The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 7 - Simon: Going Spelunking

The approach to the cavern was tense and mostly silent. Even Astrid was silent as we moved through a little patch of forest up the hillside. The gnarled trees are blocking our path through the underbrush, but slowly and inexorably we get closer. The rustling of leaves fades as the trees give way to rocky terrain. And before long, a gaping hole in the craggy exterior of the mountainside is revealed.

Kallion shivers besides me, before speaking up for the first time since we set out.

“There is a lot of essence in our surroundings. I haven’t been to a well, myself, but Master always described it feeling like this.”

“Allright, can you cast like this?” I ask.

“Yes, [Ice Weaving] works just fine” he confirms, and demonstrates by magicking an icicle out of thin air.

“Good. I’ll take point, Astrid flanks when possible, rear if there’s not enough space. Kallion, keep casting to a minimum, pull out all the stops only in an emergency. Allea, just… do what you do.”

With nods from all around, I take the plunge, shield in front, sword to the side, I enter the gaping maw that opens up in the cliffside.

I am greeted by darkness, dampness, and the iron smell of blood. My companions shuffle in behind me, Kallions staff glowing an icy blue, illuminating our surroundings.

The cavern is barren, only interrupted in spots by splashes of not-yet dried blood, probably from one of our green friends. The rocky floor of the cavern becomes uneven and eventually slopes downward further inside, before the walls give way to a crevice, barely large enough for a tall humanoid to squeeze through. It's going to be a tough fit with my armor, but I believe I could fit through. Detecting no immediate threats however, I slightly lower my stance, and without looking back, address Allea.

“Any traps or hidden passages you can sense?”

“None.” comes the immediate answer.

“Can you check out the crevice?”

Instead of an answer, I feel her shifting past the others and I make way.

After what felt like an eternity, she returned from beyond the crevice.

“There is a large cavern beyond. It's full of rubble and ruin, but I couldn't make out any immediate threat.” our Ranger reports.

“I believe there is more essence coming from within. The well should be within that cavern, or deeper in.”, Kallion perks up. ”I may not have a skill for it but sensing essence is the first thing Mage-Classers learn.”

“Right. We enter the large cavern through the crevice. Allea, then Astrid, then Kallion and I’ll be at the rear.”

“Watch out, the ground is unsteady and sometimes drops precariously. It’s a treacherous climb.” Allea warns.

“Got it, I’ll be carefull.” I respond.

One by one we make the descent. Just as Allea warned, the footing is unsteady and treacherous, but after what feels like an hour of climbing, but was closer to some minutes, with only minor hiccups, thankfully, we all arrive inside the next chamber. Because that's what it is, a massive underground chamber. Unlike the entrance to the cavern system, this one is filled with rubble and what looks like ruined buildings, likely ancient, burrowed here a long time ago.

Allea is inspecting a nearby fallen pillar, while Astrid is sharpening her axe and Kallion is meditating. As I finally fully descend and get my gear sorted, everyone perks up and reassembles.

I look at them snapping to attention and am filled with pride at my team. Allea may have appeared distracted, but she was keeping an ear out for any sign of enemies appearing, while both of the others were maintaining combat readiness. A more disciplined adventuring party, especially at such low levels, you would be hard pressed to find.

“Anything to report?”

“The ruins don't appear elven in construction. The scripts on the facades are still legible at times, but the language is unknown. This place is old.” Kallion summarizes their findings.

“All right. If goblins managed to enter and exit this place, the well at least can’t be that old. But depending how long this place was hidden it might have become a dungeon. We should be wary. Have you narrowed down a direction?”

In place of an answer, Kallion wordlessly points at the largest structure that can be made out amidst the ruins, the facade of a large, decorated building propped up against the back wall of the chamber, barely visible in the dim magelight.

I nod, and we assume our standard formation as we set off in that direction.

But other than long shadows and ruins, this place was empty.

The silence and emptiness permeating this place was depressing, all consuming. All of us tensed up even more than before, somehow. The oppressive atmosphere of the place was getting to us, and the utter lack of enemies left us on edge.

After a short walk with the darkness as our companion, we arrive at the structure unobstructed. Allea assuredly guides us to the entrance she spotted, a large wooden gate, only partly rotted away despite the ancient aura of this place.

Before committing to entering, we do a sweep of the entryway and the door itself. A lack of traps so far does not mean we should neglect safety precautions.

The remaining pieces of wood spot carvings of masks of all kinds, some elaborate, some simple. The surrounding stonework is similarly carved, though it features mostly floral patterns or something akin to it, except for the mantlepiece, where another mask smiles down on us. Though a crack runs down its center, it is clear that the piece was once a flawless rendition of a human face, a person of androgynous features smiling down on us gently, in an almost… inviting way.

Despite the crack marring its beauty, I could not help but be entranced by the piece, letting my gaze linger on it for far longer than necessary to verify that it was no danger to us.

A sound broke me out of my reverie, and I realized embarrassedly that Kallion was talking.

“... is definitely deeper in there. I can even feel the essence flow around us, if you can believe it.”

Quickly schooling myself and hiding my embarrassment, I turn to him and ask: “Do you think we should turn around?”

Thoughtfully, he responded, “Well, there have not been any enemies outside of the building, and this is a good chokepoint, so if we have to retreat I can simply block the path behind us. I think we should at least risk seeing what's inside.”

“Reasonable. Well, did anyone spot any danger on the threshold?”

After a round of head-shaking, I motioned to assume standard formation.

Forcibly restraining myself from looking at the mask again, I step forward to lead my party deeper into the ruins.

Past the threshold we are greeted by a curious sight. A large foyer opens up before us, though clearly in ruins like the rest of the building. Boulders and fragments of walls litter the floor, a staircase leading both up and down has been completely covered up by debris, and a little area to the side that looks like it might have been some sort of attendant's area or booth, once upon a time, is partially impassable. Several Hallways lead out of this room, to both sides, but a cursory inspection reveals that they are empty save for more rocks barring passage.

The only way forward seems to be through the large Hallway opposite the entrance that ends in pompous double doors, somehow seemingly untouched by age and rot. As the party makes their way towards it in companionable silence, I cannot help but wonder at just what this place is. What kind of people lived here, once upon a time? What was the purpose of this place?

As we draw closer to the double doors, I can basically feel everyone's anxiety spiking. The door seems to have resisted its circumstances admirably, with the loss of its coat of paint in large places being the only sign of age visible on it, in the first place. It stands open a breadth, and the lower half is slightly smeared with relatively fresh blood.

With bated breath, I approach the final few steps, and slowly push it open.

Beyond, a large hall greets us, filled with seats of rotting wood and cloth, some debris, surprisingly little judging by the state of the walls. Some balconies can be seen up above, most having broken in pieces or littered with debris. At the end of the room, at its lowest point, a wooden stage is raised above the stone floor.

Much like the double door I still rest my hand against, the stage is unmarred by age except for its coat of paint. Atop it stand two wooden mannequins in strange poses. One has its arms raised, holding a wooden stick and shield at the ready, like a knight preparing to defend their charge. Behind him, locked in an elegant curtsy, another mannequin is positioned.

Looking around the room, I see a third mannequin seated in the front row of this auditorium, seemingly positioned as an attentive member of the audience.

I hesitate another breath before resolving to take a step inside, as I feel a hand on my shoulder hold me back as Allea speaks up.

“There's something glowing up on stage. Behind the curtsying mannequin. Looks like a magic gem, maybe?”

At this, Kallion's face goes ashen.

“Oh no. That means it’s not an essence well. Not anymore. This… is a Dungeon. And we might be intruding.”

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