The Forgotten Legacy

Book 3: Chapter 19

Looking over the three main threads of the skill, Shaun figured that severing one would hurt the Wyrm but not stop the skill, to get this right and truly sever the skill the Wyrm was using he needed to sever at least two but preferably all three of the threads at once. To do this he needed to move to a position that allowed him to sever all three with one attack.

As he looked again he found a spot just above the Wyrm, that would put the thread that bound him and the one that bound the moon directly next to each other. The third thread would be close, but it would mean that his attack would need to travel some distance to be able to cut the final thread. Time was running short though as he saw the power starting to reach its crescendo, he had seconds to get this right.

As he got into position he summoned 11 of his mirror blades before having them all form into his own blade, boosting the power of skill and blade alike. It was the first time he had summoned and combined so many mirror blades, the first time he had made them for with his own blade as well. He felt some push back from Death’s Kiss, but using every ounce of his mind skill he forced the combination.

Out of nowhere he felt blood drip from his nose which he ignored once he realised it was just a side effect of pushing his already split mind even further. That combined with the injury he sustained, he knew this was his only shot of winning this fight. Afterwards he would be weakened, making any follow up attacks near useless.

Closing his eyes he pulled on the power stored in Death’s Kiss, forcing death energy from the blade and into the gathered attack along with the rest of his mana. The attack he was about to unleash, even though it wasn’t aimed at the Wyr, would be the most powerful attack he had ever used, also the most dangerous to not only anything and anyone around him, but also to himself.

Shaun continued to condense all the mana and power he had drawn into the sword until he saw the Wyrms skill reach its peak, any moment it would unleash its luna skill on the dungeon. Moments before this happened Shaun closed his eyes and yelled with pure determination, sending his sword out at the three threads that bound the Wyrms skill along with every ounce of power he had drawn in.

The second he let Is attack go he felt his body drain of life, he knew If he looked his mana would be depleted, his health and stamina likely having dropped to dangerous levels as well. Opening his eyes to view the outcome of his attack, he saw his sword flying to the ground, in its wake was the darkest black he had ever seen, looking like the world itself had been cut exposing an abyss of nothing but death.

The threads that he had aimed for split, giving him some relief, but unlike previously, when the threads had started to dissolve when he had cut them, this time they turned black. He saw all of the three threads, each now cut in two, racing towards their end points, three of which were the Wyrm, the other three being Shaun, the moon and the dungeon.

The power that had been gathered for the Wyrms skill was still present but it had stalled, unable to continue to the final part of the skill. The Wyrm, just hung suspended in the air, its huge mouth open but no noise came from it. A wide eyed look of shock was plastered on its face and he could see the whites of its eyes. That was until the black power that was consuming the threads hit the Wyrm, then things changed.

Shaun looked on, seeing the once majestic Wyrms white colour slowly turn black, its once powerful build started to look shrivelled up as if all of its insides were being consumed leaving nothing inside of it to fill out its body.

From one second to the next the Wyrm went from looking like a powerful beast to a decrepit husk and then as if time resumed it started to fall like a rock from the sky. Shaun was in a precarious position himself, he felt like he was moments from passing out, so like the Wyrm he started to drop from the sky as well, although he did so in a more controlled fashion.

As he followed the Wyrm down, he pulled out more potions from his inventory, downing a health, stamina and mana potion in quick succession. He was only halfway to the ground when the Wyrm crashed into the earth, and although it was now mostly scale and bones, it still left a crater due to its size.

As Shaun felt his feet hit the earth he felt slightly better, the potions had done what he needed them to, and although he was far from being at full strength he was in a much better state than he was before. He still had yet to receive the notification for the Wyrms death, but he felt no threat coming from its body, it was barely clinging to life and in moments it would end.

Not wanting to waste an opportunity when it presented itself, he summoned Death’s Kiss back into his hand. Taking a few steps towards the Wyrm he didn’t say any words or even acknowledge that it still had life in its body. Instead, he slashed down with his blade and removed the Wyrms head from its body, his sword no longer having any issues cutting through its scales.

**You have defeated a (Adolescent Luna Wyrm – Level 190). Bonus experience for killing an opponent above your level gained.**

**Class upgrade available on [Advanced] Elemental Blade Slinger. Would you like to upgrade class? Note all experience is forfeit until class is upgraded.**

The Wyrm had been 65 levels higher than him and yet he had won. With the Wyrms death he had finished the D grade dungeon, and with it, he was finally done with needing to claim dungeons for the settlement.

**Ascend the Peak dungeon completed. Dungeon will automatically eject successful participants in 1 minutes.**

Shaun read the message with a smile, and in the last minute he looked over the Wyrms body, wishing that he was able to loot the damn thing. Wyrm scales made for excellent armour, and who knew what else its body would have given him, even it this weakened state.

He wasn’t too annoyed though, if he really wanted to, he could come back after the event, speed run the dungeon and fight the Wyrm over and over again. By then he would have maxed out all his skills and completing the dungeon would be easier.

The minute passed quickly, appearing outside of the dungeon left him feeling a sense of accomplishment that made him want to shout from the mountain. He had done it, a seemingly impossible task when he first entered the D grade dungeon, yet over these weeks he had grown so much that he felt like a new man.

** Ascend the Peak (D grade) Dungeon has been completed**

Would you like to claim this dungeon for 10,000,000 TE?

Without hesitation he accepted the prompt, with it he also ensured that he kept the D grade dungeon for another 5 million TE. That left him less than 5 million TE left to terraform the area, which he planned to do, using every last TE he had. He had no more use for TE after this, so saving any for later would just be a waste.

He placed the settlement crystal in the centre of the mountain, around it he started designing a massive castle, not on the mountain though, he decided to turn the mountain peak into an integrated fortress of massive proportions.

Shaun spent hours putting together room after room, starting form the peak and working his way down as far as he could until he had no TE left to use. It was the height of indulgence, fit for a king and all those who were under his protection.

But he wasn’t completely selfish, although the building looked like a castle it was fully equipped with training areas, dorms, kitchens and mess halls. There was large platforms jutting off of the side of the mountain fit with gardens and benches.

Although his plan was to live here until he left Earth, he also decided to ensure that it would be fit for more than just a residence. When he finished designing the castle and reviewed it several times, he accepted the prompt that asked him if he was sure of the terraforming and with it his job here was nearly complete. It would take over a week for it to be finished, which, by the time he travelled back for the event and it concluded it would be about done.

**For fully incorporating the entirety of the D grade cluster into the settlement, all Settlement Crystals have now been linked, all areas have been combined to form an Empire**

**Title Upgrade: King to Emperor**

**Emperor: Through the claiming of an area of a planet large enough for a Empire the title of Emperor has been acquired. While in an area that you rule your stats are increased by 50%. Title Upgradeable. Note: If the area under your control is taken from you or you freely give up this land you will lose the title.**

He had expected something like this to occur, the upgrade to Emperor was still an upgradeable title, and if he was to guess he assumed the next upgrade to it would be World Leader, a title he would never want or get. Still seeing the upgrade was the systems way of showing what he had accomplished. He would have been the first in the world to receive the title, but not the last.

Checking over his status sheet he was more than happy with what he saw, the increase in his skill reflected the fight he had with the Wyrm, his Epic mana skill showing just how much stronger Epic was from Advanced in that fight.


Name: Shaun Clermont

Race Human I

Level: 115

Class: [Advanced] Elemental Blade Slinger – Level 124

Profession: [Advanced] Elemental Creator – Level 107

Health Points:1425/13671



Stats: (Available Points: 0)


















Basic: Earth, Fire, Nature, Air, Water

Advanced: Lightning, Ice, Magma


New Initiate, Apex Predator, Planetary Forerunner, Elementalist, Expert Solo Dungeoneer, Emperor, Impossible Feat. Mana Body, Mana Mind


Azreal’s Legacy (Hidden)



[Advanced] Blade Mastery (Level 125 – MAX), [Advanced] Earthen Echo (Level 116), [Advanced] Enhanced Mind (Level 125 – MAX), [Advanced] Elemental Strike (Level 124), [Advanced] Stone Skin (Level 33), [Advanced] Elemental Shift (Level 109), [Advanced] Elemental Summons (Level 121), [Advanced] Mirrored Elemental Blade (Level 119)


[Advanced] Elemental Fusion (Level 111), [Advanced] Creators Control (Level 115), [Advanced] Element Coercion (Level 98), [Advanced] Meditation (Level 125 – MAX), [Epic] Mana Mastery (Level 43), [Advanced] Runic Scribe (Level 125 – MAX), [Advanced] Elemental Storage (Level 53), [Advanced] Creators Plan (Level 108), [Advanced] Creators Domain (Level 22)

His Blade Mastery skill had finally hit max, every other one of his class skills had grown now to the point where his lowest skill that he wanted to get to max was his shifting skill which sat at 109. Soon, he would have maxed them all out.

As he had expected, his health, stamina and mana were all very low, the potions he took were the only reason they weren’t closer to 0 now. Even with the potions though, he felt exhausted. He knew he would need to sleep sooner rather than later, the only question was whether he should sleep before going back to the school or whether it was better to have uninterrupted sleep here and go back when he was back to being at full strength.

His decision was made for him when he let loose a yawn, not bothering to move away from the dungeon entrance he laid straight down on the ground and moments later he felt sleep overtake him.

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