The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2139 Gene Editing

"Well, what you said makes sense! It seems that the injury I suffered this time was so serious, sir, that I can't even control my own hair. Huh, it's all my fault, that Bian Ying. If you don't give me good treatment, it's just delaying the matter. , after I treat him on my own, I must take him for a good treatment!" Shi Yue said fiercely.

Although he spoke in a harsh tone, his expression seemed as if he was talking about something insignificant, which was very different from his usual behavior. This made Guidong frightened and felt that the adult was The situation is somewhat unusual...

"Don't worry, sir! We won't let Bian Ying go, but you still have to be careful about your situation now. Xiaonu feels that the master has changed a lot in the past few days. Is there something wrong with the treatment method? If there is a problem, maybe we can You have to ask Bian Ying..."

"This...since you said so, I will not treat you for the time being and see how the situation changes? If there is still a change, it means it has nothing to do with the treatment, and if there is no change, it means it is my medical way. The question really needs to be asked by Bian Ying..." Shi Yue thought.

"Yes! Yes, yes! Sir, it is better to suspend the treatment and wait until the situation is observed before making any decisions!" Guidong quickly agreed.

The two agreed that Shi Yue would no longer treat himself. However, on the fourth day, he was shocked to find that his changes were even greater, his hair was falling out even more, and the color of the remaining hair had also changed. It was originally reddish brown. , but now it is divided into layers, some are deep red, some are light red, it looks rich in color, and the appearance is once again improved!

"Oh my God! Why do I look like a stunning woman now?!!!" Shi Yue exclaimed in disbelief.

After Li Yun and Xiao Xing heard this in the air, they laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear...

Shi Yue quickly drew another mirror and carefully observed the changes in his body. In particular, he touched his lower body and found that his two balls were still there. He finally let out a long sigh of relief...

However, he had realized that some changes must have occurred in his body, otherwise it would not have been possible to undergo such earth-shaking changes in just a few days. Therefore, he quickly looked inside to see what changes were happening in his body. …

What shocked him was that as his body lost weight, his skeleton seemed to have changed. His muscles were not as strong and strong as before, but became slender and flexible. Each internal organ became smaller accordingly, including his spiritual veins and There are some slight changes in some of the immortal veins. In short, all the changes seem to be developing in the direction of a handsome boy. If I hadn't observed it every day and suddenly saw it, I would have thought that he had turned into another person!

"It's over, it's could this happen? My medical skills can't be so miraculous, right? I turned myself into another person?!" Shi Yue screamed,

It's just going crazy!

But what he didn't notice was that his personality seemed to be changing. He was no longer as rough and violent as before, but became somewhat self-pitying, gentle and easy-going...

Even the look of going crazy looks like a small temper tantrum.

A few days later, Shi Yue has almost completely transformed into what Xiaoxing designed. Of course, there are still some differences, which are inevitable, but it has been proved that Xiaoxing's current level has really reached an incredible height. If he wants to let Xiaoxing Human changes can be designed in advance. This kind of gene editing ability was also a high-end ability in the previous universe, and what Xiaoxing has mastered is even more high-end!

Because he can edit the genes of a grown-up person to make him what he wants. This method is extremely amazing. Generally speaking, gene editing is only for human embryos, so that they can grow into new humans after birth.

The development process of the gene editing project also had twists and turns in the pre-universe, because it involves a very serious issue, that is, human ethics.

Before this, humans were born naturally and there were no ethical issues.

However, naturally born humans have many natural flaws, especially weaknesses in immunity. Many humans die early or are frail and sick due to immunity problems, becoming a heavy burden on society, families and individuals.

Later, some daring geneticists secretly began to edit genes, removing some bad genes from embryos, or replacing them with other genes. If successful, the babies born would be born with many terrible diseases. There is immunity to the disease.

This was like opening a hole. Since then, more and more ambitious people have begun to get involved in this field, and they can no longer control it, because the social needs are too great, and no one wants to let their children lose at the starting line. After all, Social competition is only getting more and more intense. If you lose because of your innate genes, it means a disastrous failure for the rest of your life!

As a result, human beings have developed rapidly in gene editing projects. After countless generations of efforts, almost all the people who survived in the end are new humans. In other words, even Li Yun himself was born after gene editing in the previous universe. people!

Under this situation, gene editing has nothing to do with ethical issues. In fact, in a highly competitive business era, there is no doubt that projects with huge demand can develop rapidly.

Humanity's initial doubts and objections to gene editing were automatically eliminated after seeing more and more outstanding talents being born.

There is no way, the development of the times does require elite talents. Only elite talents can make human beings achieve comprehensive breakthroughs and development at all levels, and thus jump to a higher level of civilization!

It is against this background that the new humans are living longer and longer, and their abilities are getting stronger and stronger. They finally begin to go out of the solar system and enter the vaster and deeper depths of the universe to explore and colonize. From then on, humans officially entered the The fourth-level civilization era...

It can be said that it is gene editing that lays the foundation for the overall improvement of human beings. Without such genetic modification, it is impossible for human beings to adapt to life in the universe. They may not even be able to board spaceships, and can only be trapped on the earth, waiting for the sun. When it became a red giant star, it was swallowed up by nature and died...

Having said that, Xiaoxing's current ability is not only to modify the genes of embryos, but also to modify the genes of already grown lives. Just like this time, his robot army completely transformed Shi Yue into a human within five or six days. The other person is many times better than the so-called plastic surgery!

Of course, the reason why he was able to do this was related to the fact that he had previously obtained all of Shi Yue's body information. In other words, if Shi Yue let Xiaoxing copy or restore it, there would be no problem at all.

When Bian Ying was being treated in Xiaogu, Xiaoxing already had all of Shi Yue's physical information in his hands through the ground network, so he was also very familiar with his gene editing.

However, this kind of genetic modification will still have some sequelae, and it cannot be 100% accurate. Xiaoxing can guarantee that the accuracy is close to 100%, but there will always be some unexpected situations, which also vary from person to person.

Therefore, Xiaoxing must keep observing during this period to see if there is any deviation between Shi Yue's situation and the design. If there is a big deviation, he can control the robot nearby to make adjustments...

Shi Yue is now like a gene-edited product in Xiaoxing's eyes. Since it is a product, Xiaoxing must ensure that it is in perfect condition.

Now it seems that the situation is very good in all aspects, but of course the most important thing is to see whether he still has a keen sense of the way of time. This is the most important thing.

"Sir, how can we tell that he is not sensitive to time?" Xiaoxing thought.

"This can naturally be seen from his words and deeds. For example, he and Guidong talked about topics such as the weather, but this is obviously not their daily concern..." Li Yun pondered.

"What about us causing some weather changes?" Xiaoxing reminded.

"It makes sense! But don't worry, I suddenly thought of something..."

"Which point?"

"Shi Yue may not be satisfied with his current appearance, and if he wants to restore his original appearance, there is another way for him..."

"Sir, are you saying that he used time to return to himself a few days ago and then stopped treatment?" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Exactly! As a disciple of the Tao of Time, it is normal to think of this method, so we might as well wait and see. As long as he cannot enter his own time channel, it means that this gene editing project has worked!" Li Yun said.

"What if he can enter and locate it at an extremely early time?" Xiaoxing asked worriedly.

"Of course I have to monitor this process. If something like what you said really happens, then I will definitely stop him!" Li Yun said flatly.

"Fortunately there are adults here, otherwise I don't know what the consequences would be..." Xiaoxing sighed.

"Actually, you can do it, but you're just too lazy..." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, although I have also entered the Tao of Time, I think it is best for the two of us to use it alone. If both of us use it, some accidents are very likely to happen. After all, this Dao is too overbearing, and I can't do it. I don’t want to have any conflicts with adults because of this..." Xiaoxing said frankly.

"Oh? You think so?" Li Yun said in surprise.

"That's right! We have a master-slave relationship, but if the slave goes back to the original state, he can completely separate from the adults, and the slave can still have the think tank of an entire cosmic civilization. In this case, the situation will undergo some changes!" Star explained.

"This...if something like this really happens, I won't have any objections. Our current relationship looks like a master-slave relationship, but it is actually an extremely equal relationship between friends. Even if you want to go out independently, I will definitely support you!" Li Yun Smiled.

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