The Most Popular Comedian

Chapter 49

Chapter 48 King Rank

After Rong Yuheng’s rap ended, the scene fell into a brief silence.

Su Yuyin stood up tremblingly with her old waist, and asked everyone’s common voice, “What is this section of you?”

Rong Yuheng shook the pot without changing his face, “It’s “Song of Little Pets” created by Bian Chen. It just rolled out of my mind when I fell down.”

Everyone on the scene felt that he was talking nonsense, but since continuing to ask questions would get even more nonsense answers, everyone tacitly skipped the stubble together, and regained their eyes on the steep slope.

Wen Ying pinched her fingers and said visually, “If we are stacked on top of each other, the person on the top should be able to climb up, right?”

Su Yuyin said “Eh”, and his eyes lit up, “It makes sense! Rong Bao, do you remember that when we recorded the demo version, as long as one person cleared the level, the rest of the people would be able to follow through. If Same as the demo version, then we only need one person to go up.”

Rong Yuheng said, “Then the three of us are padding underneath, and sister Wen Ying and sister Zhi Xu are on the top.”

Zhi Xu immediately rubbed his hands, “Ah but I don’t have much strength.”

Wen Ying has become accustomed to her style, “Then you are at the top.”

Among the five people, Ji Yanchu had the strongest physique, and he consciously claimed the lowest position. Rong Yuheng and Su Yuyin looked at each other, and Su Yuyin said, “I am brother, I am under you.”

Rong Yuheng glanced at his waist, “Brother, you can’t.”

Su Yuyin, “…”

Su Yu was eager, “How do you know I can’t?”

Rong Yuheng felt that the topic was faintly developing in the direction of Sao. He was afraid that he would have to do another rap to continue to develop, so he hurriedly stopped the loss in time and said, “Yes, then you pad underneath, and I will support sister Wen Ying.”

After discussing the location, several people started to pile them up like “Lego” toys.

When Ji Yanchu and Su Yuyin were folded, Rong Yuheng climbed them up the slope.

Su Yuyin was reaching out to pinch Rong Yuheng’s thigh to give him a hand, but didn’t want the latter to burst out with a sharp “Kokoko” laughter! The whole body began to tremble as if it was electrified, and almost rolled off the slope——

“Pokkokokokosu, don’t scratch my leg, itchy! Kokokoko…!”

Rong Yuheng’s laughter seemed contagious, and the others seemed to have been poked in an itchy acupuncture point for an instant, and they all couldn’t help laughing until they trembled.

All of a sudden, the “Lego” trio laughed staggeringly on the slope, teetering…

Rong Yuheng was on the “top of Lego”, and his shaking was the most obvious. His smile disappeared in an instant.

“Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, I’m going to fall!”

The five people finally set up the ladder, and Fang Zhixu at the top stretched out his arm, just enough to catch it on the edge.

Fang Zhixu let out a soft voice again, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…”

Wen Ying straightened her shoulders up, grabbed Fang Zhixu’s leg and drove her up, “Take your arms harder!”

Fang Zhixu, “No way, no way, my hands are sore ”

Rong Yuheng was about to suffocate when caught in the middle, “Sister Zhi Xu, if you can’t do it, go down first, put on your fins and then come up again to increase the height.”

Fang Zhi’s soft voice paused, and then he said, “I…I will work harder.”

Rong Yuheng praised her, “You are really a hardworking and brave little mermaid ”


With a different kind of encouragement, Fang Zhixu finally climbed to the top of the slope.

Su Yuyin raised her head and shouted, “Zhi Xu, look at any clues or mechanisms on it!”

“There is a knotted rope.” Fang Zhixu said and put the knotted rope down, and the remaining four people climbed the knotted rope little by little to the top of the platform.

Rong Yuheng was paralyzed as soon as he got up.

He turned into Rong Jelly again, sticking to the ground softly, not wanting to move.

Su Yuyin closed her eyes when she saw this! With a beating of his eyebrows, he picked up the person and whispered, “Baby Rong, pay attention to your image…”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, “I can’t do it, I can’t tolerate it.”

Su Yuyin, “…”

Su Yuyin, “Aren’t you a tango? I saw your arm strength was okay before.”

Rong Yuheng, “It has nothing to do with this, I am tired of laughing.”

Su Yuyin almost praised “Niu Bian” inappropriately.

Above the platform is an aisle, with several oil drums and several batteries on both sides, piled up in various ways.

The group rummaged around and found no valid clues, so they walked directly through the passage to the room behind.

Wen Ying walked in the front, and Rong Yuheng was behind. Before she reached the end, she heard the former scream.


“What’s the matter?” Ji Yanchu hurried over, only to see Wen Ying’s body wet.

The room in front was like a cabin, with wooden planks underneath it, which was missing from the east to the west, and there were holes in the roof. I don’t know if Wen Ying stepped on any mechanism, and water suddenly leaked from above.

Although the weather has turned cooler now, heating is turned on in the shed, and the guests are wearing thin clothes. As soon as Wen Ying showered her body, her single clothes came out.

Ji Yanchu hurriedly passed her coat on to her, and the remaining few people were piled up at the door, grabbing the door frame and peering in, like a group of orange cats observing secretly…

It’s no way to keep looking like this.

After half a minute, Rong Yuheng couldn’t help but stretched out a tentative little foot and lightly stepped on the wooden board.

Su Yuyin pulled him from behind, as if he was lifting a yo-yo, and if something went wrong, he would sneak people back at any time.

Rong Yuheng stepped on his foot, raised his head and looked up, there was no movement.

Su Yuyin reminded him, “Don’t turn your face to it, if the water drips…”

Su Yuyin’s voice hasn’t fallen yet, just listen to the “wow!” A large handful of water poured down–

Fortunately, his eyesight was quick and he pulled Rong Yuheng back. The latter didn’t drink a lot of water and became a veritable water-injected hamster.

“I lost it!” Rong Yuheng’s face didn’t touch the water, but his body was soaked. A single piece of clothing was attached to his body, showing his figure instantly.

Sweeping over, the waist is the waist and the hips are the hips.

Su Yuyin glanced twice, “…Do you want my coat?”

Rong Yuheng is very spine, “What kind of man’s coat do I want?”


There was no point in this sentence from beginning to end. Su Yuyin’s mouth opened and closed, and finally he chose to change the subject.

“We are looking for the law of leaks, otherwise we will have to get drenched.”

The hole on the top of the head is almost alternately spaced back and forth, one every two steps, and I don’t know where to hide.

Several people thought about it for a long while but couldn’t find any clues. Ji Yanchu, who was trying to explore the way, could only return to the team after being drenched three times.

He hugged his sturdy self weakly, “I’m so cold, so tired…”

Rong Yuheng comforted him, “You now look like a peeled egg, tender and moisturized, arousing pity.”

Ji Yan finished his performance in the first second, “Thank you, no need.”

Rong Yuheng could only regretfully stop the delivery of rainbow farts.

But when he talked about peeling eggs, he suddenly thought of Zhou Shubai.

The two have not met since the end of the audition. Rong Yuheng plans to take the time to see the young master someday and contact the relationship between his employer and the collection of household kitchen utensils.

As he was walking, Su Yuyin suddenly patted his head, “What are you thinking so engrossed? There is no other way but to bite the bullet and drench all the way.”

Rong Yuheng’s head was shot “pong pong” loudly.

For a moment, he thought he was an old color TV from the last era, and when he couldn’t tune out the channel, he could get a signal by just one shot.

Rong Yuheng looked at the hole above his head and was silent for two seconds, “I thought of a sentence.”

The others turned around, “What?”

Rong Yuheng, “As long as I run fast enough, the agency will not be able to catch up with me.”


Yang Wen’s pupils shrank behind the surveillance screen: Rong Yuheng found the bug again!

This mechanism does have a reaction time of more than a second. As long as it abandons the defense and does not evade, and rushes directly to the opposite side at the fastest speed, it can theoretically avoid water dripping.

Once you have a theory, you must put it into practice.

The first person to rush over was Wen Ying. She only got a little water on her body and reached the opposite side safely. Su Yuyin took off her coat and let Fang Zhixu stand it up, and the latter was not wet when she ran over.

Soon, everyone defeated intelligence with speed and passed through this room together.

After reaching the opposite side, Wen Ying looked at Rong Yuheng in admiration, “How did you catch this bug?”

Some methods are like Columbus erecting eggs. When they say it, they feel simple, but it is difficult to think of that under inertial thinking.

When Rong Yuheng heard the words, he suddenly cast his eyes down and smiled deeply.

“If you hesitate, you will lose.”


After realizing that this was a wrong topic, the team members turned their eyes away and reinvested in the discussion of the plot.

Su Yuyin said, “These scenes cannot appear here for no reason. Oil drums, batteries, and broken ship cabins should all be reminders. Didn’t the piece of paper that Mr. Ji just found depict oil tankers and oil drums? What will be the connection?”

Fang Zhixu still insisted on his guess, “Is it the kind of treasure ship that all the treasures on it fall into the bottom of the sea after hitting the reef?”


“But with so many treasures, which one are we looking for? What do oil barrels and fish bones mean?”


A round of discussion was fruitless, and everyone could only continue to go down.

The last door opened, and there was a cross-shaped fan in the middle of the room, which was spinning at a constant speed; below three meters high was a pool full of ocean balls. Both Rong Yuheng and Su Yuyin have a deep understanding of this. ——

Falling is absolutely wonderful.

Except for the wall through which they entered, the other three sides were grooves with treasure chests inside. Su Yuyin looked around and said,

“It seems we have to jump on the fan first, then get the treasure chest, and finally judge which treasure chest is the treasure we are looking for.”

Ji Yanchu said, “Then three people are enough.”

Su Yuyin is now recognized as having trouble with legs and feet and is directly excluded; Fang Zhixu still has not given up her high heels and idol baggage. So the remaining three jumped on the rotating fan one by one, carefully holding the edge of the rotating fan under their feet to maintain their balance, and when they turned over the groove, they took the box away.

The whole process was not difficult and dangerous. Wen Ying even hugged the box and left herself in the groove, waiting for the next round before going ashore again.

Rong Yuheng thinks that Wen Ying’s operation is also magical, is she also thinking of becoming a “treasure girl”?

The three returned to the platform. They were holding the box as if they were holding three grandchildren.

The boxes are opened in turn: gold coins, night pearls, engine models.

“Gold coins and Ye Mingzhu are too vulgar, I think it should be the engine, maybe the ship hit a rock, and the engine broke down before sinking to the bottom.”

“It is possible, mainly because the engine is too obtrusive, and there is no difference between the gold coin and the Ye Mingzhu selection.”

Rong Yuheng frowned for a long while staring at the piece of paper that Ji Yanchu first turned out.

“Look at this picture, isn’t the tanker still driving? It doesn’t show that it is hitting the reef.” He said and pointed to the fish bones in the sea, “There are also these, and there is no connection with the reef.”

Everyone made a sound of “emmm…”.

Su Yuyin, “I can’t figure this out, but I really can’t find another explanation.”

Rong Yuheng was silent for two seconds, then suddenly raised his hands and circled the top of his head into a circle, “I think of a kind of treasure.”

Ji Yanchu looked at the “circle” and raised his eyebrows, “Yuanbao?”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, “Environmentally friendly.”

Everyone, “…”

They suspect that Rong Yuheng is playing homonyms again.

After Rong Yuheng’s homophonic stalk was unanimously ignored, the team members reported the final answer to the program group, “We choose the engine.”

Yang Wen’s voice was transmitted into the field through the loudspeaker, “Are you sure?”

Su Yuyin looked complicated, “Do you think we seem certain?”

“…” Yang Wen was speechless for a moment, “Then you still choose the engine, don’t you?”

Su Yuyin exchanged glances with his teammates, then nodded, “Yes.”

In the tense atmosphere, I heard Yang Wen announce loudly, “Okay, your choice is—”

Everyone took a deep breath.

“Unfortunately, it was wrong!”


After a wailing, five guests were invited back to the stage.

The previous positive energy link was a separate video recording, but now it has been changed to come on stage to express my thoughts.

The five returned to Taichung, and Liu Wanjing was already waiting with the microphone, “Welcome five guests back, now I will announce the correct answer to this issue!”

Liu Wanjing said, “In fact, the theme of this issue is to call everyone to pay attention to marine garbage. Oil drums and batteries that sink into the sea will cause serious harm to marine life. The last three treasure chests are just confusing answers, so the real answer is ——Environmental awareness!”

Damn it! ?

Several people on the stage turned their eyes to Rong Yuheng: Such an abstract answer, he was right! !

Rong Yuheng pressed for a moment, and then happily slapped himself, “I am not tolerant, I am a great person!”

Liu Wanjing, “So now the answer is revealed, what do you think?” He said, handing the microphone to Su Yuyin, “How about Mr. Su first?”

Su Yuyin waved his hand, “Only Rong Bao guessed right among us. I suggest starting with Rong Bao.”

There was a flash of embarrassment on Liu Wanjing’s face.

Before the program group announced the answer, even he didn’t know the subject of the program. He had known this a long time ago. He stopped talking about “coal stove” and “firewood” at the beginning, but at the end it was a theme calling for environmental protection!

Liu Wanjing felt like he was slapped in the face, and the key stamina was still sufficient.

He handed the microphone to Rong Yuheng’s mouth as naturally as possible, “Then what do we think of Yuheng?”

Rong Yuheng glanced at him.

Liu Wanjing’s thoughtful look at the former suddenly jumped.

But Rong Yuheng quickly looked away.

When the camera zoomed in, he saw that his eyes were clear, his brows were full of awe-inspiring righteousness, his rosy lips, and the round tone of words spread through the microphone:

“I’ve said it a long time ago-to be green, environmentally friendly, and to respond to the call of the country!”

The author has something to say: Rong Go: I rhyme again, yeah!

[Over-degree number: plus one]

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