The era of the reborn king

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: 005: The end of humanity


With her arms hanging bloody, she laughed weakly. She could finally end this short but terrifying life that had been carved into her soul. She quietly closed her eyes and waited for the moment when she would become a monster.

At this moment, her heart was strangely calm. There was no longer fear, no fear, no trembling. It was calm and peaceful.

Many images appeared in her mind. Most of them were of her beloved parents. They were warm and noisy. The scenes were so distant yet still felt like yesterday.

However, she also thought of everyone who was emotionally entangled with her, as well as her best friend, Dong Yun.

She suddenly felt that this world was really wonderful. The day before, she had just talked about the apocalypse with Dong Yun. However, a day later, the words had come true. It was a pity that she did not have the chance to find her again… …

She hoped that her luck was better than hers. She thought that she would be scared and hide at home. Then, she would wake up in a nightmare nervously every day. She would eat what little food was left at home and wait for the arrival of death.

This kind of choice at least allowed her to live in perfect condition. If her parents were by her side and didn’t leave the house, if she wasn’t so strong-willed and stubborn, and if her feelings for them were shallow, perhaps she would be like Dong Yun right now.. Cooped up at home, living a good life, although every moment of every day live in fear, but at least do not have to face the disgusting horror of Zombies, do not have to see the extinction of humanity.

But all this only if, she does not regret his impulse, because if not to do so, then to death she can not really peace of mind, can not let go of themselves.

It’s a good thing she went from being a Zombie to being a Zombie, and she went from being food to being a Predator, which is ironic and funny… …

However, when she woke up again, nothing had changed. She was still her, a human with flesh and blood. She was confused as to why she had not become a Zombie. It was not until later that she understood the reason… …

The apocalypse had officially declared war on human nature. It had successfully triggered the evil factor in the human body and completely destroyed the world through the hands of humans.

She did not know why she was still working hard to live. She had no future and no hope to live. She had to use all her strength and strive to live until the end of the road, even if she had to pay any price.

That day, after daybreak, she left the restaurant and met more than twenty soldiers who had escaped from the army. She thought about such a chaotic world and such a cruel world. She was a girl who was powerless. What would happen in the end in order to survive?

She had said that in order to live, she would sacrifice everything because what she cared about no longer existed. In order to live, she could also destroy her humanity. At the beginning, she might feel uncomfortable, sad, and unable to bear it.

However, when she saw too many crazy examples, she became numb. She was used to it, and her blood had completely lost its warmth.

Those who threw away their humanity and pushed their loved ones into the Zombie crowd to buy time for themselves to run for their lives… …

Those who killed, sold, and framed crazily for food, only for a loaf of bread or a bottle of water that couldn’t satisfy their hunger, and even later on, only for all kinds of garbage that was smelly and moldy in the garbage heap… …

Those who were constantly vigilant against others, even their loved ones and friends suspected, and even killed all those who might threaten their lives before they could be sure… …

Those who were so hungry that they killed their own companions and ate their flesh and blood, humans who were no different from zombies… …

All of this proved that this world was crazy.

Humanity was the topic that humans were most concerned about before the end of the world. However, after the end of the world, humanity had no place to stand. Could it solve the hunger of humans Could it guarantee the safety of humans Could it make humans stronger Could it change this crazy world Could it prevent the end of the world from happening?

No, it couldn’t. Its only use was to fully prove to the world how hypocritical and ridiculous the previous world was.

When danger came, it was the first one to be sacrificed.

What love was stronger than gold, what Brotherhood, what kinship. All of them were sacrificed to save their lives when danger came, just to live a little longer.

Such a bloody and cruel reality was completely beyond human imagination. What television, what novels, compared to this bloody and naked reality was nothing!

She, Xia Junhuang, had been running for her life in this endless apocalypse. Her heart had long been hollowed out, her blood had long been cold, and her body had long been damaged beyond repair.

And she had finally experienced what it meant to grow up in adversity, to be more agile and ruthless than ordinary people. This was what she had learned during her escape.. Eating the flesh and blood of living people without any fear or emotion was what she had to do in order to survive. She had to do all kinds of life-saving skills, ranging from repairing cars and picking locks, to all kinds of firearms and weapons, and dissecting the human body.

At the end of the day, she had become a ‘walking corpse’ who was struggling to survive. She did not know why she was still alive, nor did she know how long she could survive in this cruel apocalypse where zombies ran amok and humanity was extinct.

However, to her, what was the difference between dead and alive Before the apocalypse, she liked to study the hearts of people, observe the people around her, and learn from their experiences. She did not expect that after the apocalypse, she, who was now in ruins like a walking corpse, had changed everything except for this rule.

She wanted to see how crazy the world could be She wanted to see how crazy and inhuman humans could be when their lives were in danger How could they survive beyond common sense?

Three years, she tried her best to survive for three years. Finally, she was sentenced by the God of death. She knew that as the number of humans decreased, she would not be able to live for long In the end, she became her companion, or rather, she became the food in her mouth, the soul under the knife of the surviving team.

Three years might sound like a very short period of time, but to those who lived on the brink of death every day, three years was a gift from the heavens. It was your blessing, and it was also your ability.

However, it was also these short three years that allowed you to see through human nature. You became cold-blooded and heartless, becoming powerful, cold-blooded, ruthless, and crazy to destroy human nature.

Because she was in the game, she was either abandoned or integrated into it to find a breakthrough. However, she, Xia Junhuang, managed to integrate into it, but she lost the meaning of finding a breakthrough.

At the moment before she died, she suddenly had a glimmer of delusion. If she could start over in this life, she would do her best to protect her mother and father. She would not let anyone have the chance to bully her again. She would become a strong person.. A strong person who could protect himself and his family, a king who would bow down to the common people and look at humanity with a smile!

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