The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 36

Chapter 35: Thirty-Five Children

It felt like an instinctive fear.

He froze in place immediately, no one touched him, but he slowly put down his hand as if forced by some invisible force.

Turning around, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy was looking at him quietly.

“…It’s nothing to do with you.”

Yue Ming felt guilty in his heart. Before he threw it, he looked around and saw that no one dared to do anything to Mianmian.

Where did this person come from?

—Wait a minute.

Yue Ming took a big step back as if he noticed something.

“You’re a monster too!”

He can distinguish the different breaths of monsters and humans, and also knows that little monsters in childhood cannot change shape.

However, the boy in front of him is not only a monster, but a growth monster that has passed his infancy and is sufficiently aggressive.

The picture of the big wild wolf eating the little yellow dog reappeared in Yue Ming’s mind.

The monster’s mouth can be so wide open.

You can eat a kid in one bite.

He is already ten years old, maybe he can’t eat it in one bite, so he has to bite him off the middle and break the bones one by one before he can eat it?

“Can you see that?”

The boy’s tone fluctuated slightly, but he was not particularly surprised.

Yue Ming raised his head and looked at the boy with a strong monster aura.

It should be a very powerful monster.

I hope he won’t bite too much when he eats people later, he is a little afraid of pain.

“Because you can see that Mianmian is a monster? That’s why you bullied it?”

Yong Ze looked at the little lamb huddled to one side in the sheepfold.

“In human age, it’s less than a year old.”

Yue Ming blinked unexpectedly.

But soon he couldn’t hold back his resentment and retorted:

“…under one year old…also a monster…when I grow up…and a big monster…”

When his little yellow dog was eaten by the monster, he was only two or three years old.

The monster didn’t give up eating it because it was very small.

The young man did not restrain his breath of belonging to the forest lord. The strong prey engraved in his genes made Yue Ming shudder and even wanted to surrender to him.

But he was still stubborn, gritted his back molars, and stood motionless.

The spine is so straight that you can’t see the slightest bend.

Yong Ze stared at him for a while, then asked:

“Then have you thought about why you can see the monster?”


“No one else can see it, only you can see it, why do you think this is?”

Yue Ming’s expression was blank for a moment.



When I was a child, my grandfather told him that children are easy to see dirty things at a young age. After he went to school, he asked other children if they had seen monsters, but they all laughed at him, saying he was a liar.

Why only he can see?

Why is he so unlucky?

But at this time, when asked by this big monster, Yue Ming was stunned for a while, as if there was an answer that was about to come out.

“Ah! Brother Yongze—!”

The one who interrupted them was running out of the house.

The little girl dangled her two pigtails, and when she trotted over, the baby’s fat cheeks also shook.

“Have you come to find Yoyo to play?”

The fence in the yard is full of roses, and Yoyo lying on the fence is full of good-looking little brothers, but she didn’t notice the thorns between the vines.

Yong Ze lowered his eyes and gently pushed her away.

“I didn’t come to play with you.” Yong Ze stated the facts, “I’m here to pick up Mianmian. I told you last time that I’m going to pick it up for registration in a few days.”

Yo yo tilted her head: “Is that the one in a few days now?”


Thinking of Mianmian leaving her, Yoyo felt a little down, and hurriedly asked:

“Then, how long are you going to go? One day? Or two days?”

The lifespan of monsters is too long, and the number of new monsters is very small, so there is only one police station in the country that can handle the registration of monsters.

Yongze calculated the distance back and forth and replied:

“About a week.”

A week is so long and long for Yoyo, she can’t count on one hand, the corners of her mouth are bent down in grievance, and she is very reluctant.

Yong Ze looked at the little girl with her head down and her fingers clasped on a spot on the fence where the paint had faded.

“…I will try to bring Mianmian back as soon as possible.”

Yo Yo nodded and emphasized: “Then you must remember to think of me.”

Yong Ze: “…”

“Say you miss me!”


The big monster, who was still majestic and imposing just now, was completely speechless.

Yue Ming on the side was ready to meet the fate of being eaten by monsters. He didn’t expect Yoyo to jump out, and the whole painting style flew in a strange direction.

Why…she has such a good relationship with youkai?

Does she know that this person in front of her, and Mianmian she remembers, are both monsters?

Why does this monster look like a good friend who has known Yoyo for a long time?

Youkai and humans… can they be friends?

Countless unanswered questions lingered in Yueming’s mind, and the pictures he saw were very different from his previous cognition.

Yue Ming stared blankly at the two people who were arguing over the question of “do you miss you”, and it was a little difficult to understand.

Yue Ming finally came back to his senses when Yoyo really put Mianmian in Yong Ze’s hands.


He held Yoyo’s hand holding the rope.

“He lied to you!” Yueming explained anxiously, “He just wants to take Mianmian away, he will not send it back!”

How can monsters speak their minds?

Youkai are all creatures that are hostile to humans and full of lies. The reason why this person coaxed Yoyo to bring it back is just because he wants to take Mianmian away quietly.

Although Yueming was worried that Mianmian would hurt Yoyo again, he also knew that Yoyo really cared about Mianmian as a friend.

If Mianmian never comes back, you will be very, very sad.

He didn’t want to see Yo Yo sad.


Yo Yo was dubious and turned to look at Yong Ze.

“Are you lying to me?”

Yong Ze squatted down in front of the fence, staring at him with his quiet and transparent eyes, and replied:

“No kidding, I’ll be back soon, I promise.”

“Look!” Yoyo who was guaranteed had no doubts and nodded in agreement, “He said he didn’t lie to me! It’s true!”

Yong Ze couldn’t produce any evidence to ensure that he would not deceive people, but just relying on a good-looking face, he felt that what he seemed to say, this little girl would believe it.

Yue Ming also thinks she is so stupid.

But this silly girl is very confident in her IQ, so she confidently handed the rope into Yong Ze’s hand, and then hugged Mianmian and kissed its little ear.

“You have to come back soon, I miss you many times every day at home, and you should also remember to miss me.”

Mianmian: “What—”

Hearing Mianmian’s response, Yoyo raised her head again, looking at Yong Ze with those bright eyes.

Yong Ze: “…”

Yoyo: “…”

The two were deadlocked for a long time, Yong Ze finally couldn’t resist the pressure of the little girl’s bright eyes, opened his mouth:

“…well…will think.”

He never said that to anyone.

“Hey, alright! Bye!”

Yoyo held her little face and jumped contentedly, watching one person and one sheep walk away.

Behind her, Yueming looked at Yoyo’s unsuspecting young figure with a complicated expression.

…she was deceived.

…Mianmian will never come back.

After learning that Yoyo let Yongze take Mianmian away, everyone thought the same as Yueming.

“Where is the account for the sheep? You have been deceived.”

Yu Lan gave her this conclusion lightly.

“No!” Yoyo retorted angrily, “I agreed with Brother Yongze! He promised me!”

“Oh? Did he give you the contact information?”


“You can’t contact him. If he really doesn’t return Mianmian to you, what can you do to him?”


Also, can it be like this!

Suddenly, Yoyo who updated her worldview was shocked on the spot.

“But but!” Yoyo still wants to defend, “Brother Yongze doesn’t look like a liar, not at all!”

Gu Miaomiao ruthlessly dismantles: “In your eyes, good-looking people don’t look like liars, do they?”

Yoyo confidently: “It’s not!”

“Tell you quietly, yesterday Shen Jingchuan said that the pudding in the refrigerator was gone. In fact, he lied to you, because he was afraid that you would not be able to sleep after eating for the middle of the night.”

Shen Jingchuan who was suddenly dismantled: “…Gu Miaomiao!”

Gu Miaomiao smeared butter on the bread, while pretending not to see Shen Jingchuan gnashing her teeth.

Yu Lan nodded, affirming that Gu Miaomiao’s words shattered Yoyo’s beautiful brother’s beauty filter.

In this regard, it is better to let her know the cruelty of society as soon as possible.

Sure enough, Yoyo, who was hit by the double blow, was shocked and took two steps back.

…The good-looking older brother can also deceive people!

In view of the fact that even Shen Jingchuan would lie to her, You You also had serious doubts about Yong Ze’s credibility.

Think about it, it seems that Brother Yongze wanted to take away the Mianmian from the very beginning.

I chased it all the way to the house. Dad said that he didn’t take any money he wanted to give him, but only took her jar of candy.

If Brother Yongze really doesn’t come back, then wouldn’t she have no sugar and Mianmian?

Thinking of this, Yoyo’s tears of grievance came rushing up, not to mention waiting for the appointed day, the day after Mianmian left, Yoyo just stood in the yard like a Wangfu stone Inside, eagerly waiting for Yong Ze to bring Mianmian back to find her.

Brother Yongze and Mianmian came back today?


Did brother Yongze and Mianmian come back the next day?


On the third day, Yueming sat next to Yoyo and comforted:

“It’s okay, even if Mian Mian doesn’t come back, you still have mine.”

Yoyo sucked her nose and asked him:

“Brother Yueming, don’t you…don’t like Mianmian?”

The more Ming was stunned, and then a gentle smile slowly bloomed.

His beautiful pupils are clear and bright, and when he smiles, he resembles an angel statue reflected in the stained glass window.

“No, it was just a misunderstanding before. I have already apologized to Mianmian. If Mianmian can come back, I will be very happy.”


He is lying.

He didn’t want Mianmian back at all.

Although Yoyo is very sad now, he suddenly found that after Mianmian stopped pestering Yoyo, he and Yoyo spent more time playing together.

Yue Ming knew that he would not stay here for too long, so he would make a wish before going to bed every day that he could spend more time with Yoyo, and a little more.

Even if he knew his thoughts were mean and dark.

Even if you lie and pretend to be good, you’re not worthy of being Yoyo’s friend at all.

But he really wanted to, so he didn’t need to be alone.

“Don’t be sad, Mianmian will definitely forgive you!”

Yue Ming’s eyes widened in surprise.

He fell into a small embrace again.

“Our sheep is a very good lamb. As long as you apologize to it, it will not take it to heart.”

Taking the opportunity to touch Yueming’s soft hair, Yoyo assured him:

“With me, I will work hard with you!”

She said it very honestly, as if she had already tacitly agreed that Yueming must be because of this, and she showed that sad expression.

Yue Ming, who was patted by Yoyo on the back, bowed his head silently, and his fingers on his knees gradually gathered.

Yoyo thinks about him so much, but he only thinks about selfishly coveting his own happiness, and doesn’t care how sad it will be to lose Mianmian Yoyo.

He really is… a bad, bad guy.


“That Yongze is a big monster.” Yueming warned her again, “The monster likes to deceive people the most. He lied to you, and he will not come back.”

He is bad and bad.

But the monster is worse than him.


I wanted to cry because of what he said, let him go, and endured the grievances and said:

“Brother Yongze promised me, he will come back with Mianmian!”

“He’s a deceiving monster.”

“He’s not! He’s a good-looking monster… ah no, he’s a good-looking brother!”

Yue Ming did not argue with Yoyo.

He also once believed in a wounded monster.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he ate the little yellow dog who fell behind him and wanted to protect him.

Can’t trust monsters.

Youkai can deceive.

Just as he was going to wait with Yoyo silently, when she gave up, a gust of wind and a loud noise caught their attention.

They all looked up.

The blue sky, the sound of the propeller turning like thunder is deafening.

The helicopter will land at the take-off and landing point reserved in the villa area.

…this is…?

Under the stunned sight of the two children, two familiar figures came down from the helicopter, one of them flew in the direction of Yoyo, and directly knocked her to the ground, He happily licked the little girl’s cheek.

The hair of the young man behind him was ruffled by the strong wind, his voice was a little fuzzy, but Yueming still heard it.

“I tried my best to be early.”

“Didn’t wait too long?”

…but how early! Helicopter is too exaggerated! !

But Yo Yo, regardless of this, she hugged Mian Mian, who rushed over with enthusiasm, and said happily:

“I’ve waited so long! If you don’t come, I’ll be angry!”

Yong Ze didn’t answer, just quietly watched Mianmian stick to her and act like a spoiled child.

Yue Ming, who was shocked by the local tyrant’s behavior of sending the lamb by the helicopter, was stunned, as if he couldn’t believe that Yong Ze really sent Mianmian back.

Mianmian is still a monster cub who can’t eat people, and if Yongze wants to eat yoyo, he can swallow yoyo in one bite when he came last time, there is no need for such a lot of trouble toss?

…What is he doing?

Like this…as if they were really friends…

Just as Yueming was fascinated by his thoughts, Mianmian who was playing with Yoyo unknowingly came over, and then took advantage of Yueming not paying attention—


Lick him!

Yue Ming: “…?”

What happened?

He was stunned, touched the cheek covered with lamb’s saliva, and turned his head to look at Mianmian.

The shy lamb walked on short legs and ran up and down, and seemed to have no memory of the previous incident where Yue Ming threw stones at it.

Yue Ming murmured:

“…does it want to eat me?”

Yoyo: “We only eat grass, right?”

Mianmian: “What—”

Yoyo: “It licks you because it likes you, it forgives you! Not happy! We can continue to be good friends!”


…and monsters?

The movement of the helicopter was too loud, and the people in Gu’s house were drawn out by the movement.

Gu Miaomiao looked at the helicopter not far from the take-off and landing point in surprise. There was a kindly smiling old man standing not far from the helicopter. Gu Miaomiao remembered that it was the first time they met , the old man following behind Yong Ze.

Yu Lan also followed, and her eyes went back and forth between the helicopter and Yong Ze.

“Excuse me.”

He nodded slightly.

“I came here in a hurry last time, it seems that you misunderstood something, I brought it back, don’t worry.”


Yu Lan has no interest in Mianmian now, she just wants to know how this person drove the helicopter into someone else’s community, where is the security guard? Did no one stop him? ?

As if seeing her doubts, Yong Ze explained:

“Please rest assured that the take-off and landing of helicopters are subject to formal procedures.”

“And, the building next to your house, I bought it a few days ago.”

Yu Lan:…

She said how can this person enter and leave such a tightly guarded villa area so casually!

Wait, the tone of this person is so strange, why did he say buying a villa like buying cabbage? How can such a subtle tone of show of wealth make people want to hit people a little when they hear it? ? ?

Stupid Yoyo can’t figure out the wealth hidden in these words, she just blinked and asked happily:

“Is that your new home?”

Yong Ze nodded.

“Wow—” Yoyo cheered, “Then, can Yoyo come to play with you more often?”

Yong Ze squatted down and took off the weeds on her head.

“I don’t necessarily live here often.”

Gu Miaomiao, who was beside her, was blinded by this man’s golden aura of local tyrants.

Although Yong Ze said that he did not live here often, but for several days, when Yueming went out and came back, he could see the scene of Yong Ze, Mianmian and Youyou playing in the yard.

And refreshed his knowledge of monsters again and again.

—When he came back on the first day, he saw them playing the house, Yoyo as the teacher, Yongze and Mianmian as the students listening to the class below.

—The next day, Yoyo may be acting as a hair stylist, because she ties three tugs to the top of Mianmian’s head and four to Yongze.

—On the third day, when he came out after finishing his homework, he saw Yong Ze sitting on the lawn in the yard, and Yo Yo was painting him nail polish with a focused face.

Yue Ming thought, if this is just for eating, then Yongze is really a monster who bears humiliation.

But if it’s not for eating, what else could he do?

Yue Ming can’t figure it out.

“Brother Yongze.”

Yoyo in the yard suddenly lowered her voice, as if she was whispering.

“Do you feel that brother Yueming likes you very much?”

Yong Ze: …he didn’t feel that way.

“He looks at you all the time!” Yoyo seems to have discovered a big secret, and guesses on his own, “He must think you are beautiful too! I want to see you more!”

Yong Ze did not speak.

He felt that Yoyo should not have guessed, the reason why Yueming was always watching secretly behind his back was probably because he was afraid that if he didn’t pay attention, she would be eaten by others.

“But why didn’t he come and play with us?”

Yoyo’s little head is full of great confusion.

“Everyone will be happier if we play together.”

Mianmian grazing over there glanced at the little boy by the window, it blinked and blew softly, as if calling someone.

I didn’t expect Yue Ming to be stunned when he heard this voice, then quickly and decisively, he closed the half small window of the room.


The next morning, you heard Aunt Zhang and Yu Lan say that they want to take a half day off next Monday.

“…It’s Xiaoming’s birthday.” Aunt Zhang smiled, even the crow’s feet at the corners of her eyes were gentle, “I didn’t give him a good birthday a few years ago, and it’s not easy for this child this year. When I’m around, I just want to buy him a cake for a simple celebration.”

Yu Lan responded:

“How long is half a day? I’ll wrap a red envelope for the child tomorrow, you can take him to Disney to play, and then go to have a delicious meal. It’s better for the child to have a lively birthday.”

“…No, no, birthdays come every year, and a cake is enough for a child. Where do you want to pack a red envelope…”

It turns out that brother Yueming is celebrating his birthday.

All day long, Yoyo was sighing, holding her little face and asking Mianmian:

“… Brother Yueming’s birthday, what gift should I give?”

Mianmian opened her innocent little eyes, watching her while eating grass.

The sadness written on her face was too obvious, so Gu Miaomiao and Shen Jingchuan came to watch the troubles of the children.

“…that’s all?”

Gu Miaomiao is very disdainful.

“You can ask people what they need and buy what they want.”

Shen Jingchuan: “Gifts are for your heart, what’s the difference between you and money?”

Yo Yo nodded and spread her hands:

“Yoyo no more red tickets, no money to send.”

It’s probably because the money I received since I was a child is in denominations of 100 yuan, and money of other colors is not called money in Yoyo’s eyes.

How could Gu Miaomiao know what kind of gifts Yueming likes, she didn’t say a word to the autistic child.

“Yo yo! What are you guys playing!? I want to play too!”

Cen Sui, who came back from the summer camp, passed by Gu’s house, and waved by the people who were jumping outside the fence.

“…buy toys!” Cen Sui waved his hand, very confident, “There’s no boy who doesn’t like toys!”

Yoyo akimbo: “Brother Yueming is not as playful as you are! He loves learning!”

Seeing Yoyo maintain Yueming so much, Cen Sui is not happy again.

A song played in Gu Miaomiao’s mind:

How many good brothers do you have~

After a while, Cen Sui suggested why not secretly hold a birthday party for him, so that everyone can still eat his birthday cake.

Gu Miaomiao rolled her eyes and said that he just wanted to eat other people’s cakes, Cen Sui retorted dissatisfiedly at the time.

Yoyo’s thoughts were also swayed by Cen, pestering Shen Jingchuan to say that she wanted to eat strawberry-flavored cake.

In the end, the taste of the cake was decided quickly, but the gifts that everyone wanted to give were undecided.

And at the same time—

The child who was to be given a gift didn’t know anything, and was quietly lying at the window watching the lively yard.

Those beautiful eyes were empty, as lonely as a corner where the sun does not shine.

Mianmian watched him silently from where he could not see.

Yue Ming fell asleep on a pillow wet with tears that night.

In the dream, the sun dazzled, Yoyo and her friends stood in the bright sunshine, laughing with each other.

He stood alone and watched from a distance, no one spoke to him, and he did not dare to come forward.

That dream was too real, when Yueming woke up, she still felt the wet tears on her face.

“Xiao Ming got up.”

At six in the morning, his mother knocked gently on the door.

“From today onwards, you are going to one more cram school, so hurry up to wash and eat, and you will miss the bus if you are late.”


Yue Ming wiped his face indiscriminately, not wanting to be seen by his mother.

However, with a glance from the corner of his eye, his eyes fell on the half window next to him.

He opened the window carefully, and a fresh rose with dew was lying beside his window.

What made Yue Ming even more surprised was that for five days in a row, every morning when he woke up, a mysterious rose flower was quietly placed in the same position.

Accumulated every day, in the small plastic bottle by his bed, he saved a bunch of beautiful flowers.

…Did someone put it here on purpose?

…will it be…for him?

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