just took the hard-earned Aspergillus oryzae and began to prepare soy sauce. The soybeans had been soaked for 24 hours, and then they were steamed in a large pot for three hours. When the soybean temperature dropped to less than 40 degrees, follow the instructions. The fried wheat flour and Aspergillus oryzae are mixed together, and the temperature is adjusted, and the rice grains are waiting for the soybeans to begin to ferment.

During the period, Mihe kept an eye on it. After seven days, the surface of the beans turned yellow-green. This was the full combination of soy sauce koji and soybeans. Mihe happily brought these hard-earned semi-finished products to the surface and dried them in the sun. Sun.

Mu Chen: …

When did rotten soybeans have such a high status.

It was Muchen who brought Mi He up in a submarine. He was used to being tossed by Mi He since he was a child. At this time, he accompanied Mi He while studying materials on the terminal.

Mi He was turning over the fermented soybeans to let them fully bask in the sun. At this time, a cargo spaceship suddenly landed in the sky. Before the spaceship fell to the surface, a small door was opened on the side of the fuselage, and one was sent to the sky. The cargo robot landed with a box.

Then Mi He and Muchen saw Doro’s bubble submarine floating out of the sea, Doro hurried out and took the box carefully, Mi He felt that the box was quite light, and before they could say hello to Doro, Doro Luo happily smiled and returned to the submarine.

Mi He returned to the base after drying the fermented soybeans, and couldn’t help but went to Doro. As a result, Mi He saw what he just bought at Doro’s house.

As a result, I saw a picture of a holographic figure the size of half a wall in Doro’s bedroom.

What is the effect?

It was Mi He who saw a blue-eyed angel with long silver hair to the waist standing in front of her, as if he was a real person. He slightly closed his eyes and showed a kiss to her. Mi He owed his hands and couldn’t hold back Pointing at the lips of this beautiful holographic man, the man smiled again, with beautiful blue eyes, and said affectionately, “I like you, Doro…”

Mi He: ==

This, this is such a chasing star! ! !

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