The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 37 **Time To Play a Game**

Finally putting her sword back to work, Sahara watched as blood trickled down from the stomach of her mother.

“I feel like celebrating…” After Sahara said this, like some apathetic psycho, mumblings and then more liquid ran down her mother’s face once again.

Haha, that’s what I wanted! Be scared! Cry a river! Remember all those that you wronged, beg for forgiveness!

Sahara didn’t see that her words and what she was currently doing, made her look like a devil…She knew afterwards upon how bad she looked, but at this moment she didn’t think of her actions. It was like she stole some of the nine-tail power in an anime, it’s like she got overtaken by a ghost like in a show, but…This was a part of who she was. Sahara wanted people to think about what they had done, she wanted to stop the circle yet how was her mother to learn and beg for forgiveness any other way? Her mother had all these years to feel ashamed and to go back to apologize to Borak on her own, but had she done it? No…Hence the unfeeling way of Sahara in opening up the past to her mother…Her mother was simply one of those people that doesn’t understand until they are in deep peril themselves…That’s all…Hell, even after all this, perhaps she still won’t go back and apologize…


Sahara continued her little scrapings, as though she was doing it on a scroll of paper, instead of naked flesh…

Standing back, to look at her work, Sahara smiled and cleaned her sword.

Honestly, Sahara couldn’t come up with something absolutely awesome, to put on her mother’s chest. So, Sahara had just picked something randomly.

As blood made the words look different and a little less readable, Sahara chuckled again…She had just found a pun to what she had just written!

Oh yeah, I’m so cool!


What Sahara had said about celebrating, was indeed what she wanted to do!

Smiling, Sahara knew what she was going to next, after finishing her plan here!

Finally looking up at the person who started to shake uncontrollably, Sahara looked innocently back at her. “There! Finished!”

Tears fell out of her mother’s eyes and murmurings filled the air.

Sahara put her sword away and looked at her mother’s chest again…

Was there something else that she could do to make it look even better? Surely this was enough for Borak? And well if he wanted more revenge, he could do more himself right?

Sahara sighed, she wasn’t some slave and she also already felt weirdly apathetic right now, so she just wanted to somewhat stop already.


Thinking to this degree, Sahara then remembered that she could enlarge and make things smaller…

She wondered…

Sahara touched one of the woman’s breasts and focused her spiritual essence, as Sahara was curious about trying this on another person’s body. She had done it to a beast, but who knows…

It worked!

Well, of course, it would work. Cause I’m awesome!


Sahara smiled sinisterly at the woman in front of her and said, “I will help you look better…Guys always love big tits!”

When Sahara finally stepped back, to see her finished work again, she laughed in malice and contentment.

It should be enough! This is for all those guiltless years, the murder upon at least one other and the abandonment of your own daughter…Live with this for the rest of your life…

The woman now had size double e breasts and blood, red words, that said, ‘I was ‘er.’

The ‘I’, was from her cheek and went all the way down to her higher leg. ‘Was’ was above her belly button on the other side, and ‘er’ was under it.



Now time to practise!

Quickly cleaning her ‘mother’s’ body of blood, with her spiritual essence, Sahara pondered on what will happen next.

Using her own mother’s small cultivation, Sahara practised on…Blocking it. There was an understanding going on with Sahara, simply because she can see things that are small, and that meant she could see what the strange ‘dantain’ really is. It isn’t part of the body, but…It is…

Yeah, Sahara got confused greatly upon the dantian too! Don’t worry!

You have to remember that spiritual essence is like a plus, it’s like its own identity, so it is different. It is there, in the body but it’s spiritually connected, which is why Sahara took a long time to find it. But as soon as she found it, she felt stupid because it just looks so easy to find now.

Nonetheless, blocking spiritual essence inside the dantian was something she really only thought of before…And heard of, through stories from her previous life…


To not be able to use spiritual essence, was something that Sahara herself wanted to do to Borak. But she wasn’t going to try this on herself, so the next best thing…Well, her mother probably already felt like dying was better than living…

Whatever, it’s not the end of the world, maybe this will make her go humble or something…Who knows? But hey, vengeance is complete now though…Right? Will Borak want her dead instead?

Sighing, losing concentration for a moment, Sahara could kill her mother, it’s not like she couldn’t…It’s just…Wouldn’t vengeance be better like this? Where her mother would be hurting practically for the rest of her life? Or is this even too much?

What sucked is that Sahara wasn’t sure. She had only enhanced her breasts, wrote on her chest, where others but her lover won’t see, and knocked out her teeth…Oh, and scared the living shit out of her! Perhaps leaving her like this for the world to find out might ruin reputation but…Will that…

Sahara didn’t like being a judge and jury, she felt like she had no right to have that power! Yes, she did suffer because of her mother and yes, she wants her mother to feel bad about it but is this too much or, considering she has hurt more people, is this not enough?

Should she just be killed off instead?

Again…Sighing, Sahara quickly fixed her mother’s teeth, just in case, and was sure that her mother could still live a small life…That’s if Borak still lets her go…




Before Sahara left her mother, and the mess within her courtyard, she had found a way to block someone’s dantian. It actually wasn’t as hard as she thought it would be, so she didn’t need much time to figure it out.

Sahara had silently wished to see how Borak will look, when he sees her ‘mother’ like this.

Will he guess, through the words, that it was her daughter? Oh well…

She knew that she would not have done this to someone who didn’t deserve it. Her ‘bad’ side had come out…Quite some time ago…There was no way her mother would have gotten away scott free, even if she hadn’t killed Borak’s mother…She had still neglected Sahara, perhaps having instigated her blood brother to have dragged her down to the front of the estate in her first year of this life…

“We are even now. For all the years you didn’t care about me, now you won’t forget me! But this isn’t the end…Borak will probably come, so you have to hope that he’ll let you go!”


Sahara had realized something, at that moment, and had quickly went through her mother’s courtyard like a thief.

Actually, her mother had not given anything to her, besides giving birth…It was like Sahara was just spat out and then hung to dry!

So, wasn’t it time for her mother to start doing something towards like a savings for her or something!? Shouldn’t she help her daughter out at least once!

Naruto had jumped back onto my shoulder, with blood all over his face and his paws. Seeing him like this, Sahara turned towards her mother and looked at her with wide eyes…



With her mother unable to defend herself whatsoever, probably fainting to pain, Naruto had just taken a few bites of her feet.

What a little shit! Sahara, she swears, hadn’t been going throw her mother’s things for too long! And now her mother’s toes were gone!

So, Sahara returned back to her mother and sighed. She didn’t want to use more of her essence, and with her mother’s dantian was now blocked, she probably couldn’t use her mother’s now either!

Looks like just an earthly, normal heal then!



Feeling that her job there was now finished, and what she needed to know, was now known, Sahara had continued on.

She hadn’t much an idea on how much time had passed, but some people seemed to be running about, and others not. None of them had the faintest idea that she had been here and done that, because she had left no witnesses. Yet, as Sahara saw them, her eyes turned a bright red, as some of them were known to her to be her elder brother’s men.

Her mother, now with cloth around her feet to help stop the bleeding, was left, but the shit to hit the fan was going to be coming up very soon! This time there’ll be no words on chests and no bigger or smaller anything. A quick death, that’s all. That’s all she could grant these people that had chosen to be on her eldest brother’s side and that were in control of the estate. How could she revive Talon and her father with them still around? No, sadly, this was the time to kill…And try not to think too much about it!

It was time, she thought, as she made sure the door was shut to her feelings…

“Time to play a game!”



It was only about half an hour, before Sahara’s eldest brother went to see Sahara’s ‘mother’. He had been watching her ‘mother’ for a very long time, and when he heard that something had happened in her courtyard, he was excited!

Seeing someone he absolutely despised, go through something that might be tragic, sounded great!

But Sahara had gone by then…Already fulfilling her next plan.

The person that Borak had watching over her ‘mother’, didn’t spy that close. Having spied for years, he had stayed further away and never saw Sahara go in there, as she had teleported. The quick noise of a scream, that he had heard, didn’t bother him either, because…It wasn’t the first time that he’d heard something like that from that same courtyard.


Having been relaxed for too long, he had never thought that it would have been an unfortunate event for the madam and that he had no idea what had occurred or how it had happened!

While the ‘Boss’ was at her ‘mother’s house’…Sahara was currently elsewhere, crossing off faces on her list and taking the corpses to a side of the estate.

Sahara’s mother might have been a test subject of sorts, but she was also a distraction…Well, she was the first distraction. She knew that Borak would go and see what happened, because of his inner hatred towards her, and that was when she was to engage on to his people.


It really is a walk in the park! Literally, it’s a sitting in a tree…But ‘walk in the park’ sounds better…

Sahara strengthened a piece of her hair, then sent that out to leave a few…Small lines…Through people.

Her thoughts were, if she could do this with ten pieces of her hair, instead of one, they could become like bullets!

And so easy to obtain!

This piece of hair was not seen, was small and punctured straight through heads and other body places, as it was nothing! Instead of having to press the spacebar or arrows on a keyboard, this was so much better!

Sahara remembered some games, that one would play, and they had to jump and move to the side, when something was in front of them, except in her game, she didn’t have to do that! She was aiming for all the people on her list! Nothing was in her way!

Actually, to a certain point of view, it was a little boring…Knowing that she had only a certain amount of time, Sahara had to deal with this boredom. She promised herself though, that the next time that she wants to ‘play’ with a piece of hair, she should have no time restrictions…


Sahara didn’t have to move from a spot in a tree, as she watched all the carnage happen in front of her. It was quite unique, and she had something that she could use to move the bodies afterwards as well. A wooden board, that had been placed in the area, became something else that she moved, and literally…Scooped up the bodies, and then had taken them away, while she was still in the tree. Weight, you’d think it’d be a problem, just like that of bones, but spiritual essence didn’t have that problem! It was so overpowered and underrated that it wasn’t funny! The wooden plank could hold at least five bodies before it would want to cave, and the hair piece surrounded by her spiritual essence would go through anything!


Actually, the ‘wooden board’ was something that kept some animals in their confined place…Sahara had already known about it before she had left the estate. Seeing it when she was to start her…Play, she got the idea to use it then.

Where the bodies were taken, was in the opposite direction of her mother’s courtyard. When Borak will become distracted by this next, she would be already personally seeing Talon…

Borak, having been so surprised to the outcome of her mother and all the dead maids in her courtyard, he didn’t realize that someone had already cut down half his people within the estate and saved the detained people of his father’s and brother’s, who had been captured. Of course, Sahara was able to easily let them out, but she still didn’t show herself to them. It was like a ghost had come to let them out!

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