The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 41: Resigned principal

   "All students must return to the common room of their college before six o'clock in the evening."

   "No student is allowed to leave the dormitory building after this time."

   "Every class is escorted by at least one teacher; no student is allowed to leave common rooms, classrooms, restaurants and other places without being accompanied by a teacher."

   "All Quidditch training and competitions have been postponed."

   "No more activities at night or participation in any activities..."

   With the appearance of the fourth attack, a series of announcements were also posted on the wall. Professor Sprout, who has always been gentle, ordered them very seriously this time and must abide by these rules.

   But it still couldn't be stopped, countless letters of opposition and even shouting letters were sent to the school.

   This attack is completely different from the past. In the previous three attacks, the victims were Muggle-born students or other creatures... Although the impact was bad, it did not cause much panic to the wizard parents.

   After all, the legend of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets is there. His monsters will not harm young wizards of pure or mixed blood.

But this time is different. The victim of this attack, Penello-Crivat was born as a Muggle; Percy Weasley was born in the Weasley family, and the previous generations were pure blood. Kind of...

   Although the Weasley family is called the shame of pure blood, they are a veritable family of ancient wizards.

   This heavy news has undoubtedly exploded in many wizard families.

   Even though Dumbledore has a high prestige in the wizarding world, he still cannot stop the parents from protesting against him.

   More and more students are picked up by their parents. They think Hogwarts is no longer the safest place in Britain...

Susan Bones was taken away by her aunt, and Blaise Zabini followed his graceful mother back home. The Weasleys seemed to be preparing to take all their children who were still studying at Hogwarts. Take it home...

   Hogwarts seems to be on the verge of falling apart!


   And during this period, the entire Hogwarts castle was filled with a depressive atmosphere.

   Fear spread rapidly in an unprecedented form. The warm sun outside the castle seemed unable to shine into the corridors inside the castle; most of the faces in the school looked panic, and every laugh in the corridor seemed harsh and weird...

   Students only stay in classrooms, restaurants, and common rooms...After class or dinner, they leave in a hurry; even in the common room, they no longer have the same laughter.

   On the second day after Percy and Penello were attacked, Jon went to the school hospital under Professor Sprout's escort... He lied that his right hand was dropped and seemed to be injured.

  Ms. Pomfrey took a closer look and thought that Jon's right hand was fractured; to be conservative, she suggested that Jon stay in the school hospital overnight.

   After the night, many students talked about his "missing", thinking that he was also attacked by a Slytherin monster.

   Astoria Greengrass was so scared that he sneaked out of the Slytherin common room that night and ran to the school hospital.

   After arriving at the school hospital, she was driven out by Madam Pomfrey after only one glance at him.

   Astoria told Jon before leaving that her mother was going to come to school in the two days to pick her up with her sister.

   After Madam Pomfrey asked Hagrid to **** her back to the Slytherin common room, Jon remembered that today is February 14.

So last night, it was possible that Percy and Penello met on the roof of the Ravenclaw Tower on the eve of Valentine's Day, not wanting Penello to be targeted by the basilisk and attacked first; then it happened in the corridor. That scene.

   Fortunately, both of them have only been turned into stones, otherwise, if they die, there will be more problems in the subsequent plot.


   Hagrid left school within a few hours after escorting Astoria back to the Slytherin common room.

   It is said that officials from the Ministry of Magic found him, took him away, and took him to Azkaban.

  Professor Guidro Lockhart told the public in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that Rubeus Hagrid was the real culprit in the Chamber of Secrets incident.

"Remember my words!" He talked freely: "According to what I know, the murderer was Hagrid when the secret room was opened last time... I think it should be the same this time... The murderer has been taken away. , So there is no need to take so many safety measures!"

   It is a pity that it is not the beginning of school, and few people want to believe Lockhart's words.

   The panic still spreads in the school.


   In this situation, the principal of Hogwarts is undoubtedly the first to bear the brunt.

   In the early morning two days after Percy and Penello were attacked, two uninvited guests appeared on the top floor of Hogwarts Castle and in the principal's office.

  Professor Albus-Dumbledore, he is wearing a formal dress today...A luxurious dark green robe with many stars and moon embroidered on it, his face is full of seriousness.

   in front of him, is a long black travel cloak, UU reading www. is a middle-aged man with an elegant manner and a cold, contented smile on his face; there is also a very weird man in a messy pinstripe suit.

   "Why are you looking for me, Connelly, and Lucius?" Dumbledore said, "I heard that you took away my hunting ground guard last night?"

   The tone of his speech is quite polite, but it implies a slight anger.

   "I'm sorry, Dumbledore... But Hagrid's criminal record is not good for him, the Ministry of Magic has to take some measures!" Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge said somewhat bewildered.

   "There is something worse!" Mr. Malfoy said lazily, while taking out a long roll of parchment: "The board thinks you should be let go, Albus."

  He paused and continued: "This is a removal order. You will see all 12 directors have signed on it."

"So far, how many attacks have occurred? There were two incidents the night before, right? At this rate, there will be no more students at Hogwarts. We all know that it will be a terrible thing for the school. Loss!"

   "Ah...what are you talking about...Lucius..." Fudge yelled out in a panic, "Dumbledore was absolutely don't want to..."

   Lucius Malfoy ignored the Minister, but stared straight into Dumbledore’s eyes.

   "If the board wants me to go, Lucius, of course I will give up my seat." Professor Dumbledore said calmly.

   His blue eyes seemed to be lost in thought.

   "Very well, Albus...I only hope that your successor can completely prevent these attacks!" Mr. Malfoy replied with a cheerful expression.

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