The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 3 Collection

Not long after Zaizi led the tribe to flee, several wise giants woke up. They looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what happened.

Could it be the invisible king in human legend?

This behemoth is the one that wants to be petted by humans, and has heard of the myths passed down by human beings.

What is the invisible king?

Another giant beast shook the dirt on its body and asked curiously.

No one knows exactly what it is. It is said that He is invisible, unknowable, and unheard. Just listening to His teachings is enough to drive Mundo crazy!

The talking behemoth trembled all over, looking at the gradually setting sun, he felt a burst of heart palpitations again.

Let's hurry back.

After looking at each other, the Mundo beasts ran back to the hunting camp desperately.

The hunting camp was in flames. After several giant beasts put on their clothes, they met the manager of the hunting area in a well-groomed manner.

Dear gentlemen, I think you are too tired, running too fast and suffering from heat stroke due to the hot weather. Don't scare yourself, there is no god in our world, and there is nothing to blame!

A well-dressed mondo with metal-rimmed glass glasses spoke logically.

Although human beings have wisdom, they are not civilized. They are just ignorant races who cannot correctly explain various phenomena of nature, so it is not ridiculous to attribute everything to God?

All the unknowns are because we know too little about the laws of nature. I suggest you go back and read the masterpiece Thinking of Pure Reason by Commons.

Come on, lads, each have a glass of 30-year-old black tulip, and have a good sleep after drinking.

While talking, several mondo beasts each drank a glass of black tulip wine, and then were driven back to sleep.

The invisible king? I also believed in it when I was young, and I searched for it. It's all fake! How can there be such things in our world!

The well-dressed mondo manager shook his head and drank down a cup of black tulip.

On the other side, as the sun rose, the people of the Zihe tribe woke up from the haystacks against the tide. Their backs were sore and their backs ached, but hunger drove them. If they didn't hurry up to hunt and gather, they would starve to death!

Zi, we don't have any food and tools, what should we do?

The tribal leader said to Zi in a reverent and awe-inspiring tone.

He used to treat Zi as a life-saving straw, but since yesterday's incident, the leader's thoughts have changed greatly, maybe Zi can really communicate with the invisible king!

Deer, this is what you should think about as a leader, instead of asking me. I only lead the people to serve the great invisible king, and you decide the rest.

Mikoko opened her left eye with clear eyes, and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

The deer declined several times,

After confirming that Zi didn't want to manage tribal affairs, she decided to direct herself.

Zi, there are thirty-nine people left in our tribe. Excluding the old, young, sick and disabled, there are twelve adult males and ten females. We don't have the slings and spears needed for hunting now. I plan to lead all The grown-ups gather berries nearby, and you wait for me in the cave.

If it was normal, Lu wouldn't say these things to Zi at all, but since yesterday, Lu wanted to discuss everything with Zi, and it was the first time he felt the importance of witches.

The deer led the people to leave the cave to gather. As a qualified leader, the deer can not only hunt wild animals, but also master the way of gathering.

Along the river, they gradually found a jungle. The deer led the crowd to roll in the mud of the river, covered their bodies with wet mud, and then entered the jungle.

This is an old-fashioned method. After covering the body with soil, it can avoid mosquito bites in the jungle to the greatest extent.

In their eyes, mosquitoes are more terrifying than beasts. Once bitten, many people will feel hot and cold all over, talk nonsense, and finally die in despair and helplessness.

What's more, it will cause other tribesmen to suffer from similar diseases, which is very scary.

All tribesmen who became ill from mosquito bites will be placed in remote corners far away from the settlements. The tribe will only give them a small amount of water and food, and let them fend for themselves.

Mosquitoes in the jungle are more dangerous than beasts!

Then why did they go into the jungle? Because there is the most food that can be collected here.

Listen up, everyone. Most of the berries on the tree are edible, but a few are inedible or even poisonous. If you find a berry, first contact me or Ye. You can only collect the berries that we confirm are edible!

Now, let's weave baskets with reeds by the river, so we can collect them later!

As the voice of the deer fell, the people of the tribe started weaving in groups of twos and threes.

There should be no human activity on this river beach. There are many reeds. They spent most of the day weaving the reed baskets, and one by one they carried the baskets into the jungle.

In the evening, the deer and others sang joyful songs and walked to the cave with a full basket. They not only collected enough berries for the tribe to eat for four or five days, but also collected a large amount of milkweed neck.

Milkweed neck is a good natural fiber, and a few twisted together make a good rope.

With the rope, they can make slings, axes, spears, and simple trap nooses.

Just as they were singing joyful songs, a strong yellow figure suddenly jumped out. It had been staring at these people for a long time, and it quickly pounced on a backward woman, biting directly with its sharp teeth and strong upper and lower jaws. Break a woman's neck.

The woman shook weakly, the basket she was holding in her hands fell to the ground, and the berries rolled to the ground.


The deer roared, and waved his hands to direct the crowd to face the tiger and retreat slowly.

They didn't have any weapons in their hands, and they couldn't fight the tiger at all. Even if they besieged the tiger together, at least half of the tribe would die, and they might not be able to kill the tiger.

The deer didn't hesitate, he stared at the figure of the tiger, watching the tiger biting the poor woman bit by bit.

The tiger watched the crowd staring at him, roared angrily, and pulled his prey back. This woman was enough for him to have a full meal, and he didn't plan to continue attacking.

After a confrontation like this for a while, the sun was about to set, and the deer didn't dare to delay, the world at night was more dangerous, so he slowly led his clansmen out of the tiger's field of vision.

Back in the cave, the old man and the children had already started a fire, and they didn't stay idle. Under Zi's command, they used the hard shells of a few luer fruits to get some water back.

Looking at the baskets of berries, both the elderly and the children smiled happily.

Zi Zi pointed at the clansmen one by one, and found that a woman was missing.

What happened, deer? Why is there a woman missing, and everyone's expressions are not good!

The deer said with some pain and fear: We met a tiger.

the original wizard

the original wizard

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