The Puppet Emperor Regresses

17: Into the Woods

Mikhail felt as if he were falling through an endless void. 

Then, as though the fall through nothingness had only been imagined, Mikhail stumbled forward as solid ground suddenly materialised beneath his feet.

He blinked, his eyes struggling to adjust to his new surroundings. Gone was the villa's basement, and instead, he found himself standing in the ruins of an abandoned cabin, surrounded by dense, misty woods.

"What in the world?" Mikhail muttered, his eyes darting around, taking in every detail of his new environment. 

[System Alert: Dimensional transfer complete. Current location: Unknown temporally anomalous space.]

[System Alert: System must adjust to new space and this world's settings.]

[System Alert: System requires recalibration. System will return in 24 hours.]

"System, hold on a minute! Tell me where I am!", Mikhail yelled in alarm.

But he received no response.

For the first time in either of his new lives, the system was silent. 

This was bad.

Mikhail stood still for a moment, forcing himself to take slow, deep, breaths. The silence from the system was unnerving, but he couldn't afford to panic. 

He'd faced worse in his past life, it was only 24 hours, he could wait a day. The System never lied, it would be back.

As his initial shock subsided, Mikhail began to notice something peculiar about his surroundings. The air itself seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy, and the mana... 

The mana felt thick, almost tangible, as if he could reach out and grasp it with his bare hands. 

Despite the strangeness of his situation, Mikhail felt a flicker of excitement. Whatever this place was, it held power. But the question of how this space was connected to his mother was still a mystery.

The abandoned cabin, though dilapidated, was a wonder to behold. 

Its architecture seemed to defy logic, with angles that shouldn't be possible and materials that shimmered with an inner light.

But it was the air surrounding him that continued to hold Mikhail's attention. 

Walking through this unknown dimension's mana almost felt like wading through water. He could feel the thick mana seeping into his skin, invigorating his Mana Heart.

"The mana here... it's incredible," he breathed, feeling the power thrumming through his veins. 

The first step was to figure out where he was and to find a way back to the villa.

Cautiously, he began to explore the cabin. Strange things appeared before him, a chair that seemed to shift its shape when he wasn't looking directly at it, its legs elongating and curling like living vines. 

A mirror on the wall showed reflections of impossible landscapes – shimmering cities suspended in the clouds and underwater kingdoms glowing with bioluminescent light.

He searched the cabin for hours hoping to find any sign of the runes that had brought him here. 

He ran his hands along the walls, peered under rotting floorboards, and even attempted to channel mana into various safer-looking objects in hopes of triggering something. But nothing worked.

As the light outside began to dim, signalling the approach of evening, Mikhail slumped against a wall, exhaustion setting in. "It seems I'm stuck here, well, until the System comes back at least" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

"Whatever magic brought me to this place, it might not be designed as a two-way trip."

Suddenly, a small, hand-sized orb of beautiful light caught his attention. It hovered near him, pulsing gently with a rainbow of colours. Mikhail's eyes widened in recognition.

"A sprite," he whispered, recalling his magical studies. "I never thought I'd see one in person."

The sprite bobbed in the air, almost as if nodding in agreement. It drifted closer to Mikhail, its light casting warm, shifting patterns across his face. 

As it moved, it lightly bumped into Mikhail's shoulder, the impact barely noticeable. It repeatedly pressed against his shoulder for a few moments, as if expecting him to do something, then gave up.

"Hello there," Mikhail said softly, feeling slightly foolish for talking to a ball of light. "I don't suppose you know how to get out of here?"

The sprite twirled in place, its colours shifting to a soft blue. 

Though it couldn't speak, Mikhail had the distinct impression it was trying to communicate. He frowned, concentrating on the sprite's movements and colour changes.

"You can't help me leave," he guessed, and the sprite's light dimmed slightly in what seemed like confirmation. "But... you want to help somehow?"

The sprite brightened, zipping around Mikhail's head in an excited circle.

"Well, at least I'm not alone here," he said. "Let's both try our best, little one."

As night fell outside, Mikhail resigned himself to spending the night in the strange cabin. It was time to settle into his Personal Dimensional Space for the evening. 

Turning to the sprite, he said, "I'm about to disappear, but I'm not really gone. I'll be back in the morning."

The sprite vibrated fearfully, its light flickering rapidly. Mikhail quickly added, "Don't worry, I promise I'll return at dawn." 

This seemed to calm the sprite, though it still looked uneasy.

Mikhail then retreated to his Personal Dimensional Space, relishing the comfort of a hot bath, a hearty meal, and the soft bed he had prepared. 

Before sleeping, he perused a book on magical creatures, paying particular attention to the section on sprites.

The next morning, Mikhail reappeared exactly where he had vanished. Once the sprite saw him, it vibrated with excitement, zipping around him in joyful circles.

"Well, little one," he said to the sprite as he stretched, feeling refreshed, "shall we see what lies beyond these walls?"

The sprite bobbed enthusiastically, darting towards the cabin's crumbling door. Mikhail followed, pausing at the threshold. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever lay beyond.

[System Alert: Recalibration complete. System functionality restored.]

"Well would you look at who decided to show up.", Mikhail said with relief. The sprite bobbed near him, trying to communicate its confusion at why he was talking to the air.

[System Update: Location identified as Temporally Anomalous Dungeon Space]

[System Update: New features unlocked]

[System Update: Dungeon Mapping now available. A basic map of explored areas is now available. Map will update as new areas are discovered.]

[System Update: Time Dilation Tracker: System will track the time ratio between the dungeon and the outside world once the 1st layer has been cleared.]

"What's a layer?", Mikhail retorted, interrupting the System's stream of update messages.

[New System Update: Time Dilation Tracker: System will track the time ratio between the dungeon and the outside world once the 1st LEVEL has been cleared.]

[Warning: Exiting the dungeon before completing the main objective may result in loss of progress and rewards.]

[Note: Further system updates may occur as the host progresses through the Dungeon Dimension's levels and unlocks new areas.]

Suddenly, a wave of understanding washed over Mikhail. The overwhelming sense of challenge within this space, the heightened concentration of mana – it all clicked into place. 

He almost laughed at the absurdity of it. In his past as Albert he'd spent countless hours immersed in video games, back then it had been his only escape from a lonely existence. 

"A dungeon," he murmured, a mix of awe and amusement in his voice. "An actual dungeon." 

The concept was both thrilling and terrifying. If this followed the rules of the games he once played, all he had to do was defeat the final boss to clear the level. 

Confirming his thoughts, the newly recalibrated system chimed in with a message:

[System Alert: Host has correctly identified the objective. Defeat the dungeon boss to obtain a return rune and additional rewards.] 

[Warning: Exiting the dungeon before defeating the boss may result in loss of progress and rewards.]

Mikhail nodded with a determined glint in his eye. With the system back online, he felt more confident about facing the challenge ahead. "Alright then," he said to himself, squaring his shoulders. "Let's do this."

The sprite zipped around Mikhail in a furious circle, and bumped into his head a few times, thinking that Mikhail had lost his mind and was talking to nothing and no-one.

Ignoring this little tantrum, Mikhail stepped outside the cabin, and the full majesty and mystery of his surroundings hit him. 

The forest that stretched out before him had trees with bark that shimmered like mother-of-pearl and reached towards a sky that seemed to shift colours with each passing moment. 

The very air sparkled with motes of magical energy.

[System Alert: Entering unknown magical terrain. Exercise extreme caution.]

"Noted," Mikhail murmured, his eyes wide as he took in the scene before him. "Though I'm not sure caution alone will be enough in a place like this."

He began to walk, the sprite floating alongside him. 

As they ventured deeper into the woods, Mikhail found himself talking to his silent companion, partly to keep his nerves in check and partly because the oppressive silence of the strange forest was unnerving.

Suddenly, the sprite's light began to pulse rapidly, its movements becoming frantic. 

It darted back and forth in front of Mikhail, clearly trying to warn him of something. Before Mikhail could react, a group of adorable rabbits hopped into view.

Mikhail chuckled, tension leaving his shoulders. "Is this what you were warning me about? They're just cute little—"

His words were cut short as the rabbits' eyes suddenly glowed red. Their fur bristled, and they bared unnaturally sharp teeth. In an instant, the cute creatures had transformed into rabid beasts.

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]


Creature: Rabid Dungeon Rabbit


Strengths: Enhanced speed and agility, sharp teeth capable of tearing through flesh.


Weaknesses: Sensitive to loud noises, and vulnerable to fire.


Mikhail's eyes widened as he processed the information. "Well, that's unexpected," he muttered, backing away slowly. 

The rabbits advanced, their once-fluffy tails now looking more like whips.

The Rabid Rabbits then lunged at him, Mikhail dodged, barely avoiding razor-sharp teeth. He grabbed a nearby branch, swinging it wildly to keep the creatures at bay. 

The sprite zipped around, its light flashing urgently, seemingly trying to distract the rabbits.

Mikhail's had to think fast. Fire wasn't an option right now, so all that was left to him was sound. He took a deep breath, infused mana into his vocal cords, and let out the loudest scream he could muster. 

The rabbits flinched as if stunned, their sensitive ears twitching in pain.

Taking advantage of their momentary disorientation, Mikhail sprinted away, the sprite close behind.

As they ran, Mikhail laughed incredulously. "Rabid dungeon rabbits indeed," he panted.

They ran until Mikhail's lungs burned, finally stopping in a small clearing. 

As he caught his breath, Mikhail turned to the sprite. "Thank you," he said sincerely. 

The sprite's light pulsed warmly, and Mikhail had the distinct impression it was pleased. As his breathing steadied, Mikhail took in their new surroundings. 

The clearing was eerily beautiful, with flowers dotting the ground and strange, twisted trees encircling them casting odd shadows in the dim light, their branches seeming to reach out like gnarled fingers.

In this moment of calm, before the rabbits caught up with him, Mikhail had time to prepare. 

He pulled an item from his Personal Dimensional Space, one he'd almost forgotten about – an enchanted flint stored amongst his survival gear. 

Mikhail could feel the magical energy within it, pulsing in sync with his own mana. Concentrating hard, he focused on amplifying that energy, willing the flint to spark beyond its limits.

[System Alert: Enchanted item, Flame Flint detected. Current setting: Low. Adjusting to beyond maximum output.]

[Warning: Pushing Flame Flint beyond its usage limit will result in expedited destruction.]

"I have a few more, it's fine, System", Mikhail whispered menacingly.

A satisfied smile spread across Mikhail's face as the flint grew hot in his palm, its glow intensifying. "Now we're talking," he said, his confidence rising.

No sooner had he finished speaking than a rustling sound caught his attention. 

A group of rabbits emerged from the undergrowth, their eyes glowing an unnatural red. Mikhail tensed, remembering his earlier encounter with these deceptively dangerous creatures.

As the rabbits charged, their teeth bared and claws extended, Mikhail raised the flint. 

With a thought, he ignited it, activating its power, and a sizable fireball erupted from it and hurtled towards the approaching threat.

The effect was immediate and dramatic. The fireball exploded among the rabbits, engulfing several in flames. The air filled with the acrid smell of burning fur and flesh, and high-pitched squeals of pain echoed through the clearing.

Mikhail didn't hesitate. He launched fireball after fireball, his aim improving with each shot. 

Within minutes, the clearing was littered with the charred remains of the dungeon rabbits.

As the last embers died away, Mikhail approached the scorched bodies cautiously. Something caught his eye – a faint glow emanating from within the charred corpses.

"What's this?" he murmured, kneeling down to investigate.

[System Alert: Mana Crystals detected. Can be used to replenish magical energy or enhance spells upon reaching First Circle.]

Mikhail's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. He carefully extracted the glowing crystals from the rabbits' remains.

"Now this is a useful reward," he said, pocketing the mana crystals within his Personal Dimensional Space. They would come in handy in future battles.

As he straightened up, a new alert from the system caught his attention.

[System Alert: Mage combat experience gained. Mana circulation efficiency increased by 4%. Current efficiency: 91%]

Mikhail nodded in satisfaction. He was getting stronger, adapting to this dungeon environment. 

Mikhail gripped his enchanted flint tightly and set off deeper into the dungeon. 

The twisted trees seemed to part before him, revealing a path he hadn't noticed before. As he walked, he could feel the mana in the air growing thicker, more potent. 

As he ventured further, the forest around him began to change.

The trees grew larger, their bark taking on a metallic sheen. Strange, glowing fungi dotted the ground, casting an otherworldly light across the path. 

As he pushed through a thick curtain of glowing vines, he found himself face-to-face with his next challenge.

[Divine Insight activated]


Creature: Dungeon Guardian Bear


Strengths: Immense strength and durability, thick hide resistant to physical attacks, ability to regenerate injuries.


Weaknesses: Sensitive to loud noises when sleeping, vulnerable to sustained magical attacks, slow to change direction when charging.


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