The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 101

I’ve been in this world for over a year now. Dum dum!

And right now, the Cheonma Church is all hyped up for the Promotion Battle that’s returning after a year! Woohoo!

Yeah, it’s the same battle where Byeongil shot up from mere protector to the leader. Whoosh!

But the hottest topic now is none other than Gumi Mil. Bam!

The talk about her, daughter of the former leader Guseongyong, is sizzling! Especially since she brought along Oh Myeong-seong, a true Cheonma, and declared she’s challenging the Cheonma in this Promotion Battle! Wowza!

Just to let you know, “Cheonma” refers to the Harvesting Period. Ding ding!

At some point, people started calling the Harvesting Period “Cheonma” since that’s when you can learn Cheonma Martial Art. It’s not exactly wrong because you can learn it during the Harvesting Period! Ho-ho!

Of course, people overflowing with confidence can’t learn Cheonma Martial Art, so Oh Myeong-seong can’t use it. Boohoo!

But he can use his Internal Energy techniques to pull me up like Eunjai! Whoosh!

That means it’s not a solo technique. Tada!

However, strangely enough, there isn’t anyone here who’s gained psychic abilities. Eeeek!

Maybe it’s because they can manage just fine without them? Hmm…

In the faded memories of the man from the martial arts world, it seems like psychic abilities aren’t really necessary. Or maybe martial arts alone is enough? Nod, nod!

“What brings you here?” Knock, knock!

In the late afternoon, while Cheonma was training with Soo-oh, I returned to the village, and not long after arriving, Inshimwon rushed over! Zoom!

He’s not dressed in the full moon temple attire. Womp womp!

Guess he had no reason to hide his face anymore! Ta-da!

Typically, people from the Moon Temple have more parasites inside their bodies than regular Cheonma Church folks. That not only puts pressure on their bodies, but it also slowly turns them into Fishmen! Gulp!

So, they cover themselves up completely. Zzip!

The reason he was inhaling painkiller-filled smoke is also related to that. Puff puff!

For reference, if you dig through Daegon’s memories, technically, it’s more like biological robots than just bugs or parasites. Boing!

Sure, he can replicate too, but then the genetic issues arise, and since the soul is weak, their offspring usually don’t turn out right. Oof!

They say if you manage to create sentient beings, you won’t have such side effects, or even the next generation could become stronger! Yay!

There’re tons of resources in Daegon’s memories that could be translated as “Soul Science,” but I’ll chew through that slowly. Nom nom!

Then I answered the approaching Inshimwon. Tap tap!

“I’m here to hand myself over.” Dum da-dum!

For now, most of the issues blocking me from the Cheonma Church have been solved, so I’m trying to extend the Harvesting Period if possible. Woo woo!

But the population here is so low that even if everyone becomes a part of the Harvesting Period, there’s still not enough warmth. Brr!

At most, it’s just shy of a hundred thousand! Whoa!

After all, it’s too few to gain warmth after the slaughter of one’s kin. Yikes!

So, I’m planning to head out. Off I go!

If I can, I’d love to make that emperor, who encompasses this realm of martial arts, a part of the Harvesting Period! Big dreams!

I learned in the first world that kings are highly efficient! Cha-ching!

Only leaders can easily slay many people! Slash!

Emperors are even better! Wow, wow!

“If it’s a blessing…” Ooh!

“I can heal even irrecoverable wounds, can’t I?” Zap!

As I pointed to Inshimwon, he nodded in agreement. His girlfriend was revived by my blessing too! Cheers!

And I had forgotten that I kept my rule of only helping three people a day! Whoop whoop!

Thank goodness it hasn’t been a lie. Phew!

Anyways, when I reflected while Eunchun’s body was resting, I figured out that if I repeated the healing act a few times, I could quickly meet with high-ranking individuals! Zoom zoom!

If I had the ability to revive people without questions, who wouldn’t want that? Ooooh!

And I bet hardly anyone would want to share such benefits with others. Greedy, greedy!

Yep! It’ll be easy to meet high-ranking folks without having to stress over it. Yay!

Even in a world where body regeneration is easy, you’d become stronger during the Harvesting Period! Boom!

It isn’t just brute strength; it also sharpens your mind! Bing!

Who wouldn’t want that? Hee hee!

But that has to happen outside. There isn’t much meaning in doing it here. Sigh!

But I can prepare for any situation. Ready, steady!

If Cheonma gets the upper hand on Oh Myeong-seong or changes his mind to get rid of me, I can’t just roll over and take it! No way!

Having seen me heal others, Inshimwon nodded soon after. And he stood behind me, saying I should do as I pleased. Let’s go!

“I’ll handle my business.” Click!

“It’s my job to keep an eye on you.” Peek-a-boo!

Inshimwon replied like that. It means he’s watching me. Watching, watching!

Wow, so that’s why when I last visited the village, those trying to hide me were brutally harmed! Yikes!

I stepped away from the lively village center and entered a secluded alley. Shh!

I started looking for someone. Where are you?

I hoped I could meet them if possible. Come out!

But… Sigh!

As I turned around the corner aimlessly, the sun was setting fast. So fast!

Sadly, I couldn’t find those people. Boo!

Even without a special command from Inshimwon, they still don’t show up. Empty!

As the daylight grew shorter, Soo-oh would surely have something to say if I went back too late. Tick tock!

So, I decided to turn around and exit the village. Flip!

I approached the main street first, but strangely, a silence started spreading from one side. Shhhhhh!

Curious about what was happening, I glanced toward the area where the silence was coming from. Hmm!

In the middle of it all stood a beautiful woman. Wow!

“Seong-go…” Gasp!

Inshimwon murmured quietly. Seong-go. Hmm!

To put it simply, it means “Saint.” A person with a high religious position in the Cheonma Church. In other words, Gumi Mil! Ta-da!

Oh Myeong-seong is currently conversing with the leader of the first branch. Hmmm…

So, Gumi Mil is alone! Solo!

If I were to step into the religious light, she would become my enemy. Oh no!

Between the heavenly human visitor and the inner dweller who was revered long ago, I wonder which one will be more loved by the people? Thoughtful!

If you were to place a bet, it’d probably be the latter. Hmm!

If I could turn her into a part of the Harvesting Period, it could be really beneficial! Cha-ching!

Gumi Mil seemed accustomed to the people’s demeanor directed toward her; she gently helped the kneeling souls rise. Lift up!

As they lifted their heads, it was clear that from Oh Myeong-seong’s perspective, these people are kind-hearted but have adapted to excessively cruel environments, twisting their sense of good and evil. Oof!

It’s worth celebrating that they still maintain considerable goodness in such a world. Cheers!

In contrast, if they did something, they’d do whatever they thought was right. Eh?

In a nutshell, if I connect with them, it’ll lead to even more events unfolding in the future! Let’s go!

Hehe. Giggle!

I moved among the slowly standing individuals. Skedaddle!

After only a few steps, Gumi Mil looks at me in surprise. Whoa!

Well, when a girl who’s taller than everyone else walks toward you, it’s pretty hard not to notice, right? Lookie here!

I’m as tall as a big guy, after all! Tall, tall!

As I approached her, Inshimwon, following behind me, seemed a bit restless. What’s up with him? Nervous fidget!

This guy truly is in a weird position. Huh?

In just a few steps, a path appeared as people naturally stepped aside. Step, step!

I’d expected it to take some time to push through the crowd, but thanks to that, I easily reached her front. Bam!

“Hello. Your name is Gumi Mil, right?” Hiya!

“Who are you?” Huh?

We’ve met once, but she doesn’t recognize me at all. Ding!

But that makes sense. I was as tall as a major bug back then. Buzz buzz!

Skinny limbs, flat chest, and it’s a world where many men have long hair, so she probably mistook me for a girl. Aha!

Setting aside those doubts, I stood in front of her, and we had quite the height difference! Whoa!

“My name is Choseol.” Hello!

“Choseol? Never heard of it.” Hmm!

Oh? Hmm?

Ah, I had a brief conversation before, but we never exchanged names. Boo!

Even when I met Guseongyong, she never properly saw me. Gone!

While Eunchun was dealing with them, I had jumped down and dashed past. Zoom!

After the Cheonma’s ambush failed, they quickly fled the Cheonma Church, so we had no chance to meet! Whoosh!

“Is there something you need from me?” Curious!

Back then, I said it in a rough voice, but now I spoke properly. Smooth!

Seems I have some decent voice impersonation skills! Impersonate!

“Yes, I do.” Yes, indeed!

It’s not such a big deal. First, I’m just making my face known to possibly the next power holder! Cha-ching!

And the second thing… Drumroll!

“If you want to know about Oh Myeong-seong’s mutation, come visit my house in the north.” Ooh!

Letting people know where I am residing could be beneficial. Smart move!

I thought I had informed them last time, but no one showed up. Boo!

Knowing that someone visited will lighten the next step, right? Yay!

“The house in the north?” Huh?

Her expression showed confusion. She must not have connected the dots immediately. Bing!

Oh. Aha!

This seems to work. Yes!

“I live with a child. So, feel free to drop by anytime if you find time. I’m welcoming to anyone!” Open door!

I then politely greeted her according to the Cheonma Church etiquette before heading home. Homeward bound!

“Why did you invite that person over?” Curious!

As soon as I stepped outside the village, Inshimwon, who had been silently following me, asked immediately. Wham!

The usually silent guy spoke up right after I saw Gumi Mil. Surprise!

I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I can observe what he does. Hmm!

So, to gauge what he’s pondering, I told him the truth. Truth time!

“I happened to meet him when Cheonma was still a man. He had medicine to remove the insects from my body, so I gave it to Soo-oh.” Buzz, buzz!

He then stiffened his expression and asked me, “What are your thoughts on the Samshi?” Curious!

Samshi. It’s the basic bug that controls people by going inside them. Ah, come to think about it, those kind-hearted people must have had those inside them. Eek!

That wouldn’t make it easy for them to act against the Cheonma Church. Uh-oh!

“I dislike it because it restricts freedom. I believe people should be free.” Free like a bird!

“Is that so? Do you intend to remove all the bugs?” Curious!

Hmm. Hmm!

That’s an important question. So, after some thought, I answered. Think, think!

“If I could, I would.” Definitely!

With that said, I waved goodbye to him and returned home. Back home!

What choice will Inshimwon make? To be continued!

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