The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 573

Chapter 471: : Our Firepower Is Dominant

The latest website: The tentacle robot flies in the sky, its eyeballs shrink continuously, and a red laser is emitted.

The laser of the tentacle robot is a pure laser, which is attacked from the hot sight of the motherland. It is very powerful under the power supply of a small biological reactor, and the supervision consumption is very high.

Moreover, the attack is continuous and uninterrupted. Under the precise calculation, the red heat capacity laser cuts over the Tie fighters like a group.

Soon dozens of TIE fighters were shot down, and the sound of explosions and fire in the sky continued one after another.

Although the Tie fighters were destroyed in large numbers, hundreds of Tie fighters still hit the Rubik’s Cube.

After the Rubik’s Cube Fort was hit, the special forces team members were heartbroken. Looking at the Rubik’s Cube Fort that had been blown up and twisted, they only hated that they were unable to protect this treasure!

But what they didn’t expect was that the square connections of the Rubik’s Cube were blown open, and the shells were still continuously ejected from the barrel.

The one that spins is still spinning, and the one that squirts is still squirting!

The squadron leader of the TIE fighter looked at the special weapon that could still work after being hit, and was startled, but he quickly notified the squadron members by voice, and was ready to bomb again.

At this moment, several aircraft swept across the sky again. These fighter jets, which are very different from the TIE fighter jets, have a pointed design, four engine nozzles at the tail, and four bifurcated wings on both sides of the end. The Resistance’s X-Wing Starfighter!

“Oh oh oh oh!!!”

The resistance troops on the ground couldn’t help cheering when they saw their X-wing star fighters swooping down and destroyed several Tie fighters, and then walked away.

They originally thought that the Fang resistance army would not come back, but they did not expect that they would finally come. The appearance of the X-wing fighters means that the main force of the resistance army is likely to come, and they have not been abandoned!

Bang bang bang!

The Rubik’s Cube Fort is still working after a round of blows. It’s not as delicate as a normal connection. After all, it is filled with flesh and blood. It doesn’t matter if the metal shell is dented, and it can continue to be used.

This is difficult for the stormtroopers who are trying to rush through the shell coverage area, and they are decreasing at a rate of almost 20% per round.

They only felt that the shells falling overhead were almost endless, as if there was an endless rain of shells ahead.

Another group of rebel special forces finally got the assistance from the silver knight and the battle beast at this time. It’s clear that this didn’t make him shoot indiscriminately.

“The support is here! All are evacuated!” Gino, the team leader of the first batch of special forces, saw the two “robots” passing by, and immediately told the covering team to stop shooting and run away!

I don’t know if this robot is reliable…

The silver knight’s shield was in front, holding the most primitive sword weapon. Although there were still technological weapons on his shoulders, it was not valued by the chasing stormtroopers.

Most of the firepower hit the half-mechanical version of the battle beast, which was more than three meters high. The powerful battle beast ran wild on all fours with unstoppable power, and the trees it encountered along the way would be directly smashed by it.

The two larger-sized shoulder cannons on the shoulders were automatically aimed, and they fired not shells, but blue atomic breaths.

His breath was like the flames of hell, and it could burn most of a storm soldier’s body at the moment of contact, which was indeed quite conspicuous.

“Fire!” The stormtroopers launched an attack on the rushing Beast Beast, but the ammunition of the blaster gun only sputtered off painless sparks, and there was no way to stop the monster disguised as a robot. pace.

In another place that they did not pay much attention to, the Silver Knight was extremely fast. After reaching the distance, the jet port on the back suddenly spurted a light blue beam of light, which made him fly from the spot, like a A javelin shot at the chasing Stormtroopers.

The sharp sword swept across, directly severing the waist of a storm soldier. Between the blood spraying, the two small shoulder cannons on the shoulders shot purple heat release, which was suspected of hitting the heads of two nearby storm soldiers. .

The extremely penetrating heat release was suspected of penetrating the explosion-proof armor with almost no delay, and before the corpse fell softly to the ground, they jumped up again and jumped to the next target point.

The Silver Knight was like a **** of death who suddenly appeared, instantly reaping the lives of the stormtroopers with his blade.

The mechanical fighting beasts on the other side have also been mixed into the denser formation of the stormtroopers. The thick metal arms are like a battering ram, and like the claws of a tiger, the stormtroopers are sent flying, and they are torn apart!

The blood gradually stained their silver-white metal bodies, and they gradually became a nightmare for the stormtroopers.

Fortunately, they still have the Imperial Walker behind them!

The imperial walker, like a giant beast with long legs, was continuously designed towards the more obvious target of the battle beast. The blasting beam blasted many small pits in this forest, and also blew the battle beast all over the body.

The mechanical version of the battle beast was eliminated by Li Wei’s vocal function, but it did not lose its intelligence. After being attacked, it still felt pain and anger.

There are three imperial walkers in total, all of them are high above the ground, bombarding the ground with beast-like head barrels.


The fighting beast was disturbed, kicking its limbs one by one, and after leaving a bang, it hit the head of an imperial walker, and the metal claws were firmly embedded in the walker’s alloy armor.

The operator on the mecha wanted to use the movable head of the walker to throw the Battle Beast down. After the Battle Beast was firmly grasped, the shoulder cannon on the shoulder released an atomic breath and began to cut the head of the Imperial Walker.

The suspected huge amount of heat penetrated the metal of the walker in just an instant, cutting off its entire head, and the two drivers fell from the cab with a height of more than ten meters. Broken the body.

Another Imperial Walker also suffered the impact of the Silver Knight. The high mobility and the jetpack behind him made him a cannonball-like The long sword directly pierced the special material glass of the cab. , the gunner in the cab was killed on the spot, and another person was killed by the heat rays penetrating the glass.

The last Imperial Walker was also shattered by the battering beasts. The Imperial Stormtroopers on the battlefield saw that the mighty Empire was failing and fell down. They began to retreat and asked the command room for support.

The fleeing special forces looked back and saw that the two robots were so fierce, they were all stunned in place. All the stormtroopers were killed by the two invincible robots. Do they still need to go? ?

“Captain, aren’t we leaving?” A special forces member asked him suspiciously when he saw that the team leader, Gino, had stopped.

Gino slapped the special forces team member’s helmet with a backhand and shouted, “Where are you going, go back!”

“Ah this…”

“Ah what, didn’t you see that our firepower is dominant here!”


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